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Re: How a Homeopath Works - Sheri

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Really GOOD questions.

At 08:32 PM 03/31/2000 +0800, you wrote:

>Sheri N,


>Perhaps you can help with a question I have had since I first learnt about



>While allopathic medicine deals with eliminating symptoms by suppression,

how do we know Homeopathy does not do the exact same thing?

Homeopathy CAN suppress the same as allopathy if it is used in the same way

or if the wrong remedy is used (doesn't always, but can). If you find the

match to your symptom picture (and that is complicated - its your most

important symptoms determined by the homeopath), it won't suppress but

bring healing. How you know is there are a variety of laws that are

guidelines. If your physical symptoms improve but your mental/emotional

symptoms worsen, that is not the direction to be going in. (he most

serious symptoms indicating the most serious disturbance of the vital

force). So say your arthritic symptoms go away but you become VERY

depressed you are only suppressing the arthritic symptoms not heading for

cure. It is very difficult as you can see. If you are treating acute

symptoms like sore throat there is less likely to be a problem (unless you

have recurring sorethroats - then considered chronic). But you also need

to take into account mental/emotional state or behaviors when treating

acutely and if those worsen but physical symptoms get better you are going

the wrong direction. We we see the physical symptoms improve and the

mental/emotional symptoms stay the same or improve that is a cure in

process. How do we know this - only by experience and the writings of

homeopaths over the last 150 years. No other way to measure - it is not



>I hear 'homeopathy helps the body to heal itself'. If we do not know

exactly HOW homeopathy works, how do we know we are not just suppressing

symptoms? After all, that's the aim. Define the symptoms very specifically,

then try and get rid of them through a remedy.

No, the aim is NOT to get rid of the symptoms. The symptoms are just

guidelines. The symptoms are the body's way of dissipating a disturbance.

Like when you throw a stone in the water, the waves dissipate the

disturbance. You are trying to match the symptoms and it is if by finding

a substance that would cause a certain set of symptoms in a healthy person

and these are YOUR primary symptoms, then that is the remedy that matches

your picture. If you are experience symptoms that persist or are extremely

painful or acute and you don't progress to healing on your own (this is the

PURPOSE of the symptoms), then your vital force appears to be stuck and the

remedy matches to give a little nudge, if you will. Just a metaphor as no

one knows for sure how this works. The symptoms are a good thing - they

are the way the body heals - not just obnoxious signs - THE WAY THE BODY

HEALS is by producing the symptoms. You STOP the symptoms allopathically

or with the wrong homeopathy and you fight the vital force's wisdom and

stop the way the body is dissipating the disturbance and the vital force

has to find another way to dissipate the disturbance. The body/vital force

had already chosen the path/symptoms that are least threatening to the

individual and now has to find the next best path and so on and this is

where things can start to get serious. You stop a rash which is the

body's way of dissipating a disturbance (like using steroids) and the body

has to find another way, like asthma or something.

Is this making sense to you. Its the difference between stopping symptoms

and supporting symptoms or matching symptoms or helping symptoms. And the

experience over the years is that by matching and supporting accurately you

do not suppress - time tells the story.

>I realize the idea is based on the law of similars, but I still fail to

see how this is not suppression.


>One last question. I hear from some people that homeopathy is completely

'safe' as Carol on this list has said. But I hear from practising

classical homeopaths and yourself that this is not true, and the wrong

remedy(s) can cause damage, especially if over a long period of time. What

is the truth?

No it is NOT completely safe. I thought that too when I first started

reading the beginning books. It is a little complicated. Your child could

take a whole bottle of Arnica and it would be the same as if they had taken

1 pill. The medicines are energy medicines so 1 = 3 = 10. Quantity

doesn't matter. Its about potency also. The directions on the bottle are

misleading due to regulations of labeling or something. But you basically

take one tablet as an adult or as a child. Energy is energy and 2 tablets

don't make more energy in this case. Or maybe its better said as vibration

- 2 tablets doesn't change the vibration or even add to it. Its hard to

explain but that is how it is. So your child is not taking an overdose.

If ARnica is not the remedy your child needs for whatever ails her, then

the remedy will either do nothing or could cause a disturbance of its own.

But at the lower potencies that you would buy over the counter this is

unlikely unless you do this a lot or your child or yourself have a weak

vital force.

At higher potencies it because much more serious to take the wrong remedies

or take them indiscriminately - that is why most homeopathic pharmacies

will not sell higher potencies to non-practitioners (I'm talking 100c and


Homeopaths I know have seen people that are so messed up from taking

remedies indiscriminately that they actually can never achieve a cure.

This is true. Probably not extremely common but possible.

So it is serious if it is the WRONG REMEDY and TOO HIGH of a potency.

No, I don't think this should go private - these are very important

questions and I love to teach about it so you all can use this.

I don't want to discourage people from using homeopathy with themselves and

their children on their own, just understand it. If you make a wrong

choice with your child with an earache, you will likely see no improvement

and not a serious disturbance from your wrong choice, so don't hesitate to

try. But just have a very healthy respect for the remedies and understand

how to prescribe. You basically NEVER repeat a remedy until you see if

there is improvement when you are using the low potencies yourself. The

bottle may say 4 times per day but that is not accurate (don't take me

there-I guess FDA regs). You take one dose and watch and see if no

improvement in a time (and this is nebulous - for more acute painful

seirous symptoms give it 15 minutes or so) then repeat the remedy.

Continue this for a time period (hard to tell you how long, sorry) and if

no improvement then relook at the symptom picture and the remedies to

choose from and choose another. This sounds easy but difficult in

practice. It just takes experience to start getting the feel for it.

Don't be afraid to try. If there IS improvement on that one dose, wait and

see. It may be all that is necessary. If the symptom picture change and

the symptoms are extremely acute, painful or serious, then find another

remedy that matches the NEW symptom picture.

But the major thing I'd say is don't run to your homeopathy kit for every

little thing. Most of the time our vital force can handle whatever it is.

ONLY if the symptoms are severely painful or severely acute or intense and

seem to be stuck there, would I start to use homeopathy. It just isn't

necessary and could cause problems of suppression.

And have an expert homeopath as back up if at all possible for those

serious times.

For example if a child has chicken pox, its better to let the symptoms be

as they are what is healing the child of the disturbance called chicken

pox. If the symptoms though become serious as I've mentioned, or extreme,

or there are other symptoms of a systemic nature like severe itching or

extremely high fever with no thirst (gets dehydrated) then you need to

think again. Some soothing baths are probably OK, but really look at what

you do and ask - am I suppressing and working against these symptoms are

trying to bring healing and balance to the disturbance.

Thanks for the questions and ask more for clarification - I am happy to share.

And if anyone else on this list is a homeopath or has tons of experience,

please share your experiences.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA wwithin@...

Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


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KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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