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Re: Cure polyps

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It really hurts me to see a person as young as yourself having to deal with

this problem. I'm sure that you'll receive a number of good ideas from this


The item that catches my attention is the fact that you go to the swimming

pool four time a week. The water in most swimming pools is treated with

numerous strong chemicals, such as Chlorine which can irritate the nasal

lining and cause other respirator and health problems. In my case when I

stay in a Motel my room has to be as far from the pool as possible because

the fumes from the water will immediately irritate my sinuses and cause my

polyps to swell. You may want to avoid using the pool for a week or so and

see if it that minimizes your problems. Also many people experience a

similar situation when using strong laundry or cleaning detergents.

You may want to do some additional internet research on Vasomotor Rhinitis.

Vasomotor rhinitis:

One very common type of inflammatory rhinitis is called vasomotor rhinitis,

in which certain triggers such as smells, fumes, smoke, dusts, and

temperature changes, cause rhinitis. These triggers cause dilation of the

blood vessels in the lining of the nose, which results in swelling, and


Cure polyps

Hello, I'm aware that this may have already been discussed thoroughly yet

I'd like to hear your advice on my particular occasion and maybe someone

else finds it useful. After all it's quite serious.

The story just like for all of us I believe is pretty long but I'll try to

be concise and short. Ever since I was a child I had some health issues.

Pneumonia, bad cough, running nose. Yet I managed to get out of that and for

some time everything seemed to be fine. But then the running nose came back

and now I've been struggling with it for nearly two years (I'm currently


So in three words. I've got an allergy for dust mite, tendency to asthma

(yet rather minimal) and swollen polyps. I think a lot of you guys are

familiar with the feelings and symptoms it causes. Fatigue, headache, bad

memory, I find it hard to fall asleep, I wake up pretty much the same as I

went to bed etc. And my body temperature is always about 35.8 °C/96 °F. In

a nutshell I just feel so depressed and miserable.

What I've tried? Well starting from antibiotics to all kinds of nasal

sprays, large doses of vitamins, rinsing with salt water (and other liquids

such as camomile essence), physiotherapy (some procedures with calx and

cavity heating), cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar, oil pulling, steam

breathing. I probably missed something out but you understood the idea. None

of it has really helped or I just haven't done it enough.

Currently I'm sticking with the following plan. Oil pulling once a day,

avoiding bread, beer, cheese, sniffing cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar

couple times a day, tea tree oil applied to face once a day and I go to

swimming pool four times a week.

The pepper does the best work as it removes almost all mucus from the

cavities. Yet after sniffing it the polyps grow bigger and I can't breathe

properly again. And the next day the mucus is back. I usually feel the worst

after having a meal. Now I'm trying to eat in small rations and avoid bread,

milk products etc. I'm able to breathe through the nose most of the time yet

my head hurts so bad, I'm having problems with thinking and I can always

feel the polyps.

I could expand this even more but this is basically the case. I don't know

what am I going to the if these treatments doesn't help (and they haven't

for a quite long time). I'm considering acupuncture also known as needle

therapy. But besides that I'm pretty desperate.

I'd love to hear from you guys. Maybe you could share some success stories

and suggest some medication and cure? Thank you.

P.S. English is not my native but I tried my best. Hope it's understandable.


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- Same advice on pools. Plus the fact that all manners of waterborne

germs gain entry into your nasal area and foster polyp growth.

- Dust mites : desensitization to dust mites is the first thing to do

since you have been diagnosed allergic only to this item ; this usually

improves everything ; it can be done through allergy shots (=classic

way) or sublingual drops (=newer process).

- I don't see why your body temperature is low ; this is probably worth

checking with a doctor.

- If cayenne pepper makes the polyps grow, stop it immediately.

- If you don't find relief from apple cider vinegar, stop it too.

- Tea tree oil : unless you find it useful for acne, there is no reason

to apply it regularly to the face (may favor the emergence of resistant

skin germs on the long term).

As a general rule, anything that enters your nose should be sterile (ie

only sterile saline or boiled water with uncontaminated salts, etc).

Anything that is not sterile will just add more germs and increase the

possibility of polyps growing, biofilms setting up, etc. This includes

not picking your nose by reflex with your fingers, but rather with a

disposable kleenex. Note that this will just prevent more germs from

coming in, and will not do anything to kill any existing germs.

You do not say whether you have experienced aspirin sensitivity before ;

if this is not the case (don't try), you may " just " have allergic

rhinitis and nasal polyps - which is annoying enough by itself, but

generally less bothering than Samter's.

Be very attentive to any external polyp or rhinitis " triggers " : food,

airborne particles, pollens, environmental pollutants, molds, pets,

occupational allergens, being in contact with people who cough or have

colds or the flu (which is often the case at school, at the university

or at work), etc. Some members of this group have managed to diagnose

allergies / sensitivities through experimental procedures like keeping a

rigorous log and trying to analyze trigger/reaction relationships,

including time-delayed reactions.

The next stage is taking drugs (antihistamines, steroids,

antileukotrienes, etc), but it would be best not to start that too

young. If all fails or if there is severe, unyielding polyp blockage,

the best thing to do is a polypectomy to remove polyps and start with a

clean slate.

I am aware that this advice may not sound immediately helpful, but

unless you depend on a particular trigger that can easily be removed

(which does happen - allergen desensitization usually is a good starting

point), there is generally no miracle solution to nasal polyps. Don't

hesitate to sift through the message archive, you will find a lot of

extra suggestions there, including some that worked well for particular

members. Good luck, and keep a determined approach to the problem.



> It really hurts me to see a person as young as yourself having to deal


> this problem. I'm sure that you'll receive a number of good ideas from


> group.


> The item that catches my attention is the fact that you go to the


> pool four time a week. The water in most swimming pools is treated


> numerous strong chemicals, such as Chlorine which can irritate the


> lining and cause other respirator and health problems. In my case when


> stay in a Motel my room has to be as far from the pool as possible


> the fumes from the water will immediately irritate my sinuses and

cause my

> polyps to swell. You may want to avoid using the pool for a week or so


> see if it that minimizes your problems. Also many people experience a

> similar situation when using strong laundry or cleaning detergents.


> You may want to do some additional internet research on Vasomotor



> Vasomotor rhinitis:

> One very common type of inflammatory rhinitis is called vasomotor


> in which certain triggers such as smells, fumes, smoke, dusts, and

> temperature changes, cause rhinitis. These triggers cause dilation of


> blood vessels in the lining of the nose, which results in swelling,


> drainage.







> Cure polyps



> Hello, I'm aware that this may have already been discussed thoroughly


> I'd like to hear your advice on my particular occasion and maybe


> else finds it useful. After all it's quite serious.


> The story just like for all of us I believe is pretty long but I'll

try to

> be concise and short. Ever since I was a child I had some health


> Pneumonia, bad cough, running nose. Yet I managed to get out of that

and for

> some time everything seemed to be fine. But then the running nose came


> and now I've been struggling with it for nearly two years (I'm


> 17).


> So in three words. I've got an allergy for dust mite, tendency to


> (yet rather minimal) and swollen polyps. I think a lot of you guys are

> familiar with the feelings and symptoms it causes. Fatigue, headache,


> memory, I find it hard to fall asleep, I wake up pretty much the same

as I

> went to bed etc. And my body temperature is always about 35.8

°C/96 °F. In

> a nutshell I just feel so depressed and miserable.


> What I've tried? Well starting from antibiotics to all kinds of nasal

> sprays, large doses of vitamins, rinsing with salt water (and other


> such as camomile essence), physiotherapy (some procedures with calx


> cavity heating), cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar, oil pulling,


> breathing. I probably missed something out but you understood the

idea. None

> of it has really helped or I just haven't done it enough.


> Currently I'm sticking with the following plan. Oil pulling once a


> avoiding bread, beer, cheese, sniffing cayenne pepper, apple cider


> couple times a day, tea tree oil applied to face once a day and I go


> swimming pool four times a week.


> The pepper does the best work as it removes almost all mucus from the

> cavities. Yet after sniffing it the polyps grow bigger and I can't


> properly again. And the next day the mucus is back. I usually feel the


> after having a meal. Now I'm trying to eat in small rations and avoid


> milk products etc. I'm able to breathe through the nose most of the

time yet

> my head hurts so bad, I'm having problems with thinking and I can


> feel the polyps.


> I could expand this even more but this is basically the case. I don't


> what am I going to the if these treatments doesn't help (and they


> for a quite long time). I'm considering acupuncture also known as


> therapy. But besides that I'm pretty desperate.


> I'd love to hear from you guys. Maybe you could share some success


> and suggest some medication and cure? Thank you.

> P.S. English is not my native but I tried my best. Hope it's





> ------------------------------------



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It is not uncommon for some pools to have heavy concentrations of

molds which can exacerbate the problems you are having. Hoe that is

not the problem as swimming in general is a healthy form of



On 11/14/2011 1:26 PM, Ekren wrote:

It really hurts me to see a person as young as yourself

having to deal with

this problem. I'm sure that you'll receive a number of

good ideas from this


The item that catches my attention is the fact that you go

to the swimming

pool four time a week. The water in most swimming pools is

treated with

numerous strong chemicals, such as Chlorine which can

irritate the nasal

lining and cause other respirator and health problems. In

my case when I

stay in a Motel my room has to be as far from the pool as

possible because

the fumes from the water will immediately irritate my

sinuses and cause my

polyps to swell. You may want to avoid using the pool for

a week or so and

see if it that minimizes your problems. Also many people

experience a

similar situation when using strong laundry or cleaning


You may want to do some additional internet research on

Vasomotor Rhinitis.

Vasomotor rhinitis:

One very common type of inflammatory rhinitis is called

vasomotor rhinitis,

in which certain triggers such as smells, fumes, smoke,

dusts, and

temperature changes, cause rhinitis. These triggers cause

dilation of the

blood vessels in the lining of the nose, which results in

swelling, and


Cure polyps

Hello, I'm aware that this may have already been discussed

thoroughly yet

I'd like to hear your advice on my particular occasion and

maybe someone

else finds it useful. After all it's quite serious.

The story just like for all of us I believe is pretty long

but I'll try to

be concise and short. Ever since I was a child I had some

health issues.

Pneumonia, bad cough, running nose. Yet I managed to get

out of that and for

some time everything seemed to be fine. But then the

running nose came back

and now I've been struggling with it for nearly two years

(I'm currently


So in three words. I've got an allergy for dust mite,

tendency to asthma

(yet rather minimal) and swollen polyps. I think a lot of

you guys are

familiar with the feelings and symptoms it causes.

Fatigue, headache, bad

memory, I find it hard to fall asleep, I wake up pretty

much the same as I

went to bed etc. And my body temperature is always about

35.8 °C/96 °F. In

a nutshell I just feel so depressed and miserable.

What I've tried? Well starting from antibiotics to all

kinds of nasal

sprays, large doses of vitamins, rinsing with salt water

(and other liquids

such as camomile essence), physiotherapy (some procedures

with calx and

cavity heating), cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar, oil

pulling, steam

breathing. I probably missed something out but you

understood the idea. None

of it has really helped or I just haven't done it enough.

Currently I'm sticking with the following plan. Oil

pulling once a day,

avoiding bread, beer, cheese, sniffing cayenne pepper,

apple cider vinegar

couple times a day, tea tree oil applied to face once a

day and I go to

swimming pool four times a week.

The pepper does the best work as it removes almost all

mucus from the

cavities. Yet after sniffing it the polyps grow bigger and

I can't breathe

properly again. And the next day the mucus is back. I

usually feel the worst

after having a meal. Now I'm trying to eat in small

rations and avoid bread,

milk products etc. I'm able to breathe through the nose

most of the time yet

my head hurts so bad, I'm having problems with thinking

and I can always

feel the polyps.

I could expand this even more but this is basically the

case. I don't know

what am I going to the if these treatments doesn't help

(and they haven't

for a quite long time). I'm considering acupuncture also

known as needle

therapy. But besides that I'm pretty desperate.

I'd love to hear from you guys. Maybe you could share some

success stories

and suggest some medication and cure? Thank you.

P.S. English is not my native but I tried my best. Hope

it's understandable.


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Sorry for the poor information. It is not the pools but the

immediate areas such as the change rooms and showers that can have

mold because of the high humidity.


On 11/14/2011 9:55 PM, Carl Ondry wrote:


It is not uncommon for some pools to have heavy

concentrations of molds which can exacerbate the problems

you are having. Hoe that is not the problem as swimming

in general is a healthy form of exercise.


On 11/14/2011 1:26 PM, Ekren wrote:

It really hurts me to see a person as young as

yourself having to deal with

this problem. I'm sure that you'll receive a number of

good ideas from this


The item that catches my attention is the fact that

you go to the swimming

pool four time a week. The water in most swimming

pools is treated with

numerous strong chemicals, such as Chlorine which can

irritate the nasal

lining and cause other respirator and health problems.

In my case when I

stay in a Motel my room has to be as far from the pool

as possible because

the fumes from the water will immediately irritate my

sinuses and cause my

polyps to swell. You may want to avoid using the pool

for a week or so and

see if it that minimizes your problems. Also many

people experience a

similar situation when using strong laundry or

cleaning detergents.

You may want to do some additional internet research

on Vasomotor Rhinitis.

Vasomotor rhinitis:

One very common type of inflammatory rhinitis is

called vasomotor rhinitis,

in which certain triggers such as smells, fumes,

smoke, dusts, and

temperature changes, cause rhinitis. These triggers

cause dilation of the

blood vessels in the lining of the nose, which results

in swelling, and


Cure polyps

Hello, I'm aware that this may have already been

discussed thoroughly yet

I'd like to hear your advice on my particular occasion

and maybe someone

else finds it useful. After all it's quite serious.

The story just like for all of us I believe is pretty

long but I'll try to

be concise and short. Ever since I was a child I had

some health issues.

Pneumonia, bad cough, running nose. Yet I managed to

get out of that and for

some time everything seemed to be fine. But then the

running nose came back

and now I've been struggling with it for nearly two

years (I'm currently


So in three words. I've got an allergy for dust mite,

tendency to asthma

(yet rather minimal) and swollen polyps. I think a lot

of you guys are

familiar with the feelings and symptoms it causes.

Fatigue, headache, bad

memory, I find it hard to fall asleep, I wake up

pretty much the same as I

went to bed etc. And my body temperature is always

about 35.8 °C/96 °F. In

a nutshell I just feel so depressed and miserable.

What I've tried? Well starting from antibiotics to all

kinds of nasal

sprays, large doses of vitamins, rinsing with salt

water (and other liquids

such as camomile essence), physiotherapy (some

procedures with calx and

cavity heating), cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar,

oil pulling, steam

breathing. I probably missed something out but you

understood the idea. None

of it has really helped or I just haven't done it


Currently I'm sticking with the following plan. Oil

pulling once a day,

avoiding bread, beer, cheese, sniffing cayenne pepper,

apple cider vinegar

couple times a day, tea tree oil applied to face once

a day and I go to

swimming pool four times a week.

The pepper does the best work as it removes almost all

mucus from the

cavities. Yet after sniffing it the polyps grow bigger

and I can't breathe

properly again. And the next day the mucus is back. I

usually feel the worst

after having a meal. Now I'm trying to eat in small

rations and avoid bread,

milk products etc. I'm able to breathe through the

nose most of the time yet

my head hurts so bad, I'm having problems with

thinking and I can always

feel the polyps.

I could expand this even more but this is basically

the case. I don't know

what am I going to the if these treatments doesn't

help (and they haven't

for a quite long time). I'm considering acupuncture

also known as needle

therapy. But besides that I'm pretty desperate.

I'd love to hear from you guys. Maybe you could share

some success stories

and suggest some medication and cure? Thank you.

P.S. English is not my native but I tried my best.

Hope it's understandable.


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