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This morning I was listening to WTAG radio. There was a short thing in

vaccines. Have you heard that they are trying to get one for Hep A and

earaches. Earaches!! Interesting... I didn't know if anyone else has heard

of this.

Take Care!

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What next!! Perhaps many children wouldn't have earaches if their tiny,

fragile immune system wasn't attacked in the first place by vaccines at

birth. Thanks for the info.



> From: <karen@...>

> Vaccinationsonelist

> Subject: Re: (no subject)

> Date: Friday, February 26, 1999 8:11 AM


> From: <karen@...>


> Hello,

> This morning I was listening to WTAG radio. There was a short thing in

> vaccines. Have you heard that they are trying to get one for Hep A and

> earaches. Earaches!! Interesting... I didn't know if anyone else has


> of this.

> Take Care!




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Ta Da! Come see our new web site!


> Onelist: A free email community service

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The Hep A vaccine has been around for awhile now but not used widely until

now. They are trying to mandate Hep A for all school children across the

country. I know Washington State is fighting the Hep A as we speak. The

" ear infection " vaccine may be released as soon as the fall. I have some

info on it somewhere and will forward it to the group next week.

Off for the weekend. Have a great weekend everyone!!

List Owner

Re: (no subject)

From: <karen@...>


This morning I was listening to WTAG radio. There was a short thing in

vaccines. Have you heard that they are trying to get one for Hep A and

earaches. Earaches!! Interesting... I didn't know if anyone else has heard

of this.

Take Care!


Ta Da! Come see our new web site!

Onelist: A free email community service

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Yes! I've heard about that! They did a big news article on it here in

Utah about how there soon will be a vaccination for ear infections.

That is just wonderful, don't you think? I mean, how are they going to

prove ear infections life threatening? CP used to be OK to get, now

hundreds die a year, and all must be protected. What are they going to

use for ear infections?


>From bounce-vaccinations--1058-rands68=hotmail.comonelist Fri Feb

26 08:20:13 1999

>Received: (qmail 1845 invoked by alias); 26 Feb 1999 16:11:59 -0000

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<Vaccinationsonelist>; Fri, 26 Feb 1999 11:12:33 -0500

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>From: <karen@...>



>This morning I was listening to WTAG radio. There was a short thing in

>vaccines. Have you heard that they are trying to get one for Hep A and

>earaches. Earaches!! Interesting... I didn't know if anyone else has


>of this.

>Take Care!





>Ta Da! Come see our new web site!


>Onelist: A free email community service


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Can anyone help me in finding info on homeopathy and " alternative "

medicine. I am interested in looking into this. I have decided not to

vaccinate my little one. My doctor would like me to. I don't really see

the point of taking in every couple months to be weighed and

measured, but my husband thinks maybe we should take him in just in case

he gets something from not being vaccinated, but we would know if he was

sick or had an earache I would think.... Any ideas. You can email me


Sherri O'Lonergan wrote:

> Hi .


> Yes, there is an " alternative " homeopathic approach,

> although if you talk to most naturopathic dr's they do

> not call it an " alternative " ... protecting their own

> butts. From what I understand they are effective, natural

> and without any adverse side effects.


> I am using them with my son (7 mo) and to date he has

> had no colds, flu, ear infections, etc.


> Hope this helps!


> Sherri





> Troy Lucas wrote:


>> Does anyone know about alternative homeopathic vaccinations? I

>> don't know if I am wording it correctly, but basically they are

>> homeopathic remedies that give the immunity to the diseases in the

>> same fashion that a vaccination would. Also, sorrya bout the 2 times

>> I forwarded messags on the digest mode and everyone got the entire

>> digest along with it. Embarrassing! I had no idea it would do

>> that.


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Hi .

I have pursued finding a naturopathic doctor and

was very happy with the results. He gave me several

homeopathic 'alternatives' (although he did not want

to refer to them as an alternative to vaccines - to cover

his own butt) but here they are:

Pertussinum 200K Diptherinum 200K

Influenzinum 200K Tetanotoxinum 200K

Rubeolinum 200K Tuberculinum 200K

Morbillinum 200K Variolunum 200K

Parotidinum 200K Lathyrus 200K

They are to be administered during a non-illness time

(colds, etc.) and are given twice a day (15 min. before/

after meals) for three consequetive days followed by

10 days of no administration. They are, from my

understanding, preventative in nature and are not reserved

for the onset of an illness and are to be repeated each

year until the child is 4 and then repeated at age 6, 9 and

12 (not exactly sure of ages as I'm not looking at my information).

The Dr. we used was Dr. and I'm sure if

you can't find anyone else to help that he'd be happy to

talk to you about administering the nosodes to you. His

number is 719-635-4776.

Hope this helps!!



> Hello,

> Can anyone help me in finding info on homeopathy and " alternative "

> medicine. I am interested in looking into this. I have decided not to

> vaccinate my little one. My doctor would like me to. I don't really

> see the point of taking in every couple months to be weighed and

> measured, but my husband thinks maybe we should take him in just in

> case he gets something from not being vaccinated, but we would know if

> he was sick or had an earache I would think.... Any ideas. You can

> email me privately.



> Sherri O'Lonergan wrote:


>> Hi .


>> Yes, there is an " alternative " homeopathic approach,

>> although if you talk to most naturopathic dr's they do

>> not call it an " alternative " ... protecting their own

>> butts. From what I understand they are effective, natural

>> and without any adverse side effects.


>> I am using them with my son (7 mo) and to date he has

>> had no colds, flu, ear infections, etc.


>> Hope this helps!


>> Sherri





>> Troy Lucas wrote:


>> > Does anyone know about alternative homeopathic vaccinations? I

>> > don't know if I am wording it correctly, but basically they are

>> > homeopathic remedies that give the immunity to the diseases in the

>> > same fashion that a vaccination would. Also, sorrya bout the 2

>> > times I forwarded messags on the digest mode and everyone got the

>> > entire digest along with it. Embarrassing! I had no idea it would

>> > do that.


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the best way is probably to find a good naturopath or homeopath. they

are much more open on the vaccination issue and not subjected to the

greed of the pharmaceuticals! it also helps to find out yourself about

alternative medicine. there are plenty of books on homeopathy

specifically written for the layman which are available at any bigger


hope this helps.

love and light


--- <karen@...> wrote:


> Hello,

> Can anyone help me in finding info on homeopathy and " alternative "

> medicine. I am interested in looking into this. I have decided not to

> vaccinate my little one. My doctor would like me to. I don't really


> the point of taking in every couple months to be weighed and

> measured, but my husband thinks maybe we should take him in just in


> he gets something from not being vaccinated, but we would know if he


> sick or had an earache I would think.... Any ideas. You can email me

> privately.



> Sherri O'Lonergan wrote:


> > Hi .

> >

> > Yes, there is an " alternative " homeopathic approach,

> > although if you talk to most naturopathic dr's they do

> > not call it an " alternative " ... protecting their own

> > butts. From what I understand they are effective, natural

> > and without any adverse side effects.

> >

> > I am using them with my son (7 mo) and to date he has

> > had no colds, flu, ear infections, etc.

> >

> > Hope this helps!

> >

> > Sherri

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Troy Lucas wrote:

> >

> >> Does anyone know about alternative homeopathic vaccinations? I

> >> don't know if I am wording it correctly, but basically they are

> >> homeopathic remedies that give the immunity to the diseases in the

> >> same fashion that a vaccination would. Also, sorrya bout the 2


> >> I forwarded messags on the digest mode and everyone got the entire

> >> digest along with it. Embarrassing! I had no idea it would do

> >> that.

> >



<!doctype html public " -//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en " >


<body bgcolor= " #FFFFFF " >


<br>Can anyone help me in finding info on homeopathy and " alternative "

medicine. I am interested in looking into this. I have decided not to


my little one. My doctor would like me to. I don't really see the point

of taking in every couple months to be weighed and measured, but my

husband thinks maybe we should take him in just in case he gets


from not being vaccinated, but we would know if he was sick or had an


I would think.... Any ideas. You can email me privately.


<p>Sherri O'Lonergan wrote:

<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hi .

<p>Yes, there is an " alternative " homeopathic approach,

<br>although if you talk to most naturopathic dr's they do

<br>not call it an " alternative " ... protecting their own

<br>butts.  From what I understand they are effective, natural

<br>and without any adverse side effects.

<p>I am using them with my son (7 mo) and to date he has

<br>had no colds, flu, ear infections, etc.

<p>Hope this helps!





<p>Troy Lucas wrote:

<blockquote TYPE=CITE> <font color= " #000000 " ><font size=-1>Does anyone

know about alternative homeopathic vaccinations?  I don't know if

I am wording it correctly, but basically they are homeopathic remedies

that give the immunity to the diseases in the same fashion that a


would.</font></font> <font color= " #000000 " ><font size=-1>Also, sorrya


the 2 times I forwarded messags on the digest mode and everyone got the

entire digest along with it.  Embarrassing!  I had no idea it

would do that.</font></font> <font color= " #000000 " ><font






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http://www.freeyellow.com/members6/saraavidolphin/page1.html channelings about

atlantis and today

icq 8082968 subscribe to NATURAL_PARENT,


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what is the difference between these vaccines and the ones you recieve



Sherri O'Lonergan wrote:

> Hi .


> I have pursued finding a naturopathic doctor and

> was very happy with the results. He gave me several

> homeopathic 'alternatives' (although he did not want

> to refer to them as an alternative to vaccines - to cover

> his own butt) but here they are:


> Pertussinum 200K Diptherinum 200K

> Influenzinum 200K Tetanotoxinum 200K

> Rubeolinum 200K Tuberculinum 200K

> Morbillinum 200K Variolunum 200K

> Parotidinum 200K Lathyrus 200K


> They are to be administered during a non-illness time

> (colds, etc.) and are given twice a day (15 min. before/

> after meals) for three consequetive days followed by

> 10 days of no administration. They are, from my

> understanding, preventative in nature and are not reserved

> for the onset of an illness and are to be repeated each

> year until the child is 4 and then repeated at age 6, 9 and

> 12 (not exactly sure of ages as I'm not looking at my information).

> The Dr. we used was Dr. and I'm sure if

> you can't find anyone else to help that he'd be happy to

> talk to you about administering the nosodes to you. His

> number is 719-635-4776.


> Hope this helps!!


> Sherri






> wrote:


>> Hello,

>> Can anyone help me in finding info on homeopathy and " alternative "

>> medicine. I am interested in looking into this. I have decided not

>> to vaccinate my little one. My doctor would like me to. I don't

>> really see the point of taking in every couple months to be

>> weighed and measured, but my husband thinks maybe we should take him

>> in just in case he gets something from not being vaccinated, but we

>> would know if he was sick or had an earache I would think.... Any

>> ideas. You can email me privately.



>> Sherri O'Lonergan wrote:


>> > Hi .

>> >

>> > Yes, there is an " alternative " homeopathic approach,

>> > although if you talk to most naturopathic dr's they do

>> > not call it an " alternative " ... protecting their own

>> > butts. From what I understand they are effective, natural

>> > and without any adverse side effects.

>> >

>> > I am using them with my son (7 mo) and to date he has

>> > had no colds, flu, ear infections, etc.

>> >

>> > Hope this helps!

>> >

>> > Sherri

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Troy Lucas wrote:

>> >

>> >> Does anyone know about alternative homeopathic vaccinations? I

>> >> don't know if I am wording it correctly, but basically they are

>> >> homeopathic remedies that give the immunity to the diseases in

>> >> the same fashion that a vaccination would. Also, sorrya bout the

>> >> 2 times I forwarded messags on the digest mode and everyone got

>> >> the entire digest along with it. Embarrassing! I had no idea it

>> >> would do that.

>> >

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... you wouldn't happen to be from Colorado

Springs would you? Just curious... " Mollica " is

very familiar to me!

Anyway, the difference is that these homeopathic

nosodes are in no way " vaccines " - they are derived

homeopathically. If you're not sure what that means

you can do some more research if my explanation isn't

enough. First, homeopathy is a science that has been

around 100+ years and its philosophy is that you take

a substance and dilute it and dilute it until there is not

even one molecule of the original substance left. It is

believed that " less is more " and that is the major difference

between homeopathic and allopathic (traditional dr's

approach). When they inject our children with their

vaccines they are injecting the actual virus directly

into the bloodstream. Not only that but it is injected

with other foreign substances like formaldehyde (used

to deactivate the live virus), mercury and foreign (monkey,

pig, etc.) animal tissue (where they culture the virus

and then remove it). These injections miss the very first

line of our immune system defense - our mucos membranes,

the lymph system and our intensinal system. They are injected

directly into our bloodstream and it is up to our little baby's

immune systems to be strong enough to fight them off... sometimes

it works - other times the baby develops severe reactions

such as seizures, brain damage or worse they just die.

I hope this offers more insight. I'm in no way an expert

but I'm sure talking to Dr. would be even more




> what is the difference between these vaccines and the ones you

> recieve normally?

> Thanks!


> Sherri O'Lonergan wrote:


>> Hi .


>> I have pursued finding a naturopathic doctor and

>> was very happy with the results. He gave me several

>> homeopathic 'alternatives' (although he did not want

>> to refer to them as an alternative to vaccines - to cover

>> his own butt) but here they are:


>> Pertussinum 200K Diptherinum 200K

>> Influenzinum 200K Tetanotoxinum 200K

>> Rubeolinum 200K Tuberculinum 200K

>> Morbillinum 200K Variolunum 200K

>> Parotidinum 200K Lathyrus 200K


>> They are to be administered during a non-illness time

>> (colds, etc.) and are given twice a day (15 min. before/

>> after meals) for three consequetive days followed by

>> 10 days of no administration. They are, from my

>> understanding, preventative in nature and are not reserved

>> for the onset of an illness and are to be repeated each

>> year until the child is 4 and then repeated at age 6, 9 and

>> 12 (not exactly sure of ages as I'm not looking at my information).

>> The Dr. we used was Dr. and I'm sure if

>> you can't find anyone else to help that he'd be happy to

>> talk to you about administering the nosodes to you. His

>> number is 719-635-4776.


>> Hope this helps!!


>> Sherri






>> wrote:


>> > Hello,

>> > Can anyone help me in finding info on homeopathy and " alternative "

>> > medicine. I am interested in looking into this. I have decided not

>> > to vaccinate my little one. My doctor would like me to. I don't

>> > really see the point of taking in every couple months to be

>> > weighed and measured, but my husband thinks maybe we should take

>> > him in just in case he gets something from not being vaccinated,

>> > but we would know if he was sick or had an earache I would

>> > think.... Any ideas. You can email me privately.

>> >

>> >

>> > Sherri O'Lonergan wrote:

>> >

>> >> Hi .

>> >>

>> >> Yes, there is an " alternative " homeopathic approach,

>> >> although if you talk to most naturopathic dr's they do

>> >> not call it an " alternative " ... protecting their own

>> >> butts. From what I understand they are effective, natural

>> >> and without any adverse side effects.

>> >>

>> >> I am using them with my son (7 mo) and to date he has

>> >> had no colds, flu, ear infections, etc.

>> >>

>> >> Hope this helps!

>> >>

>> >> Sherri

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >> Troy Lucas wrote:

>> >>

>> >> > Does anyone know about alternative homeopathic vaccinations?

>> >> > I don't know if I am wording it correctly, but basically they

>> >> > are homeopathic remedies that give the immunity to the diseases

>> >> > in the same fashion that a vaccination would. Also, sorrya bout

>> >> > the 2 times I forwarded messags on the digest mode and everyone

>> >> > got the entire digest along with it. Embarrassing! I had no

>> >> > idea it would do that.

>> >>

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

HI ya Cardiotocograph that is what the monitor is called. And dopplers are

ultrasound too , some women don't know that. YOUr place of work sounds

like a mad house.


> From: Marcy Koltun-Crilley <marcy@...>

> Vaccine list <Vaccinationsonelist>

> Subject: (no subject)

> Date: Monday, 5 April 1999 20:10


> From: Marcy Koltun-Crilley <marcy@...>


> Message: 7

> Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 08:53:05 +1200

> From: " jenick " <jenick@...>

> Subject: Re: Birth plan,


> Kia ora: Great to hear your expereinces. One question about

> auscultation...do you have dopplers or only the CTG. Why wouldnt the

> women

> LET you listen to bubs heart?


> Take care I am feeding my babe and can' really type with one hand.


> see ya


> ----------

> Not really sure what you are asking?

> CTG ? were I work we have one or two handheld dopplers ( usually used

> for fetus under 23 weeks) and otherwise we have fetal monitors.


> " Why wouldnt the women LET you listen to bubs heart? "

> The ones that do not usually seem to have a preconceived notion that we

> will

> say something is wrong , or that ultra sound is harmful, or mostly it

> bothers them and they do not want to hold still and feel it is not

> needed and they have a normal situation.

> These are the answers I get.

> However, it is rare that someone will not let us listen at all after

> giving explanation.

> More common is they say OK but then do not co-operate long enough to get

> more then

> a few seconds of listening.


> Marcy



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Hi Theresa!

I am looking for it too!! I tried to search their archives online, but

got nowhere. I thought the year was '86?? Guess I'm way off, but

anxioulsy awaiting responses to your post too!!!


Theresa wrote:

> Hi everyone. Can anyone please tell me which month the article " The

> Lethal Dangers of the Billion Dollar Vaccine Business " appeared in the

> MONEY magazine during 1996? I phoned for a back issue, but they need

> to know which month the article appeared in. Thanks!! Theresa -

> mother to Cassandra 10mos. old and very healthy...breastfeeding and

> never vaccinated

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I have an e-mail version of this article. I will repost it to the list so

all the new people can read it. Be warned...it is pretty long and will be

in two e-mails.

List Owner

(no subject)

Hi everyone. Can anyone please tell me which month the article " The

Lethal Dangers of the Billion Dollar Vaccine Business " appeared in the MONEY

magazine during 1996? I phoned for a back issue, but they need to know

which month the article appeared in. Thanks!! Theresa - mother to

Cassandra 10mos. old and very healthy...breastfeeding and never vaccinated

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Hi Theresa-

The article appeared in December 1996. It is about 10 pages if not

longer. It has alot about the political background. There was also

another article in New Yorker magazine either in November orDecember

1996. I have not yet gotten to find or read this article...this is on

the list to do.

Theresa wrote:

> Hi everyone. Can anyone please tell me which month the article " The

> Lethal Dangers of the Billion Dollar Vaccine Business " appeared in the

> MONEY magazine during 1996? I phoned for a back issue, but they need

> to know which month the article appeared in. Thanks!! Theresa -

> mother to Cassandra 10mos. old and very healthy...breastfeeding and

> never vaccinated


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Thank you so much. I just want to say that I think this list is GREAT. I

have learned SO much, and everyone is so incredibly helpful. With every day

that passes that I turn on my computer and read more about what everyone is

saying about vaccines, the websites, and all the info available I am that

much more happy that I have decided absolutely positively NO VACCINES for my

children. Thank you everyone, for your letters and replies have saved


Re: (no subject)

>From: Reiss <lisa@...>


>Hi Theresa-

>The article appeared in December 1996. It is about 10 pages if not

>longer. It has alot about the political background. There was also

>another article in New Yorker magazine either in November orDecember

>1996. I have not yet gotten to find or read this article...this is on

>the list to do.



>Theresa wrote:


>> Hi everyone. Can anyone please tell me which month the article " The

>> Lethal Dangers of the Billion Dollar Vaccine Business " appeared in the

>> MONEY magazine during 1996? I phoned for a back issue, but they need

>> to know which month the article appeared in. Thanks!! Theresa -

>> mother to Cassandra 10mos. old and very healthy...breastfeeding and

>> never vaccinated



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Some comments on this, coming from a parent who has selectively vaccinated

her 3 year old son, but at this point would be hard-pressed to allow any

further shots.

<< The advice I aways give to nonvaccinating parents is that they have

taken on a great responsibility to educate themselves in the signs,

symptoms and consequences of the infections thier children are

susceptable to. These are not " scare tactics " but rather a " wide-awake "

approach to the realities of these infections. Oddly though, I find a

" head in the sand " attitude very often, almost like " if we don't think

about our child getting sick, it won't happen " . I find this odd, since

these same parents are so very concerned about damage that might be

caused by vaccines; yet are unwilling to educate themselves on the very

real dangers of the infections.>><< I am very concerned that people who are

not vaccinating are somehow not getting all the information they need on how

to detect these illnesses while in the early and still manageable stages.>>

I disagree with this. From personal experience and in speaking with friends

who have questioned vaccinations, I find that all of us have immersed

ourselves in as much information as we can find in order to make these very

difficult decisions. My husband and I cried over some of these decisions -

it is a nearly impossible position to be put in, with experts on either side

of the issue. I don't think that any parent takes this responsibility

lightly for obvious reasons, and a non-vaccinating (or questioning) parent is

probably better informed about diseases and their dangers than a vaccinating

parent. And at the root of any questioning of vaccinations is a simple

formula - risk vs. benefit for both vaccine and disease. A vaccinating

parent is, in my experience, more likely to be " going with the flow " of what

their doctor is telling them to do and assuming that their child will not get

the disease they've been immunized against - and therefore not informed about

the actual disease/symptoms/danger. And, as is evident in studies done,

vaccinations do not guarantee immunity, so vaccinating parents are probably

less knowledgeable than non-vaccinating parents in terms of disease dangers.

<< Pertussis is a particularly tricky one-looks like any other sniffles for

up to 2 weeks before the " whooping " sets in. Once the characteristic cough

and respiratory

difficulty sets in, antibiotics do no good. So an unimmunized child with

a " cold " needs to be watched much more carefully. Pertussis is generally

passed from an adult to a child so daycare is not the main source.

Pertussis looks like a typical cold in the adult. Pertussis is very

serious in children under a year usually requiring hospitalization up to

2 weeks to keep the lungs functioning with ventilators, nebulizers,

steroids, etc..>>

A serious disease for infants. It is unfortunate that such an ugly disease

is one of the more horrible vaccines. I can't dispute anything she says

here. I have heard of instances where whooping cough has been passed within

a family, and the vaccinated child seemed to have a worse case compared to

the non-vaccinated child. I don't know if that is common. But I can add

that vaccine efficacy is highly questionable (as in all vaccines) and

fatalities in children over 12 months are rare. Not very comforting when you

are faced with vaccinating your infant, but the repercussions of the vaccine

are not too comforting either.

<< Tetanus has no cure- it is a long painful death, contracted as easily as

from a prick with a rose thorn. If one is unimmunized for tetanus and gets a

cut, it takes 4

shots to get the immunity in place and these need to be started in the

first 48 hours.>>

First of all, from " The Vaccine Guide " you have 72 hours, not 48 hours. And

you have two choices: if you have had at least 2 doses of tetanus vaccine at

any time in your life, you will receive a booster injection (rapid and

adequate to prevent tetanus when given within 72 hours of injury); or if you

have had less than 2 previous tetanus vaccines, you will be given an

injection of Tetanus Immune Globulin, Human (TIG) for a serious wound. This

introduces antibodies directly into the body to fight tetanus bacteria. This

is passive immunity - you won't develop your own antibodies. Again,

sufficient to prevent tetanus if within 72 hours. While tetanus, if

contracted, is a really ugly disease and is potentially fatal - it is

POTENTIALLY fatal, not fatal without a cure. But again, it is ugly and you

do not want to get it. It is one of the more " milder " vaccines in terms of

reactions and needs to be considered depending upon your environment. But

based on this book, incidence of tetanus is approximately 50 cases per year

for the past 10 years, less than 10 of these cases are under 30 years old and

these cases are " rarely fatal. "

<< Anyway, there's alot of reasons why these illnesse were chosen for

vaccines and others not, among which they are often fatal or have serious

consequences, like polio (which still occurs in Mexico and can be carried by

anyone coming in from there, healthy or not).>>

Like chicken pox (primarily a vaccine to avoid parents missing work) or the

rubella vaccine (to protect women who have not been vaccinated)? Both of

these are vaccines (although varicella is still optional) for relatively mild


<<A good source for info on these diseases is someone who has worked with

them in person. Any practitioner who hasn't seen or experinced these things

has no reason to take them seriously and may not educate his patients

accurately/thoroughly. >>>>


Quite the opposite is true, I believe. I have gone into my pediatrician's

office and been given pamphlets detailing all the reasons to vaccinate, and

minimizing the side effects of the vaccine.

While I believe this woman is extremely caring and concerned for unvaccinated

children, I think she is misguided in many areas. I agree that the dangers

of diseases and their symptoms should be understood, but by ALL parents, as

vaccines are not guaranteed for immunity.


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Hello, I felt the need to comment on the below article.

I did vaccinate my children and I am now rethinking that. I did not realize

I had a choice! I thought I HAD to do it, this is what my doctor said when

I asked him if it was necessary.

Anyway, the below comments about being uneducated MAY apply to some who

vaccinate but not all. I know the symptoms of each illness, even though my

children were vaccinated against it. I had that 'what if' in the back of my

head; what if the vaccines don't work? I need to be prepared and KNOW what

the symptoms are, just in case.

Another thing on the Tetanus topic, my mother had Tetanus as a child. She

stepped on a rusty nail that went through the sole of her shoe into her

foot. She had the typical 'lock jaw' and was hospitalized, but (obviously!)

she did NOT die. Most of these 'fatal' illnesses are not fatal if you know

what the symptoms are and they are caught immediately.

Any parent, regardless of whether or not you vaccinate, should know the

symptons of ALL possible diseases your child could catch.

Just my thoughts...


From: Mom2jriver@...



Subject: (no subject)

Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 14:53:00 EDT

From: Mom2jriver@...

A friend sent me this from another list that she is on. Does anyone feel

like giving their thoughts on it. I would like to give my friend some

information from the other side of the issue.

<<<The advice I aways give to nonvaccinating parents is that they have

taken on a great responsibility to educate themselves in the signs,

symptoms and consequences of the infections thier children are

susceptable to. These are not " scare tactics " but rather a " wide-awake "

approach to the realities of these infections. Oddly though, I find a

" head in the sand " attitude very often, almost like " if we don't think

about our child getting sick, it won't happen " . I find this odd, since

these same parents are so very concerned about damage that might be

caused by vaccines; yet are unwilling to educate themselves on the very

real dangers of the infections. Pertussis is a particularly tricky

one-looks like any other sniffles for up to 2 weeks before the

" whooping " sets in. Once the characteristic cough and respiratory

difficulty sets in, antibiotics do no good. So an unimmunized child with

a " cold " needs to be watched much more carefully. Pertussis is generally

passed from an adult to a child so daycare is not the main source.

Pertussis looks like a typical cold in the adult. Pertussis is very

serious in children under a year usually requiring hospitalization up to

2 weeks to keep the lungs functioning with ventilators, nebulizers,

steroids, etc..

I am very concerned that people who are not vaccinating are somehow not

getting all the information they need on how to detect these illnesses

while in the early and still manageable stages. Tetanus has no cure- it

is a long painful death, contracted as easily as from a prick with a

rose thorn. If one is unimmunized for tetanus and gets a cut, it takes 4

shots to get the immunity in place and these need to be started in the

first 48 hours. Anyway, there's alot of reasons why these illnesse were

chosen for vaccines and others not, among which they are often fatal or

have serious consequences, like polio (which still occurs in Mexico and

can be carried by anyone coming in from there, healthy or not). A good

source for info on these diseases is someone who has worked with them in

person. Any practitioner who hasn't seen or experinced these things has

no reason to take them seriously and may not educate his patients


Because I have worked with people who have experienced these illnesses

and seen the lifelong effects and lengthy hospitalizations on tiny

children, I have a sense for the horror of both parents and children

when they are affected by these illnesses. Please... at least educate

yourselves on these illnesses.>>>>


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I think your friend is mostly right. Especially in children under 1, watch for

whooping cough. If anyone gets cuts or grazes, make sure they are washed out

properly with soap, then disinfectant or whatever cleaning regimen you go for.

If the cut has not bled, and occured around animal manures, then in might be

wise to consider using hydrogen peroxide etc.

We should be aware of these things whether our children are vaccinated or not.

We should learn about the symptoms of things like Diptheria (grey lining in

throat etc.), wash our hands carefully daily especially before meals and after

changing nappies (for polio) etc. etc.

Point is, vaccinated children do still get these diseases, so parents of

vaccinated children should certainly be aware of them also. Diseases in

vaccinated children may be harder to see as often they get the disease (like

whooping cough or measles) but normal symptoms do not appear. They have

'atypical' symptoms. Because vaccines do strange things to the immune system, a

vaccinated child's immune system will react differently to a disease than a

non-vaccinated sometimes, displaying symptoms of illness that are harder to

diagnose or find the cause for.

Of course, a vaccinated child may also have to deal with other problems of

general health, which a parent should be aware of.

But for the most part, this ladies advice is good. Just because you do vaccinate

or don't vaccinate, you should be aware of these things. I would think the

majority of kids go through childhood with no major problems, but it is prudent

to be aware.


At 02:53 PM 5/18/99 EDT, you wrote:

>From: Mom2jriver@...


>A friend sent me this from another list that she is on. Does anyone feel

>like giving their thoughts on it. I would like to give my friend some

>information from the other side of the issue.



><<<The advice I aways give to nonvaccinating parents is that they have

>taken on a great responsibility to educate themselves in the signs,

>symptoms and consequences of the infections thier children are

>susceptable to. These are not " scare tactics " but rather a " wide-awake "

>approach to the realities of these infections. Oddly though, I find a

> " head in the sand " attitude very often, almost like " if we don't think

>about our child getting sick, it won't happen " . I find this odd, since

>these same parents are so very concerned about damage that might be

>caused by vaccines; yet are unwilling to educate themselves on the very

>real dangers of the infections. Pertussis is a particularly tricky

>one-looks like any other sniffles for up to 2 weeks before the

> " whooping " sets in. Once the characteristic cough and respiratory

>difficulty sets in, antibiotics do no good. So an unimmunized child with

>a " cold " needs to be watched much more carefully. Pertussis is generally

>passed from an adult to a child so daycare is not the main source.

>Pertussis looks like a typical cold in the adult. Pertussis is very

>serious in children under a year usually requiring hospitalization up to

>2 weeks to keep the lungs functioning with ventilators, nebulizers,

>steroids, etc..

>I am very concerned that people who are not vaccinating are somehow not

>getting all the information they need on how to detect these illnesses

>while in the early and still manageable stages. Tetanus has no cure- it

>is a long painful death, contracted as easily as from a prick with a

>rose thorn. If one is unimmunized for tetanus and gets a cut, it takes 4

>shots to get the immunity in place and these need to be started in the

>first 48 hours. Anyway, there's alot of reasons why these illnesse were

>chosen for vaccines and others not, among which they are often fatal or

>have serious consequences, like polio (which still occurs in Mexico and

>can be carried by anyone coming in from there, healthy or not). A good

>source for info on these diseases is someone who has worked with them in

>person. Any practitioner who hasn't seen or experinced these things has

>no reason to take them seriously and may not educate his patients


>Because I have worked with people who have experienced these illnesses

>and seen the lifelong effects and lengthy hospitalizations on tiny

>children, I have a sense for the horror of both parents and children

>when they are affected by these illnesses. Please... at least educate

>yourselves on these illnesses.>>>>



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Tetanus from a rose thorn??!! I think NOT>>>Educate, I believe we have, and

it's the FALSE information out there that makes me nuts!! I honestly believe

that people " ASSUME " that people " like us " have not done our research, not to

mention much soul-searching on wether or not we should immunize; to even

insinuate that this decision is made casually is maddening!! Sorry for

ranting, but I just get so aggrivated with coments like that. By the mere

fact that we are all on this list DAILY looking for answers and asking

questions is enough for me. And, there has not been a cold with a cough that

my children have gotten that I HAVEN " T been careful to check for signs of

pertussis. Yes, I fear for them getting a disease that may be prevented by

an immunization, but have an even greater fear of the long term unknown

effects of the shots. People from Mexico can bring in Polio?? Then, why

isn't it running rampant in our society?? And why are the only cases of

polio in the U.S. from the SHOT??!! Trust me, we have done our homework and

we keep learning that the decisions we have made for our children at this

time are the right ones. And, might I add, not EVER made lightly. Okay, I

have said my piece. Blessings everyone. Nadine

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi, Joan.

There are pediatricians out there that treat you with respect, even though

you choose not to vaccinate, although they are admittedly a rare breed. At

the very least, they will be cordial while reminding you why you should

vaccinate. Keep looking!

In the meantime, if memory serves me correctly, I think the one you need to

look out for is the oral polio (they should not be giving it anymore, at

least not for the first two doses, but I've personally been aware of it still

happening). The injected polio is killed and should not present a problem as

it enters the bloodstream. But the oral is live and enters the

stomach/intestines and is eliminated in their poop. So it is possible to

catch it from a recently vaccinated child if you are in the vicinity of their

poopy diaper or (I would assume) if the child touched the poop then passed it

on. They will even warn you before giving your child the shot if you have

an immune-compromised person or an unvaccinated (polio) person living in the

household. I don't remember the actual amount of time that a child is

" contagious " in their shedding the live virus, I think it's at least a couple

of weeks.

I believe that this is the only vaccine that you can " catch " since it is live

and oral, therefore shed in the stools.


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Hi Joan,

I went through the same thing with doctors with my 2 yr old daughter since

her birth and I'm still trying to locate someone in my area who will see

her without pushing the issue of vaccinating.

She's pretty healthy, happy and smart too. She's around other children

constantly and doesn't get ill...so far so good! She was also exposed to

chicken pox a year ago and didn't get it. I'm just hoping for the best

whether she's vaccinated or not. Good luck to you and your little one.


> From: Jefkarp@...

> Vaccinationsonelist

> Subject: (no subject)

> Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 11:58 PM


> From: Jefkarp@...


> Hello,

> My husband and I are the parents of a very healthy, un-vaccinated 6 month


> daughter, who was born at home. We were lucky enough to have a friend

> suggest that we investigate the vaccine issue before I ever gave

> birth...otherwise, I wonder if we would have just followed the masses and

> vaccinated because that's just what everyone else does. We've tried to

> interview i.e. set up consultations with pediatricians to discuss our


> and etc. regarding vaccinations. The unprofessional manner in which most


> the nurses / secretaries fielded my initial questions was a real


> It became SO obvious that those of us that question the efficacy of


> are truly in the minority. It was intimated by more than one


> office that we were POOR parents for even considering NOT vaccinating.

All I

> wanted to do was gather information and discuss the issue - - that didn't

> seem too threatening...but I guess someone felt threatened. We had no


> At any rate. Our daughter is magnificent and very healthy...but we've not

> taken her to a pediatrician...reason being that if they agreed to consult

> with us, then, regardless of how we as parents felt about the issue of

> vaccine safety, our daughter would leave their office that very day


> been " shot " ...no if's, and's or but's. It really puts parents in a tough

> position...we want to do the right thing, but doctors make it so that


> completely one-sided: their way or not at all.


> But that's not so much what I wanted to write about as was a question

> concerning the safety of our daughther playing with vaccinated children.


> read some on the issue, but I can't find sufficient information regarding


> precautions we, as parents, need to take regarding our un-vaccinated

> children's interaction with the recently vaccinated. Does anyone have


> diffinitive info. that they could share. I'd really appreciate it.


> Joan Karp


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Cathi -

Thanks for the encouragement! We've just moved to a new area, so the search

for a pediatrician continues...but hopefully they'll be a bit more

open-minded around here. It's just discouraging sometimes, you know?

Thanks to for the info. re: transmission. That's pretty much what I figured,

but I wanted to be sure.

You don't know how excited I am to be on this list!

Thanks again! :)


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, this is SO true - handwashing. There was recently a backlash on all

the antibiotic soaps, lotions, etc. - apparently it was helping create an

environment where certain germs were becoming resistant (similar to what

we've done by overuse of antibiotics). Everyone was coming out in the

medical industry saying " simply wash your hands with warm water and soap -

OFTEN " . If you think of all the things we touch throughout the day (money,

keys, doorknobs, pens from strangers to sign our credit purchases).....Yuck.

And then I bite my nails! Quadruple Yuck. But simple soap and water is

fine - you don't need the added stuff.

A little neurotic hygiene thing that I do - when I absolutely have to use a

public restroom, I go to wash my hands at the sink, leave the water running

when I'm done, get a towel, wipe my hands, then using the towel I will turn

the water off and open the door with it - dump the towel in a garbage can

outside somewhere.

I read somewhere that it helps with kids to teach them to sing the " Happy

Birthday to you " song while they wash their hands - it's the perfect amount

of time for soapy hands before rinsing. I find myself singing it in my head

while I'm handwashing!


In a message dated 5/27/99 10:11:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lisa@... writes:

<< As far as your concern regarding precautions with vaccinated

children....I am VERY particular with hygiene. Most diseases BEGIN with

lack of proper hygiene. This does not mean I freak out but we are

particular. For example, if we go out when we come home we all wash our

hands, my husband washes his hands when he comes home from work so as

not to pass the germs, >>

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In a message dated 5/27/1999 9:11:41 PM Central Daylight Time,

lisa@... writes:


Learn about homeopathay...it is quite amazing how successful homeopathy

is.. >>

You know - we tried homeopathy for a couple of years with little or varied

success. Our highest hope for it was in treating our then infant son (7

months) for his severe eczema. We were living in Germany at the time - the

birthplace of homeopathy. We went to 2 very prominent Homeopathists in our

area over the course of our stay there and saw no change in his condition -

it was terribly disappointing. We bought one of the kits for our own

personal home use for minor symptoms such as colds, aches and such as well as

two books on homeopathy - one specifically geared towards treating children.

Again - saw little or no difference. I have personally seen better results

with the use of traditional herbology. I am not saying that homeopathy does

not work - but wanted to pass on my own experience in case others trying it

came across the same problems.

Bright Blessings


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I have been were you are...I would encourage if you can't find a

pediatrician to work with you (it took us almost 9 months after being

harassed by our pediatrician for almost 4 months) then go Alt. Locate a

chiropractor, homeopathic dr. or naturopathic. This way you atleast

have someone to consult should an emergency arise. Amazingly, my

homeopathic recommended his pediatrician who understands parents right

to not vaccinate...This way should an emergency arise we have a dr.

affiliated with a hospital who understands our position and/or should

she need antibiotics then the dr. has her history.

As far as your concern regarding precautions with vaccinated

children....I am VERY particular with hygiene. Most diseases BEGIN with

lack of proper hygiene. This does not mean I freak out but we are

particular. For example, if we go out when we come home we all wash our

hands, my husband washes his hands when he comes home from work so as

not to pass the germs, we do alot with boosting her immunity (ie. when

traveling I will increase her Vit. C intake and Echinacea..liquid

children's non-alcoholic), we discourage her from putting things in her

mouth (especially toys at play groups), if we have another child over to

the house and the child puts the toys in his mouth then once the child

leaves I will wash/disinfect those particular toys.....

If I am on my babysitting round of my co-op (a friend of mine and I

switch babysitting) then I am EXTREMALLY cautious with changing diapers.

Immediately, after a diaper change my hands get washed.

It may sound extreme but my daughter has not been sick. I think that

people who vaccinate forget the basics of disease avoidance. Once you

get into the habit it becomes routine.

My father made my daughter a stool for the bathroom to reach the sink.

Since age 1 she knows where the bathroom is and what it means to go and

wash her hands.

Just some ideas. I firmly believe that good hygiene, a boosted

immunity, and a child who eats wholesome foods (ie. organic, grains,

non-radiated (microwave), fresh) can fight most colds. My daughter has

not had an ear infection and she is now 16 months old. In Feb. when our

whole family came down with the flu....she walked away completely

unscathed (and I was not nursing...I had to stop when she was 9 months


Learn about homeopathay...it is quite amazing how successful homeopathy

is...it has been around for over 200 years. My favorite example of

homeopathy's success was in the 1800s when there was a scarlet fever

epidemic...Homeopathic hospitals had a 3% death rate while traditional

hospitals had a 33% death rate. Homeopathy also has " nosodes " . These

help during epidemics of pertussis, etc. It is taken orally. Research

it, it is quite amazing. Make sure to get the book Smart Medicine for a

Healthier Child (listed several times on this list)

Best wishes and welcome,

in CT

Jefkarp@... wrote:


> From: Jefkarp@...


> Hello,

> My husband and I are the parents of a very healthy, un-vaccinated 6 month old

> daughter, who was born at home. We were lucky enough to have a friend

> suggest that we investigate the vaccine issue before I ever gave

> birth...otherwise, I wonder if we would have just followed the masses and

> vaccinated because that's just what everyone else does. We've tried to

> interview i.e. set up consultations with pediatricians to discuss our options

> and etc. regarding vaccinations. The unprofessional manner in which most of

> the nurses / secretaries fielded my initial questions was a real eye-opener.

> It became SO obvious that those of us that question the efficacy of vaccines

> are truly in the minority. It was intimated by more than one pediatrician's

> office that we were POOR parents for even considering NOT vaccinating. All I

> wanted to do was gather information and discuss the issue - - that didn't

> seem too threatening...but I guess someone felt threatened. We had no luck.

> At any rate. Our daughter is magnificent and very healthy...but we've not

> taken her to a pediatrician...reason being that if they agreed to consult

> with us, then, regardless of how we as parents felt about the issue of

> vaccine safety, our daughter would leave their office that very day having

> been " shot " ...no if's, and's or but's. It really puts parents in a tough

> position...we want to do the right thing, but doctors make it so that it's

> completely one-sided: their way or not at all.


> But that's not so much what I wanted to write about as was a question

> concerning the safety of our daughther playing with vaccinated children. I've

> read some on the issue, but I can't find sufficient information regarding the

> precautions we, as parents, need to take regarding our un-vaccinated

> children's interaction with the recently vaccinated. Does anyone have some

> diffinitive info. that they could share. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

> Joan Karp


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> Discuss your thoughts; get informed at ONElist. See our homepage.




We Must Have The Freedom To Choose & Respect Everyone's Choice


Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical

OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you

implement that decision is yours and yours alone.

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