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Help shut down Facebook page attacking autism

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October 31, 2008 (dated so this doesn't spend 5 years going around the web!) PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO ANYONE WHO MAY CARE ABOUT A PERSON WITH AUTISM: As the Mom of a totally lovable kid with autism, I am sending you this plea for help. We need to be COMPLETELY OUTRAGED by the management of the website Facebook.

They have made the decision to allow the "Association Against Autism" Facebook webpage to remain open. It is a webpage full of hateful statements against people with autism. If this group, the "Association Against Autism", had targeted any other segment of our society - any ethnic, minority or religious group - promoting the killing off of members of that group, they would be shut down, if not prosecuted, for committing a federal hate crime. Why show they be allowed to spew their venom at a group of people with disabilities? ??? Read the following story (originally provided by GRASP) and take action. The email address to register your outrage to Facebook is at the bottom of this email. For those of you who may have children with Facebook pages, please forward this to them and ask them to forward this to their friends and to email abusefacebook (DOT) com about this page that is promoting violence against their brothers/sisters/ classmates. Facebook refuses to take down “Association Against Autism” page: Despite several attempts by protesters, Facebook has refused to take down the “Association Against Autism” (AAA) page started by Coweta high school student Lees. From the site: "why do we give the autistic credit for things that we can do easily? I mean, if we throw a baseball, everyone is like "oh, he threw a baseball" but if an Autistic person does it everyone is like "WOW! THATS SO GOOD FOR HIM!" but what the heck is that going to do for him? NOTHING! we must put a stop to all this false hope we give these sad excuses for people, and how do we do that? We get rid of these sad excuses for people!" Here is the email address to report your outrage to FaceBook: abusefacebook (DOT) com

On behalf of my son and the other kids with autism, thank you for emailing Facebook to help shut down this webpage. Anne Neiner Munster , IN Mom of , a totally lovable kid with Autism

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