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ASO DIGEST: August 18, 2008

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Dear Friend of ASO:

Visit ASO's website www.autismohio.org for an "easy to read" version if this does not come through clean on your listserv. Or sign up to receive your own copy by "registering" on the "login" section of ASO's homepage.

News From ASO:

- Participate in ASO's Website Survey

- ODMRDD Releases Drafts of Phase 1 Deliverables from Futures Recommendations - Your input needed!

- ODE-OEC Updating Autism Scholarship Program Rules - Your input needed!

- Participate in Ohio Legal Rights Survey

- Autism Statehouse Rally 2009 to be held in collaboration with ARC Ohio! Mark your calendars!

- NOW OPEN! – 2008 NATTAP Conference Registration, Columbus

- Federal Update

Upcoming Events, Resources, etc:

- Latest Newsletter from Dayton ASA Chapter

- Meet Buzz and Woody with Dayton ASA in Beavercreek

- Panera Bread supports the Dayton Autism Society with a POKER RUN TO FIGHT AUTISM!

- Dayton Autism Society Support Group Meeting- Autism Society Greater Cleveland Update

- Sensory Friendly Film Program comes to Cleveland! ASA-AMC Partnership

- Columbus Walk for Autism Speaks

- Next Greater Cleveland Asperger Support Meeting

- ODE Statewide Special Education Leadership Conference

- Updates from Ohio Department of Education - Office for Exceptional Children

Medicaid School Program (MSP) Operating Standards and Whose IDEA Is This?

- Help design the Ohio Center for Family Engagement and Empowerment

- Conferences from the Indiana Resource Center for Autism

- New Book from Temple Grandin

If you are interested in participating in research projects, ASO is now posting all research opportunities on our website. For information on available opportunities, visit our webpage www.autismohio.org, click on "Information" along the l eft side of the home page and then click on "Studies/Surveys".

Have you purchased your Ohio Autism Awareness License Plate yet? To purchase yours, visit www.oplates.com and click on "Specialty Plates" or visit our website at www.autismohio.org for more information.Sincerely,The Autism Society of Ohio701 S. Main St.Akron, OH 44311( 330) 376-0211fax: (330) 376-1226email: askASO@...web: www.autismohio.org Please note: This is provided for information purposes only. The ASO does not endorse or recommend any providers, methodologies or services. Providing this information should not be construed as an endorsement by the ASO, either explicit or implied.

News From ASO:

From ASO: Please Participate in Our Website Survey

Please participate in Autism Society of Ohio website survey!

ASO would like your input to improve our website so that we could provide more accurate, up-to-date, and easy-to-read information related to autism to suit your needs.

You can participate in this online survey by clicking here or cutting and pasting the20following link into your web browser:


You can remain anonymous during the survey and your privacy is protected. You may, however, opt to sign up to our email list to receive ASO digest and other alerts, at the end of the survey. Your response to the survey questions will be aggregated and will be used only to improve ASO website and not any other purposes.

The results of the survey will be reflected in our website, and a report will be posted on our website.

Thank you very much for your prompt participation!

ODMRDD Releases Drafts of Phase 1 Deliverables from Futures Recommendations - Your input needed!

Note from ASO: ODMRDD is very interested in your feedback! Please note that these "deliverables" are very much a DRAFT! Additionally, the deliverables should be considered as each representing a part of a whole - a plan to implement some serious system change in Ohio - so please consider each deliverable in the context of the others as well. Nothing presented in the deliverables is cast in stone - so please provide input to ODMRDD. Of special interest to the Ohio autism community:

- Deliverable 2: New Flexible Support Waiver including Intensive Behavioral Needs

- Deliverable 5: Transition Pilot

- Deliverable 8: Waiting Lists

- Deliverable 9: Regional Planning and Networks

ASO Co-President Barb Yavorcik is part of Policy Leadership Roundtable and will be working with ODMRDD as these deliverables are vetted and finalized, so after you have submitted your input to ODMRDD, if you have a very specific concern that you would like emphasized, please share that with Barb at byavorcik@... or askASO@.... The next Policy Leadership Roundtable meeting is scheduled for September 17, 2008, so try to have your input in before then.

From ODMRDD E-Newsletter Pipeline:

Last Wednsday, at the third meeting of the Policy Leadership Roundtable, participants reviewed the first group of ‘deliverables’ (products) related to the 31 recommendations of the MRDD Futures Committee. We took those recommendations, identified who would support that work internally, and defined the sequence in which it would be performed. Today we share the work we have completed to-date in Phase One, which includes 17 deliverables.These deliverables are being presented as drafts for the field to review and provide feedback. We hope you will find the process to be an efficient way of moving forward. We continue to manage all of the Futures efforts as transparently and inclusively as possible, and take fresh approaches to achieve positive outcomes. This includes sharing drafts and works-in-progress. I invite the entire MRDD community to review this work, along with members of the Policy Leadership Roundtable. As you review this work, we hope you will note a number of things:· First, we have remained true to the recommendations given us by the Futures Committee. Our work, most definitely, will lead to the implementation of those recommendations.· Second, these recommendations allow us to progress in accordance with the themes and values we stated as important at the outset: 1. Less complex service delivery, with fair and logical payment systems; 2. Good stewardship of limited resources; 3. Quality outcomes, through a combination of people and processes; 4. Service delivery models designed in response to choices made by the people served, in

alliance with community supports; 5. A system-wide vision developed with stakeholders.· Third, we hope you will note some creativity in this work – ideas or concepts that one might not immediately connect to the Futures recommendations, but that are imbedded in the intent of those recommendations.

I am very pleased at the participation we have seen from staff and stakeholders as the implementation process moves forward, and am encouraged by the role of the Policy Leadership Roundtable, as it supports the work to implement system changes in Phase One, and looks at the challenges ahead in Phase Two. Thanks to each of you who has been a part of Phase One. – For updated information on the 17 deliverables presented today, please visit http://mrdd.ohio.gov/futures/FuturesImplementationInformation.htm on or after August 7, and respond to feedback@... with any comments. We appreciate hearing from you.

ODE-OEC Updating Autism Scholarship Program Rules - Your input needed!

The Ohio Department of Education's Office for Exceptional Children is in the process of updating the Autism Scholarship Program Rules. The current rules (3301-103-01 through 3301-103-08) of the Ohio Administrative Code define how the Department administers the sc holarship program. The rules have been in effect since the beginning of the Autism Scholarship in January 2004.

Rule updating is part of a five-year review plan required by Ohio Law. This requirement gives the department an opportunity to make changes and any necessary clarifications to reflect the current language of the Ohio Revised Code regarding the Autism Scholarship. For example, the original law referred to the program as a pilot program. (The current law changed the name to the Autism Scholarship.) Also, the maximum amount of the scholarship was $15,000 and is currently $20,000 in law. The rules must be updated to reflect these changes.

The process to update the rules is lengthy and requires the input of all interested parties, including such groups as parents, providers, school districts, an d autism-related organizations and interest groups. This is the public’s opportunity to provide feedback to the proposed draft rules that will govern the scholarship program. The Department is seeking and welcomes any input from the public.

The proposed draft rules are listed on the Department of Education’s website under the Autism Scholarship Program section. Any input can be submitted by email to oec_asp@.... U.S. mail is also appropriate.

The rules must be approved by the State Board of Education and the Joint Commission on Agency Rule Review (JACARR), a committee within the General Assembly.

The proposed rules will be reviewed for public comment on:

Date: September 15th, 2008

Time: 10:00 AM/ div> Place: The State Library of Ohio

Directions: http://www.winslo.state.oh.us/publib/libdir.html

Please confirm if you will be attending this session by sending an email to the following link:


Participate in Ohio Legal Rights Survey

OLRS is involved in a strategic planning process. One part of the processrequires gathering information from people who either use OLRS services orknow about OLRS. It is important that we hear from families who havechildren with autism.We have developed an online survey. It takes about 10 minutes to complete.Here is a link to the online survey:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=LKz6Jw1U6MHtFng2wPvMVg_3d_3d

If you would like paper copies of the survey or more information, contact Tom Hemmert by e-mail at themmert@... or by phone at 1-800-282-9181 (voice) or 1-800-858-3542 (TTY).

The mission of OLRS is to protect and advocate, in partnership with people with disabilities, for their human, civil and legal rights.

NOW OPEN! – 2008 NATTAP Conference RegistrationThe Autism Society of America (ASA) and Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) present the 2nd annual international conference on autism training and technical assistance. The objectives of the conference are to review current systems models for addressing the needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), promote use of best practice in research and intervention and provide methods for capacity building – all of which contribute to the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for individuals ages 3-21. Join the estimated 1,500-2,000 attendees from across the national and around the globe.NEW for 2008! Pre-Conference Sessions - November 18, 2008Pre-Conference sessions are provided by leaders and recognized experts in the field and provide attendees with a valuable opportunity for in-depth discussion and learning.What: 2008 NATTAP ConferenceWhen: November 19-21, 2008Where: Greater Columbus Convention Center | Columbus, OHRegular Registration (July 1 - September 22, 2008): $250Late Registration (September 23 - October 20, 2008): $300On Site Registration (October 20 - November 21, 2008): $315Parent/Family Member Rate: $100Pre-Conference Session Rate: $100Conference registration and information available at: http://www.nattapconference.org

The Autism Society of Ohio has provided a grant to OCALI reducing the registration rate for parents from last year's $185 to $100 for all three days of the conference! Register NOW!

Federal Update

Leaders in the House and Senate are planning the agenda for the anticipated three week session when Congress returns on September 8. Top priority items include addressing the energy crisis (particularly gasoline prices), extending certain tax credits, and passing a Continuing Resolution that will keep the federal government in operation after the beginning of the FY 2009 fiscal year on October 1. Other key issues include the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, low income energy assistance and a second economic stimulus package. Most of these issues face difficulties in the Senate where many of these bills have been tied up in filibusters.

Upcoming Events, Resources, etc:

Latest Newsletter from Dayton ASA Chapter


Meet Buzz and Woody with Dayton ASA in Beavercreek

Do your kids want to meet Buzz and Woody?

Bring them out to & Noble Booksellers, Beavercreek, across from theFairfield Commons Mall this SATURDAY, Aug. 15 between 1-4 PM! Buzz andWoody will be shaking hand, taking pictures with their fans, and sitting inon special storytimes! Storytime will be held at 11:00am (stories read bythe & Noble staff with a craft activity), 1:00pm and 3:00pm (storiesread by Shelli Mendel-Koeppl, a parent and member of the Dayton AutismSociety board). Buzz and Woody are looking forward to hearing these specialstories just for and about children with autism!There will also be scavenger hunts (easy and challenging) at 10:00am and2:00pm with prizes, and games throughout the day.For the grown ups, there's still space available for you to be part of thefree workshops being presented by Lynn Hamilton, author of Facing Autism.She'll present a talk on Applied Behavior Analysis from 9:30am-11:00am;Understanding Dietary Interventions from 11:30am-1:00pm; and BiomedicalInterventions: A parent's perspective from 2:30pm-4:00pm. Admission is freeand includes free handouts. Space is limited to 30 and we currently have 17registered for each workshop. You can either register online through ourwebsite or just show up! We'll have handouts and seats for 30. After that,it's standing room only.At 1:30pm, Lynn will be signing her book, Facing Autism. Books will beavailable for purchase at the bookstore.Present your bookfair vouchers with your purchases anytime between9:00am-11:00pm on Saturday, available to print from our website, anda portion of each sale will go to the Dayton Autism Society FamilyScholarship Fund! Be sure to bring your vouchers and share them withfriends and family across the country. They can be used at any & Noble location, anywhere, on Saturday to support the Dayton Autism Society.Please come out and enjoy the festivities and support the Dayton AutismSociety's Family Scholarship Fund. The money raised will go directly tohelp families with expenses in treating and caring for their childrenaffected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder.For more information, visit our website, www.daytonautismsociety.org.See you there!-- Bernotaitisbernofam@...(937) 859-4964 home(937) 286-5615 cellView my blog! http://we-band-of-mothers.blogspot.com/PresidentDayton Autism Societywww.daytonautismsociety.orga 501©(3) non-profitTax ID: 20-5769495

Panera Bread supports the Dayton Autism Society with a POKER RUN TO FIGHT AUTISM!Greetings! Tell all your biker friends to make plans to participate in the Panera Bread Poker Run to fight autism on Saturday, August 30, 2008. See the flier below! Registration begins at 9:00 AM. Riders will travel to several local Panera Bread locations collecting poker cards and sampling free food and drinks. The top 3 hands at the end of the ride wins awesome prizes! Visit http://www.panera-ohio.com for more information!

Dayton Autism Society Support Group Meeting

Topic: Summit Academy for Asperger's & ADHDRIVERSIDE, OH - August 21, 2008 - The Dayton Autism Society's monthly support group meeting for August welcomes Harty from Summit Academy, Xenia. will bring a couple of instructors from Summit to talk about their:Academic delivery through technology Therapeutic Martial Arts Outdoor Experiental Education Scouting Program Cognitive Therapy: Brain Gym Social Skills TrainingMeetings are free and open to the public!Refreshments are provided.Sorry, childcare is not available.Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at the Miami Valley Regional Center (SERRC)4801 Springfield StreetRiverside, OHMeeting time: 6:30 PM. Meetings usually last approx. 2 hours.Topics vary each month. Visit our website for schedule.Please RSVP to: info@... The Autism Society of America-Dayton Chapter does not endorse programs or providers but provides quality information to help parents, caregivers, and individuals with ASD make informed choices. Visit our website for more information about autism, our events, or how to access services and support. Dayton Autism Society website

Autism Society Greater Cleveland Update

Dear Friends of ASGC:

Greetings to all of the membership and friends of the ASGC. We are looking forward to our next meeting on Tuesday, September 2nd at 6:30 PM. at The Cuyahoga Valley Career Center, 8001 Brecksville Road, Brecksville, Ohio. Our guest speaker is Kim Gustely, the Co-Director of Victory Gallop, a Therapy Riding Center in Bath, Ohio. As a courtesy to our members, we have free childcare provided by STEPS Behavioral Consulting. RSVP is required for childcare at least 7 days prior to the meeting by calling (216) 556-4937. You may also reach us by email at support@....

On Saturday, August 23, 2008, at 10:00 AM there will be a Cleveland Sensory Friendly Movie showing of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" at Ridge Park Square. This event is sponsored by the ASO. We hope you are able to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to view a Sensory Friendly movie with your child.

Please join us as we form a team to walk with our friends at Autism Speaks 2 mile Walk @Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio on September 28, 2008. If you would like to walk with the ASGC, please call us at (216) 556-4937 or e-mail us at support@... by September 1, 2008. We look forward to supporting Autism Speaks at this wonderful event for Autism.

The ASGC is looking for volunteers to serve as interpreters for our foreign speaking members. If you or anyone you know are proficient in any foreign language, we would greatly appreciate using you as a resource when the need arises. Please contact us at (216) 556-4937 to be listed as a resource for our members.

As a reminder, The Autism Society of Greater Cleveland is open Monday thru Friday from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM at (216) 556-4937. Thanks again for making us your leader in Autism Advocacy in Northeast Ohio. We strive always to be the Cleveland area's premier source of autism advocacy, support and unbiased information. You are the reason that is possible. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events.

Eileen Hawkins - Administrator


The Autism Society of Greater Cleveland

Sensory Friendly Film Program comes to Cleveland!

Autism Society of America and AMC Entertainment® Host Sensory Friendly Films

WHAT: AMC Entertainment (AMC) and ASA have teamed up to begin testing a pilot program to bring families affected by autism a special opportunity to enjoy their favorite films in a safe and accepting environment on a monthly basis. “Sensory Friendly Films†are premiering across the country this month with a special showing of the new animated film Star Wars: Clone Wars.

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disability that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. It often comes with sensory challenges, such as hypersensitivity to light or sound, and children or adults affected by autism may not understand the social boundaries of movie theatre etiquette, such as not talking during the film or sitting still through most of the show.

In order to provide a more accepting and comfortable setting for this unique audience, the movie auditoriums will have their lights brought up and the sound turned down. Additionally, audience members are welcome to get up and dance, walk, shout or sing – in other words, AMC’s “Silence is Golden®†policy will not be enforced unless the safety of the audience is questioned. Tickets are only $4.25 at the AMC Ridge Park Square 8 and can be purchased on the day of the event.

WHEN: Saturday, August 23

10 a.m.

WHERE: AMC Ridge Park Square 8

4788 Ridge Rd.

Brooklyn, OH 44144-3327

Sensory Friendly Films are kicking off across the country on August 23. Other markets include Austin, Texas; Cleveland, Ohio; Columbia, S.C.; Indianapolis; Kansas City; Norfolk, Va.; Phoenix; San Diego; and Washington, D.C. For a complete list of theatres, please visit www.autism-society.org.

WHY: An estimated 30 million people in the world have an autism spectrum disorder, 1.5 million in America alone. Every day in America, 60 families learn their child has autism. These families face challenges of care, support, education, financial hardship and medical and health care issues that make autism a national public health issue, costing the US economy $90 billion a year. Though there is no cure, autism is treatable and individuals with autism have tremendous potential.

About Autism:

Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a “spectrum disorder†that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. There is no known single cause for autism, but increased awareness and funding can help families today.

About ASA:

ASA, the nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, exists to improve the lives of all affected by autism. They do this by increasing public awareness about the day-to-day issues faced by people on the spectrum, advocating for appropriate services for individuals across the lifespan, and providing the latest information regarding treatment, education, research and advocacy. For more information, visit www.autism-society.org.

Should you have any questions, please contact the ASGC at (216) 556-4937 or support@.... Thank you.

Eileen HawkinsAdministrator

The Autism Society of Greater Cleveland

Columbus Walk for Autism Speaks

Thousands of individuals, families and friends whose lives are impacted by autism will join together to raise much-needed funds for critical scientific research and to increase awareness about a growing health crisis that now affects 1 in every 150 children at the Autism Speaks’ Inaugural Columbus Walk Now for Autism on Sunday, October 12, 2008 at Value City Arena at The Jerome Schottenstein Center.

Established in 2000, the Autism Speaks Walk Now for Autism events are the signature fundraising events for Autism Speaks and have attracted hundreds of thousands of walkers worldwide who have raised tens of millions of dollars for autism research. Last year over $27.1 million was raised nationally through the walk program. Toys “R†Us and the Toys “R†Us Children’s Fund serve as the national sponsor of the Autism Speaks Walk Now for Autism program. For more information about the walk and how to join the effort by walking, contributing or volunteering, please contact le Porrazzo, Cleveland Walk Director, by calling (216) 538-9543 or email dporrazzo@... Autism is a complex brain disorder that inhibits a person’s ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by extreme behavioral challenges. One in 150 children is now diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, including one in 104 boys. Another child is diagnosed every 20 minutes. What: Autism Speaks Inaugural Columbus Walk Now for Autism HOW: To register, visit www.walknowforautism.org/columbus When: Sunday, October 12, 2008 8:30 a.m. Registration 9:40 a.m. Opening Ceremonies 10:00 a.m. Walk begins Where: Value City Arena at The Jerome Schottenstein Center, The Ohio State University – Columbus, OH

Next Greater Cleveland Asperger Support Meeting

Our next Greater Cleveland Asperger Support meeting on Wednesday, September 10, is sure to leave us feeling empowered to advocate for our kids as another school year begins.

Barb Rutt, Information Specialist, with the Ohio Coalition of Children with Disabilities, will speak on special education services, evaluations and IEP's with a focus on the issues affecting kids with Asperger's and other autistic spectrum disorders.

What if the school says that my child is too intelligent to qualify for services? Does my son's teacher have a right to discipline him in a way that I know will exacerbe his condition? My daughter needs help relating to her peers, yet her teachers say her social skills are fine. Barb will try to answer as many general questions as she can following her presentation, but asks that questions about personal situations be e-mailed to her so she can consult with you directly: ocecdbrsbcglobal (DOT) net

Don't miss this important meeting: Wednesday, September 10, 7 p.m., at the Independence Civic Center, 6363 Selig Drive, Independence. Please RSVP to Theresa at juno before Monday, September 8th.

ODE Statewide Special Education Leadership Conference The Ohio Department of Education, Office for Exceptional Children (OEC) is hosting the 2nd annual Special Education Leadership Conference on September 24-25, 2008 at the Aladdin Shrine Center in Columbus http://www.aladdinshrine.org/. This event is designed to provide special education directors in public schools and community schools, as well as other leaders in Ohio’s special education system, the opportunity to learn of changes in Ohio’s special education policies and programs, including the revised Operating Standards and OEC monitoring plan, and to meet our new director, Kathe Shelby! Registration Information will be posted on the ODE Web site http://www.ode.state.oh.us and sent out on this list-serv soon. Registrants will be submitting their registrations via mail only (not STARS). The PDF registration form can be completed by typing directly on the downloaded form before printing it. Registration deadline is September 12, 2008. Payment: Checks only. No purchase orders will be accepted. Payment must accompany the registration form. Conference Fee: $45 Make check payable to: Treasurer, State of OhioMail check with completed registration form to: ODE, Office for Exceptional ChildrenSpecial Education ConferenceMail Stop 20325 South Front StreetColumbus, Ohio 43215-4183 Checks received without a registration form or past the deadline will be returned. Conference registration is limited to 1500. Breakout session seating is limited to 1230. All sessions selections will be filled on a first-registered, first-served basis. During the conference there will be information displays and networking areas available in the lobby if your session selections are not available. We are requesting that each district/agency send only their key leadership person responsible for LEA special education compliance so that each district/agency will have an opportunity to attend. The information presented at the conference will be posted on the Ohio Department of Education Web site after the conference. Hotels Several hotels in the area have offered group rates for a limited number of rooms to our conference attendees. Many of the area hotels do provide shuttle service to the Easton Town Center. A list of hotels within 7 miles of the conference is attached to this email. The Experience Columbus Web site has information about the Columbus area and allows you to search for additional hotel locations: http://www.experiencecolumbus.com/main.cfm?nav=t

Direct questions about the conference to: Ronda Hinson at Ronda.Hinson@....

Updates from Ohio Department of Education - Office for Exceptional Children

Medicaid School Program (MSP) The Medicaid School Program (MSP) still has not been approved by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS); however, work on MSP continues. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) very recently sent school stakeholders a revised draft of the MSP implementing administrative rules. The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) continues to work on developing a cost report and instructions consolidating MSP professional services, case management and Medicaid administrative claiming. ODE is working to conclude a contract with The Ohio State University, Office of Health Sciences to implement a Random Moment Time Study process for MSP using the University of Massachusetts Center for Health Finance staff. ODE is working with ODJFS to put out a planning document in August that would provide schools with basic information on MSP and advise them on what steps they can take prior to the federal approval being received. Once the trainings have been finalized, training information, dates and times will be publicized. Questions regarding the proposed school Medicaid program may be e-mail to schoolmedicaid@.... Operating Standards and Whose IDEA Is This? The 2008 Operating Standards, titled Operating Standards for Educational Agencies Serving Children with Disabilities, is now available on the ODE Web site, keyword search “Operating Standards Disabilities.†Also, the 2008 version of Whose IDEA Is This? will be available on our Web site by close of business tomorrow, August 13, 2008. Both of these documents are being burnt to CDs and one copy per building will be distributed to educational agencies in approximately two weeks. Also included on this CD will be the Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Students and Gifted Operating Standards Technical Assistance Manual.

Help design the Ohio Center for Family Engagement and Empowerment

Dear Colleagues, Could you please pass along the link below to thefamilies and parents that you work with? We have created a surveyopportunity so that they may provide input into the design of the Center forFamily Engagement and Empowerment. As you know, we have been conductinginterviews and focus groups with families and professionals throughout Ohio,but we can still only talk with a small fraction of families. So, wecreated a survey using the same questions as our focus groups so that anyonecan logon and give us their thoughts and ideas.

Please pass this along on all of your listserves, distribution list andother options that we have not even thought about. The more responses thebetter our work. It should only take about 15-20 minutes to complete. Justclick on the link belowhttp://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=B7OnSbZ0QsGewP00vDgd0w_3d_3d

Conferences from the Indiana Resource Center for Autism

Building Social RelationshipsDates & Locations: November 20, 2008, ville, IN, December 4, 2008, Richmond, IN.CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

MAAP/IRCA Conference "Knowledge is Power"Date & Location: October 1 & 2, 2008 Indianapolis, INCLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

Structured Teaching Strategies (As Developed by the TEACCH ProgramDate: September 10, 2008 & October 15, 2008CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

New Book from Temple Grandin

From Future Horizons, visit www.fhautism.com/WayISeeIt.pdf

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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