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ASO DIGEST: July 14, 2008

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Dear Friend of ASO:

Visit ASO's website www.autismohio.org for an "easy to read" version if this does not come through clean on your listserv. Or sign up to receive your own copy by "registering" on the "login" section of ASO's homepage.

News From ASO:

- National Candidate Forum on Disability Issues in Columbus - McCain confirms attendance!

- Governor to host Education Forums around Ohio - plan to participate!

- Information on Waivers in Ohio

- NOW OPEN! – 2008 NATTAP Conference Registration, Columbus

Upcoming Events, Resources, etc:

- National AutCom Conference, Ann Arbor, MI

- Autism Art and Inspirational story

- Generic version of Risperdal approved

- Book: The Fish and JuKa Books Lend a Helping Hand to Families Affected by Autism

- Reiki Class: Mothers of Children with Autism, Cuyahoga County

- Vitamins for Children with Autism

- The Ohio Performance Assessment Conference

- 3rd annual Autism Awareness Walk-a-thon, Mansfield

- Article: Fragile X: Unraveling Autism's Secrets, Time Magazine

- WANTED: ESDY AWARD NOMINATIONS- ODMRDD July Family Advisory Council Meeting


- Great Plains Laboratory Web Conference - July 16

- National Autism Association – Northeast Ohio (NAA-NEO) Helping Hand Grant Update

- 5th ADA Legal Webinar

- From Harvard Researchers: Gene Discoveries Yield Autism Clues

- Child Safety Tips

- New Books from AAPC

- Individual Options Waiver Transition Completed

If you are interested in participating in research projects, ASO is now posting all research opportunities on our website. For information on available opportunities, visit our webpage www.autismohio.org, click on "Information" along the left side of the home page and then click on "Studies/Surveys". New Studies posted just this week!

Have you purchased your Ohio Autism Awareness License Plate yet? To purchase yours, visit www.oplates.com and click on "Specialty Plates" or visit our website at www.autismohio.org for more information.Sincerely,The Autism Society of Ohio701 S. Main St.Akron, OH 44311(330) 376-0211fax: (330) 376-1226email: askASO@...web: www.autismohio.org Please note: This is provided for information purposes only. The ASO does not endorse or recommend any providers, methodologies or services. Providing this information should not be construed as an endorsement by the ASO, either explicit or implied.

News From ASO:

National Forum on Disability Issues in Columbus - Plan on attending!National Forum on Disability Issues featuring the 2008 Presidential Candidates (invited) to be held on July 26, 2008, in Columbus, Ohio. The National Forum on Disability Issues, featuring the 2008 Presidential Candidates (invited) is a historic, nonpartisan forum on national disability policy to be held on July 26, 2008 in Columbus, Ohio. We plan to welcome over a thousand Americans with disabilities and their friends and family (registration required) to attend the event and to commemorate the 18th anniversary of our civil rights law, the Americans with Disabilities Act. The forum will feature time slots for the presidential candidates to individually present their visions for the future of disability policy in America followed by questions from the audience, asked by Judy Woodruff, news anchor and journalist ("The News Hour with Jim Lehrer"), who will act as the Moderator. ASO is a recent sponsor of this event. For more information and to register, visit www.aapd-dc.org.

Today Senator McCain confirmed his participation in the July 26 National Forum in Columbus. His participation will be via satellite link from Arizona. He will be able to see the audience, and they will see him. He will be able to answer the moderator's questions and interact with her. We are still in the negotiating process to have a high level surrogate for the senator "live" in Columbus as well. Please thanks Senator McCain for his commitment to this unprecedented event.

We have learned that Senator Obama will be out of the country on July 26. We have been unable to negotiate his participation by satellite or phone. We are also trying to identify a high level surrogate to attend the event from his campaign. With the news of McCain's participation Senator Obama must be reminded that his presence and participation is even more critical. As the largest minority in the country people with disabilities and the policies affecting them must be taken seriously by anyone hoping to become the next President. Please contact Senator Obama!

Governor to host Education Forums around Ohio - plan to participate!

Columbus, Ohio – Ohio Governor Ted Strickland today announced that he will host 12 forums across the state this summer focusing on reforming education in Ohio.

The “Governor’s Conversation on Education†forums will focus on the six principles for education reform as outlined in the Governor’s State of the State address as well as specific policy ideas for fostering a system of education in Ohio that is innovative, personalized and linked to economic prosperity. A second round of education forums will be held later in the fall of 2008 and will focus on how to properly finance a truly reformed system of education. The governor plans to introduce his education reform proposal in 2009. Strickland also launched a Web site, http://www.ConversationOnEducation.Org , which provides the public and forum participants with details about the regional forums and will include ways to submit feedback during and after the forums.Attendance at the forums is by invitation only. The dates, times and locations for the “Governor’s Conversation on Education†regional forums are listed below. Each forum will be available through a live Webcast at http://www.ConversationOnEducation.Org.

ASO is working with the Governor's office to make sure that the issues of students with autism, their families and educators who work with them are addressed as a part of this process. ASO will keep you up to date via the DIGEST and website.For complete details, visit www.autismohio.org.

Information on Waivers in Ohio

ODMRDD has a great website with information on the different waivers available in Ohio. To visit the website, click here. Additionally, there are handbooks available for the Level 1 Waiver and the Individual Options Waiver which include information on what is covered and eligibility. Click here for the Level 1 handbook and here for the I/O Handbook.

NOW OPEN! – 2008 NATTAP Conference RegistrationThe Autism Society of America (ASA) and Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) present the 2nd annual international conference on autism training and technical assistance. The objectives of the conference are to review current systems models for addressing the needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), promote use of best practice in research and intervention and provide methods for capacity building – all of which contribute to the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for individuals ages 3-21. Join the estimated 1,500-2,000 attendees from across the national and around the globe.NEW for 2008! Pre-Conference Sessions - November 18, 2008Pre-Conference sessions are provided by leaders and recognized experts in the field and provide attendees with a valuable opportunity for in-depth discussion and learning.What: 2008 NATTAP ConferenceWhen: November 19-21, 2008Where: Greater Columbus Convention Center | Columbus, OHEarly Bird Rate: $185Parent/Family Member Rate: $100Pre-Conference Session Rate: $100Conference registration and information available at: http://www.nattapconference.org

The Autism Society of Ohio has provided a grant to OCALI reducing the registration rate for parents from last year's $185 to $100 for all three days of the conference! Register NOW!

Upcoming Events, Resources, etc:

National AutCom Conference, Ann Arbor, MI

Embracing the Joy and Hope of AutismFriday and Saturday October 17-18, 2008Ann Arbor, Michiganhttp://www.autcom.org/conf2008/main.html

Autism Art and Inspirational story

Greetings!My name is D.J. Svoboda and I am a Autistic Artist.I have created The Imagifriends based on difficult situations i have faced growing up with Autism. They are brightly colored characters who help and support one another.They live in a wonderful place called Imagiville where everyone is accepted " just the way they are" and no one is ever picked on or mistreated.I want to use my art to help encourage others with Autism and to let them know that they too can help make the world a better place.I have just had my first book published about acceptance for those with Autism. You can learn more about me,my book,and my mission by visiting my website at WWW.MYIMAGIVILLE.COM. I am also interested in public speaking and sharing my story. Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you soon.D.J. Svoboda WWW.MYIMAGIVILLE.COM djjw9221@...

Generic version of Risperdal approved


The Fish and JuKa Books Lend a Helping Hand to Families Affected by Autism

is a lovable fish, who is content in his solitude. He is reluctant to engage in the world beyond his bowl, and prefers things to just stay as they are. One day everything changes. learns that looking past the glass can be rewarding, and that change can be a good thing...a very good thing.

Proceeds from the sale of the Fish are being donated by Shore and Kate of JuKa Books to NAA's Helping Hand program providing financial assistance to families affected by autism. Thank you and Kate!

Click here to order your copy today in NAA's Little Shop of Hope. http://www.nationalautismassociation.org/proddetail.php?prod=TheFish

Reiki Class: Mothers of Children with Autism Who Reside in Cuyahoga County You are invited to participate FREE OF CHARGE in a new project designed just for you! Class size is limited to 25 so Call today…First come, first served!!! To Register call:Judy McCracken440-357-6517 President, REIKI Rays ofHope For Caregivers, Inc. Anyone can LEARN TO DO REIKI - A hands-on relaxation treatment that· Can relieve agitation, hyperactivity, stress· Can improve sleeping and eating habits· Can greatly relax the giver and receiver· Can be done on yourself and your loved onesWhen: Mondays, 11:30 – 1:30 p.m. July 28, August 4, 11, 18 (An 8 hour class)PLACE: Gateway Manor 4 Gateway Drive, Euclid, Ohio

Vitamins for Children with Autism

Market America Announces Plans to LaunchVitamins for Children with AutismInternet Marketing Company joins McCarthy, Jim Carrey, Hoffman, and others in fightto help children with autism

GREENSBORO, N.C. (June 4, 2008) — Market America announced today that it is in the development and testing stages of a new line of nutraceutical products that will support the health of children with autism and related neurodevelopmental challenges. Specialized laboratory testing often demonstrates sub-optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids in people with autism, which can be addressed with nutritional supplements. Despite these findings, Market America found in its research that parents and health professionals alike are frustrated with the limited nutritional products available in the marketplace.Nutritional supplementation has also been addressed by parents of children with autism, including actors McCarthy and Jim Carrey. In a recent article McCarthy and Carrey authored on cnn.com, they state that one of the factors believed to have helped their son recover was vitamin supplementation, along with a gluten and caffeine free diet, detox of metals, and anti-fungals for yeast overgrowth that plagued his intestines. To read the article cut and paste following link: www.cnn.comMarket America's announcement follows a conference held with prominent doctors who specialize in areas related to autism at Market America's Greensboro headquarters. The doctors in attendance were Dr. Emi Hosada; an Internist in Washington State, Dr. Jim Sensenig; prominent naturopathic physician and founding president of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Dr. Beltz; a neuroscientist and clinical scientist and founder of the Mont Black Academy in Hook Set, NH which specializes in educating and treating children with ADHD, Metabolic Disorders and Learning Disabilities, and Dr. Anne Hines; a family and Defeat Autism Now (DAN) physician in Winston-Salem, NC.Market America is working in conjunction with these doctors to develop a regimen of nutraceutical products that will promote a high quality of life for those living with autism. "It is simply mind-blowing and disheartening when you read the statistics about children afflicted with autism," said Marty Weissman, executive vice president of Market America. "One out of every 150 children is diagnosed with autism and 67 new children are diagnosed per day. As a company founded on science based products, it is time that we use our expertise to support the health of these children."The conference was held to identify areas that are lacking in autism therapy and how Market America could develop products that meet the special needs of these children. "The consensus among the panel of experts was that children with autism need nutritional supplementation that is complete and easy to take," Said Dr. n Blumenfeld, Chief Medical Officer at Market America. "Current products on the market are not complete and do not enhance patient compliance. With our advanced Isotonix® delivery system we can offer nutritional supplementation designed for children that is easy to taste and tolerate. Enhancing compliance is critical for the efficacy of children's supplementation and will make the parents lives so much easier."---------------------------------------I'm sending you this article today because I want to get the word out about our company, a company that is doing more than just talking about helping children with autism! While I do not have a child with this challenge, I do have a strong conviction to help anyone looking for alternative natural nutritional supplementation products. And this is one avenue of doing so.While we are in this infancy stage of creating a new line of nutraceutical products, we do have many products available to enhance and optimize you and your children's health. You can learn more about our Isotonix® formulas by logging onto: www.marketamericascience.com or by visiting my website: www.themall4you.com and viewing the products on the upper left of the screen. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how our products work, what their nutritional and supplemental advantages are, and how to implement them into your daily routine. Please give me a call at your earliest convenience and we'll schedule a time to discuss our products. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to talking with you soon.Sincerely, GreisingPO Box 35, Wadsworth, Ohio 44282330-461-3867email: innovationsbyjen@...About Market America, Inc.Market America is a product brokerage and Internet marketing company that specializes in One-One-Marketing. With more than three million customers and 160,000 Distributors worldwide, the company has generated over $2.4 billion in accumulated retail sales. Headquartered in Greensboro, NC — the company was founded by Ridinger in 1992 and employs over 500 people globally with international operations in the United States, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia. Through its revolutionary One-to-One Marketing concept, Market America combines the Internet with the power of people — creating the ultimate online shopping destination.

The Ohio Performance Assessment Conference

Are you interested in helping create Ohio’s next generation of assessments?Do you want to find alternatives to paper-pencil tests?Would you like to learn how your school district can pilot-test performance-based assessments? If so, then the Ohio Department of Education and the Educational Service Center of lin County encourage you to attend The Ohio Performance Assessment Conference on Thursday, September 17, 2008 from 10 AM – 3PM. The conference will announce the beginning of The Ohio Performance Assessment Project, and inform interested districts on how to apply to participate in the piloting of this new generation of assessment for Ohio’s high schools. A calendar of critical applications dates can be found below. Additionally, Dr. Darling-Hammond of Stanford University will provide the conference’s keynote address, speaking on performance-based assessments in a 21st Century learning climate. Key Application DatesAugust 18, 2008 Applications ReleasedSeptember 17, 2008 Performance Assessment ConferenceOctober 22, 2008 Applications DueDecember 3, 2008 Notification of Selected Applicants

Look for more information, a formal invitation for your school team to attend the conference, and applications for your district to participate in the pilot program to look at an alternative to Ohio’s current high school assessment system.

For additional information, contact Todd Hanes, ESCFC at Todd.Hanes@...

3rd annual Autism Awareness Walk-a-thonSaturday, September 20thHeld at Mansfield Motorsports ParkMansfield, Ohios and Volunteers NeededPledge sheets or $10 donation at the doorFOOD, ENTERTAINMENT, RAFFES, SPEAKERS, INFORMATIONAL TABLESContact Information:Debbie Melching419-589-8762aawdeb@...

Article: Fragile X: Unraveling Autism's Secrets, Time Magazine


WANTED: ESDY AWARD NOMINATIONS The Ohio Self-Determination Association is looking for nominations for self-advocates, parents or family members, and/or professional staff who have gone above and beyond in supporting an individual(s) and/or an agency in furthering the philosophy of Self-Determination. THE AWARDS WILL BE PRESENTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PLAZA HOTEL IN COLUMBUS ON SEPT. 16 -17, 2008. What is an ESDY Award? It is an award presented at the annual conference of the Ohio Self-Determination Association. In order to be nominated for this award, you must be a person who has played a role in advancing the concepts of self-determination. Nominees are then evaluated based on creativity, how they have supported the principles of S-D, and their contribution made toward systems change. DON’T DELAY. SEND YOUR NOMINATION TO THE EMAIL BELOW WITH A JUSTIFICATION AS TO WHY YOUR NOMINEE SHOULD RECEIVE AN ESDY AWARD. DUE DATE: August 22, 2008 SEND TO: s at nancy.richards@...

ODMRDD July Family Advisory Council Meeting

Family Advisory Council AgendaJuly 23, 2008CDC Training RoomColumbus Developmental Center 10a.m. -10:30 a.m. Welcome and updates: Peggy 10:30-11:30 Director “Chats†11:30 12:00 “Yes We Can†presentation 12:00- 12:30 Lunch provided by County Board Association 1:00-2:30 Estate Planning today and guardianship: Dave Zwyer **Next meeting September 23rd at CDC training room!!! Please rsvp to Michele Kanode at michele.kanode@... or by phone at 614-644-0265.

Article: LISTENING TO YOURSELFBy Dan CoulterWho do you listen to?We generally listen to people we respect.Which makes it kind of ironic that we don't always listen to ourselves.A few days ago, my wife pointed out an article about listening written last year by teacher Andy Dousis, who noticed his fourth grade students excluding a classmate from their activities. This classmate had trouble making conversation, so he sometimes pushed or grabbed others. He had other challenges, too, and often sobbed in frustration.While the other students were initially patient with this child, they became less and less tolerant as the year progressed.In looking at his own behavior, this teacher realized that the good example he'd set at the beginning of the school year had slipped away from him. In September, he had put considerable effort into integrating this "difficult" classmate into the class, and his students had responded. But as the year wore on and he'd gotten busier, he'd become impatient and spoken sharply to correct the child's inappropriate behaviors. The students were simply picking up their cues from their teacher. A good person and a good teacher, all it took to start fixing his approach was to listen to himself and realize what he was doing. Things got better for the lonely student, and everyone in the class benefited.This story brought to mind a conversation I had with a mother of a grown son with Asperger Syndrome at a conference in Philadelphia where my wife and I spoke. The mother explained how no one had known about Asperger Syndromewhen her son was younger. She now looked back sadly at the way she had initially reacted to her son's difficult behaviors without meaning to. One day her four year old daughter, after continually hearing Mom speak sharply to her older brother, looked up at her mother and said, "If you'll be nice to Jim, I'll be nice to you." In that moment, her world changed. Even before a diagnosis helped her better understand her son's condition, her daughter helped her listen to herself, and be more of the mother her son needed.This mother wasn't alone. When my kids were little, my wife pointed out to me that I spoke to our son with AS in a very different, and less patient, tone than I used with our daughter. I confirmed this listening to myself on some home movies. It's easy to respond with the first thing that comes to mind to fix an immediate problem, but in a way you might regret later. I learned to change my responses.

This also was when I learned to patiently explain to my son how I expected him to act before he went into a situation, and even practice beforehand. The change wasn't instantaneous, but he did start doing much better. In fact, he'd often work hard to follow our instructions, then look up at us with an excited face and say, "I did it right, didn't I?"This can be such a basic fix. Just listening to ourselves and making any changes necessary to say what we really want to say. One of the best feelings in the world has got to be listening to yourself talk to a child, and liking what you hear.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dan Coulter is the producer of the videos, "Understanding Brothers and Sisters with Asperger Syndrome" and "Understanding Brothers and Sisters on the Autism Spectrum." You can read more articles on his website: www.coultervideo.com

(Links to Andy Dousis' article in the Responsive Classroom Newsletter and in Education World)



Copyright 2008 Dan Coulter Used By Permission

Great Plains Laboratory Web Conference - July 16

Good Afternoon,

The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc is hosting a web conference, Presented by Dr. Kurt Woeller, DO on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 at 6:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time). Attached is a copy of the training information for viewing or visit our website directly at: http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/home/eng/webconferences.asp

For Rules, Restrictions, & Troubleshooting: http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/online_conference/Firewall.htm

National Autism Association – Northeast Ohio (NAA-NEO) Helping Hand Grant Update

July 11, 2008

Dear 2007-2008 Helping Hand Grant Recipients,

This message is to provide you with an update on the status of your grant monies that had been awarded to you through the National Autism Association – Northeast Ohio (NAA-NEO) 2007-2008 Helping Hand Program.

Some of you have already been notified individually about the remaining grant monies for this year along with your reimbursement checks. However, some families have not received their update yet in the mail so this information pertains particularly to them.

1. The total amount in the 2nd Round of the 2007-2008 Helping Hand Grants is $200.00 per family. This amount was awarded to your family in addition to the 1st round of your funding. You are now asked to submit your claims for reimbursement or invoices to Pattison to the following address:

NAA-NEO, P. O. Box 221195, Beachwood, OH 44122

2. Families who have not claimed their grant monies awarded to them in the first round, please understand that all receipts and invoices must be submitted to NAA-NEO no later than October 31, 2008. If we do not receive your receipts or invoices by the above date, we will not be able to disburse the remained of your grant monies to you. These funds will be redistributed to other families in the 2009 Helping Hand Program, which will be announced in the Fall of 2008.

3. We will be announcing the 2009 Helping Hand Grant Program in the Fall via this mailing list. Families who had received a grant from us for 2007 and 2008 would still qualify. The grant can be used for a variety of autism-related services, including tuition, camp, behavioral therapy, tutoring, speech, occupational, music or physical therapy, listening therapy, respite care, augmentative communication devices, as well as various medical and biomedical interventions, just to name a few. Stay tuned!

Should you have any questions regarding the above information, please contact Pattison at 216.544.1231 or via email at apattison@....

We hope you all have a good summer!



NAA-NEO Helping Hand Program Manager

5th ADA Legal Webinar

The DBTAC-Great Lakes ADA Center invites you to join us for the 5th ADALegal Webinar to take place on Tuesday, July 22, 1-2:30 pm Central(2-3:30 pm Eastern, 12-1:30 pm Mountain, and 11-12:30pm Pacific)Title: ADA Coverage Beyond Actual Disability: Regarded As, Record Of andAssociation DisabilityDate: July 22, 2008Time: 1-2:30 pm Central (90 minutes) - note time zoneSpeakers: Barry and Alan Goldstein, Attorneys with Equip forEquality, Illinois' Protection and Advocacy Agency. To read more aboutBarry and Alan's background and experience go to:Barry : http://www.ada-audio.org/Archives/presenters.php?id=40Alan Goldstein: http://www.ada-audio.org/Speakers/WebinarSpeakers/Alan_Goldstein.htmContent: The ADA provides protections to people who may not have acurrent ADA defined disability. This session will review the ADA and itsregulations; EEOC guidance and recent case law, as well as provideemployers with information that will help them to avoid pitfalls that maybe encountered when navigating this often overlooked area of the law.To register, go to www.ada-audio.org and "click" on the tab for 2008 LegalIssues WebinarFor questions, contact 312-413-1407 (v/tty) or by email at gldbtac@...

ADA-OHIO (The Americans with Disabilities Act)700 Morse Road, Suite 101Columbus, OH 43214800-ADA-OHIO (800-232-6446)614-844-5537 FAXadaohio@...http://www.ada-ohio.org/ADA-OHIO is a nonprofit 501©(3) organization.

From Harvard Researchers: Gene Discoveries Yield Autism Clues



video: http://www./s/915266

Child Safety Tips

Toys R Us has partnered with Safe Kids Worldwide (the world’s leading childhood njury prevention organization, to provide parents and caregivers with valuable information about keeping kids safe during times when they are at most risk of accidental injuries. They are working on creating comprehensive childhood safety campaigns to help educate parents about injury prevention. Initial efforts will focus on:

Summer Safety: Ride-on toys, water, backyard, bicycle and street safety

Baby Safety: Childproofing the home, and tub and crib safety

Halloween Safety: Safety tips for choosing costumes and trick-or-treating

Holiday Toy Safety: Gift selection, proper assembly and safe play tips for the holiday season

Travel Safety: Car seat and child passenger safety and tips for childproofing unfamiliar places

Some of the info is pretty informative. Check it out at:


New Books from AAPC

The Comprehensive Autism Planning System (CAPS) for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome, Autism, and Related Disabilities: Integrating Best Practices Throughout the Student’s Day by Henry and Myles

$29.95 2007, ISBN 978-1-934575-03-1

This comprehensive, yet easy-to-use system allows educators to understand how and when to implement an instructional program for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The CAPS model answers the questions (a) What supports does my student/child need in each class to be successful? (B) What goals is my student/child working on? and © Is there a thoughtful sequence to the student’s/child’s day that matches his learning style. This timely resource addresses adequate yearly progress (AYP), response to intervention (RTI), and positive behavior support (PBS) in a common-sense format. The CAPS process was designed to be used by the child’s educational team, consisting of parents, general educators, special educators, paraprofessionals, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, administrators, psychologists, consultants, siblings, and others who are stakeholders in the student’s education.


With Open Arms: Creating School Communities of Support for Kids with Social Challenges Using Circle of Friends, Extracurricular Activities, and Learning Teams by Schlieder, M.S.

$19.95 July 2007 ISB: 978-1-934575-00-0

“She sits alone every day in the cafeteria.â€

“His behavior annoys the other kids and no one wants to have him in their group.â€

“She can’t carry on a conversation.â€

Sound familiar? The desire to fit in and belong is universal, and at no time is this more evident than during the middle and high school years. Kids with conditions such as Asperger Syndrome, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, as well as English language learners, often face even greater social challenges, resulting in feelings of isolation. Not only are they often ignored by peers, many are the object of teasing and even bullying. In addition, their social isolation prevents them from engaging in the numerous social interactions needed to become socially proficient.


Starting Points: The Basics of Understanding and Supporting Children and Youth with Asperger Syndrome by Jill Hudson and Myles$17.95 ISBN# 978-1-934575-08-6 Publishing Date - September 2007

Get off to a good start. Learn sensible, solid strategies that can be put into practice with children on the autism spectrum right away. Starting Points: The Basics of Understanding and Supporting Children and Youth with Asperger Syndrome offers a variety of strategies and visual supports that help children on the spectrum …

Who have difficulty with abstract concepts and thoughts

Who have difficulty understanding and regulating emotions

Who have difficulty recognizing, interpreting, and empathizing with the emotions of others

Who find it easier to answer questions with choices versus open-ended questions

Need cues for how and when to transition from an activity or place to the next

& much more


The Hidden Curriculum 2009 One-A-Day Calendar: Items for Understanding Unstated Rules in Social Situations by Myles with Duncan $15.95 June 2008, ISBN 9781934575178Audience:Children, Adults, Parents, Educators, Professionals (i.e. Speech Pathologists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, etc.) For the third year in a row, one of AAPC's best-sellers, The Hidden Curriculum One-A-Day Calendar, is back! This year's edition boasts even more practical tips for how to handle everyday social situations. As anyone who has used The Hidden Curriculum Calendar can testify, this handy tool can be used with anybody who needs help understanding social situations, especially those with ASD. Make its 365 social "rules" part of your daily life at home, at school, in the workplace, etc. The calendar is designed to sit on a desk or a table. Individual pages can be torn out and used as reminders throughout the year.


Individual Options Waiver Transition Completed From the ODMRDD E-Newsletter Pipeline:

“June 30, 2008, has come and gone, and it is with great pleasure that I announce that Ohio has completed the Individual Options (IO) Waiver Transition,†noted Stephan, Deputy Director, ODMRDD Medicaid Development and Administration, in a recent memo to the field. What does this mean?It means that of the 11,290 individuals in Ohio’s MRDD system affected by the transition, 100% have successfully transitioned from the old county-based negotiated waiver rate system to the new statewide waiver reimbursement system. Moving forward, systems are now in place to make sure a county does not inadvertently use the pretransition codes when creating a new Payment Authorization for Waiver Services (PAWS) document. This should be helpful to County Boards of MRDD, as well as to our billing process. In understanding the waiver transition it is important also to note that Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 5123:2-13-07(F)(2) states: “Individuals who share the Homemaker Personal Care (HPC) services of the same residential provider in the same setting, and whose service reimbursement has already been converted to the statewide 15-minute unit reimbursement system, shall convert to the daily billing unit reimbursement approach described in this rule within one year of the effective date of this rule.†(Effective December 31, 2008) The ODMRDD is particularly pleased to note the completion of this waiver transition, as our request to work through this process over an extended period of time was granted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and received the strong support of Governor Strickland’s office. We greatly appreciate the Governor’s leadership in this matter and the approval by CMS. In addition, when we agreed to make this transition in the time allotted, it was done with a total commitment to making sure it was completed on time, and it was. (See http://odmrdd.state.oh.us/topics/waiver/transition.htm for additional information.) Stephan continues, “On behalf of ODMRDD, I would like thank all the county and provider staff who have worked so diligently to assure this project was completed within the designated timeframes. This has been a huge undertaking, and our success is reflective of our commitment to those we serve. Job well done! R. Corlett, Deputy Director, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) adds, “Congratulations to everyone at ODMRDD and the County Boards across the state. ODJFS and ODMRDD have worked closely together for several months to complete the transition and maintain the momentum needed to complete this work.†Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music scene in your area - Check out TourTracker.com!

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