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Re: human fetus--I'd like info

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I would like to have info from , List Owner regarding the use of

aborted human fetuses in the development of vaccines.



At 07:14 AM 3/17/99 -0700, you wrote:

>From: " Mom2Q " <mom2q@...>


>The MMR, chicken pox and IPV all use aborted human fetuses in the

>development of these vaccines. I have few articles that I could forward to

>you if you want!



>List Owner


> Re: human fetus



>From: Gena L Quinn <genaq@...>



>I recently read an article talking about how vaccines are made. In this


>it states that the disease germ is passed through tissue of an animal,

>such as

>chick embryos, monkey kidneys, and aborted human fetus. The purpose is


>weaken the germ. I did not realize that human fetus's were used. Does


>know which vaccination is used on fetus's?

>Love, Gena



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