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ASA-ASO DIGEST: October 13, 2008

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Dear Friend of ASA-ASO:

Visit ASA-ASO's website www.autismohio.org for an "easy to read" version if this does not come through clean on your listserv. Or sign up to receive your own copy by "registering" on the "login" section of ASA-ASO's homepage.

News From ASA-ASO:

- ASA-ASO forming Ohio Autism Advocacy Network - Join Now!

- ASA National Conference Call for Papers

- OLRS - Presidential Candidates' Positions on Disability-related Issues

NOW OPEN! – 2008 NATTAP Conference Registration, Columbus

- Federal Update

Upcoming Events, Resources, etc:

- ASA-ASNO Sponsors Integrating ASDs into Your Family – A Four Phase Approach, NW Ohio

- ASA offering Holiday Cards

- Dayton ASA Hosting Sensory Night

- Resource: Newsletter, Freebies for Teachers


- Upcoming Educational Programs through Nationwide Children’s Hospital

- Family Resource Website

- Parent Advocacy & Candidate Forum

- Boo

k: Staying in the Game: Providing Social Opportunities for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Developmental Disabilities

- 08-09 schedule for Legal Webinar Series on Employment Issues

- 2008-2009 ADA Audio Conference Series Schedule

- Disability Scoop - Developmental Disability News

- Seminar: Advocating for Your Child... Early Childhood through Kindergarten Years, Cleveland

- College support programs for students with Aspergers/HFA, Cleveland Hts.

- ABLLS-R® Assessment and Implementing Program Goals Workshop, Lancaster

- ODE's Procedures/Guidance - Time to comment!

ASA-ASO is now posting all research opportunities on our website. For information on available opportunities, visit our webpage www.autismohio.org, click on "Information" along the l eft side of the home page and then click on "Studies/Surveys".

Have you purchased your Ohio Autism Awareness License Plate yet? To purchase yours, visit www.oplates.com and click on "Specialty Plates" or visit our website at www.autismohio.org for more information.


The Autism Society of America - Autism Society of Ohio Chapter

701 S. Main St.

Akron, OH 44311

( 330) 376-0211

fax: (330) 376-1226

email: askASO@...

web: www.autismohio.org

Please note: This is provided for information purposes only. The ASA-ASO does not endorse or recommend any providers, methodologies or services. Providing this information should not be construed as an endors

ement by the ASA-ASO, either explicit or implied.

News From ASA-ASO:

ASA-ASO forming Ohio Autism Advocacy Network - Join Now!

As you are aware, Autism Insurance Parity, HB170 is currently under consideration by the Ohio House Insurance Committee. 

; The fall elections are coming and immediately following the elections it will be time to address next biennial budget for Ohio. Additionally, issues regularly come before the state legislature that impact individuals with autism, their families and those who work them throughout Ohio. And because of this, the Autism Society of Ohio needs your help.

We are in the process of putting together an autism advocacy network that has constituents in each of the districts of the members of the Ohio General Assembly, both the House and Senate. We are looking for advocates all around the state to help us with this effort.

You can volunteer to participate in two ways:

· Team Leader: Each Ohio district will have an assigned team leader who is responsible for carrying the key ASA-ASO/autism messages when meeting with the legislator (Representatives and Senators), coordinating testimony or letter writing for hearings, and for organizing the team members of their district, etc.

· Team Member: Each Ohio district will have several team members that are available to share their own personal ASA-ASO/autism story, to write letters when needed, and to ask from help from their neighbors/families/friends. Team members may choose specialize on certain topics – ie. autism insurance parity topic, special education funding, etc.

ASA-ASO is also developing a Legislative Advocacy Manual and will provide local training to constituent volunteer advocates.

If you are interested in participating in this effort, please send your Name, address, city,

zip+4, phone, email address, House District Number and Senate District number and whether you are interested in being a “Team Leader†or a “Team Member†to askASO@.... Please put AUTISM ADVOCACY NETWORK in the subject line. To find your district numbers, visit www.legislature.state.oh.us and follow the directions under "Locating Legislators".

0AFor more information, visit our website at www.autismohio.org

OLRS - Presidential Candidates' Positions on Disability-related Issues

The Ohio Legal Rights Service has prepared a side-by-side comparison chart of the presidential candidates' positions on disability-related issues. The chart is based on information from the candidates' Web sites, their Senatorial Web sites and supplemented by other sources.

Read the "2008 Presidential Candidate Positions on Disability-related Issues" chart on the OLRS Web site at http://www.olrs.ohio.gov/prescompare.ht

m .

This information is provided for educational purposes only. OLRS does not support or endorse any political candidate or party.

NOW OPEN! – 2008 NATTAP Conference Registration

The Autism Society of America (ASA) and Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) present the 2nd annual international conference on autism training and technical assistance. The objectives of the conference are to review current systems models for addressing the needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), promote use of best practice in research and intervention and provide methods for capacity building – all of which contribute to the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for individuals ages 3-21. Join the estimated 1,500-2,000 attendees from across the national and around the globe.

NEW for 2008! Pre-Conference Sessions20- November 18, 2008

Pre-Conference sessions are provided by leaders and recognized experts in the field and provide attendees with a valuable opportunity for in-depth discussion and learning.

What: 2008 NATTAP Conference

When: November 19-21, 2008

Where: Greater Columbus Convention Center | Columbus, OH

Regular Registration (July 1 - September 22, 2008): $250

Late Registration (September 23 - October 20, 2008): $300

On Site Registration (October 20 - November 21, 2008): $315

Parent/Family Member Rate: $100

Pre-Conference Session Rate: $100

Conference registration and information available at: http://www.nattapconference.org

The Autism Society of Ohio has provided a grant to OCALI reducing the registration rate for parents from last year's $185 to $100 for all three days of the conference! Register NOW!

Federal Update

Upcoming Events, Resources, etc:

ASA-ASNO Sponsors Integrating ASDs into Your Family – A Four Phase Approach

Practical Solutions to Everyday Challenges in Autism - Fall 2008

A series of workshops designed to teach you strategies to cope with some of the difficult behaviors

exhibited by people of any age with autism.

Workshop #2 Title: Integrating ASDs into Your Family – A Four Phase Approach

Presenter: Fennell, MSW, LCSW-R

Most of our workshops help you with your loved one with autism. This one is for you! The experience of living with chronic neurobiological disorders, such as autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and learning disabilities, is often difficult, traumatizing, and life-changing for the entire family. U

nlike in acute conditions, the challenges of having or living with a person with a chronic disorder change frequently, leaving family members feeling stressed, isolated, and in crisis. Fennell has developed a treatment model that is an empirically validated, step-by-step approach grounded in clinical practice to help people and families coping with chronic conditions solve problems and create positive change. Come learn how this model can help your family.

About the speaker: Fennell has worked with autism spectrum disorders within the N.Y. State system and with individuals and their families since the early 1980s. She is a researcher, clinician, author, and lecturer specializing in treating chronic syndromes, trauma, and death and dying utilizing the Fennell Four Phase Treatment (FFPTâ„¢) approach. Her numerous scientific and lay press publications, include The Chronic Illness Workbook, Managing Chronic Illness Using the Four-Phase Treatment Approach, and The Handbook of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Who should attend: Parents and family members of individuals of all ages and on all levels of the spectrum or with a chronic medical condition, professionals of all types who work with individuals with a chronic condition.

The same workshop will be presented twice.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 6:30-9 pm

Thursday, October 16, 2008 9:30-noon

Cost: $10 per parent; $15 per profe

ssional per session. (Scholarships available.)

NOTE: You must pre-register for this workshop.


The Toledo Hospital Education Center Auditorium

Jobst and McIntosh Towers

2109 Drive

Toledo, OH 43606

The Education Center Auditorium is located at the back of Toledo Hospital (off Monroe Street) between the Jobst and McIntosh Towers. For driving directions, go to www.promedica.org, highlight Hospitals, scroll down to The Toledo Hospital, then select Maps and Directions.

Free parking is available in the parking garage on the basement level.

Take the elevators to the first floor to the registration table in front of the auditorium Side “Aâ€.

Registration Form: Please mail in with fee.

Workshop Title: Integrating ASDs Into Your Family – A Four Phase Approach

Participant Information: (Please print) Amount enclosed $_______

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Please check all that apply: ____ Parent ____ Family Member ____ Professional

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ______________________________________County:____________________

Phone (H)/(W)/©:___________________________ Age of person with autism that I deal with: __________

How did you learn about th

is workshop? ___ mailing ___ family member/friend ___ professional ___ other

For Lucas County Families only: Do you currently receive or are you eligible for services from the Lucas County Board of MR/DD? (examples: Family Resources, waivers, case management, transition specialist, early intervention, day services, waiting lists)

___ yes ___ no If no, would you like to have someone contact you about eligibility? ___ yes ___ no

Complete and mail this page with fees (checks may be made payable to Autism Society of Northwest Ohio) to: Workshop Series, Autism Society of Northwest Ohio, 4848 Dorr Street, Ste. 1., Toledo, Ohio 43615.

If confirmation is required, please include a stamped, self-addressed post card with this registration.

Certificates of attendance available. ___ I need a receipt.

Questions? Call 419-578-2766. email asno.org@...


ASA offering Holiday Cards

Now you can have artwork created by individua

ls with autism reproduced

on holiday cards!

A few weeks ago I wrote to tell you how the Autism Society of America

is celebrating the creativity and diversity of the autism community

by inviting submissions to our unique online art exhibition at

http://www.autism-society.org/site/R?i=GLgsb5u5akACcejfxLVLlQ.. .

The response to our call for art has been overwhelming. I hope

you've had the opportunity to visit the art exhibition at http://www.autism-society.org/site/R?i=bqN1AxHCoA-AcmXYcp4WJg.. and enjoyed seeing the wonderful art on display. If you haven't yet visited, I urge you to do so at your earliest opportunity. I guarantee that you'll come away impressed by the breadth of creativity,

and more convinced than ever that people with autism are special in so

many ways.

And if you see some art you especially like, I have great news to


Now you can have select art from the exhibition be professionally

reproduced on holiday greeting cards at http://www.autism-society.org/site/R?i=5tozjSBQdirqOlAtQYU4ew..

Ordering your cards couldn't be easier, simply look for

the greeting card icon indicating the art is

reproducible... click on it. On the page it leads to look for the link on the left column called "ASA Artist's Gallery", find your a

rtist by name and follow the prompts on the site.

The Autism Society of America is delighted to provide you with this

opportunity. Just imagine how exciting it could be to send holiday

cards featuring your choice of art, and in that way help spread the

word about the diverse creativity of individuals on the autism


You'll find the cost reasonable to create your unique cards,

calendars and other products... and don't forget that most

of the proceeds will go to help us better the lives of those living

with autism through new advocacy strategies to raise autism awareness,

early diagnosis and intervention, and treatment guided research.

But you must hurry... The holidays are just around the corner and

you'll be certain to want to send the best holiday greeting

cards ever, the cards that have your choice of artwork by people with

autism reproduced in all its glory at http://www.autism-society.org/site/R?i=l45I9qzf3Hxn_DuMAaT_yQ..

Thank you again for being a friend and helping us to advance our vital

mission to improve the quality of life for every American affected by

autism, and their families.

Forward To A Friend: http://www.autism-society.org/site/R?i=EZp72ftwayXSNC_3Baentg..

Visit the Autism Society of America at h

ttp://www.autism-society.org/site/R?i=DIUghh2HZ4lI286MiF2mrQ.. .


Lee Grossman

President and CEO

ASA Member since 1991

Parent of a son with autism

Autism Society of America | 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 300 | Bethesda,

land 20814-3067

Dayton ASA Hosting Sensory Night


Our first private Sensory Jump Night was a huge success!

Just a reminder that our next private Sensory Jump Night will be held this Monday, Oct. 13th, from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm. This event is for all kids with sensory issues and their siblings.

Cost is $7.99 if you pre-book online at http://octoberprivatesensory.eventbrite.com/ or $7.00 at the door.

Pre-booking is highly recommended as space is limited.

Socks are required! If you forget yours, socks are available for purchase at the front desk. Waivers are also required and will be available at check in.

To address the sensory issues of our kids, it will not be necessary to watch the introductory video, though it will be available if you wish to view it. Kids will just go right in and start having fun! The music will be off and the equipment will be double-staffed by trained Pump It Up fun facilitators to insure that our kids are safe and having a great time.


ase pass this on to friends, family, support groups, therapists, doctors, anyone who may be interested in coming. This event will repeat the second Monday of every month as long as interest remains. This event is a precursor to our Bounce for Autism event that the Dayton Autism Society and Pump It Up are collaborating on for April 2009. Watch for more information on our website: http://www.daytonautismsociety.org. ;

See you there!




Dayton Autism Society


Cost: $7.00/child at the door

$7.99/child pre-booked online at


Pre-booking is HIGHLY recommended as space is limited.

Resource: Newsletter, Freebies for Teachers

Dear Teacher, Welcome to your first issue of Great Stuff for Teachers! This newsletter, created by the editors at TeacherVision.com, is filled with lessons, printable worksheets, activities, and other resources that align with various themes, subjects, and holidays. We w

ill send you two issues per month. No matter what grade level you teach, you'll find the perfect materials to supplement your classroom instruction.

This issue introduces you to the wide range of content, resources, and tools offered on TeacherVision.com. With over 17,500 pages of classroom-ready materials, TeacherVision.com is bound to streamline your teaching experience!

Best Wishes,

The Editors of TeacherVision.com



WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 2008, 7 p.m.

Independence Civic Center

6363 Selig Drive, Independence

free, but must rsvp to @... by Nov. 3rd

early responses appreciated

Upcoming Educational Programs through Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Autism Academy Class on Community Resource– October 15th from 7-9pm at the main campus of Nationwide Children’s Hospital. This will be a panel presentation, including Sherry Feinstein & Tom Fish, Ph.D., from The Ohio State University

s Nisonger Center. Community Resources available in the Central Ohio area, including options for services through the lifespan will be discussed. This class is $10.00 per person & walk-ins will be welcomed. http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/gd/applications/controller.cfm?cID=519 & type=1 & catID=1 & page=277

Autism Conference: Designing Successful School Interventions for Children with Autism – October 22nd & 23rd 8:30 am-4:00pm at The NorthPointe Conference Center in Center, OH.

Day 1 will focus on Designing Effective Behavior Plans & will have Keynote speaker Sinclair, MA, CCC-SLP, BCBA discuss strategies for successful behavior management plans—breakout groups will focus designing behavior plans based on ages & roles within child’s life (teacher, parent, intervention specialist,


Day 2 will focus on Academic Modifications, Team Building, Implementing School-Wide Social Skills Programs, Perspective Taking Strategies,

and Using Data Effectively & will have Keynote speaker Wynn, Ph.D., discuss designing successful academic modifications – breakout groups

will allow participants to focus on specific areas of interest. http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/gd/applications/controller.cfm?cID=450 & type=2 & catID=4 & page=54

Balancing the Rights of the Parent as Advocate: Special Education & Your Child – October 22nd from 6:30-8:30 pm at The NorthPointe Conference Center in Center, OH. There will be a 1 hour presentation & 1hour question & answer session both with Vi

rigina , Special Education Attorney with Ohio Legal Rights & Parent of a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder & ADHD. Cost is $10.00 for 1 person & $15.00 for 2 people. http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/gd/applications/controller.cfm?cID=523 & type=1 & catID=1 & page=277

For more information on any of these programs or to register please contact the Education Department @ 614-355-0662 or check out the websites for each program.

Family Resource Website


Central Ohio Parent Advocacy & Candidate Forum


e Invited to join the central Ohio disabilty community for a Parent Advocacy & Candidate Forum on Monday, October 13 from 6 - 9pm at The Cafe at Xenos Christian Fellowship.

Please see the attached for program details and directions. Please RSVP to Patty Lyons at p.lyons@... by October 5. (This space will accomodate families!) Spread the word! Forward this invitation to your family, friends, neighbors, providers, etc.

What: Parent Advocacy & Candidate Forum

Meet Your Local Candidates

When: Monday, October 13 from 6pm - 9pm

Where: The Cafe at Xenos Christian Fellowship

1340 Community Park Drive

Columbus, Ohio 43229

RSVP: By Oct. 5 to Patty Lyons at p.lyons@...

Why: Regardless of our political affliations and our candidates of choice, it is crucial that ea

ch one of us participate in this election. And not just at the national level!!!

In Ohio, we are experiencing a total budget cut of $1.27 billion, which for many of our families, means the very programs and services we depend on will be affected.

Please be sure to "vote down ticket" and thoughtfully consider your candidates for State Representative & Senator, County Commissioners and your US Congressional candidates.

Book: Staying in the Game: Providing Social Opportunities for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Developmental Disabilities

Staying in the Game: Providing Social Opportunities for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Developmental Disabilities

by W. Loomis, Ph.D.


Read reviews



ISBN 9781934575291

Audience (i.e. age, profession)

General and Special Educators


General School Staff

Appropriate for Students of All Ages

Staying in the Game picks up where many social skills training programs leave off - with generalization. The book addresses this void by presenting a range of interventions aimed at promoting generalization of social skills by showing how to establish social situations that can be opportunities for generalization. http://www.asperger.net/bookstore_9007.htm

08-09 schedule for Legal Webinar Series on Employment Issues

The DBTAC-Great Lakes ADA Center is pleased to announce the 2008-2009

schedule for our Legal Webinar Series on Employment issues. The 2008-2009

series will begin with a session on October 28th that will discuss the

recently released EEOC Fact Sheet on Conduct and Performance Issues for

People with Disabilities as well as give an overview of the recently

signed ADA Amendments Act of 2008.

This 90 minute session will be held from 1-2:30pm Central (2-3:30pm

Eastern, 12-1:30pm Mountain and 11-12:30pm Pacific) on Tuesday, October

28, 2008.

This session uses a web based conferencing system and is fully accessible

through use of on-line real-time captioning. For more information about

the entire series as well as the October 28th session please go to

www.ada-audio.org and "click" on 2008 Legal Issues Webinar: Employment and

the ADA

The cost of the program depends on the type of entity registering but

ranges from $50.00-$100 per connection.

Other topics in the six part series include the Interplay between the ADA

and FMLA, Disparate Impact versus Disparate Treatment, Legal Update on

Major Life Activities, Legal Update on Title III case law, and Pretext


If you have questions regarding the program please contact us at

gldbtac@... or call our toll free number at 877-ADA-1990 (V/TTY) or

877-232-1990 (V/TTY).

2008-2009 ADA Audio Conference Series Schedule

The National Network of DBTAC-Regional ADA Centers is pleased to annouce

the 2008-2009 ADA Audio Conference Series Schedule. You can view it

on-line at www.ada-audio.org

The schedule this year offers a host of topics including a 4 part series

on employment, Title II obligations for Emergency Preparedness and Public

Rights Of Way, an update on the regulations for Section 508 (Information

Technology) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Section 255 of the

Telecommunications Act and many other topics of interest. In addition to

the regularly monthly schedule there will be at least two special sessions

will be held on the ADA Amendments Act of 1990 (to be scheduled) as well

as the Final Regulations under Title II and Title III (to be scheduled)

Go to www.ada-audio.org and "click" on ADA Audio Conference Series to view

the complete schedule for 2008-2009.

Questions regarding the series should be directed to gldbtac@... or by

phone at (877)ADA-1990 or (877)232-1990 (V/TTY).

Disability Scoop - Developmental Disability News


I wanted to tell you about a news web site specifically for the developmental disability community called DisabilityScoop.com. Please check it out and I hope you'll forward some information about it to your colleagues, members and anyone else you know who might be interested in the topics we're covering. I've included some more info below.

Best regards,

Shaun Heasley

Disability Scoop


Introducing DisabilityScoop.com, the premier source for developmental disability news. Whether you have a disability or you know or care for someone who does, DisabilityScoop.com is your one-stop source for reliable, unbiased news and information.

At DisabilityScoop.com you will find:

News stories that affect your everyday life, packed with useful information and tips. Full coverage of education, health, law, life and money issues directly facing the developmental disability community.

A place to communicate and share with the millions just like you across the country who have or are impacted by developmental disabilities.

Resources just for you, like how to find an attorney, school or therapist in your area.

Come join the 4.5 million-plus community developing at DisabilityScoop.com. If you like what you see, be sure to register for the site to get occasional news updates e-mailed directly to you, all for free.

Seminar: Advocating for Your Child... Early Childhood through Kindergarten Years

Tools for Today and Tomorrow presents: Advocating for Your Child... Early Childhood through Kindergarten Years

An advocate is one who pleads the cause of another and who defends or maintains a cause or proposal. As the parent or guardian of a child with a chronic illness and/or disability, you are your child's best advocate...no one else can do the job as well. It is important to understand your role and to know that you are not alone! Join us to find out more and talk about...

What it means to be an advocate for your20child What parents and guardians of young children advocate for What parents and guardians need to know and do in order to be effective advocates for their children Types of advocacy organizations, their roles, and how to find them


Norwood, Executive Director of The Arc of Greater Cleveland. She and The Arc work to promote effective service delivery systems on behalf of individuals and families affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities. Prior to The Arc, she served as Parent Coordinator of the Ohio Higher Education Partnership Project, Parent Consultant for the Family Information Network at Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron, a founding member and chair, vice chair and outreach chair of Rainbow Babies and Children

's Hospital Family Advisory Council, a member of the Ohio Higher Education Early Childhood Consortium, a founding member of Cuyahoga County Early Intervention Collaborative Group, and a parent representative to the Governor's Interagency Early Intervention Council.

Date: October 29, 2008

Time: 6:30-8:30 pm

Location: Achievement Centers for Children, 4255 Northfield Road, Highland Hills 44128 0A

Cost: $10.00

Advance Registration is Required: Please call Kresnye at 216-229-5757, Ext. 126

Tools for Today and Tomorrow workshops are designed for parents and caregivers. Professionals are also welcome to attend. Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide professional advice or guidance for individual issues. For individual issues, consult with a qualified professional of your choice.

College support programs for students with Aspergers/HFA

An information session about college support programs for students with Aspergers/HFA

Specifically for parents with teens/young adults with Aspergers (or similar challenges) and interested service supporters/educators:

There are support programs for college students with Aspergers/HFA.

This is a special opportunity (even if you have a younger teen or aren't sure about

your child's post secondary plans), to learn about one of the college level programs

that provides academic, social and independent living skills

support for students attending college.

Presentation by Lawler

Director of the Gersh Experience in Buffalo, NY

Friday, October 24th

7:00 pm

Cleveland Heights Main Library

2345 Lee Road (between Cedar Road and Fairmount Boulevard)

216-932-3600 (telephone number Lee Road Library)

www.heightslibrary.org (directions under Library Info/Lee Road)

RSVP (so we'll have appropriate seating) and questions: SheApple@...

(This session is being organized by the Teen AS social opportunities group. Please contact us at the above email address if this has been forwarded to you and you would like to be added to our email list.)

ABLLS-R® Assessment and Implementing Program Goals Workshop


Conducting the ABLLS-R® Assessment and Implementing Program Goals

The ABLLS-R® is an assessment and curriculum guide used in the treatment of children with developmental disorders. Participants will learn how to conduct an ABLLS-R assessment in an efficient manner and then learn how to develop individual goals from that assessment. Besides being a great tool for determining the strengths and deficits of a child’s skill, it is also a perfect tool for developing an IEP for a child. Practical information provided for children involved in home based programs, center based programs and in the classroom. Information learned will be applicable for parents, consultants, therapists, administrators, regular education teachers and special education personnel and other professionals working with children with developmental delays.

DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2008

TIME: 9:30 – 3:30



LANCASTER, OH 43130-1081

COST: $100 per participant


Email Form fhl@...


Mail Form to: FH & L Intervention, 120920Hill Road North, Pickerington, OH 43147

This seminar is presented by Cheryl Jue, a Licensed Social Worker who is also a Board Certified

Behavior Analyst. She has been very effectively utilizing the ABLLS skills assessment in her practice with autistic children.


Registration Deadline: October 17, 2008

Please Print Clearly

Workshop: Conducting the ABLLS-R® Assessment and Implementing Program Goals

Name: ____________________________________________ Title/Position: _____________________

District:____________________________________________School: ____________________________


City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________________________

Phone: _______________________________________________________________________________

Email **: _____________________________________________________________________________

** Confirmations are sent by email

Payment by: Check __________ or Bill me / District***_________________

If Billing a District, who do we send the invoice to? (Please be very specific)




ODE's Procedures/Guidance - Time to comment!



Draft Guidance for Special Education Operating Standards Posted for Public Comment; Public Hearing Scheduled for Nov. 7

The public comment period for the Ohio Department of Education’s (ODE’s) draft manual titled Procedures and Guidance for Ohio Educational Agencies Serving Children with Disabilities is now open. ODE will receive comments about the Web-based document through Nov. 7 when the Department’s Office for Exceptional Children (OEC) will hold a public hearing on this topic.

The guidance draft provides districts with support for implementing newly revised operating standards or “rules†that serve as the framework for providing services to Ohio’s children with disabilities. Effective July 1, the rules were revised in response to changes in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) of 2004. The intent of these requirements is to ensure that children with disabilities have equal opportunity, full participation in education, independent living and economic self-sufficiency.

To access the Procedures and Guidance for Ohio Educational Agencies Serving Children with Disabilities, click here or go to www.edresourcesohio.org.

To submit feedback on the manual:

• Make comments online within each section of the Procedures and Guidance Manual. (Note that OEC already has completed the public review process for all but two forms that appear in section two; instructions for comm

enting on recently revised forms PR-06 and PR-07 will be posted in October.) Comment forms have been placed at the top of each section. Please send your comments on each section on the comment form for that section. This is so your comments can be understood as they relate to specific sections of the Guidance Document when the comments are taken into consideration by OEC staff members. Please note that when you are ready to send your comment, your must type “GUIDE†in the box above the Send Comment box in order for the comment to be sent. This step is for spam protection purposes. You will receive a reply - Mail sent successfully.

• Submit written comments to Shirley.crabtree@... or Office for Exceptional Children, Attention: Shirley Crabtree, 25 South Front Street, Columbus, OH 43215.

• Attend the public hearing from 1 to 3 p.m., Nov. 7, at the Dublin Metropolitan Library, 75 North High Street, Dublin, OH 43017.

Following the review of comments, the revised manual will be posted in January.

Please be advised that links are in the process of being connected and PDFs are also in progress.

If you need an interpreter or other services at the public hearing, please contact Shirley Crabtree at 614-387-2250 at least 48 hours prior to the hearing.

The Office for Exceptional Children would like to thank the OSU-Center for Special Needs Population for their assistance in creating this Guidance Manual.

Link to comment
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