Guest guest Posted July 31, 1999 Report Share Posted July 31, 1999 > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Subject: Vaccine Scene 1999: Overview and Update by Harold Buttram, MD > Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 21:58:57 -0400 > From: RAYMOND GALLUP <truegrit@... > > > Harold Buttram, MD has given me permission to use this article he sent > to the Townsend Letter since it isn't copyrighted. Dr. Buttram is a > Defeat Autism Now (DAN) doctor which is an organization founded by Dr. > Bernard Rimland, foremost expert in autism. Dr. Buttram is also a > Scientific Board Member of the Autism Autoimmunity Project. > > Courtesy of > Gallup, President > Autism Autoimmunity Project > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Vaccine Scene 1999: Overview and Update > by Harold Buttram, MD > > As an introductory comment, virtually all of the world's religions, in > their origins, have taught the importance of maintaining cleanliness and > purity of the human body. Although it is an accepted practice to > maintain a separation between matters of science and religion, in issues > surrounding childhood immunizations there is sufficient overlap to > justify mention of the religious aspect. > > The most basic long-term concern with current childhood vaccines, one as > yet largely theoretical, is that the introduction of foreign genetic > material, especially in the forms of live-virus vaccines, into the > system of the child may bring about genetic changes. These in turn may > bring about disease-creating situations due to the presence of alien, > incompatible genetic elements in the child. Research in this area being > in its infancy, we have a long way to go before such a theory can be > proven scientifically, but the concept does have roots in folklore from > the earliest dawn of human history as well as in religious faiths. > > It is true that there may be situations where extreme measures may be > justified to preserve life and health as the lesser of two evils. The > basic question, therefore, is whether the benefits of current childhood > vaccines outweigh the harm, or whether the reverse is true. > > As to the benefits of vaccines, polio has been eliminated from the > Western Hemisphere; smallpox may have been eliminated worldwide, > although there are disturbing reports that it still to be found in parts > of the Far East. > > However, vaccine proponents would have us believe that vaccines have > been largely responsible for controlling virtually all of the former > epidemics of killer diseases in the U.S.A. With the exceptions cited > above, the facts do not bear this out. According to the records of the > Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, from 1911 to 1935 the 4 leading > causes of death from infectious diseases in the USA were diptheria, > scarlet fever, whooping cough (pertussis) and measles. However, by 1945 > the combined death rates from these causes had declined by 95%, BEFORE > THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MASS IMMUNIZATION PROGRAMS. (1) By far the > greatest factors in this decline were sanitation through public health > measures, improved nutrition, and better housing with less crowded > conditions. > > It should be pointed out that today's children receive up to 35 vaccines > before school age, whereas today's senior citizens received only one, > the smallpox vaccine. Most infants have been receiving up to 15 doses of > mercury-containing vaccines by the time they are 6 months old. It is > almost inconceivable that these heavy burdens of foreign immunologic > materials, introduced into the immature systems of children, could fail > to bring about disruptions and adverse reactions in these in these > systems. It is reasonable to ask ourselves, therefore, what is known > about these reactions. > > A small but growing minority of physicians and scientists are becoming > aware that safety testings for the various vaccines have been woefully > inadequate. As one of many examples, in 1994 a special committee of the > National Academy of Sciences published a comprehensive review of the > vaccine safety of the hepatitis B vaccine. When the committee > investigated 5 possible and plausible adverse effects, they were unable > to come to any conclusion for 4 of them because, to their dismay, they > found that revelant safety research had not been done. > > The clear implication of this and other revelations (2) concerning a > general deficiency of safety testing in the vaccine field is that > adverse reactions may be taking place on a large scale without being > recognized as to their true nature. > > There is a school of thought that the so-called minor childhood > illnesses of former times, including measles, mumps, rubella and chicken > pox, which entered the body through the mucous membranes, served a > necessary and positive purpose in challenging and strenthening the > immune systems of these membranes. (3) In contrast, the respective > vaccines of these diseases are injected by needle directly into the > system of the child, thereby bypassing the mucosal immune system. As a > result, mucosal immunity remains relatively weak and stunted in many > children, one complication of which may be the rapid increase in asthma > now seen, both in frequency and severity. > > It is true that in former times there were occasional serious > complications from these childhood diseases, but most of these could be > eliminated by nutrition, homeopathy, and other simple means, if these > approaches were made widely available. No one wants to see serious > complications from diseases in our children, but the vaccine route may > in time prove to be the worse possible choice that could have been made, > as concerns these minor childhood diseases. > > Perhaps the greatest concern with vaccines today rests with the possible > casual relation with the growing epidemic of childhood autism, > developmental delay, and attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder, > (ADHD). Regarding the latter, a recent report stated that ADHD had > increased from 900,000 in 1991 to nearly 5 million today. Regarding > autism, a recent statistical survey mandated by teh California state > legislature found an increase of 273% in California in the past 10 > years. Reports from education departments in a number of states, > reporting on the rapidly increasing needs of classrooms for > developmentally delayed children, reflect comparable increases > throughout the nation. (4) > > At present, primary suspicion for this epidemic of neurobehavioral > disorders rests with the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine. Although > scientific evidence has not yet reached the standards of proof, one > pioneer researcher in this area, Dr. Vijendra Singh with the University > of Michigan, has published a report of a study in which he found that a > large majority of autistic children tested had antibodies to brain > tissue, in the form of antibodies to myelin basic protein. He also > found a strong correlation between myelin basic protein antibodies and > antibodies to measles, mumps, and rubella (almost all of the children > had been immunized with MMR, and none had had these diseases). (5) > > This study confirms the results of a similar study published in The > Lancet in 1998 by Dr. Wakefield of thE Royal Free hospital in > London, showing a link between MMR vaccination and Crohn's disease of > the bowel and autism. (6) > > If the MMR vaccine is causing an autoimmune reaction involving the > brains of autistic chidren, what would be the mechanism? Although > research in this area is in its infancy, as previously mentioned, we do > know some things. Both the measles and mumps fractions of the MMR > vaccine are cultured in chick embryo tissue. As purely gentic material, > viruses are highly susceptible to the process of " jumping genes, " in > which they may incorporate genetic material from the tissues in which > they are cultured (7-8). Once this genetic material of chick origin is > introduced into the child, it may set in motion an immunologic > battleground, a process which the work of Dr. Singh would tend to > confirm. > > A similar process may have taken place with the oral (Sabin) polio > vaccine, which is cultured in monkey kidneys. Years ago Dr. > , then serving as the director of the viral oncology branch within > the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, reported to his supervisors that > he found foreign DNA in contemporary polio vaccines. He later learned > that a simian (Monkey) cytomegalic virus had been found in all of the > eleven African green monkeys imported for production of the polio > vaccine. (9) After leaving the FDA he took a position as professor of > pathology with the University of Southern California. There he tested > blood samples from patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, and > other nervous disorders. This work led to his discovery of unique > cell-destroying viruses that were not recognized by the immune system. > Termed " stealth viruses, " the viruses were able to cause persistent > infections because they were missing genes which, if evoked, would > express immunity. (10-11) > > In March, 1995 Dr. communicated to FDA officials that some > stealth viruses clearly originated from African green monkey simian > ctyomegalic viruses, a type of herpes virus which may also infect > humans. Dr. asked the FDA to help him investigate the prevelance > of this infection in the general population and in polio vaccine lots. > His request was denied. (9) > > Long overdue, on June 17, 1999 U.S. government officials voted to > withdraw their recommendation for the use of the live polio vaccine and > to recommend " exclusive " use of the inactivated (Salk) polio vaccine. > (Parenthetically, the Salk vaccine is free of the danger of herpes virus > contamination.) > > In summary, it is possible that either the MMR or the oral polio > vaccines, by mechanisms described above, may induce a process of > encephalitis or brain inflammation, which may be highly prevalent but as > yet rarely recognized for its true nature. > > As another basic concept, it is highly pertinent that many of today's > children are second generation vaccinees, that is, they are born to > mothers previously vaccinated with the measles, mumps and rubella > vaccines. It is possible that the reaction rates in the > second-generation vaccinees may be happening on a much larger scale due > to previous sensitization of the mothers from their vaccines, this > sensitization in turn being transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy. > (12) If this process is taking place, something we cannot know until > appropriate research is done, one shudders to think of the unfathomable > consequences, should the process be continued into yet another, a third > generation. > > Time may prove that vaccine programs went awry when they deviated from > the most basic of all medical ethics, the right of a patient to accept > or reject a medical therapy, or the right of parents to accept or reject > vaccines for their children. Freedom-of-choice provides a system of > checks and balances now lacking. At the very least, this would provide > the parents with power to compel better safety screening of the > vaccines. The remedy? Parents should be allowed the right of informed > consent, or the right to accept or reject vaccines for their children > based on full and uncensored disclosure of pros and cons. > > Today we have a system in which vaccine production by the pharmaceutical > companies is largely self-regulated. Of course these companies are > interested in profits from their products which, in itself, is not > wrong. However, when arbitrary decisions in the mandating of vaccines > are made by the government bureaucracies, which are highly partisan to > the pharmaceuticals, with no recourse open to parents, we have all the > potential ingredients for a tragedy of historical proportions. > > REFERENCES: > (1) Dublin, L. Health Progress, 1936-1945, New York Metropolitan Life > Insurance Co., 1948, Page 12. > (2) Buttram, H. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act: A Critique, > The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, October, 1998: 66-68. > (3) Incao, Philip Supporting Children's Health, Alternative Medicine > Digest, Issue 19: 54-59. > (4) From information compiled by F. Yazbak, MD, FAAP, available > from our office on request. Tel# 215 536-1890. > (5) Singh V & Yang V. Serological association of measles virus and human > herpesvirus-6 with brain autoantibodies in autism, Clinical Immunology > and Immunopathology, Vol 88 (1); 1998: 105-108. > (6) Wakefield, AJ et al, Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, > non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children, > The Lancet, Vol 351, February 28, 1998: 637-641. > (7) Kumar S & LK, Effects of serial passage of Autographa > California nuclear polyhedrosis virus in cell culture, Virus Research, > Vol 7; 1987: 335-349. > (8) Jahnke U et al, sequence homology between certain viral proteins > related to encephomyelitis and neuritis, Science, Vol 29, July 19, > 1985:282-284. > (9) Emerging Viruses, AIDS and EBOLA, Leonard G Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, > Tetrahedron Publishing Group, Rockport, Massachusetts, 1997:488-493. > (10) WJ et al. African green monkey origin of the atypical > cytopathic " stealth virus " isolated from a patient with chronic fatigue > syndrome. Clin & Diagn Virology, Vol 4; 1994: 93-103. > (11) WJ et al. Stealth virus epidemic in Mohave Valle, I. Initial > report of virus isolation, Pathobiology, 65 (1); 1997: 351-356. > (12) Gupta S et al. Dysregulate immune system in children with autism, > beneficial effects of intravenous globulin on autistic characteristics, > J of Autism and Develop Disorders, 26 (4); 1996: 439-452, > (In this article on page 450 it was stated, " We theorize that the high > titers of rubella antibody....presented in mothers of children with > autism would be transplacentally transferred and may persist for a > prolonged period in the child. When such a child gets MMR immunization, > rubella antigen may complex with preexisting antibodies and such > complexes might play a role in pathogenesis of autistic features. " ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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