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Re: Son has started stimming again

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Hello, my name is and I have a son of 13 and does the same thing. I don't

write in very often unless I can help with a similair situation. My son does have

counseling and it is very helpfull. He also started taking medication to help him

relax while he is at school. You may want to seriously thing about getting counceling.

I found that sometimes they pick because they need something to do with their hands

24/7. Perhaps getting him involved in doing something with his hands that he enjoys

may help. My son tries all different kinds of hand projects. One of his favorites is

playing with clay or woodworking. It may help your son too.

----- Original Message ----From: Loucas <sloucas@...> < >Cc: Loucas <sloucas@...>Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 5:14:54 PMSubject: [ ] Son has started stimming again

Hello. I do not write in often, but I read the posts everyday & find the advice of parents who live w/ASD to be invaluable. Our 8 yr old son has started picking at any bump he can find on his face, legs, arms etc. We went thru this once in the Spring and thought it could be stress at school or maybe boredom-fidgeting. It lasted about 2 months and then he stopped by summer. Now that He is back in school (a new school) he has started again. He does this anytime, anyday, anywhere. Now I am afraid it is just becoming a habit. He can only wear so many bandaids & he already has scars from last Spring. Anyone ever experience this. I could use help any direction. We do not currently seek counseling, but I am open for suggestions/ recommendations. THank You,

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My son also started picking scabs and such this year. He is 6, and just started kindergarten. I felt as though its a way to cope, or to be in control in uncomfortable situations. Now I truly think is just something to have obsess about. I think these kids NEED somehting to obsess about in order to feel comfy in their own skin. Does your son freak out when he draws blood and needs a bandaid? We got our son to stop by first telling him that he is a 6 year old now, and only babies and little boys do that. But when the blood would come, he would become upset that he needed a bandaid...so that kind of helped too. I also would tell him "if you continue to pick your boo-boos we will have to go to the doctor and she will have to fix them" and that really worked! They dont really enjoy seeing a doctor.

I dont know if this helps, but thats how we handled it.


Domestic Engineer

Yarchever Household Corporation

Cleveland, Ohio

Hello. I do not write in often, but I read the posts everyday & find the advice of parents who live w/ASD to be invaluable. Our 8 yr old son has started picking at any bump he can find on his face, legs, arms etc. We went thru this once in the Spring and thought it could be stress at school or maybe boredom-fidgeting. It lasted about 2 months and then he stopped by summer. Now that He is back in school (a new school) he has started again. He does this anytime, anyday, anywhere. Now I am afraid it is just becoming a habit. He can only wear so many bandaids & he already has scars from last Spring. Anyone ever experience this. I could use help any direction. We do not currently seek counseling, but I am open for suggestions/ recommendations. THank You,

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I appologize that I am coming into the post late, but just wanted to

point out something about the " re " stimming. Sometimes, our kiddos

will develop new stims or begin stimming again or more severly when

there is an increase in knowledge. If your child is learning

something new or more difficult, their minds have difficulty

processing new information AND regulating their behaviors.

Therefore, they may start stimming and these stims usually go away

themselves when the knowledge " levels out " . Feel free to email me if

you have any more questions.

Meghan ,BA

Behavior Analyst

Director, Behavioral Consulting








> Hello. I do not write in often, but I read the posts everyday &

find the advice of parents who live w/ASD to be invaluable.  Our 8 yr

old son has started picking at any bump he can find on his face,

legs, arms etc. We went thru this once in the Spring and thought it

could be stress at school or maybe boredom-fidgeting. It lasted about

2 months and then he stopped by summer. Now that He is back in school

(a new school) he has started again. He does this anytime, anyday,

anywhere. Now I am afraid it is just becoming a habit. He can only

wear so many bandaids & he already has scars from last Spring. Anyone

ever experience this. I could use help any direction. We do not

currently seek counseling, but I am open for suggestions/

recommendations. THank You,   


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Yes, our son (12) will do the stimming (picking, chewing on things, chewing on clothes, blurting out) especially when he is stressed in school. There are many sensory things that can be given as alternatives to these "habits" and if the school is not addressing his "Sensory Diet" to help him self regulate appropriately, they should be. Perhaps you can ask the school about this through an Occupational evaluation for Sensory Issues, and they can help impliment things that will allow him to deal with his stress several times through out the day.

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