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FW: Lyla Rose Belkin Dies From Hep B Shot - Very sad story

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>>> BELKIN REPORT Belkin Limited

>>November 8,

>>> 1998


>>> Mindless Vaccination Bureaucracy


>>> My daughter Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at

>>the age of

>>> five weeks, shortly after receiving a Hepatitis B vaccine

>>booster shot.

>>> The following comments are intended to be a heads up to

>>parents and

>>> potential parents about the risks of the Hepatitis B

>>vaccine (HBV), and

>>> a firsthand report questioning the scientific legitimacy

>>of the vaccine

>>> industry, which provides $800 million of annual revenue to

>>Merck -- the

>>> company which makes the Hepatitis B vaccine distributed in

>>the US.


>>> Lyla Rose Belkin was a lively, alert five-week-old baby

>>when I last held

>>> her in my arms. Little did I imagine as she gazed

>>intently into my eyes

>>> with all the innocence and wonder of a newborn child that

>>she would die

>>> that night. She was never ill before receiving the

>>Hepatitis B shot

>>> that afternoon. At her final feeding that night, she was

>>agitated and

>>> feisty -- and then fell asleep and didn't wake up. The

>>autopsy ruled

>>> out choking. A swollen brain was the only abnormal

>>finding. Most

>>> doctors I spoke to at the time said it must have been

>>Sudden Infant

>>> Death Syndrome (SIDS), a catch-all diagnosis for

>>unexplainable childhood

>>> mortality. The first instinctive reaction in such a

>>situation is for

>>> parents to blame themselves. For many weeks, my wife and

>>I agonized

>>> over what we might have missed or could have done


>>> Meanwhile, the logical part of my brain kept returning to

>>the obvious

>>> medical event that preceded Lyla's death -- and that

>>internal voice kept

>>> asking the question could the Hepatitis B Vaccine that

>>Lyla received

>>> that afternoon have killed her? Most doctors I asked

>>scoffed at that

>>> notion and said the vaccine was perfectly safe. But I

>>began to search

>>> around on the Internet and Medline and discovered

>>disturbing evidence of

>>> adverse reactions to this vaccine.


>>> In the US, the Hepatitis B disease mainly infects

>>intravenous drug

>>> users, homosexuals, prostitutes and promiscuous

>>heterosexuals. The

>>> disease is transmitted by blood, through sex or dirty

>>needles. How

>>> could a newborn baby possibly get Hepatitis B if the

>>mother was screened

>>> and tested negative, as my wife was? It is almost

>>impossible. Unless a

>>> newborn child is having unprotected sex or sharing needles

>>with an

>>> infected junkie, it is extremely unlikely to get the

>>Hepatitis B

>>> disease. So then why are most US babies inoculated at

>>birth by their

>>> Hospital or Pediatrician with the Hepatitis B vaccine?

>>That is a

>>> question every parent should ask before getting this

>>vaccination. I've

>>> discovered the answer is -- an unrestrained health

>>bureaucracy decided

>>> it couldn't get junkies, gays, prostitutes and promiscuous


>>> to take the Hepatitis B vaccine -- so they mandated that

>>all babies must

>>> be vaccinated at birth. Drug companies such as Merck

>>(reaching for new

>>> markets) were instrumental in pushing government

>>scientists to adopt an

>>> at-birth Hepatitis B vaccination policy, although the

>>vaccine was never

>>> tested in newborns and no vaccines had ever been mandated

>>at birth

>>> before. It is widely recognized that newborns have


>>> immune systems, which can be overwhelmed or shocked.


>>> My search for answers about a link between the Hepatitis B

>>vaccine and

>>> my daughter's death led me to a Hepatitis B vaccine

>>workshop on October

>>> 26th at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Institute

>>of Medicine

>>> entitled Vaccine Safety Forum -- Neonatal Deaths. The NAS

>>was concerned

>>> enough about reports of Hepatitis B vaccine-related infant

>>deaths and

>>> adverse reactions to hold a special workshop on the

>>subject. Doctors

>>> and scientists flew in from all over the US and Europe to

>>attend. I sat

>>> in the back and soaked it all up. It was a real

>>eye-opener. There were

>>> basically four constituencies represented: 1) Serious


>>> observing or presenting research studies. 2) Center for

>>Disease Control

>>> (CDC) pseudo-statisticians and FDA officials. 3) Merck

>>and other

>>> corporate drug officials and 4) Parents of

>>vaccine-related dead or

>>> severely injured children.


>>> The presentations included a study of Animal Models of

>>Newborn Response

>>> to Antigen Presentation, which showed that newborn immune

>>systems were

>>> undeveloped and strikingly different than those of

>>adults. The message

>>> I received was that immune response in a newborn to shocks

>>such as being

>>> injected with a vaccine was potentially unknown, since

>>newborn T-Cells

>>> have a radically different behavior then those of adults.


>>> presentation was Strategies for Evaluating the Biologic

>>Mechanisms of

>>> Hepatitis B Vaccine Reactions, in which vaccine researcher

>>Dr. Bonnie

>>> Dunbar of Baylor College related numerous Hepatitis

>>B-vaccine related

>>> cases of nervous system damage in adults, such as Multiple


>>> seizures and blindness. On the more positive side, the

>>FDA presented a

>>> seemingly reassuring study from its Vaccine Adverse

>>Effects Reporting

>>> System (VAERS), which showed only 19 neonatal deaths

>>reported since 1991

>>> related to Hepatitis B vaccination.


>>> I found the VAERS study data to be completely deceptive.

>>Since I was

>>> sitting in that room and my daughter had died during their

>>sample period

>>> and wasn't counted -- I wondered why. In fact, the New

>>York City

>>> Coroner called VAERS to report my daughter's Hepatitis B


>>> infant death and no one ever returned their call! What

>>kind of

>>> reporting system doesn't return the calls of the NY City


>>> Examiner -- and how many other reports were ignored? This

>>is supposed

>>> to be the emergency 911 number for disasters such as bad

>>lots of vaccine

>>> that could poison thousands of other babies. With the


>>> knowledge that the VAERS data was completely flawed, I sat

>>in that room

>>> and listened in amazement as CDC officials and Dr. Sharrar

>>of Merck

>>> (their head of vaccine safety) made disparaging comments

>>about any

>>> possible risk from Hepatitis B vaccination, despite the

>>evidence just

>>> presented by impartial scientists.


>>> I studied statistics and econometrics at UC Berkeley and

>>have developed

>>> innovative methods of applying probability to financial

>>and economic

>>> data in my consulting business with some of the largest


>>> institutions in the world. That training and experience

>>qualifies me to

>>> criticize the statistical legitimacy of the VAERS study,

>>on which

>>> Sharrar of Merck and the CDC pseudo-scientists based their


>>> pro-vaccination stance. Their comments were scathingly

>>dismissive of any

>>> possible risk from the vaccine. But that VAERS study is

>>not a

>>> legitimate sample of a data set from which any conclusions

>>about the

>>> larger population can be made. VAERS doesn't return

>>coroner's calls,

>>> leading to the suspicion that deaths and adverse effects


>>> vaccination are woefully under-reported. To conclude that

>>the Hepatitis

>>> B vaccine is safe because VAERS only reports 19 deaths is


>>> fraud. In fact, I obtained the raw data from the VAERS

>>system and found

>>> 54 reported SIDS cases after Hepatitis B vaccination in

>>just the 18

>>> months from January 1996 -- May 1997. That's almost 15

>>times as many

>>> deaths per year as their own flawed study reported. There

>>are 17,000

>>> reports of adverse reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine in the

>>1996-97 raw

>>> data. Clearly something is fishy about VAERS. VAERS was

>>set up by the

>>> FDA and CDC and is supposed to be monitored by vaccine


>>> If there are 17,000 reports and VAERS doesn't even return

>>the NY Medical

>>> Examiner's call, how many other deaths and injuries go

>>unreported? I

>>> came away from that NAS workshop with the distinct

>>impression that Merck

>>> and the CDC didn't know and didn't really want to know how

>>many babies

>>> are being killed or injured by Hepatitis B vaccination.

>>This is a

>>> bureaucratic vaccination program that is on auto-pilot

>>flying into a

>>> mountain. The CDC bureaucrats have a vested interest in

>>the status

>>> quo. If there were 17,000 reports of a dangerous disease

>>in a 18 month

>>> period, the CDC would be all over the case. But when

>>there are 17,000

>>> reports of adverse reactions to a vaccine the CDC

>>advocates for " public

>>> health " -- the CDC dismisses it as a coincidence. Merck

>>makes $50 a

>>> shot from the three-shot series. Where do you think the

>>allegiance of

>>> their vaccine safety official Dr. Sharrar lies? He was by

>>far the most

>>> arrogant character at the workshop. Merck has sales of

>>upwards of $800

>>> million a year from vaccines.


>>> Vaccination can be a lifesaver if an epidemic is raging,

>>but in this

>>> case the risk of vaccination outweighs the risk of infants

>>getting the

>>> disease. Surely, the hepatitis B vaccine doesn't injure

>>every child

>>> that gets it, but in some unknown number of cases, it

>>appears to be a

>>> death sentence and/or a nervous system toxin to innocent

>>children who

>>> are at no risk of getting the disease the vaccine is

>>supposed to protect

>>> against. My observations of Merck and CDC scientists at

>>the Vaccine

>>> Safety Forum left me with the distinct impression that

>>they had

>>> absolutely no idea which babies might be killed or injured

>>by this

>>> vaccine. Furthermore, they used obviously flawed

>>scientific data to

>>> arrogantly steamroller any opposition to their power.

>>Parents should be

>>> aware that the Hepatitis B vaccine is not administered for


>>> well-being of their child. Rather, it is delivered by the

>>long arm of

>>> some incompetent and mindless bureaucracy in the name of

>>stamping out a

>>> disease most babies can't possibly get. The Drug


>>> alliance has really pulled the wool over the medical

>>profession's eyes

>>> with the Hepatitis B vaccine. The American Pediatric

>>Society bought the

>>> alliance's sales pitch and now recommends that all infants

>>get this

>>> vaccine at birth. So now the first thing most babies get

>>in life is a

>>> shock to their immune system from a vaccine against a

>>non-existent risk

>>> of contracting Hepatitis B. Clearly, the interests of

>>newborn babies

>>> were not represented on the original panel that created

>>this vaccination

>>> policy in 1991. This vaccine has no benefit whatsoever

>>for newborns, in

>>> fact it wears off and they will need booster shots later

>>in life when

>>> they actually could get exposed to the disease.


>>> This is simply a case of ravenous corporate greed and


>>> bureaucracy teaming up to overwhelm common sense. Merck

>>in particular

>>> has gone way over the edge with this vaccination program.

>>Ignoring and

>>> suppressing reports of adverse reactions to their

>>profitable Hepatitis B

>>> vaccine verges on criminal conduct. A major media

>>organization will

>>> soon present an investigative report on the issues

>>discussed here.

>>> Nothing will ever bring my lovely daughter Lyla back, but

>>other needless

>>> deaths and injuries can be prevented if this senseless

>>Hepatitis B

>>> newborn vaccination program is halted. Please contact

>>Belkin Limited in

>>> New York City if you are aware of other infant deaths that

>>may be

>>> related to the Hepatitis B vaccine.

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