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Re: ear infection----try vinegar

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In a message dated 6/3/99 11:33:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

jbarnard@... writes:

<< Braggs is good >>


I was extremely ill back in January with a severe sinus infection, high

fever and flu symptoms. I used Braggs vinegar in helping me get rid of the

junk in my head. Put 8 ozs of water and about 1-3 tbs. of vinegar. I was at

the point where I really didn't mind it! Boy, does it clear out the junk in

your nose FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great stuff!


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HI Sherri,

I drank the vinegar. About 1-3 tbsp. in about 8 ozs of water. I would

just sip and sip.

My Mother in law uses a garlic press and presses the juice out of garlic and

puts the juice in a eyedropper and puts it up her nose. She SWEARS that this

will stop a cold or sinus infection in it's tracks!

I tried it once, well, let me just say that it was not pleasant, IT BURNED!

It's not for me, but maybe someone else will find this helpful!


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Kerin... did you drink the vinegar... or spray it

in your sinuses??


Batwing30@... wrote:

> From: Batwing30@...


> In a message dated 6/3/99 11:33:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> jbarnard@... writes:


> << Braggs is good >>

> HI!

> I was extremely ill back in January with a severe sinus infection, high

> fever and flu symptoms. I used Braggs vinegar in helping me get rid of the

> junk in my head. Put 8 ozs of water and about 1-3 tbs. of vinegar. I was at

> the point where I really didn't mind it! Boy, does it clear out the junk in

> your nose FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great stuff!

> Kerin


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  • 12 years later...

The best luck I've had with my granddaughter is equal parts APPLE CIDER

vinegar and water about 1/8 dropperful put into her ears at night and

morning and stopped up with cotton for the first couple days. Then just let

it run in and run out for another few days.

The best vinegar is the kind purchased at a health food store--natural.

Braggs is good but I buy it by the gallon so I get Spectrum Naturals---

unfiltered,, organic raw and unpasturized.

It is distributed by: Spectrum Naturals Inc.

133 Copeland Street

Petaluma, California



At 11:25 PM 6/2/99 +1000, you wrote:

>From: <janemacross@...>


>You can try homeopathy while you're waiting for the doctor, although there

are specific remedies for ear probs, it would be better for you to get a

decent homeopath to give you an ear remedy if the Aconite doesn't stop it in

its tracks immediately, than automatically rach for the A/B's: Ferrum Phos

6x or 12x is also good, maybe you will find it from your health food store

as a cell salt? Once you find the remedy that helps each child you can use

it for most things for that child, regardless of the symptoms, with

homeopathy you are treating the whole person, not the desease; it needs to

be given as soon as you see that the child is " off colour " even before the

earache is mentioned. You will develop more awareness of the child's needs

when you go this way. And this way you build a strong immune system instead

of one that is burdened with anti-biotics from the start.

>It is also better to use these remedies than anti-biotics if you can

because you get to the root of the problem, which may not be coming from

the ear at all.

>Using anti-biotics, the child had to recover from the problem thats causing

the ear and then the anti-biotic itself.

>Is the child having to listen to something it doesn't like?

>parents fighting can hurt, someone else saying something that worries them

but which parents may not know about, clever games may track it down, TV can

be pretty gross -- allowing the child to go to sleep at night with some

beautiful & gentle music can help (Angel Love by Aoleiah (I can't spell it)

is beautiful for this) there's lots of wonderful music that offers balm to

young ears. Even some gentle chanting.

>Good wishes



>HOMEOPATHY SIMPLIFIED: please delete if it's already been printed

> Homeopathy is very complex but from my experience there are two basic

remedies for most needs, especially for children who shouldn't yet be

complex in their health problems.

>>These are Aconite & Arnica.

>>The different potencies apply to the different 'bodies' so 6x or 12x

>strength is suitable for the physical body in most cases.

>>Aconite is for initial symptoms of most childhood diseases. A child's

>mother almost always knows immediately the child is sick or has an altered

>physical state and this is the time for Aconite, traditionally used for

>fevers, colds etc., but these ARE the primary symptoms for most of the

>childhood diseases; you know, the child looks " flushed & off colour "

>Aconite will usually bring relief. Sugar pills are easy for the child to

>take, should be given 3 x daily for 1 week to 10 days. You then wont always

>know what you have cured, but does this matter?

>>What I find exciting is that Aconite is used for all types of shock, who

>knows that shock may jolt a child in such a way that it allows the disease

>to take hold, so you are curing this " shocked " state and protecting

>against all nature of disease.

>>It is a very different way of looking at the disease process, very low key,

>but very effective.

>>Arnica is used for bumps & bruises, 6x & 12x strengths are again those most

>commonly needed for children.

>>Can you get homeopathy remedies ok where you are?

>>Are you familiar with homeopathy? What its best not to consume whilst

>you're taking the remedies etc.?

>>I haven't read Kaisha's story yet, would you mind sending me a summary of

>her reaction, symptoms & present condition?

>>Good wishes





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