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Fwd: [PROVE] Fw: Vaccines/Autism CNN Story to Air - UNLOCKING AUTISM - Press ...

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Remember a few weeks ago we asked you to forward personal stories of vaccine

induced autism to the Unlocking Autism Project? This is the major media

piece they were working towards and needed the stories for the CNN producers

because a whining vaccine manufacturer told CNN that they doubted the

Reynolds family could even come up with 10 families who felt that vaccines

may have played a role in their child's development of autistic tendencies.

Boy were they wrong! It'll be a first of its kind for television - the

Reynolds family has done some incredible work in spreading the word about

the role vaccines may cause in the triggering of autism for some children

and about autism in general. So tune in if you can - it should be

interesting to see what CNN does! Forward this to friends and family with

children who have ADD, ADHD, and of course those with autistic children.


UNLOCKING AUTISM - Press Release - Vaccines/Autism CNN Story to Air

On Sunday, October 3, 1999, at 9pm est, 8pm cst/pac time, CNN will air a

story called " A Question of Harm? " on it's news magazine, Time/NewsStand.

The story has been promoted in this week's issue of Time Magazine as well.

Double check your local listings.

The story will feature the Reynolds Family, founders of Unlocking Autism and

Open Your Eyes Autism Awareness project. Aidan and Reynolds believe

that their son, Liam, had an adverse reaction to the MMR vaccination that

resulted in his autism. The piece will document the effect that this has


on Liam and the family as a whole, as well as highlight the projects they

have been working on throughout the year in an effort to increase awareness

and make things safer for future families.

Unlocking Autism is striving to collect 58,000 pictures of autistic

individuals across the United States and from US Citizens living abroad.


pictures will be arranged in a massive display that will debut at an

awareness rally next year in Washington, DC. For more information,


the Open Your Eyes project, contact their website at www.littleangels.org.

While the Reynolds don't believe that vaccines are the only cause of autism,

they do believe that it is a contributing factor for some children,

especially as it relates to their own child. However, they strongly

emphasize that the scope of the Open Your Eyes project is to focus on the

needs of autistic individuals as a whole and to raise awareness about the

disorder itself. They encourage everyone to participate in the project

regardless of age, where the person falls on the spectrum, what the source


the autism is determined to be, and what therapies are or are not used in

treating the autism.



PROVE(Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education)

NVIC State Communications Director

P.O. Box 1071

Cedar Park, TX 78630-1071

(512) 918-8760

prove@... (email)

http://home.swbell.net/prove (web site)


PROVE provides information on vaccines, and

immunization policies and practices that affect the

children and adults of Texas. Our mission is to prevent

vaccine injury and death and to promote and protect

the right of every person to make informed independent

vaccination decisions for themselves and their families.


This information is not to be construed as medical

OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how

you implement that decision is yours and yours alone.

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