Guest guest Posted January 26, 2009 Report Share Posted January 26, 2009 Dear Friend of ASA-ASO: Visit ASA-ASO's website for an "easy to read" version if this does not come through clean on your listserv. Or sign up to receive your own copy by "registering" on the "login" section of ASA-ASO's homepage. News From ASA-ASO: - OSEP issues revised Regulations - Children's Medicaid Buy In Program Available in Ohio - ASA-ASO forming Ohio Autism Advocacy Network - Join Now! - Ohio BMV changes policy on Autism Awareness License Plate - Federal Update/Alerts Upcoming Events, Resources, etc: - News from the ASA-Northwest Ohio Chapter - ASA Statement on January 14, 2009 Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) Meeting- Special Issue of ASA "Autism Advocate" on ABA Available For Free Download - Sensory Friendly Movie Sat. Jan. 31 & ASA-Greater Cleveland Meeting Mon. Feb. 2, 2009 - BUILDING ON STRENGTHS: AUTISM CONFERENCE, Huron - 5th Annual Spaghetti Dinner/Live Auction to Benefit Camp I.D.E.A.S., Lorain - Article: Girls at Work: Discovering Employment Opportunities for Young Women with Disabilities - 2nd Annual West Central Ohio Autism Conference, Wapakoneta - Autism Research Institute Newsletter - Defeat Autism Now! Spring Conference - Webcast: Vocational Rehabilitation Service Models for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Webinar: Special Diets for Autism - Party for Individuals with Special Needs, Solon - New Job Board at Milestones Website - Article: Autism and Bullying at School - Book: Helping Children with Complex Needs Bounce Back - Milestones Autism Organization Presenting: Adolescent to Adult Workshop Series, NE Ohio - Jan 27 - Cleveland Area Biomedical Support Group Meeting - Article: Parents may be sensitive when first discussing children with autism - Spouses of Autistic Persons Support Group Meeting, Fairlawn ASA-ASO is now posting all research opportunities on our website. For information on available opportunities, visit our webpage, click on "Information" along the left side of the home page and then click on "Studies/Surveys". CHECK OUT NEW LISTINGS AND OPPORTUNITIES! Have you purchased your Ohio Autism Awareness License Plate yet? To purchase yours, visit and click on "Specialty Plates" or visit our website at for more information. Sincerely,The Autism Society of America - Autism Society of Ohio Chapter701 S. Main St.Akron, OH 44311( 330) 376-0211fax: (330) 376-1226email: askASO@...web: Please note: This is provided for information purposes only. The ASA-ASO does not endorse or recommend any providers, methodologies or services. Providing this information should not be construed as an endorsement by the ASA-ASO, either explicit or implied. News From ASA-ASO: OSEP issues revised Regulations The Department of Education Office for Special Education Programs has issued revised regulations The regulations governing the Assistance to States for Education of Children with Disabilities Program and the Preschool Grants for Children with Disabilities Program. Changes in the regulations include: * parental revocation of consent after consent to the initial provision of services has been provided;* State or local educational agency's (LEA's) obligation to make positive efforts to employ qualified individuals with disabilities;* representation of parents by non-attorneys in due process hearings;* State monitoring, technical assistance, and enforcement of the Part B program; and* allocation of funds, under sections 611 and 619 of the Act, to LEAs that are not serving children with disabilities.These regulations went into effect in 30 days (December 31st) and are available at: Children's Buy-In Program (CBI) from Ohio Dept. of Job and Family ServicesAs you may know, the Ohio Dept. of Job and Family Services began the Children's Buy-In (CBI) program in April. CBI was expected to cover 5,000 kids with special health needs whose working parents were struggling to cover their health care costs. So far, only two children have successfully been enrolled. Part of this is due to the eligibility requirements and the other is simply because families aren't aware of the program. CBI targets working families with income ABOVE $42,000 per year. To date, 90 percent of those who have applied have actually been under income. Anything you can do to spread the word to eligible families would be greatly appreciated.Here is the link to the CBI Web site: Families can only apply online. Feel free to add this link to your Web site or in any newsletters/ mailings you may send to families and providers working with children. Since CareSource will be the providing access to the services, a marketing brochure is available that includes income requirements, covered services and associated costs. If you have any questions or would like to request a presentation for your organization, please contact me using the information below. Thank you! ASA-ASO forming Ohio Autism Advocacy Network - Join Now! As you are aware, Autism Insurance Parity, HB170 is currently under consideration by the Ohio House Insurance Committee. The fall elections are coming and immediately following the elections it will be time to address next biennial budget for Ohio. Additionally, issues regularly come before the state legislature that impact individuals with autism, their families and those who work them throughout Ohio. And because of this, the Autism Society of Ohio needs your help. We are in the process of putting together an autism advocacy network that has constituents in each of the districts of the members of the Ohio General Assembly, both the House and Senate. We are looking for advocates all around the state to help us with this effort. You can volunteer to participate in two ways: · Team Leader: Each Ohio district will have an assigned team leader who is responsible for carrying the key ASA-ASO/autism messages when meeting with the legislator (Representatives and Senators), coordinating testimony or letter writing for hearings, and for organizing the team members of their district, etc. · Team Member: Each Ohio district will have several team members that are available to share their own personal ASA-ASO/autism story, to write letters when needed, and to ask from help from their neighbors/families/friends. Team members may choose specialize on certain topics – ie. autism insurance parity topic, special education funding, etc. ASA-ASO is also developing a Legislative Advocacy Manual and will provide local training to constituent volunteer advocates. If you are interested in participating in this effort, please send your Name, address, city,zip+4, phone, email address, House District Number and Senate District number and whether you are interested in being a “Team Leader†or a “Team Member†to askASO@.... Please put AUTISM ADVOCACY NETWORK in the subject line. To find your district numbers, visit and follow the directions under "Locating Legislators". For more information, visit our website at Ohio BMV changes policy on Autism Awareness License Plate Because of privacy concerns, the Ohio BMV will no longer be releasing the names and addresses of those who purchase the Ohio Autism Awareness License Plate to the ASA-Autism Society of Ohio. $25 from the purchase of each plate benefits the ASA-ASO and we have been sending thank you notes to all those who have purchased a plate. However, we will no longer be able to do so. The BMV is currently looking into options to add customer consent to the special license plate process so hopefully we will be able to go back to thanking folks formally in the future. But whether we are able to send a formal "thank you" or not, please know that the purchase of an autism awareness license plate makes a big difference and helps us help individuals with autism, their families and those who work with them throughout Ohio. Federal Update Action Alerts Urge Congress to Support the Economic Recovery Bills Economic Recovery LegislationThe House Democratic leadership unveiled the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, an $825 billion package which includes $550 billion in spending and $275 billion in tax cuts. The legislation includes many increases in disability related programs. A summary is included in the action alert above. Upcoming Events, Resources, etc.: News from the ASA-Northwest Ohio Chapter 1. Asperger Family Support Group reminder2. Our website still down3. Practical Solutions Workshops – First winter workshop Myles, Handling Difficult Moments: Tantrums, Meltdowns, and Rage4. Practical Solutions Dessert and Coffee follow-up sessions 5. Seneca County 6. American Medical Autism Board and C. DeMio, MD, provide the first International Conference on biomedical and other techniques for parents and healthcare providers, Feb. 20-22, 2009, in Novi, MI/Metro Detroit. Support Group reminderThis is a reminder that our Asperger Family Support Group will meet at our office, 4848 Dorr Street, next Monday, January 26, 2009 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. We are in the house with the red door. Hope to see you there. Website downMuch to our chagrin, our website is still down. We are trying to address the problem, so please bear with us until we can get the web host to fix the problem. Practical Solutions Workshops Be sure to register for our great workshops in this series. The first speaker is Myles. will speak about Handling Difficult Moments: Tantrums, Rages, and Meltdowns. She will offer practical solutions to the day-to-day challenges facing individuals with ASD and their families include such topics as:Characteristics of ASD and their impact on behavior Stages of the rage cycle Strategies that promote social skills development, including self-awareness, self-calming, and self-management Solutions for parents, including organization and support, daily routines, etc. This is a great opportunity to hear one of the world’s foremost authorities on ASD.The session will be presented twice: Wednesday 2/11/09 6:30 – 9 pm at the Toledo Hospital Education Center Auditorium Thursday 2/12/09 9:30 am – noon at the Toledo Hospital Croxton Memorial Auditorium Pre-registration is required. Cost: Parents - $10 per session per parent. Professionals - $15 per session. (Scholarships available.) Participant Information: (Please print) ________ Amount enclosed ____ I need a receipt Name: ________________________________________ Email: _________________________Please check all that apply: ___ Parent ___ Family Member ___ Professional Address: ______________________________________________________________________________City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________County: __________________Phone (H)/(W)/©:______________________ Age of person with autism that I deal with: ______How did you learn about this workshop? ___ mailing ___ family member/friend ___ professional ___ otherFor Lucas County Families only: Do you currently receive or are you eligible for services from the Lucas County Board of MR/DD? (examples: Family Resources, waivers, case management, transition specialist, early intervention, day services, waiting lists) ___ yes ___ no If no, would you like to have someone contact you about eligibility? ___ yes ___ no Complete and mail this page with fees (checks may be made payable to Autism Society of Northwest Ohio) to: Workshop Series, Autism Society of Northwest Ohio, 4848 Dorr Street, Ste. 1., Toledo, Ohio 43615. If confirmation is required, please include a stamped, self-addressed post card with this registration.Certificates of attendance available Questions? Call 419-578-2766. You should have received our yellow flyer in the mail with all the workshops listed. If you didn’t, please call and ask us to email or send you one. Practical Solutions Follow-up Dessert and Coffee Series A follow up discussion to Handling Difficult Moments: Tantrums, Rages and MeltdownsWhen: March 2, 2009 A follow up discussion to A Land We Can Share: Access to the Literate Community for AllWhen: April 20, 2009 Where: Lucas County Board of MR/DD Family First Zone1155 Larc LaneToledo, Ohio 43614 For questions and to RSVP please contact Reshay at 419-380-5180 or rthompson@...Limited onsite child care available on request three days prior to the event. 5. Seneca County Grandparent Cheryl Filipkowski who lives in Seneca County is working on some events out that way. Here is what she has planned. You can contact Cheryl Filipkowski 419-638-1051 for more information or to make reservations. January 9, 2009 Kick Off of GREAT SCOT SHOPPING SPREE RAFFLE tickets are 10.00 each February 14, 2009 Special Needs Discount Day at KALAHARI indoor waterpark ( water park pass only 10 am -close) Tickets are 24.00 ea. or 29.00 ea which includes pizza pkg. must be paid by January 30, 2009 March 2009 Guest Speaker Sondra Presentation "BAIT THE HOOK" Date and Location to be announcedApril 22, 2009 P.L.A.Y. project 1day workshop featuring Adam Brode Tickets are $50.00 each (breakfast and lunch provided) 8am till 4 pm at Journeys Family Amusement Center in Fremont, Ohio (directly behind Kmart)June 6, 2009 Autism Resource Expo Fundraiser - Booths available 10 am till 6pm @ Sandusky County Fairgrounds in Fremont, Ohio Seneca County MeetingsSENECA AUTISM LEARNING & SUPPORT ASSOCIATION (SALSA) MeetingsJan 27 Meets at the Family Learning Center at Sentinel 7-8:30pmLearning & support group for families with ASD; forming 501c3 to fund local education projects, advocate for individuals on the spectrum. Questions – Sandy Hallett 567-207-2447 or Amber Stover 419-443-8836 Seneca County Autism Family Support Group Meets at the Early Childhood Center of Fostoria, 801 Kirk Street, Fostoria6:30-8pm unless otherwise stated Contact Weisenauer for questions at 419-436-1898 Feb 3 ASD 101Donna Owens from OCALI (OH Center for Autism and Low Incidence ) Mar 3 Taking the Sting Out of Behaviors 6:30-8:30pmSandy Brickner from OCECD (Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities ) April None scheduled at this time May 5 Services and Supports 6:30-8pmSandy Brickner from OCECD(Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities ) Heidelberg UniversityJan 31 Autism/Asperger Services – Assessing Local Needs & How to Obtain Services Herbster Chapel in Pfleiderer Center at Heidelberg University, 1-3pm Presenter and moderator Dr. Morton Haugland, PhD, BCBA For directions, log on to: Parent Educational MeetingsSponsored by the Seneca-Wyandot Parent Mentor ProgramAll Parents/Professionals Welcome. No charge, Attendance certificates Meetings at Family Learning Center at Sentinel 797 E. TR 201, Tiffin 6:30-8pm For further information, call Jan Steyer 800-221-8106 or 419-443-1600 Roseann Hall 800-549-5959 or 419-447-7674 a Frey 419-294-3445 Feb 17 Give Yourself a Valentine – Activities & tips to help you relax & relieve stress Cheryl Reinhart, Hasselbach, Ruth Friddle Mar 17 Redirecting Behavior Problems – Promote healthy behaviors using strengths and restructuring. Given by Firelands Counseling & Recovery Services Jun 23 Special Family Night in the Park – Potluck supper 5:30-6:30pm with FREE swimming, weather permitting until 8pm. Bring a dish or two to share. American Medical Autism Board and C. DeMio, MD, provide the first International Conference on biomedical and other techniques for parents and healthcare providers American Medical Autism Board and C. DeMio, MD, provide the first International Conference on biomedical and other techniques for parents and healthcare providers, Feb. 20-22, 2009, in Novi, MI/Metro Detroit. For more information go to: & EID=3823 ASA Statement on January 14, 2009 Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) MeetingASA stands for improving the quality of life for people with autismand protecting their human rights across their lifespan. One of thepurposes of the IACC is to conduct a transparent strategic planningprocess that results in research that answers the many questionsfacing the autism community. On December 12, 2008, the IACC voted to approve language in its AutismResearch Strategic Plan for proceeding with research on therelationship between vaccines and autism.At the January 14, 2009, IACC meeting, this subject (not on the agendaand not following procedural rules) was raised for discussion,resulting in a vote that removed the language from the Autism ResearchStrategic Plan. The language approved in the December meeting onvaccine research is consistent with ASA's vaccine statement ( ). Asthis is an issue of importance and concern for the autism community,this language should be restored. Special Issue of ASA "Autism Advocate" on ABA Available For Free Download By Carin Yavorcik. Articles offer resources, insight into ABA therapy In order to reach as many professionals as possible in the behavioral field, ASA has just made the December 2008 issue of its quarterly magazine, the Autism Advocate, entitled "Applied Behavior Analysis: A Powerful Tool for Improving the Lives of People with ASD," available for free download on our Web site. This seminal issue on ABA describes the many exciting developments in the field that are improving the lives of individuals on the spectrum and their families. To obtain your free copy, visit, <>. For those without computer access, call 1-800-3AUTISM, x120, or e-mail editor@... <mailto:editor@...> for your free printed copy (while supplies last). Sensory Friendly Movie Sat. Jan. 31 & ASA-Greater Cleveland Meeting Mon. Feb. 2, 2009 Reminder - Please join us at AMC Theaters at Ridge Park Square, 4788 Ridge Road, Brooklyn Hts., OH 44144 - for the Sensory Friendly Movie "Hotel For Dogs"on Saturday, January 31, 2009 at 10:00 AM. AMC Entertainment and the ASA have teamed up to bring families affected by autism a special opportunity to enjoy their favorite films on a monthly basis. The lights are brought up and the sounds turned down and the "silence is golden" policy is not enforced. Outside food is permitted. Admission is Reduced to $4.25. Also, please join us at our new meeting location and our new meeting day on MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 2, 2009 at 6:30 PM at The City of Independence Civic Center, 6363 Selig Drive, Independence, OH 44131. Free child care is available. Please RSVP to support@... by Tuesday, January 27, 2009, if you need to take advantage of the child care. Brown, director of the educational film "Ant Boy", ( a film about living with autism and asperger's) will premier his new film. We look forward to seeing everyone there!Finally, please save the date for the 4th Annual Greater Cleveland Chili Cook-off for Autism on April 2, 2009, at 6:30 PM in The Terrace Club at Progressive Field. Tickets are only $20.00. Donations and Corporate and Personal Sponsorhips are needed. For more information, tickets, or to make a donation, please contact us at (216) 556-4937 or support@.... Thank you. BUILDING ON STRENGTHS: AUTISM CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 19 + 20, 2009 Sawmill Creek Resort400 Sawmill CreekHuron, Ohio 44839Map & Directions online at: Sawmill CreekSpeakers and topics such as: Just Give Him the Whale - Dr. a Kluth Visual Strategies for Improving Communication: Helping Students Participate Successfully - Hodgdon M. Ed., CCC-SLP Time Travel and Transitions Using Visual Strategies for Student Success - Hodgdon M. Ed., CCC-SLP The Hidden Curriculum - Dr. Myles The Incredible 5 Point Scale - Kari Dunn Buron Other sessions include: Implementing the Ziggurat Model in Your School - Joan Lunsford, Kathy Beatty, Lenora Oeftering, Joan Social Skills and Autism: Learning the Pieces & Parts - Lynn Dudek M.A., CCC-SLP The Great 8 for SLPs and ASD - Lynn Dudek M.A., CCC-SLP Finding the Right Fit in Blending Methodologies: Put the Child First by Creating Research-basedAll-Day Preschool Programs for Children with ASD - Deborah Dennis, Arnold, DiRando, e Meade, Kristal Austin, Beth Koss OCALI AIM Modules/Comprehensive Program Planning - Ohio Center for Autism & Low Incidence Staff Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports for Students with ASD: ACommunity of Practice ForumFacilitated by: Dr. Murdock How Do I Know? Helping Parents and Practitioners to Navigate the Array of Treatments, and Practices for Individuals with Autism.Facilitated by: Dr. Palumbo For more info, contact:Moira ErwineRegion 2 State Support Team440-324-5777 ext 1156erwine@... 5th Annual Spaghetti Dinner/Live Auction to Benefit Camp I.D.E.A.S.Camp I.D.E.A.S. will be hosting it's 5th Annual Spaghetti Dinner/Live Auction on February 6, 2009 at Rosewood Place, 4493 Oberlin Avenue, Lorain, 44-53. Dinner will be served from 6-7:30p.m. with the auction starting at 7:15 p.m. Tickets are a $15.00 donation/person with a cash bar. Dinner includes: spaghetti, salad, bread/butter, pop and dessert. 50/50 raffle tickets are sold throughtout the evening with the winner being drawn at the conclusion of the evening.With the continued support from families, community members & leaders, local & national businesses; our annual auction remains a success yearly to enable our cost to the enrolled students to stay at a bare minimum. Last year we featured over 100 auction items including autographed merchandise from authors and athletes, jewelry, and attraction tickets and over 45 door prizes.Camp I.D.E.A.S, (Individually Developed Activities in the Summertime) is a non-profit summer day camp for children with special needs. In 2008, we served 95 campers and a staff of 7 teachers, music and speech therapists and over 40 high school and college aides. 65% of the children served have an autism spectrum disorder while the other 35% are diagnosed with: multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, AD(H)D, developmental delays and speech/hearing disorders. We offer musics and speech therapies, computer lab, organized outdoor activiites, community field trips and daily academic practice on individual levels.This year's auction is anticipated to be just as exciting as the past four with numerous auction and door prize items arriving weekly. To date we have gift baskets, gift certificates from local restaurants, and tickets to local attractions. We anticipate local and State Legislators showing their support by purchasing tickets for the event.If you would like more information, to schedule an interview or to publicize the event you may contact one of the following individuals to set up a time:Carol Mathews, Co-Director(440) 244-3687 lorac51@...Tina Woskobunik, Parent volunteer(440) 242-1835kylesmommy44055@... Girls at Work: Discovering Employment Opportunities for Young Women with Disabilities & TEMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm & CONTENTID=11478 2nd Annual West Central Ohio Autism Conference, Wapakoneta Saturday, March 7, 2008 Wapakoneta High SchoolWapakoneta, OH 9:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Our Keynote speaker will be Dr. Pratt Dr. Pratt is the Director of the Indiana Resource Center for Autism at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community located at Indiana University. Dr. Pratt is on faculty at Indiana University, and presents internationally. Dr. Pratt serves on numerous Advisory Boards, including the Advisory Boards of Maap Services, Inc., the College Internship Program, and the Autism Society of Indiana. She currently serves as Chair of the Board for the National Autism Society of America. Dr. Pratt also serves on the Panel of Professional Advisors for the Autism Society of America and is co-director of NATTAP (Network of Autism Training and Technical Assistance Programs). Currently, Dr. Pratt serves on the advisory board for the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders grant funded through the US Department of Education. She has been involved with the Institute on Rehabilitation Issues focused on Autism; the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee as a member of the Expert Working Group on Services; and served on the Scientific Advisory Board for IMFAR (International Meeting for Autism Research). She also served as a member of the public review committee for the Research Roadmap of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee. Dr. Pratt has been honored by the Autism Society of America with the Individual Achievement Award, with the 2005 Princeton Fellowship Award, and with various awards through NYFAC (New York Families for Autistic Children, Inc.), including recognition from the New York State Senate, New York City Council, and the United States House of Representatives. She has written numerous articles and presents on the following topics: autism spectrum disorders, functional behavior assessment/positive behavior supports, instructional approaches, systems change, and policy. Prior to pursuing her doctorate at Indiana University, Dr. Pratt worked as a classroom teacher for students across the autism spectrum and with other disabilities. Registration Materials to follow. This conference is a collaborative effort between West Central Ohio Autism Community and Auglaize County ESC. For more information, contact: Carlson Schattschneider M. Ed. Autism Coordinator Auglaize County ESC 1045 Dearbaugh, Suite #2 Wapakoneta, OH 45895 (419)738-3422 X.46 kschattschneider@... Autism Research Institute Newsletter ARI e-newsletter for January 2009 to view entire Newsletter online.From the Director: As always, we at ARI are looking forward to a very productive year, and we continue to appreciate your support. We have posted our Accomplishments of 2008on our website. A new version of our main website,, will premier within a few weeks, with a new homepage design and a more efficient navigational structure. We'll send out an e-blast when the new site is up and running.Save the dates: ARI is planning its 2009 Defeat Autism Now! events, including our big three-day, bi-annual conferences in Atlanta - April 16-19th and Dallas - October 8-12th, as well as two mini conferences in Oklahoma City - June 13-14th and St. Sept. 12-13th. Many families and professionals who are new to the autism community might not be aware of our quarterly, hardcopy newsletter, the Autism Research Review International (ARRI). It summarizes cutting-edge biomedical and educational research in language appropriate for both parents and professionals. If you would like us to send you a complimentary copy, please send an email to: newsletter@..., with your postal address. You can also download a free copy of ARRI (.pdf) online. This is the easiest way to keep up with emerging science in this field. Wishing you the best in the new year!Regards,Steve Edelson, Ph.D.Director, Autism Research Institute Defeat Autism Now! Spring Conference Atlanta, GeorgiaApril 16-19 SAVE THE DATE!!The Defeat Autism Now! Approach Defeat Autism Now! is a bold project title, and the doctors and researchers involved have an equally bold goal: to find, test, and promote safe and effective treatments for a disorder that many medical professionals still consider untreatable. This transformative concept-that autism is treatable-is altering the field of autism research. It's not surprising that this project was the brainchild of a researcher who had already revolutionized the field of autism research not once, but twice. In 1964, Dr. Bernard Rimland-a clinical psychologist and the father of a child with autism-shocked the medical field by publishing Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior. The book created a firestorm of controversy at a time when doctors blamed autism on bad parenting. In his book, Dr. Rimland single-handedly changed the focus of the field, from “What is emotionally wrong with the mother?†to “What is biologically wrong with the child?†His findings were exciting, but Dr. Rimland chafed at the slow progress made while so many children were suffering. In 1995, determined to jump-start research into the causes and treatment of autism, he and two associates, Drs. Sidney Baker and Jon Pangborn, convened the first international think tank on autism. Thirty clinicians and researchers from around the world met for a day and a half to share ideas on what might be the most promising areas of autism research. Dr. Rimland and his colleagues formalized their efforts in the form of the “Defeat Autism Now!â€project, the exclamation point stressing the urgency of finding effective treatments for this devastating disorder. The Defeat Autism Now! project has grown exponentially, and now involves hundreds of researchers and practitioners worldwide. Practitioners using the Defeat Autism Now! approach largely focus on normalizing the functions of the GI system, immune system, and brain.Special diets, treatment of dysbiosis, and interventions to enhance normal methylation and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation are proving to be remarkably effective. For more information, visit ARI's website: Vocational Rehabilitation Service Models for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Wednesday, January 28, 2009 SEDL will host a webcast entitled: Vocational Rehabilitation Service Models for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The presentation will introduce SEDL's new resource for vocational rehabilitation (VR) and transition services for persons with autism and related disorders, known as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The presenters are Westbrook, Bill Palmer, , Chad Nye, and Wesley.SEDL has received pre-approval for 1.5 CRC continuing education units (CEUs) for participating in the webcast through 12-31-09, from the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC). (Instructions will be given during the webcast.) The 90-minute webcast will begin at 2:00pm Central. To ask questions or comment, please e-mail: mailto:webcast@...Webcast Registration (no fee to participate): webcast is presented in collaboration with the Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) program at TIRR | Memorial Herman. Please visit this site ahead of time to test and ensure your computer is configured and updated: technical assistance, please check out the FAQs at: . You may also call 713-520-0232 (v/tty). Select 0 for the operator and ask for technical assistance for webcasts.If you would like to send questions, please register and indicate your question in the space provided. You may also send your question by e-mail before or during the webcast: mailto:webcast@... .NOTE: If you are not able to participate at this time, please visit the archive of ILRU webcasts after the event: or the NCDDR's Webcast page: the WebcastSEDL's new project on Vocational Rehabilitation Service Models for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders is a partnership with the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities <> at the University of Central Florida (UCF CARD). It focuses on improving VR transition services for persons with ASDs. The initiative is important due to the fact that rates of ASD are increasing, while employment rates for people with disabilities are declining. People with ASD experience even lower employment rates than other persons with disabilities.Project goals include building new knowledge and understanding, on-the-ground changes within the VR system, and increased employment among persons with ASDs. Research activities include conducting two systematic reviews, implementing a rigorous process for identifying and validating vocational rehabilitation best practices, producing cases studies of individuals with ASD and their families, and studying the statewide network of CARD centers in Florida. Webinar: Special Diets for Autism Register Today- Space is Limited!Special Diets for Autism Part II: The Critical Role of Amino AcidsAn educational Webinar for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder Speaker: Judy Converse, MPH, RD, LD Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Time: 1pm EST/10am PST (40 min. presentation, 20 min. Q & A) Cost: Free Location: Your computer (See note below on how to join the Webinar) Party for Individuals with Special Needs, Solon Solon Recreation presents the 6th Annual Blue Ribbon For individuals with special needs, their families or caregivers.DANCING, MUSIC, GAMES, FOOD, AIR BOUNCERS, ARTS & CRAFTS & MORE WHEN: Saturday March 14, 2009 TIME: 6:30-8:30 pmWHERE: Solon Community Center35000 Portz Parkway , Solon FEE: $2.00 per person in advance $4.00 per person at the door Register at the Solon Community Center between 8a.m. and 7 p.m. at 35000 Portz Pkwy., Solon, Oh. or mail in registration can be found at, under the Blue Ribbon tab. Print the registration form and follow the instructions provided. Allow enough time prior to event for mail in registration. For more information or to volunteer call English 440.248.5747 New Job Board at Milestones Website Milestones Autism Organization has had over 350 people visit our job posting webpage on during the month of January. Please consider posting any jobs related to Autism or special needs on our website. It will be posted for 60 days. Please include your contact information. Milestones hopes it can help those special individuals find jobs. Please send to Kiersten at milestonesorg@... or fax 216.321.0418. Article: Autism and Bullying at School Book: Helping Children with Complex Needs Bounce Back Bringing up a special child can leave parents feeling de-skilled, disarmed, and worn down. A resilient child has the ability to cope with challenging situations, and the capacity to bounce back from trauma and gain long-term strength from these life experiences. Resilient Therapyâ„¢ is an innovative way of strengthening children with complex needs. This is a tried-and-tested handbook for parents to read from cover to cover, or dip in and out of as needed. Accessible and fun, Helping Children with Complex Needs Bounce Back includes exercises and worksheets, as well as breaking down the principles of the latest research, making them easy to apply to everyday situations.This 'magic box' of ideas and remedies is perfect for parents and carers, friends and families of children with disabilities, special educational needs, and mental or physical health needs, as well as professionals working with these children.Book details: Helping Children with Complex Needs Bounce Back.Resilient TherapyTM for Parents and Professionals.Kim Aumann and Angie Hart.Illustrated by Chloe Gerhardt.January 2009, 224 pages, paperback.ISBN: 9781843109488.$19.95.Find out more and buy this book: Milestones Autism Organization Presenting: Adolescent to Adult Workshop SeriesAdult Workshop Series II: Transition Planning or After High School: Part IPresented by OCALIDate: February 8, 2009Location: Solon Community Center35000 Portz Parkway Solon, OH 44139Time: 1:30 – 4:30 pmCost: $30.00/person or $45.00 for two family members/caregiversTopics: Requirements of the federal law (IDEIA) related to transition planning and services for students with disabilities leading to successful outcomes following high schoolAdult Workshop Series III: Transition Planning for Adulthood: Part IIPresented By OCALIDate: March 8, 2009Location: Solon Community Center35000 Portz Parkway Solon, OH 44139Time: 1:30 – 4:30 pmCost: $30.00/person or $45.00 for two family members/caregiversTopics: Eligibility requirements for MRDD, BVR, SSI and Medicaid; How to access adult services and supports for employment and housingFor more information about locations, dates and topics to be covered, please visit or call 216-371-4765. Professional development credit and scholarships are available for all Milestones programs. Online Registration AvailableCONTACT: Program and Outreach CoordinatorMilestones Autism Organization3246 Desota Ave.Cleveland, OH 44118216-371-4765www.milestones.orgMilestones Autism Organization provides Access, Education, Training and Collaboration for the autism community Jan 27 - Cleveland Area Biomedical Support Group Meeting You are invited to join other parents of children with autism at the January Meeting of the Cleveland Area Biomedical Support Group! When? January 27th at 6:30 Where? Independence Public Library 6361 Selig Ave Independence, OH 44131 Library phone: 216-447-0160 Topic: The meeting topic will be a bit eclectic but Fun! Epsom salts, greening your cleaning and other helpful and money saving tips for those on the biomedical journey BONUS: View the display of Discovery Toys selection Hauserman will be managing the meeting in January for NAA-NEO, with support from Jane Milota who will welcome everyone on behalf of NAA-NEO. Hauserman will give a short presentation on The Why's and Wherefore's of Epsom Salt Baths along with a recipe for making your own body cream if you don't have time for those baths. Sometimes we wonder how this detox method is working with other biochemical processes. is also bringing price and product comparison lists for Gluten/Dairy Free products from Trader Joes, and a few other local stores. So your homework will be done for you and we can talk about products we like. Also, we will discuss making your own 'Green' chemical free household cleaning products from what you have in your own cupboard. Last but not least, we will have a Representative from Discovery Toys come in and demo this award winning educational line of toys, which are often used to teach children with developmental needs. Per your request, H. will e-mail you a flyer with information on Discovery Toys January sale items - something there for most ages. If you aren't familiar, you can take a look at their website which is laid out by interest area, language development, We can go to Winking Lizzard nearby after the meeting which we hope to conclude at the library by 8:15 so the evening won't get too late. Please email H. with any questions regarding this particular meeting in January at alyricss@... or call 440-708-2067. Parents may be sensitive when first discussing children with autism Field, co-founder of the Autism Support Network, writes that when he first tells people his son has autism, many aren't sure how to respond. In this column, he offers advice on discussing autism, especially for parents of children who have been newly diagnosed. http:/ Spouses of Autistic Persons Support Group Meeting To aid those who have partners on the Autism Spectrum. Sun, Feb. 22 at Panera Bread, 2855 W. Market St. Fairlawn (by Target) 3:00 p.m. - 5ish. For more information, please call at 330-328-4547 or at 330-723-4778. Know Your Numbers: Get tips and tools to help you improve your credit score. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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