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Abscess Root (Polemonium reptans), also called American Greek


False s Ladder and Sweat root, it is an expectorant useful


treating tuberculosis, but also causes sweating.

1 – 2 ounce, 2 – 3 times a day.

Acacia (Acacia decurrens) bark is an astringent and helpful in


Liquid extract from bark ½ - 1 dram.

The leaves are used when contact with the dead is made.

Aconite (Aconitum napellus), also called Monkshood and Wolfs

Bane, is a

highly toxic plant that was once used to poison the tips of

arrows to kill

wolves. It is used in small doses in witches flying ointments.

This plant is used to bless witches tools, amulets and the like


assembly protects from wolves.

Adam & Eve Root (Aplectrum hyemale), or Putty Root, is too rare



The root is used to ensure the continuation of a love affair.

Adders Tongue, American (Erythronium Americanum), also called


Tongue and Yellow Snowdrop, is used to reduce swelling.

25- 30 grains, applied externally.

This herb is used to stop slander and gossip.

Adders Tongue, English (Ophioglossum vulgatum), also called


Spear, is a fern that cools wounds.

2 pound of leaves chopped fine into ½ pint of oil; boil then

strain out


This herb is used to stop slander and gossip.

Adonis (Adonis autumnalis, Adonis vernalis), also called False


Red Chamomile, Pheasants Eye and Sweet Vernal, is highly

toxicand is a

substitute for Foxglove at the expense of causing violent


Adrue (Cyperus articulatus) calms vomiting and is also a


1 dram from underground stem once a day.

This herb removes curses and hexes.

Agrimony (Agrimonia Eupatoria), also called Holy Rope and St

s Herb,

is a blood purifier and cuts chills caused by fever and the

flu. It also

causes sleep.

Fluid extract, 10 – 60 drops.

This herb is used to break hexes.

Ague-weed (Gentianella quiquefolia) is applied to cool wounds.

The root is burn to stop hexes.

Air Plant (Bryophyllum tubiflorum) is questionably toxic.

The scent of the flower is supposed to stop temper tantrums.

Alder, Black American (Prinos verticillatus), also called

Winterberry, is

good for wounds and to slow diarrhea. The berries aren't

desirable, as

they will cause vomiting.

½ - 1 dram bark.

This tree is used to give nightmares.

Alder, Common (Alnus Glutinosa) bark is applied to ease

swelling and

inflammation. The heated leaves are placed on joints to



1 heated leaf every hour.

The bark is used to calm disputes, but is also used in


Alder, Smooth (Alnus serrulata), also called Tag Alder, is used

as a wash

for bruises and sprains.

1 ounce of bark to pint of boiling water; drink.

The leaves are made into a tea to anoint crystal balls and



Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is also called Buffalo Herb and is

applied to

relieve swelling.

1- 2 teaspoons to 1 cup boiling water.

If this herb is kept in the cupboard it will guard against

hunger and

carried when applying for a bank loan. Wear in a sachet for


Alkanets (Alkanna tinctoria, Lithosfermum tinctorium) roots are

used for

red dye and some ladies would wash their faces in a tincture to

produce a

pinkish tone.

This herb is used for purification.

Allspice (Pimento officinalis), also called Pimento and Jamaica

Pepper, is

used to stimulate the gastro-intestinal tract.

Fruit: 10 – 30 grains; fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram.

This herb is used in money spells.

Aloe (Aloe vera) leaves are cut and applied to burned or

irritated skin to

cause a cooling, soothing sensation. But if the plant is


internally, it will cause diarrhea.

Open leaf and apply juices liberally as often as needed.

This plant is kept to prevent accidents in the house, but has

also been

used in necromancy.

Alstonia (Alstonia scholaris), also called Bitter Bark and

Devil Tree, is

to be carefully used; it prolongs erections and delays


Crush two grams of the seeds, soak overnight, strain the next

day and


Alumroot (Heuchera americana) is gargled for soar throats, but

should not

be taken internally.

Root: 10 – 40 drops up to 3 times a day.

This herb is burned to produce visions, but also to " waste

away " someone's


Alyssum (Alyssum minus), also called Madwort, can drive people


The flowers are used to calm insanity.

Amaranths (Amaranthus hypochondriacus), also called Red Cocks

Comb and

Velvet Flower, are used as an astringent.

1 – 3 leaves boiled in 1 cup of water; apply.

This plant mends broken hearts. It is also said that if you

wrap a whole

sprig and root, fold it up in a piece of white paper and place

this next

to your breast you will be guarded against all weapons.

Amaryllis (Hippeastrum equestre) cleanses pancreas, tonsils and


1 gram once a day.

Ammoniacum (Dorema ammoniacum) is used as an expectorant.

½ - 1 ounce daily as tea or powder.

The gum this plant produces is used in magick inks.

Ampalaya (Mormodica Charantia), also called Bitter Melon, is

used to

promote beta cell production in the pancreas, causing it to


insulin. It is also useful in treating HIV.

2 ounces of juice before every meal, up to 3 times a day.

Anamu (Petiveria alliacea) is anti-cancerous, antiviral,

antibiotic and an

immune stimulant.

30 grams dried whole herb in liter of water; ¼ - ½ cup doses up

to 3 times

a day; 1 – 3 grams powdered herb once a day.

The leaves are used in a bath against witchcraft.

Anemone , Canada (Anemone Canadensis) is questionably toxic.

The plant is said to cure cross-eyes when carried.

Anemone, Pulsatilla (Anemone pulsatilla), also called Wind

Flower, Meadow

Anemone and Easter Flower, is an expectorant but also is used



1/6 – 1 grain, fluid extract 1 – 10 drops.

Wrap the flowers in red cloth and carry with you to prevent


Anemone, Rue (Thalictrum thalictroides), also called Wind

Flower, is

poisonous, though is sometimes used to treat hemorrhoids.

Anemone, Wood (Anemone nemorosa), also called Crowfoot and

Berry of the

Fish, is poisonous.

The plant is placed on someone's property when you want them to

move away.

( Archangelica) relieves flatulence and helps


bladder infections, but it increases body sugar. CAUTION: Avoid



1 root to pint of water, 2 tablespoons up to 3 times a day;

powdered root:

10 – 30 grains once a day.

The scent of this plant strengthens the nervous system to fight


and nausea.

This is the most popular plant used for protection; the root is


Holy Ghost root.

Anise, Common (Pimpinella anisum) is a very potent expectorant

and it is

an antiseptic. Taken internally it relieves gas.

10 – 30 grains of powdered seeds in water once a day.

The scent of the seedpods is supposed to help relieve coughs,

colds and

the flu.

This plant helps one become more social.

Anise, Star (Illicuim verum) is chewed to sweeten the breath


alleviates joint pain.

Keep the " stars " on the bedpost for more vigor in bed; they are


sometimes used to induce visions.

tto (Bixa orellana) leaves protect the liver and lowers


8 – 10 dried leaves in liter of water; drink 1 cup up to three

times a


The seeds, called Dragon Tears, are used to remove curses.

Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum) builds red blood cells.

1 gram once a day.

Apple, Balsam (Momordica balsamina) is highly toxic, but was

once made

into an ointment to treat chapped hands.

6 grains boiled in 1 cup lard, apply externally.

Apple, Common (Pyrus malus) leaves are slightly disinfecting,

but the

fruit themselves are eaten to cure indigestion and gout.

Perhaps because this fruit is commonly seen as the Forbidden

Fruit in the

Garden of Eden, it is used to excite lust.

Apricot (Prunus Armeniaca) juice is used to soften and tone


Arbutus, Common (Arbutus unede), also called Strawberry Tree,

is a

dangerous narcotic.

Arbutus, Trailing (Epigaea repens), also called Mountain Pink,

May Flower,

Gravel Plant, Ground Laurel and Winter Pink, is used as a

diuretic when

there are urinary troubles.

1 ounce leaves to a pint of boiling water taken as needed.

The plant is used in exorcism.

Arnica (Arnica Montana), also called Mountain Tobacco and

Leopard's Bane,

was applied to sprains, bruises and wounds, but repeated

applications may

cause skin irritation. In small doses, it is useful for motion


lower cholesterol and help one recover from emotional and



Fluid extract from root or flowers: 10 – 30 drops.

The root is supposed to protect against giant cats.

Arrach, Garden (Atriplex hortensis), also called Mountain

Spinach, is

helpful with gout when eaten freely.

Arrowhead (Sagittaria sagittifolia) is used against scurvy, but

is today

used to dry up lactation.

Underground stem is eaten freely.

Arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae) is used to ease digestion.

½ ounce juice in milk; drink.

When made into a powder it is placed on the hands for luck in


Artichoke, Common (Cynara Scolymus), also called Globe

Artichoke, cleanses

the liver.

Artichoke, Jerusalem (Helianthus tuberosus) underground stems

were once

used to treat diabetes.

Arum, Titan (Amorphophallus titanum), also called Carcass

Plant, is used

to increase sex hormones.

1 gram once a day.

The scent makes people violently ill.

The plant is used to subdue fear of dating.

Asafetida (Ferula foetida), also called Food of the Gods and

Devil's Dung,

is used as a laxative and an anticoagulant, but also causes a



4 part plant to 100 part water, ½ - 1 dram once a day.

This plant causes misery and woe when burned under the hours of


but can also expel demonic forces when mixed with brimstone.

Asarabacca (Asarum europaeum), also called Hazel Wort and Wild


promotes sneezing.

Ash, Bitter (Picraena excelsa) helps the digestive system and


the circulatory system.

2 ounces to a pint of water, 15 – 30 drops once a day.

Ash, Common (Fraxinus excelsior), also called Weeping Ash, is


astringent, removes blockages from the kidneys and spleen, and

is used to

treat scabs.

1 ounce of leaves to 1 pint of water once a day.

To remove warts, prick each wart with a needle, thrust it into

the tree

and say: " Ashen tree, ashen tree; pray buy these warts from me. "

Ash, Manna (Fraxinus ornus) is a purgative.

½ - 1 ounce in tea once a day.

Ash, Prickly (Xanthoxylum Americanum), also called Yellow Wood


Toothache Tree, is a stimulant usually placed in the mouth to

ease the

pain of toothaches. It is good for the digestive system, to

clean wounds

and to stimulate the thyroid.

10 grains – ½ dram daily.

Ash, Wafer (Ptelea trifoliate), also called Swap Dogwood and

Hop Tree,

will stimulate the appetite.

Powdered bark: 10 – 30 grains up to 3 times a day.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is said to help with impotence

because it

enhances sexual desire and pleasure and is sometimes falsely

marketed as a

" penis enlargement pill. "

1 teaspoon of powder boiled in water or milk, taken twice a day.

Asphodel (Asphodelus Ramosus), also called Royal Staff and

King's Spear,

is used to stimulate ministration.

½ ounce as tea once a day.

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is a powerful immune


½ ounce as tea once a day.

Avens, Common (Geum urbanum), also called Colewort, Herb

Bennet, Wild Rye

and Clove Root, is used for the flu and sore throats.

½ ounce root to 1 pint boiling water.

This herb protects against animal attacks. Also, place 22 of

the hooked

seeds in a sachet for strength.

Avens, Water (Geum rivale), also called Bread Tree, Neem and

Lilac Tree,

is used as a narcotic to treat hysteria and is also known to

cause men to

become infertile.

Azalea (Rhododendron sp) is toxic.

The scent of the flowers facilitate communication.

- B -

Baby's Breath (Gypsophila elegans) is a skin toner.

2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

Since the flowers resemble sea foam, it is connected to the

birth of the

goddess, Venus and connected with love.

Balm, Sweet and Bee and Lemon ( officinalis), also

called Bergamot,

causes sweating, so it is good to use in cases of the common

cold and the


1 ounce herb to 1 pint of water, drink as needed.

The scent of this plant is known to uplift the spirits.

Steep in wine and give to those you wish to have a continued



Balm of Gilead (Commiphora Opobalsamum) is used to treat

frostbite and

sprains and lung problems.

Solid extract: 5 – 10 grains to 1 pint of water; 1 – 2 drams

fluid extract

once a day.

The leaves of this bush are used to mend broken hearts.

Balmony (Chelone Glabra), also called Snake Head, Turtle Head,

Turtle-bloom, Shellflower, Chelone and Hummingbird Tree, is

used to treat

liver problems. The leaves are used to stimulate the appetite

and treat

worms, but may work as a laxative. Ointments are made from this

plant to

treat inflammation, ulceration and herpes.

1 – 2 fluid ounces externally; 1 – 2 drams internally.

Wrap the person's name up in this plant to cause the person to

get sick.

The root is carried to stop harassment.

Bamboo, Heavenly (Nandina domestica) slows the heart rate and


3 – 9 grains a day.

Bamboo, Lucky (Dracaena sanderiana) is questionably toxic.

The leaves from the stalks are considered lucky, as the name


Banaba (Lagerstroemia Speciosa), also called Queen's Flower,

Pride of

India and Queen's Crape Myrtle, reduces blood sugar.

8 - 48 milligrams of leaf before every meal up to 3 times a day.

Banana (Musa paradisiaca, Musa sapientum). The fruits are high


potassium, which keeps the body hydrated.

Because of their phallic shape, the fruits are used to excite


Baneberry (Actaea spicata), also called Bugbane and Toadroot,

is highly

poisonous and is said to repel insects but draw toads. It was

once used

as an Antispasmodic.

Barberry (Berberis vulgaris), also called Pipperidge Bush, is a


purgative and relieves constipation. Applied externally, it

will remove


Powdered bark: ¼ teaspoon up to three times a day; fluid

extract: ½ - 1

dram once a day.

This plant is made into a powder to keep enemies away.

Barley (Hordeum distichon), also called Perlatum, is a good

source of


1 – 4 ounces a day.

Basil (Ocymum basilium) has a calming smell that helps relieve


and the seeds have been implicated in aiding recovery from


The smell of Basil will stimulate the mind.

This herb is used to attract sympathy, reconcile lovers, and


business when placed in a cash drawer.

Bat-Faced Cigar Flower (Cuphea neubertii) is used to treat


1 gram once a day.

Bayberry (Myrica cerifera), also called Wax Myrtle, Myrica,

Candle Berry

and Tallow Shrub, is gargled to relieve throat pain.

Powder: 20 – 30 grains; 1 – 2 fluid ounces.

Be-Still (Aquilegia Canadensis), also called Wild Columbine,

was used as a

wash for Poison Ivy itch.

1 pound leaves to 1 pint of water, 10 drops a day.

The flowers are used for courage.

Bearberry (Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi) is used to treat urinary


infections. It can become highly toxic, so use is restricted to

one week.

1 ounce leaves to 1 pint boiling water once a day for up to 7


Bedstraw, Lady's (Galium verum), also called Maid's Hair, is

often used to

remove stones from the organs.

1 ounce drank as tea.

Place this herb under the bed to save a marriage.

Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is used as an expectorant and the tar

is applied

to the scalp for dandruff.

Extract tar from tree, use liberally.

Belladonna (Atropa belladonna), also called Deadly Nightshade,


Cherries, Devil's Herb, Great Morel and Dwayberry is highly

poisonous, but

was once used in ancient Italy to dilate the pupils of young


seeking love.

Powdered leaves: 1 – 2 grains; powdered root: 1 – 5 grains.

This plant is used in processes of spirit flight and to anoint


Bellwort (Uvularia perfoliata) is used externally to relax


½ ounce to liter of lard, apply externally.

Benne (Sesamum Indicum), also called Gingilly and Teel, is a

laxative and

helps with menstruation.

1 – 2 full-sized leaves to ½ pint of water once a day.

Betel (Piper betel) is a stimulant.

1 – 2 drams once a day.

Beth root (Trillium pendulum), also called Indian Shamrock,


Lamb's Quarters, Indian Balm and Ground Lily is used to slow


Powdered root: 1 dram up to three times a day.

The root of this plant is placed in the house to promote a


family life.

Betony, Wood (Stachys Betonica, Betonica officinalis), also


Bishopswort, is used to calm hysteria. CAUTION: Avoid during


½ ounce once a day.

This plant is to be placed under the pillow to keep away

nightmares and is

also used in spells for justice. The flower is also used to



Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), also called Whortles and

Huckleberry, is

used to help in eye problems and removes stones from the

urinary tract.

Powdered berries: 4 grams; fluid extract: 60 grams to a liter

of water, ½

- 1 dram a day.

The shrub is burnt for inspiration for gambling.

Bindweed, Greater (Convolvulus sepium), also called Bearbind

and Morning

Glory, is used as a purgative.

1 dram once a day.

When placed beside or under someone's bed it will cause

insomnia. It is a

favored amulet for hikers, as well, because it protects from

bears. Tie 3

knots in the vine and place under the bed for fidelity.

Bindweed, Jalap (Convolvulus Jalapa) is a " safe purge for

children. "

Powdered root: 2 – 30 grains once a day.

The root of this vine, called High the Conqueror Root, is

used to

control others.

Birch (Betula alba) removes kidney stones and the oil is used

for skin


Alcohol extract of leaves: 25 – 30 grams daily.

This plant is used in purification.

Bistort (Polygonurn Bistorta), also called Osterick, Oderwort,


and Adderwort, is the strongest astringent, stops bleeding and


invaluable in use for diabetes.

Fluid extract from root: ½ - 1 dram a day; powdered root: ¼ - ½

dram as

tea once a day.

This herb is used for those who wish to conceive. The bloom is

used to

calm haunting.

Bitter Root (Apocynum androsaemifolium), also called Dogsbane,

and is used

to slow down the heart.

5 – 15 grains a day.

Black-Eyed (Rudbeckia hirta), also called Deer's Eye. The

root is

used to expel worms and the juice is used to ease earaches. It


stimulate the immune system.

1 teaspoon of root boiled and drank as tea in ¼ cup doses up to


times a day.

Black Haw (Viburnum opulus), also called Snowball Bush,

Crampbark and

European Cranberry Bush, is a safe way to

relieve breathing problems and pain, especially those

associated with a


Shave bark from branches, 1 ounce drunk as tea up to 6 times a


Blackberry (Rubus villosus), also called Bramble, is a mild


Because of its thorns, this plant is placed near the home for


Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) relieves symptoms of fatigue and


Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

This tree is sacred to Tubal Cain.

Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosis), also called Fucus, Kelp,

Cutweed and

Seatang, is used to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce

weight loss.

Fluid extract: 1 – 2 drams once a day.

This plant is used for protection while at sea.

Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis) is toxic.

The scent of the flower is said to help one overcome deep

emotional pain.

The blooms will destroy love.

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Candensis), also called Indian Paint and

Coon Root,

is highly toxic, but was once used to treat lung problems. It

is spread

on the skin to shrink skin cancer cells. The root itself may

be crushed

to make a red ink.

The root of this plant is used to make magick inks and protects

or brings


Bluebell (Scilla nutans) is poisonous and is not commonly used



This plant is used to compel people to tell the truth.

Blueberry (Vaccinium stamineum) berries are a strong and



Take a bundle of the twigs and bind one end, making a whisk,

then cense

the area in a clockwise motion to drive off negative forces.

Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliate), also called Buckbean, Water

Trefoil and

Marsh Clover, is used to treat joint pain and skin disease.

Fluid extract: 10 – 40 drops.

This plant is sacred to Robin Goodfellow.

Boldo (Peumus Boldus) is used to treat gonorrhea.

Fluid extract: ¼ - ½ dram once a day.

Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), also called White Snake Root,

is used,

despite its name, to treat the flu.

Powdered herb: 10 – 20 grains; fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram.

This plant is used to cure unnatural illnesses.

Borage (Borago officinalis), when taken externally reduces

swelling, but

internally it lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram once a day.

This plant is carried when courage is needed, but can also be

used to

cause tranquility in a household.

Bromeliad (Guzmania lingulata) was once used as a mouthwash but


considered toxic.

This plant protects from domestic abuse.

Brooklime ( beccabunga), also called Water Pimpernel,


Leaves, Cow Cress, Horse Cress, Housewell and Limewort, is a


for scurvy.

½ ounce drank as tea once a day.

Broom, Butchers (Ruscus aculeatus), also called Kneeholy, Jew's

Myrtle and

Sweet Broom, is used to treat stones, is an expectorant and

heals broken


One pint boiling water to 1 ounce of twigs once a day.

Broom is kept in the house to expel negative energies.

Bryony, Black (Tamus communis), also called Blackeye Root, and

as the name

suggests it is applied to remove bruises; it is highly toxic.

Fluid extract: 1 – 5 drops a day.

This root is commonly used as a substitute for the masculine



Bryony, White (Bryonia dioica) is deadly.

This root is commonly used as a substitute for the feminine

Mandrake root.

Bryony, Common (Bryonia dioica) is a violent purgative and

highly toxic.

This vine protects from lightning.

Buckthorn, Alder (Rhamnus Frangula), also called Black Dogwood,

is a


Fluid extract: ½ - 2 drams a day.

Buckthorn, Common (Rhamnaceae) is a laxative.

Fluid extract: ½ - 2 drams a day.

The leaves will help win court cases.

Buckwheat (Polygonum fagopyrum), also called Beechwheat, is

used to

restore the flow of milk for nursing mothers, but it is

irritating to the

skin; prevents hardening of the arteries.

½ ounce drank as tea up to 3 times a day.

Buffalobur (Solanum rostratum) is used for colon and bowel


1 gram a day.

Bugle, Common (Ajuga reptans), also called Carpenter's Herb,


and Middle Comfrey, is given to those coughing up blood to stop



1 ounce dried herb to 1 pint of water a day.

Bugle, Yellow (Ajuga chamaepitys), also called European Ground

Pine, is a

stimulant, helps in urinary problems and is also used to aid in


1 ounce dried herb to 1 pint of water a day.

Bugleweed (Lycopus Virginicus), also called Water Bugle, Sweet


Virginian Water, Horehound and Gypsy Weed, is a sedative and


narcotic. It softens hardened arteries and regulates the heart.

1 ounce of dried herb to one pint of water, 10 – 30 drops as

often as

needed; dry dose: 1 – 4 grains.

Bugloss, Viper (Echium vulgare), also called Blueweed, is used

to relieve

headaches and swelling.

1 ounce fresh leaves in 1 cup water once a day.

Bullace (Prunus insititia) is a mild purgative and stops

diarrhea, but the

bark is used as an astringent.

½ ounce flower drank as tea .

Bunchberry (Cornus Canadensis) is used to suppress coughs and

fever, stops

fits and is used as an eyewash.

½ ounce as tea once a day.

Burdock (Arctium lappa), also called Lappa, Fox Clote, Thorny

Burr and

Beggars Buttons, is used as a blood purifier and is also

applied to skin

problems and strengthens the stomach; the plant stimulates



1 ounce of herb to 1 ½ pint water, take 1 cup full up to 4

times a day.

Cut the roots into beads and wear them for protection from

other people's

negative emotions. Place some of the burs in a box and give to

the one you

wish to be honest. The burs can also be added to shoes with

nails to

cripple a person.

Burnet, Great (Sanguisorba Officinalis) is used as an

astringent and also

to settle upset stomachs.

½ ounce root drank as tea once a day.

Burnet, Lesser (Pimpinella saxifrage) is used as an astringent

and also

promotes perspiration. CAUTION: Looks very similar to deadly


½ ounce fresh herb drank as tea once a day.

Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus), also called False or White

Dittany, is

reputed to help with epilepsy.

Powdered root: 4 – 8 grams.

The leaves are carried for luck.

Butter and Eggs (Linaria vulgaris) is a diuretic and also

reduces fever.

½ - 2 ounces once a day.

Butterbur (Petasites vulgaris), also called Langwort, Umbrella

Plant, Bog

Rhubarb, Flapperdock, Blatterdock, Capdockin, Bogshorns and


is a stimulant to the heart.

1 dram once a day.

Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus), also called St. 's


Crowfoot, Frogsfoot and Goldcup, is used to cause blisters to

appear on

the skin. Taken internally, it will cause ulceration of the


Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii) is questionably toxic.

The scent of the flower is used to treat depression.

Butterwort (Pinguiicula vulgaris) is questionably toxic.

Since this plant is carnivorous, it protects from hexes and


- C –

Cabbage Tree (Andira inermis), also called Worm Bark, is a

highly toxic

plant that was once used to expel worms.

Powdered herb: 20 – 30 grains; fluid extract from 1 ounce plant

to one cup

of water: ¼ - 1 dram; once daily.

Cacti, Agave (Leuchtenbergia principis), is used much like Aloe

in that it

is used to treat sunburn and rashes.

The pulp is used as needed.

Cacti, Cholla (Cylindropuntia echinocarpa) is supposed to help



Chew on the root till symptoms subside.

Cacti, Creosote Bush (Larrea tridentate) will stop diarrhea and



Swallow a piece of the branch.

Cacti, Night Blooming Cereus (Cereus grandiflorus), is a heart


5 – 15 drops of juice up to 4 times a day.

Cacti, Prickly Pear (Opuntia polyacantha), is the best plant to

help with

diabetes. The juices of the fruits are used to treat warts and

taken to

get rid of hangovers.

Cut in half, warm and lay on afflicted area; fruit juice: 1 – 2


Cacti, Princess of the Night (Crassula muscosa), is good for


½ ounce of juice once a day.

Cacti, San Pedro (Trichocereus Pachanoi), is a hallucinogen.

150 – 300 milligrams once a day.

This cactus is used in spirit flight aimed at possession of



Caladium (Caladium hortulanum) sooths and heals nervous system

and also is

said to help with impotence.

5 grains a day.

The scent of the plant is said to help people release

controlling and

manipulative behavior.

Calamint (Calamintha officinalis), also called Mountain Balm,

Basil Thyme

and Mountain Mint, is sweet smelling and is used for a weak

stomach and to

stop flatulence.

1 – 2 ounces herb up to 4 times a day drank as tea.

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is toxic.

Place the bloom under your pillow to dream of a thief.

Camphor (Cinnamonum camphora) is known to open nasal passages;

it assists

in labored breathing and heals skin problems.

Smell this plant to kill sexual desire.

This essence is burned at night for prophetic dreams, but also

keeps one's


Candytuft, Bitter (Iberis amara) is used as an expectorant.

1 – 3 grains of powdered seeds.

Caraway (Carum Carvi) calms the stomach and eases off


Steep 1 ounce of seeds in 1 ounce of cold water for six hours,

1 – 3

glasses a day.

The seeds are used to keep from theft and when added with cumin

is used to

assure fidelity.

Cardamon (Elettaria cardamomum) is used for indigestion and


15 – 30 grains of powdered seeds, ½ - 1 fluid dram a day; fluid

extract: 5

– 30.

This plant is used to attract a mistress.

Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) is mostly a confectionary.

This flower keeps you from being judged poorly.

Carrot (Daucus carota) roots are used to aid in failing


Because of their phallic shape, the roots are used to excite


Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus purshianus) is a powerful but safe


5 drops of fluid extract, 1 dram; powder extract: 1 – 10 grains

a day.

The bark from this plant is supposed to be helpful in winning

court cases.

Castor (Ricinus communis) is a highly toxic laxative.

Catnip (Nepeta cataria), also called Catmint, is a mild


Drink as tea freely.

The leaves are used as bookmarks in magick books at times.

Catsfoot (Antennaria dioca), also called Everlasting and

Cudweed, was used

to treat the mumps and loosen the bowels.

1 ounce herb drank as tea once a day.

Cat Tail (Typha latifolia) is used to stop bleeding.

Apply leaf directly to wound.

Because of its obvious phallic shape it is used to induce lust.

Cats Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) powerful antioxidant and

strengthens the

cardiovascular system as well as the immune system and also


inflammation; the root is used for birth control.

1 grain of vine once a day.

Cats Whiskers (Taccaceae), also called Tacca and Bat Plant, is

a very

powerful diuretic.

" Whiskers " from one flower once a day.

Cayenne (Capsicum) is used to stimulate the thyroid, burn out

fevers and

excite the bowels.

Cedar, Western Red (Thuja plicata) is said to help mend broken


Chew new buds.

Celandine, Greater (Chelidonium majus) is a purgative, removes

stones, and

treats skin problems.

1 ounce of herb drank as tea once a day.

This plant is used to become unnoticed.

Celandine, Lesser (Ranunculus ficaria), also called Figwort,

Smallwort and

Pilewort, is used to shrink hemorrhoids.

1 ounce of herb drank as tea once a day.

Celery (Apium graveolens var dulce) sticks are known to promote

a calm


Centaury (Erythraea centaurium), also called Filwort, Christ's

Ladder and

Feverwort, is an appetite suppressant and purifies the blood.

1 ounce drank as tea once a day.

This plant protects from snakes.

Chamomile, Common (Anthemis nobilis) and German (Matricaria


is a mild sedative.

1 ounce of herb drank as tea up to 4 times a day.

This plant is usually combined with Lavender to sooth and calms



Chamomile, Stinking (Anthemis cotula) will produce vomiting and


1 ounce of herb drank as tea once a day.

Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) is known to lower sexual

desire, but is

helpful for women suffering PMS.

½ ounce fresh flowers and/or leaves; drink as tea.

This tree is used to assure fidelity of women.

Cherry, Wild (Prunus serotina), also called Virginian Prune and


Cherry, is good for bronchitis and is a mild sedative. CAUTION:

Dried herb

is deadly.

½ - 1 dram of fresh herb drank as tea once a day.

Cherry, Winter (Physalis alkekengi), also called Cape

Gooseberry and

Strawberry Tomato, is a suppressant on the bladder.

6 – 12 berries a day; ½ ounce juice a day.

Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) is a highly poisonous plant

that has

narcotic qualities.

½ - 2 drams a day.

Chestnut, Horse (Æsculus hippocastanum) is a mild narcotic.

1 ounce of herb to 1 pint of water, one ounce drank as teas

once a day.

The Buckeye comes from this tree, which is invaluable to

increase sexual

stamina and to ward off the pain of rheumatism.

Chestnut, Sweet (Castanea vesca), also called Jupiter's Nut and


Chestnut, is good for coughs.

Chickweed (Stellaria media), also called Starweed, is used to

cool down

wounds. Taken internally it helps one to lose weight.

1 pound of herb to 1 liter of water, 10 – 60 drops a day.

Chicory (Cichorium intybus) is used as a laxative, diuretic

and " cleans "

the blood.

1 ounce of herb drank as tea up to 4 times a day.

This plant is used in hexes.

Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) is used for vitality,

PMS and

chemical addictions.

20 grains, 20 – 30 drops once a day.

Cicely, Sweet (Myrrhis odorata), also called British Myrrh,

Chervil, Sweet

Bracken, Sweet Fern and Shepherd's Needle, is used to treat

gastro-intestinal problems and is said to take the poison from

bites of

vipers and mad dogs.

4 – 8 ounces drank as tea once a day.

Cigar Tree (Catalpa speciosa), also called Indian Bean is a


Cut both ends off dried pod and smoke.

Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) is mostly a confectionary.

This plant is said to protect gardeners.

Cineraria Maritima (Senecio maritime) is said to remove


Up to 3 drops in the eye once a day.

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) sticks are stimulants, but the

leaves are


Cinnamon is mostly used in money spells.

Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans), also called Five-Leaf Grass,

is said to

cool fevers.

½ - 2 drams drank as tea once a day.

This plant is used to get favors.

Clivers (Galium aperine), also called Goosegrass, Barweed,


Bedstraw and Catchweed, is a blood purifier, lowers blood

pressure and

shrinks tumors.

½ - 1 dram once a day.

The smell of the plant release feelings of guilt and also the

need to

control or manipulate others.

This vine is used in love spells or to make love poppets.

Cloth of Gold (Achillea filipendulina), also called Gold Yarrow

and Fern

Leaf Yarrow, is questionably toxic.

The flower is used by those who wish to understand animals


Clover, Purple Prairie (Petalostemum purpureum) is a strong



2 – 4 grains of herb once a day.

Clover, Red (Trifolium pretense), also called Trefoil, is an


1 dram of herb drank as tea once a day.

The buds will draw friends when carried.

Clover, Round-Headed Bush (Lespedeza capitata) is used to fight

tumor and

lower cholesterol and blood nitrogen.

1 gram once a day.

Clover, White Sweet (Melilotus alba) is said to lower blood


From 1 pound of herb to 1 liter of water, 1 – 20 drops a day.

Cloves (Eugenia caryophyllata) are used to stop flatulence and

one placed

in the mouth will numb tooth pain.

Coca (Erythroxylon Coca) is highly addictive and can be deadly.

The leaves

are chewed to relieve fatigue and other symptoms of being too

high in

altitude; but are also a stimulant and an appetite suppressant.

1 leaf chewed.

Cohosh, Black (Cimicifuga racemosa), also called Black Snake

Root, Rattle

Root and Bugbane, is an expectorant and is supposed to be a

remedy against

rattlesnake bites. Since it is a good source of estrogen, it

is used for

a range of menstrual problems and is given to calm down overly



1 – 6 grains once a day.

This plant's root is carried to keep unwanted attention from

you, stop

harassment, and when placed in a red sachet it promotes courage.

Cohosh, Blue (Caulophyllum thalictroides), Papoose Root,

Squawroot and

Blueberry Root, is used for urinary tract inflammation and to

speed along

delayed birth.

1 ounce of root to 1 pint of water, 2 – 4 ounces a day.

This plant is used to protect children.

Coltsfoot (Tussilago Farfara), also called Coughwort, Hallfoot,


and Bullsfoot, is the most powerful expectorant.

1 ounce of leaves to 1 pint of water drunk as tea.

This plant is said to cause " evil to turn and run " from you.

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale), also called Knitbone,


Bruisewort and Slippery Root, is used internally to slow

bleeding and

externally to reduce swelling and make bruises less apparent.

½ - 1 ounce root to 1 pint of boiling water, drink as tea once

a day.

The root is used to protect travelers. When placed in luggage

the bags

will not get lost. The leaves are said to help you " hold on " to

the money

you win in gambling.

Compass Plant (Silphium perfoliatum) is used for coughs,

asthma, and


4 ounces of root drank as tea once a day.

Coneflower, Green-Headed (Rudbeckia laciniata) is used to treat


1 ounce of herb to 1 liter of grease, apply liberally.

Coolwort (Tiarella Cordifolia), also called Foam Flower and

Mitrewort, is

used to treat indigestion and acid reflux and externally to

cool wounds.

1 ounce to a pint of water, drink 2 ounces as tea up to three

times a day;

externally: apply leaves as needed.

Coralroot, Spotted (Corallorhiza maculate) is used to induce


1 ounce herb to 1 pint water, 10 – 20 drops a day.

Corn (Zea mays) is used for mild swelling and pain.

The silky hairs and husks from the last ear of corn of the

year's harvest

is used to make corn dolls which are burned and tilled into the

earth at

the next planting.

Cottonwood (Populus deltoids). This tree is used to treat


20 – 50 milligrams drank as tea once a day.

Cowslips (Primula veris), also called Key Flower, Fairy Cups,


Palsywort, is a sedative and an antispasmodic and reduces

tumors; may

cause irritation.

1 pound fresh herb to 1 pint water, 1 ounce once a day as tea.

Having this plant near your front door discourages visitors.

Cow-Wheat (Melampyrum pretense) is used to cause intoxication

but leaves

one with a headache.

1 dram once a day.

Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpum) is a powerful diuretic.

Cranesbill Root, American (Geranium maculatum), also called

Alum Root,

Storksbill, Wild Geranium, Chocolate Flower, Dove's-foot, Old


Nightcap and Shameface, is used to slow internal bleeding and


hemorrhoids. The root is commonly chewed to relieve canker


15 – 30 grains a day; 1 ounce of herb to 1 pint of water, 1

glass a day.

The scent of the flower is good for those who are over-worked

and also

stimulates the imagination and intuition.

Crawley Root (Corallorhiza odontorhiza), also called Dragon's

Claw, Coral

Root and Chicken Toe, is used to promote perspiration and help

with fevers

and inflammation.

20 – 30 grains of powdered root a day; 15 – 30 drops of fluid

once a day.

Crosswort (Galium cruciata) is used to stimulate the appetite.

½ ounce herb drank as tea once a day.

Crown Imperial Fritillary (Fritillaria imperialis) is

questionably toxic.

This plant is used in spells to gain authority.

Cucumber, Common (Cucumis sativa). The seeds are a diuretic,

but it is

mostly made into slices to cover the eyes to reduce the

appearance of

" bags. "

Because of its phallic shape, it is used to excite love.

Cucumber, Wild (Ecballium elaterium) is used for chills, fever


interrupted menses.

1/40 – 1/10 grain a day.

Cudweed (Graphalium uliginosum), also called Cotton Weed and


Everlasting is an astringent that is good for the throat.


internally, it creates a euphoric happiness.

½ - 1 dram a day.

Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is mostly a confectionary, but was once

used as an


1 ounce drank as tea up to three times a day.

The plant is used to protect a home from theft, and when added


caraway is used to assure fidelity.

Cup Plant (Silphium perfoliatum) is found useful in liver and



4 ounces of powdered root once a day.

Culver's Root (strum virginicum) is used to induce

vomiting and


30 – 40 drops of juice throughout the day.

Currant, Black (Ribes nigrum), also called Quinsy Berries, is

boiled to

ease a sore throat. When ingested, it flushes the kidneys and

is used to

aid eyesight.

1 ounce drank as tea once a day; eat ripe berries liberally.

Currant, Red (Ribes rubrum) is a refrigerant and will stop

blistering if

applied to a burn immediately.

Use as many berries as needed to apply to wound.

Cyclamens, Ivy-Leaved (Cyclamen hederaefolium) are used to

stimulate the


Powdered root: 20 – 40 grains a day.

This flower is used to break up marriages.

- D -

Daisy, Ox-Eye (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), also called Moon

Daisy, Field

Daisy, Butter Daisy, Horse Daisy and Gowan, is used to treat


cough, asthma and night sweats.

16 – 20 drops of fluid in cup of water once a day.

Damiana (a aphrodisiaca) is an aphrodisiac, working to

correct the

reproductive organs and is also a tranquilizer.

1 ounce of herb drank as tea once a day.

The scent of this plant is a mild aphrodisiac.

This plant is used to attract sexual favors.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), also called Priest's Crown

and Swine's

Snout, is used as a diuretic.

2 ounces of root drank as tea once a day.

The root is sacred to Hecate.

Deer's Tongue (Liatris odoratissima) causes cramps.

Some of the plant is placed in the shoe to stop gossip, but

when carried

promotes eloquence.

Devil's Bit (Liliaceae Chamaelirium luteum) is said to correct

reproductive issues in men and women.

1 once of herb drank as tea up to 3 times a day.

Devils Claw (Proboscidea louisianica) is used to reduce

bloating in women

and is used to ease joint pain.

½ ounce drank as tea up to 2 times a day.

Devil's Pod (Trapa bicornis), also called Bat Nut, and is



The pods, which look like bats, are said to protect the home.

Devil's Shoestring (Viburnum alnifolium), also called Hobble

Bush, and is

used to relieve menstrual cramps.

1 stick drank from tea once a day.

The plant is used for protection, but the root is carried for


luck and also when trying to find a job.

Dill (Peucedanum graveolens) is used to treat flatulence.

1 ounce drank as tea up to three times a day.

The seeds are said to repel witchcraft.

Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus) is questionably toxic.

The plant is used to make spirits appear.

Dodder (Cuscuta Europaea), also called Love Vine is used to

treat bruises.

Apply leaves to bruise.

This parasite vine does not choke its host, so is used in

magick to bind


Dogwood, Common (Cornus florida), also called Boxwood, is known


strengthen the stomach.

1 ounce drunk as tea up to 2 times a day.

The bark is used to guard against jealousy and envy.

Dogwood , Jamaica (Piscidia erythrina) is used for toothache,

cough, and

nervous disorders. Its is highly toxic and side effects include

nausea and


1 - 5 grains

Dong Quai ( sinensis) is used to stop cramping,

especially in

women and boosts the immune system.

1 ounce of herb drank as tea up to three times a day.

' Campion (Silene douglasii) is said to regulate heart


1 gram once a day.

The scent of the flower is supposed to " open the heart. "

Dragon Tree (Dracaena draco) is toxic.

The resin of this tree is called Dragons Blood and is used for


inks, to increase dominance when carried, and to protect

marriages when

placed under the bed.

Dream Herb (Calea zacatechichi) is good to treat gastro-



1 ounce up to 3 times a day.

The herb is a mild psychedelic and is said to give divine

inspiration in


Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria), also called Stagger

Weed, is

taken against paralysis and to fight tumors, however it is a

diuretic and

may cause a skin rash; very small doses are deadly.

1 gram once a day.

- E -

Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia), also called Black Sampson


Coneflower, is used to boost the immune system to fight off

infections and


½ ounce drunk as tea up to 4 times a day.

This flower is used for courage.

Eclipta (Eclipta prostrate) is chewed to stop tooth and gum


(especially bleeding gums), is antibacterial and an immune


10 – 15 grains a day.

Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) is questionably toxic.

d for protection from all weapons.

Elder, Common (Sambucus nigra) is a strong purgative. If the

berries are

boiled in water for an hour, the liquid can be placed on the

temples to

induce sweating.

Bark: 1 ounce to a pint of water, up to 3 glassfuls a day;

berries: 1

quart of berries to 2 quart of wine, steep and drink up to 3

glassfuls a


The tree was once considered unlucky because when it is cut the

sap runs

out red like blood. It is connected to the ancestors, but some

place it in

their windowsills to keep out ill fortune. The twigs are kept

to guard

against temptation of adultery.

Elder, American Dwarf (Aralia hispida) is used for kidney and



2 – 4 ounce drunk as tea up to 4 times a day.

Elder, Dwarf (Sambucus Ebulus), also called Danewort, is an


and a purgative.

1 gram a day.

Elecampane (Inula Helenium), also called Scabwort, Elf Dock,


Sunflower, Horseheal and Velvet Dock, is used as a stimulant,


worms, and is used on inflammation.

Powdered root: ½ - 1 dram; fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The bloom is carried to help gain friends at work.

Elephant Ear (Alocasia macrorrhiza) is questionably toxic.

The scent of the leaf is supposed to release feelings of guilt.

Elephant Head (Pedicularis groenlandica) is generally non-toxic

and used

for anxiety and insomnia and eases muscles and joint pain when



1 grain a day.

The flowers truly look like tiny elephant heads and are added

to charms

for memory.

Elm, Common (Ulmus campestris) is an astringent.

1 ounce drunk as tea up to 4 times a day.

Elm, Slippery (Ulmus fulva), also called Red Elm and Moose Elm,


soothing, but when taken internally it may remove worms.

6 grams once a day.

The bark is used to stop gossip.

Ephedra (Ephedra vulgaris), also called Ephedrine and Ma Huang,

is used as

a stimulant to reduce swelling in the mucus membrane and treat

asthma and

other breathing conditions.

½ - 1 grain a day.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globules), also called Blue Gum Tree, is


stimulant, but is most often burned to open nasal passages.

The soothing

coolness of an ointment made from the leaves is known to

alleviate joint


Boil some leaves in oil and inhale.

The scent of this tree calms mood swings.

The seed pods are carried to guard against colds.

Everlasting, Pearly (Antennaria Margaritaceum), also called


Everlasting, is used as a sedative internally and externally

for swelling

and infections.

1 leaf to a cup of water once a day.

1 leaf drunk in tea each day is said to prolong life.

Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) is used to treat eye


Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram once a day.

This herb is used to increase intuition.

- F -

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), also called Sweet Fennel and Wild

Fennel, is

used to relieve flatulence, but can be a purgative. It has been

used to

assist diabetics.

The scent of the seeds suppress the appetite.

If some of this herb is placed in the left shoe you won't get

any ticks;

also protects from witchcraft.

Fenugreek (Foenum-graecum), also called Greek Hay Seed, is

invaluable when

dealing with diabetes.

1 ounce seeds to 1 pint water, 1 – 2 tablespoons a day.

This plant is used in money spells.

Fern, Bracken (Pteris aquiline) is used to ease pains in the

thigh when

used externally.

1 bruised root in water.

Burn this plant to bring rain and keep it under your pillow to


solutions to your problems in dreams.

Fern, Male (Dryopteris Felix-mas, Aspidium Filix-mas) is used

in small

doses to expel tapeworms.

Powdered root: 1 – 4 drams a day.

Fern wards burglars from the home.

Fern, Black Spleenwort (Asplenium Adiantum nigrum) is said to


spleen health.

1 tablespoon of herb drank as tea up to 3 times a day.

This fern is used in rainmaking.

Fern, Wall Rue (Asplenium Ruta-muraria), also called White

Maidenhair and

Tentwort, is used to prevent hair from falling out.

Boil plant in water and wash hair with it once a day.

Feverfew (Centaurea cyanus), also called Flirtwort and

Bachelor's Buttons,

is used to reduce fevers, increase circulation, lift spirits

and reduce

swelling to insect bites once applied.

1 ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

The scents of the flowers often soften emotional protection.

This flower is generally used to attract the love of females,

but is also

worn by clumsy people to protect them from harming themselves.

Figwort, Knotted (Scrophularia nodosa), also called Throatwort,

Carpenter's Square and Kernelwort, is applied to reduce

swelling and the

sight of bruises.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram once a day.

This plant is wrapped around the neck as an amulet.

Fir, Balsam (Abies balsamea) is traditionally used on


Boil a small branch in water and wash area.

The scent of the needles gives a feeling of well-being.

Fir, Hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) is used as a wash for


Boil a small branch in water and wash area.

Fireweed (Erechtites hieracifolia, Cineraria Canadensis) treats


flaking and is also good to apply to hemorrhoids.

2 part herb to 1 part alcohol.

The scent of this plant is mildly hallucinogenic.

Since this plant sometimes breaks off at the root and becomes


it is used to protect travelers.

Flax, Common (Linum usitatissimum), also called Linseed, is

applied to

boils and scalding. It counters constipation but is not

commonly used so

because it causes flatulence.

1 ounce seeds to 1 pint water, 1 glassful up to 3 times a day.

The flowers are a cure for sorcery.

Flax, Mountain (Linum catharticum), also called Dwarf Flax, is

used as a


1 ounce drank as tea.

Fleabane, Canadian (Erigeron Canadense), also called Fleawort,


and Prideweed, is used when the tonsils and throat are inflamed.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram once a day.

Keep this plant under your bed to assure fidelity.

Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis symphytifolia) " has a strong affinity

for the

respiratory organs, especially the left lower lung. "

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram once a day.

The plant is used to return a lost lover.

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), also called Witches' Gloves,

Dead Men's

Bells, Fairy's Glove, Bloody Fingers and Fairy Caps, is not

commonly used

as the tiniest bit speeds up the heart dramatically and is


Frangipani (Plumeria rubra) is said to relax the symptoms of


Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram once a day.

The flowers make others have confidence and trust in you.

incense (Boswellia Thurifera) is a stimulant, but is

mostly used as

an oil to reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

1 small branch boiled in water and applied externally.

The scent helps one release the past.

The branches are commonly used as incense when making offerings.

Fringe Tree (Chionanthus virginica), also called Snowdrop Berry

and Poison

Ash, is slightly narcotic, applied to inflammation and is used

in liver


½ - 2 ounces drunk as tea up to 3 times a day; powdered herb:

1 – 3 grains

a day.

Frostweed (Helianthemum Canadense) is taken to treat swelling

of the lymph


2 grains of plant, 1 dram a day.

Fungus, Caterpillar (Cordyceps sinensis), also known as

Cordyceps Fungus,

is known for aiding in the regeneration of bone marrow and

boosts immune

and endocrine system.

2 – 4 grams a day.

Fungus, Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is known to lower

blood pressure

and cholesterol and grows back damaged nerves.

1 tablespoon up to 3 times a day.

- G -

Galangal (Alpinia officinarum) is used for upset stomach and


15 – 30 grains a day.

The root is called Low the Conquer, Southern or

Chewing (as

it is chewed during court trials to gain favor over the

outcome), giving

it the name Court Case Root.

Garlic, Common (Allium sativum) is excellent to use to cleanse

the blood,

fight off colds, strengthen the stomach and is used to lower

high blood


The bulb is used to protect from malicious spirits.

Garlic, False (Nothoscordum bivalve), also called Crow Poison,

is toxic.

The flower is carried for luck while fishing.

Garlic, Society (Tulbaghia violacea) helps during the menopause.

1 ounce drunk as tea once a day.

The scent of the flower is supposed to help those who are timid.

Gentian, Yellow (Gentiana lutea) is a wonderful tonic to

strengthen the

whole body.

2 – 8 grains a day.

This plant is used when one wishes to be more respected.

Germander, Sage-leaved (Teucrium scorodonia), also called Wood


Ambrose and Garlic Sage, is a diuretic and is used in skin

affections and

diseases of the blood.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Germander, Wall (Teucrium chamaedrys) was once used to cure

gout, remove

obstructions in the bladder and to calm down coughing.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Giant Bird's Nest (Pterospora andromedea), also called Pine

Drops, is used

to stop lung bleeding and mountain folk would sniff it to stop



½ ounce of seed pods once a day.

This plant is hung over the bed for virility.

Ginger, Common (Zingiber officinale) is chewed to calm down


sickness and nausea and will stop diarrhea and flatulence.

Chew whole root.

The scent of the root restores self-determination.

The root is carried to find an appropriate mistress.

Ginger, Crepe (Costus speciosa) is questionably toxic.

The scent of the plant is supposed to strengthen feminine

resistance to


Ginger, Wild (Asarum caudatum) helps with herpes and to relax



½ ounce powdered root once a day.

The scent of the plant is supposed to help release sexual abuse


with continued use.

Ginkgo (ginkgo balboa) is known to aid in circulation and also

is helpful

in memory.

½ ounce leaves drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) is well known as a safe stimulant


helpful to diabetics.

Chew on whole root.

Gipsyweed, Common (Lycopus Europaeus), also called Water

Horehound, is an

astringent and a sedative, breaks up phlegm, treats the

gallbladder, and

is externally used to increase liver bile flow.

½ ounce drunk as tea once a day.

Gladwyn, Stinking (Iris foetidissima), also called Spurge Plant

and Roast

Beef Plant, is a potent purgative.

2 – 3 grains a day.

Gleditschia (Gleditschia triacanthos) will stop the body's

reflexes and

lock joints.

Inhale burning plant.

Glory Bower (Clerodendrum trichotomum) is burned for a calming

feeling and

is said to help one have less seizures with continued use.

Inhale burning flowers.

Gourd, Bushel (Lagenaria sicerarea) is used to treat asthma and

weak vocal


1 ounce per day.

The scent is said to make one become subservient.

Goat's Beard, Common (Tragopogon pratensis) is applied to

relieve bee

stings and is used as a soak for swollen feet.

2 part herb to 1 part water.

Goat's Beard, Flowering (Tragopogon major), also called Noon

Flower, and

is the best to dissolve bile.

½ ounce drunk as tea once a day.

Gold Thread (Coptis trifolia), also called Cancer Root, is used

to fight

alcoholism and chewed to heal cancer soars.

10 – 30 grains a day.

Golden (Zizia aurea) is applied to heal wounds, and

is taken

internally to induce sleep and treat syphilis.

Fluid extract: 10 drops up to 3 times a day.

Golden Corydalis (Corydalis aurea) is smoked to relieve

headaches and

menstrual irregularities.

1 ounce a day.

Golden Rod, American (Solidago virgaurea), also called

Woundwort and

's Rod, is used to help pass stones to heal ulcers.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

This weed is used to find lost objects.

Goldenrod, Canadian (Solidago Canadensis). The leaves are used

to treat

urinary tract infections.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Golden Seal (Hydrastis Canadensis), also called Yellow Root,

Orange Root,

Ground Raspberry, Wild Curcuma, Eye Root, Eye Balm, Indian

Paint and

Jaundice Root, is a laxative and detergent, aids in digestion,

acts on the

mucus membranes and inflammation of the colon and rectum.


during pregnancy.

Powdered root: 10 grains; leaf: 5 – 8 grains a day.

Gooseberry (Ribes grossularia), also called Feverberry,


Deberries, Goosegogs, Honeyblobs and Feaberry, is said to cure



1 ounce drunk as tea once a day.

Goutweed (Ægopodium podagraria), also called Goatweed, Herb


Ashweed, English Masterwort, Wild Masterwort, Pigweed, Ground

Elder, White

Ash, Bishopsweed and Bishopswort, is a diuretic and sedative

and is

applied externally to joint pain.

2 part herb to 1 part water, apply externally.

Grass, Blue-Eyed (Sisyrinchium albidum) is a laxative.

1/2 ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

Grass, Blue Stem (Andropogon gerardii) is taken to treat gas.

5 grams a day.

Grass, Broomsedge (Carex scoparia) is used to treat frostbite,


itching and rash.

2 part herb to 1 part water, apply externally.

Grass, Couch-grass (Agropyron repens L.), also called Twitch-


Quick-grass and Dog-grass, is used to remove gravels from the



½ ounce drunk as tea once a day.

Grass, Crab (Digitaria ischaemum) is a laxative.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The plant is usually hung above doors to keep the police away.

Grass, Bearded Darnel (Lolium temulentum), is a sedative and a



½ ounce drunk as tea once a day.

Grass, Sweet-Scented Vernal (Anthoxanthum odoratum) is sniffed

up the nose

to relieve hay fever attack.

Gravelroot (Eupatorium purpureum), also called Trumpet-weed,


Queen-of-the-Meadow Root, Purple Boneset and Hempweed, is a


astringent, removes gravels and is applied externally to joint


3 – 5 grains a day.

When the plant is placed in a green flannel bag it will help in



Greenweed, Dyers (Genista tinctoria) also called Greenwood.

The seeds are

purgative, but a small drop of the juice in alcohol makes a



Grindelia (Grindelia camporum, Grindelia cuneifolia, Grindelia


also called Gum Plant, is an expectorant and a sedative.

30 – 40 grains a day.

Groundcherry (Physalis alkekengi), also called Chinese

Lanterns, isn't

used because it is highly toxic, thought the ripe berries are

at times

considered diuretic.

This plant is used to force a lover to stay.

Groundsel, Common (Senecio vulgaris), also called Grundy

Swallow, is used

as a purgative and to remove worms.

Fluid extract: 1 dram once a day.

Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus), also called Cramp Bark,

Snowball Tree,

King's Crown, High Cranberry, Red Elder, Water Elder, May Rose,

Dog Rowan

Tree, Silver Bells and Black Haw, is used as a sedative, to

calm hysteria

and convulsions.

1 – 3 grains a day.

The root is used for gambling luck and while searching for


Gum, Sweet American (Liquidambar styraciflua) treats skin


10 – 20 grains boiled in lard and applied externally.

The seeds pods from this tree, called Witches Burs, are used

for occult


- H -

Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia) is an anti-inflammatory.

½ ounce herb boiled in lard and applied externally.

The plant is said to be sacred to the Devil.

Hardhack (Spiraea douglasii) clears the bowels.

1 - 2 teaspoons of dried root once a day.

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa), also called Elephant


and Wooly Morning Glory, is a psychedelic.

4 - 8 seeds.

Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), also called Mayblossom and

Bread and

Cheese Tree, is good for heart conditions and the barriers are

used as a


1 berry a day.

This tree is used to force love, but also to keep your spouse

from having

an affair.

Hazelnut, American (Corylus Americana). The twig hairs are used

to expel


1 ounce of " hairs " drank as tea once a day.

Heartsease (Viola tricolor), also called Wild Pansy, Love-Lies-


Pink-eyed- and Bullweed, is given for eczema and other skin


1 ounce boiled in lard and applied externally.

The flower is used in love potions, as they open the hearts of


(Calluna vulgaris) is a diuretic.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

The scent of the flowers gives feelings of peace.

This flower is carried to guard against rape and violent crimes.

Heliotrope (Heliotropium Peruviana) is used for a sore throat.

Fluid extract: ½ dram to glass of water, gargle.

If something of yours was stolen, placing this herb under your

pillow will

help you to dream of the thief.

Hellebore, Black (Helleborus niger), also called Christmas

Rose, is a

highly poisonous and violent purgative and narcotic.

Leaf: 1 – 2 grains; powdered root: 10 – 20 grains.

This plant is used to bless pets and livestock.

Hemlock (Conium maculatum) is an extremely toxic nervous system


This very dangerous plant has been used in necromancy.

Hemp, Canadian (Apocynum Cannabinum, Apocynum Androsaemum),

also called

Dogsbane, is a violent purgative and heart stimulant.

1 – 5 grains a day.

Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) is a poisonous narcotic that

suppresses the

heart, blood pressure and body temperature.

Powdered leaf: 2 – 10 grains.

This plant is used in ointment to induce hallucinations of

flying or

animal transformation. It is also used to bless

chalices/goblets and

cauldrons and has been used in necromancy rituals.

Herb (Geranium robertianum) is used to treat swelling

and sore


Up to 5 grains a day boiled in water and gargled.

Hoary Puccoon (Lithospermum canescens) is used to stops spasms,


thyroid problems and was once used as a contraceptive.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 gram a day.

Holly, Common (Ilex aquifolium), also called Christ's Thorns,

is good for

fevers. The berries, however, are purgatives.

2 part leaf to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

The twigs are thrown down in front of animals to keep them calm

and the

leaves are carried for protection. A spoon made from the

branches is used

to feed sick children to heal them faster.

Holly, Sea (Eryngium maritinum, Eryngium campestre) is burned

for coughs

and is a diuretic acting upon the liver.

Inhale smoke of burning leaves.

This plant has been known to calm feuding lovers.

Hollyhock (Althaea Rosea) is a diuretic.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The seed pods are dried and carried for money, but if the

blossoms are

black, they are carried to dominate others.

Honesty (Lunaria annua), also called Money Plant, is a diuretic

and a


Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The " coins " of this plant are used in money spells.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium, Lonicera Periclymenum), also


Goat's Leaf, is an expectorant, laxative and is good to gargle

when the

throat is inflamed.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The scent of the flowers helps one stop dwelling on the past.

The plant is used in spells to go unnoticed.

Hops (Humulus Lupulus) are a sedative and a diuretic.

2 ounces drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

The scent of the cones of this plant relieves boredom and


The cones of this plant are used to lighten someone else's mood.

Hop Hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana), also called Iron Wood. The

inner bark of

this tree is used to treat fevers and is a blood purifier.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Horehound, Black (Ballota nigra) calms spasms and expels worms

from the


Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

This plant is used to both break love spells and worn when you

need quick

thinking. If it is mixed with ash leaves in a bowl of water and

placed in

a sick room, the person will get better.

Horehound, White (Marrubium vulgare) is given for any type of


problems and is sucked on for a sore throat.

Chew on plant.

Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium sagittatum) is an aphrodisiac,


sexual desire and lending sensitivity to the genitals.

250 – 1,000 milligrams a day.

Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense), also called Bull Nettle,

Sand Brier,

Apple of Sodom and Poisonous Potato, is a sedative and relieves


Berries: 5 – 60 grains; root: 10 grains a day.

Horseradish (Cochlearia Armoracia), also called Mountain

Radish, is a

stimulant, antiseptic and a strong diuretic; it may also clear

out nasal


The leaves are powdered and spread for protection.

Horsetails (Equisetum arvense, Equisetum hyemale, Equisetum


Equisetum sylvaticum), also called Shave-Grass, will stop the

bleeding of

wounds when applied, and is good for kidney and bladder

problems when

taken internally.

Leaf: 3 – 10 grains; fluid extract: 10 – 60 drops a day.

This stalk of this plant is said to draw snakes when blown


Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) is applied to relieve


1 ounce of herb boiled in lard and applied externally.

This plant was once used for protection against wolves and is

worn in the

shoes to keep hounds silent.

Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum), also called Hens and

Chickens, is

crushed and placed on cuts and burns to cool the area.

Fluid extract: 10 – 20 drops.

This plant supposedly protects from lightning.

Hyacinth, Water (Eichhornia crassipes) is a diuretic.

1 gram a day.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) is used to relieve or dull

the pain of

passing a stone and promotes a healthy prostate.

30 grains a day.

Place the root under your pillow to guard against nightmares.

Hyssop, Common (Hyssopus officinalis) is an expectorant, a

stimulant, and

is used to cure rheumatism.

Fluid extract: 30 – 60 drops a day.

This plant is the most popular in spiritual cleansing.

Hyssop, Hedge (Gratiola officinalis) is a diuretic, reduces

swelling in

the spleen, and may expel worms.

Powdered root: 15 – 30 grains a day.

- I -

Indian Physic (Gillenia trifoliate), also called Bowman's Root

and Indian

Hippo, is taken to induce vomiting as is may be toxic.

Externally, it is

used to treat bee stings.

Powdered root: 10 – 30 grains a day.

This plant is carefully burned for strength and courage.

Indian Pipe (Monotropa uniflora) was once used as a sedative,

but it is

both highly toxic and rare.

Indigo, Wild (Baptisia tinctoria), also called Horse-Fly Weed


Rattlebush, is a strong astringent and can be made into a wash

for cramps.

1 – 3 grains a day; fluid extract: ¼ - ½ a day.

Iron Weed (Vernonia altissima) is a diuretic and stops all



½ ounce drunk as tea twice a day.

Carry this plant in a purple bag to control others, especially

at work.

Iris, Common (Iridaceae) is a diuretic.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The root, called Jezebel root, it mostly used by prostitutes to


wealthy, influential clients, but it can also be used to get


When it is placed in destructive oil, it is a powerful cursing


Iris, Pseudacorus (Iris Pseudacorus), also called Yellow Flag,


Flower and s Sword will excite sneezing.

The root of the Iris is often called Orris or Queen

root, and is

a great protector.

Iris, Tenax (Iris tenax) is given when one is vomiting bile and


sometimes used as an antidepressant.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Iris, Versicolor (Iris Versicolor), also called Blue Flag,

Snake Lily and

Water Flag, is a purgative, acts upon the liver and intestines,

and is

applied externally for syphilis.

Powdered root: 20 grains; leaf: 1- 3 grains; fluid extract: ½ -

1 dram a


The root is carried to attract money.

Ivy, Common (Hedera Helix) is smeared on sunburns to relieve



1 ounce herb to lard, boil and apply externally.

Ivy, English (Hedera helix) is applied to the scalp to relieve


2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and wash once a day.

This vine is most commonly used to bind a lover to you.

Ivy, Ground (Glechoma Hederacea) is usefully in kidney diseases


indigestion. It was once used as an antidote for lead poisoning.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Long ago, folk would wrap a red cloth around the plant and

place it under

their pillow to dream of a future spouse. Another spell says

that if you

wrap this around a yellow candle and burn it on a Tuesday you

may find the

identity of one who is hexing you.

Ivy, Kenilworth (Cymbalaria muralis) is questionably toxic.

The scent of the plant is supposed to help raise self esteem.

- J -

Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia) is calming.

Inhale burning leaves.

The scent of the flower is supposed to help students learn.

's Ladder, True (Polemonium coeruleum), also called Greek


is said to be good for fevers and hysteria.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

's Ladder, False (Polemonium reptans) is an astringent and



Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Jasmine (Jasminaceae) was once used for coughs, but is seldom

used today

because it can be toxic.

The scent of this flower is an aphrodisiac.

Jewelweed (Impatiens aurea, Impatiens biflora), also called


Touch-Me-Not and Wild Balsam will relieve any itch.

2 part leaf to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

Jimsonweed (Datura meteloides), also called Thornapple and


Weed, is a dangerous hallucinogen and deadly, but sometimes

used to treat

asthma. The leaves are said to pull poison from a spider bite.

1 milligram a day.

The scent of this plant will cause violent hallucinations.

This plant is used in spells to go unnoticed.

Job's Tears (Coix lacryma) is questionably toxic.

The scent of the flower is supposed to help with endurance.

Joe Pye Weed, Spotted (Eupatorium maculatum) induces sweating.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Joe Pye Weed, Sweet or Common (Eupatorium purpureum) is taken

to treat

gallbladder and urinary ailments.

¼ ounce of herb drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

The root is carried to find respect and popularity.

's Bread (Ceratonia siliqua), also called Locust Pods and

Sugar Pods,

is said to make the voice clearer.

Chew on one pod.

ny Jump Up (Viola rafinesquii) is a diuretic.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The flowers are used to generate male potency.

Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) helps treat skin conditions.

2 parts plant to 1 part oil, apply liberally and externally.

The oil made from this plant is favored when making magick oils.

Juniper (Juniperus communis), the berries of which are a

stimulant and

diuretic. CAUTION: Avoid during pregnancy.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day; berries: 5 – 15 grains a day.

The scent of the needles is a sedative and the scent of the


suppresses the appetite.

The berries will increase vitality and the plant itself is

supposed to

keep serpents away.

Jupiter's Beard (Centranthus ruber) is an adrenal booster.

1 gram a day.

- K -

Kava (Piper methysticum), Also called Kava Kava and Ava, is a


sedative, but also regulates blood pressure and blood sugar;


prolonged use it may damage the liver.

20 milligrams a day.

Carry this in a red flannel bag for success at work.

Kidneywort (Cotyledon Umbilicus), also called Wall Pennyroyal,


diseases of the kidneys.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

King's Mantle (Thunbergia erecta) is said to help with vigor

when burned.

Inhale smoke of burning plant.

The plant is used to amplify male dominance.

Kiwi Vine (Actinidia chinensis) is used to treat sexual

disorders, but can

also lower blood pressure.

1 gram once a day.

Knapweed, Greater (Centaurea Scabiosa), also called Logger Head

and Bottle

Weed, is gargled for a sore or swollen mouth or throat.

½ ounce herb boiled in water, gargle.

Knapwort Harshweed (Centaurea jacea), also called Brown

Knapweed, is used

to treat scabies.

Boil 1 ounce herb in lard, apply externally.

Knotgrass, Common (Polyganum aviculare), also called Cow Grass

and Pig

Weed, is an astringent used on hemorrhoids, applied externally

to kill

worms, and when squirted up the nose it stops nosebleeds.

1 ounce boiled in water, applied externally.

This plant is used to rid oneself of an enemy and when carried



Knotgrass, Russian (Polygonum erectum) is used as a gargle for

swollen or

sore throats.

½ ounce herb boiled in water, gargle.

Knotweed, Japanese (Polygonum cuspidatum) restores damaged


2 milligrams a day.

Kudzu (Pueraria Montana). This vine is used to treat alcoholism

and also

repairs kidney damage.

9 – 15 grams a day.

The vines are used to bind.

- L -

Labrador Tea (Ledum latifolium), also called St Tea, is

gargled for

a sore throat or put upon the head to kill lice.

2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally or


Lachnanthes (Lachnanthes tinctoria), also called Red Root, is a


Fluid extract: 1 – 5 drops a day.

Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) is good to reduce

menstruation, stops

bleeding when applied to a wound, and is a purgative.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 2 times a day.

The roots were once powdered and added to love philters


Lady's Slippers (Cypripedium pubescens, Cyprepedium

parviflorum), also

called American Valerian and Nerve-Root, are given in cases of


and it works against spasms; causes dermatitis.

Powdered root: 1 dram; fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram; leaf: 3

grains a day.

The flowers are used in love spells perhaps because the buds

resemble the


Lady's Thumb (Polygonum persicaria) is used externally as a rub

to reduce

pain and to treat poison ivy and inflammation. It may greatly

agitate a


½ ounce herb boiled in lard, apply externally.

The " thumbs " are used for gentle persuasion.

Large-flowered Monekyflower (Diplacus grandiflorus) is

questionably toxic.

The buds are used for those who have a fear of crowds.

Larkspur (Delphinium Consolida) is applied to the head to get

rid of lice

and applied to hemorrhoids.

Up to 10 drops a day.

This herb chases away ghosts and protects from scorpions. The

juice from

the petals of the flower produces blue ink.

Laurel , Cherry (Prunus Laurocerasus) is a sedative and


Fluid extract: ½ - 2 drams a day.

Laurel , Mountain (Kalmia latifolia), also called Spoonwood, is


poisonous, and has the potential to cause people to commit

suicide. Long

ago it was used as an additive.

Fluid extract: 10 – 20 drops every 4 hours; powdered leaves:

10 – 30

grains once a day.

The leaves of this tree, however toxic, have been used in



Lavender, English (Lavandula augustifolia, formerly Lavandula

vera) is

said to ease the stomach. CAUTION: Avoid during pregnancy.

½ ounce of buds drunk as tea as needed.

The scent of Lavender calms the sex drive, and when added with


is a gentle, mild sedative.

Burn in the home for happiness.

Lavender, AmericanSea (Statice Caroliniana) is an astringent

used mainly

as a gargle and to treat hemorrhoids.

1 ounce powdered root to 1 pint of boiling water.

Lemongrass (cymbopogon citrates) is used to repel insects and


as a sedative.

4 – 6 grams a day.

The plant is supposed to repel serpents.

Lettuce, Common (Lactuca sativa) oil is considered the world's



Lettuce, Tall White (Prenanthes altissima) is questionably


The scent of the flower is supposed to remove grief.

Lettuce, Wild (Lactuca virosa) is a mild sedative and narcotic.

The milk

it produces is used for itching and acne.

Powder: 10 – 20 grains; fluid extract: ¼ - 1 dram once a day.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra, Glycyrrhiza uralensis) is a

sedative and an

expectorant, but is most commonly used for its antiviral

properties. It

can become toxic, however, so use is restricted to one week.

1 ounce root drunk as tea once a day over a seven day period.

Sprinkle in the footprint of your lover to keep them faithful;

this is a

binding plant to control others. It is used in Hoodoo to keep


collectors away.

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) is used to kill worms and to support

the spinal


Fluid extract: ¼ - ½ dram a day.

The smell of the blooms help people learn.

The petals keep away ghosts.

Lily of the Valley, False (Maianthemum canadense) is used to


coughing and sore thoughts.

½ - 1 dram boiled in water, gargle.

The root is used in magick to enhance the chances of winning


Lily of the Valley, True (Convallaria magalis), also called May


's Ladder and Male Lily, is a heart stimulant preferred


Foxglove. The roots are used to treat burns and to prevent


though the plant can be toxic.

½ ounce herb to 1 pint boiling water, 1 glassful a day.

These flowers are carried to make others assume you are

innocent of


Lily, Madonna (Lilium candidum) also called White Lily; the

bulb is said

to relieve burns and scalds and it is used on cuts to assure no

scars are


Fluid extract: 3 tablespoonful a day.

The flower breaks love spells.

Lily, Shasta (Lilium washingtonianum) helps with nerve and



1 gram a day.

Lily, Spider (Crinum erubescens) is questionably toxic.

The scent is supposed to make people more socially involved.

Lily, Tiger (Lilium tigrinum) is sometimes used to relieve



Fluid extract: 1/8 – 5 drops a day.

The scent is calming.

If the plant is grown outside of the home it will guard against


and ghosts. It is also used to solve crimes.

Lily, Water (Nymphaea odorata) is an astringent and the roots

are used for


Powered root: ½ dram once a day; an old remedy for removing

freckles calls

for this plant mixed with vinegar to be spread of the area.

The blue flowers are soaked in wine then drank to produce a



Lily, Wood (Lilium umbellatum) is applied to treat spider bites.

4 drops on the area, 4 times a day.

Lippia (Lippia dulcis) is an expectorant and a cough


Up to 4 ½ grains a day.

The scent banishes depression.

Liverwort, American (Anemone hepatica), also called Hepatica,


and Trefoil, is used for the liver, may relieve coughing, and

is applied

to sunburns or freckles.

30 – 120 grains a day, fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Liverwort, English (Peltigera Canina) is used for liver

problems and is a

slight purgative.

1 ounce to 1 pint of water, boil and take up to 4 ounces daily;


extract: ½ - 1 dram.

Lizard's Tail (Saururus cernuus), also called Water Dragon and


is a wash for rheumatism and sore breasts, and is taken for


aliments; it is a sedative.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The " tails " are usually added to philters in black magick.

Lobelia (Lobelia inflate) is an expectorant, relieves spasms,

calms the

nerves, and is a mild purgative.

½ ounce drunk as tea once a day.

This herb is used for protection from storms, but is most often

used to

stop gossip, as it is called Gag Root.

Locoweed (Oxytropis lambertii) drives people into hysteria and

may lead to


Fluid extract: ½ - 2 dram a day.

Longan (Euphoria longan) is used for longevity, liver health

and is said

to be a cellular builder.

1 ounce herb; 10 – 40 drops a day.

Loosestrife, Purple (Lythrurn salicaria), also called Purple

Willow Herb,

Spiked Loosestrife, Flowering Sally and Blooming Sally, is

preferred over

Eyebright to help with eye conditions.

1 dram up to 3 times a day.

This plant is used for reconciliation.

Loosestrife, Yellow (Lysimachia vulgaris), also called Yellow

Willow and

Willow Wort, is also used for eyesight problems, but also



Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

This plant promotes harmony.

Lopseed (Phryma leptostachya) is applied to treat scabies and


½ ounce boiled in lard, apply externally.

Lotus, Blue (nymphaea caerulea) is questionably toxic.

The scent of this particular Lotus is considered the most



Lotus, Common (Nelumbo Nucifera) is questionably toxic.

The pod from the flower is considered invaluable against love


Lungwort (Sticta pulmonaria), also called Jerusalem Cowslip,

Oak Lungs and

Lung Moss, is used to reduce inflammation and decrease the flow



Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Lupine (Lupinus albus) is a diuretic and sometimes applied to

open sores.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram applied externally.

The plant is supposed to protect against wolves.

- M -

Magnolia (Magnolia acuminata, Magnolia virginiana), also called


Tree and Swamp Sassafras, is a mild laxative and is said to

help people

quit smoking and eat less.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram.

Place leaves under bed for harmonious marriage.

Mallow, Blue & Marsh (N.O. Malvaceae) is used to treat


urinary problems and chest complaints.

Fluid extract: ½ - 2 drams a day.

The scent of this herb lifts the spirits.

The scent of this herb brings good spirits.

Mallow, TreeSea (Lavatera arborea) is used for sprains.

Boil 1 leaf in water and apply to sprain.

Mandrake (Atropa mandragora), also called Satan's Apple and is


anesthetic; in larger doses it can be deadly...

Chew a bit of the root.

After three years of growth, the root resembles a person's body

and is

usually carved with sexual organs and used in love spells. The

leaves have

been used in necromancy.

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is not generally used medically, as

the oil

from the skin of the fruit can cause rash.

The fruit of this tree is used to make oneself appear more


Maple, Red (Acer rubrum), also called Swamp Maple and Curled

Maple, is an

astringent used on sore eyes.

Fluid extract: 1 dram per day.

Maple, Striped (Acer platanoides) is a wash for skin eruptions.

Boil 1 leaf in water and apply to sore.

Maple, Vine (Acer circinatum) balances blood sugar and insulin.

1 gram a day.

Marigold, Common (Calendula officinalis) is taken internally

for varicose

veins and relieves bee stings when rubbed on the afflicted

area; the

flower treats stomach ulcers.

Fluid extract: ¼ - 1 dram a day.

Sewn into a lover's pillow to keep them faithful.

Marigold, Marsh (Caltha palustris), also called Kingcups, Blobs


Leopard's Foot, is an irritant.

Marjoram, Sweet & Wild (Origanum marjorana, Origanum vulgare)

is given for

toothaches, headaches and applied externally to swelling.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 4 times a day.

The scent of this plant clams obsession, an over-active sex

drive and

feelings of loneliness.

The plant is used to protect from witchcraft.

Masterwort (Imperatoria ostruthium) is a stimulant and taken

for menstrual


Fluid extract: 1 – 2 drams a day.

The root, when carried, grants respect.

Mastic (Pistacia Lentiscus) is a stimulant, diuretic and

sweetens the

breath. It is indicated in the prevention of ulcers.

1 ounce drunk as tea through the day up to 3 times a day.

The gum it produces makes a good ink-base.

Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum), also called American Mandrake,

Hog Apple

and Racoonberry, is a dangerous and powerful gastro-intestinal


Powdered root: 5 – 30 grains; fluid extract: 5 – 30 drops;

whole herb: 1 –

5 grains a day.

Called the Devil's Apple, the root is used in America as a

substitute for

Mandrake; the root is carved into a love doll.

Meadowsweet (Spiraea Ulmaria), also called Bridewort and Lady

of the

Meadow, is used to calm the stomach and stop diarrhea.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The scent of this plant is calming.

This plant is used to relieve tension in a home when in-laws


Melilot (Melilotus officinalis, Melilotus alba, Melilotus

arvensis), also

called King's Clover and Sweet Clover, was once said to relieve


and is today used to relieve flatulence.

½ ounce drunk as tea once a day.

A wash is made of this flower and pored over the head to

improve memory.

Mercury, Dog's (Mercurialis perennis) is used for earaches and

to restore

fading hearing.

Fluid extract: up to 10 drops a day.

Mexican Creeper (Antigonon leptopus) is a stimulant.

5 grams of herb to 1 liter of water, once a day.

Mezereon (Daphne mezereum), also called Dwarf Bay and Spurge,

is an

irritant, but is sometimes applied to venomous bites and is a



Whole herb: 10 grains; fluid extract: 2 – 10 drops a day.

Mint, American Horse (Monarda punctata), also called Monarda,

is applied

externally for rheumatism and is ingested for flatulence.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

Mint, Wild (Mentha sativa), also called Marsh Mint, Whorled

Mint and Hairy

Mint, is a stimulant and an astringent.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

Mint, Pepper (Mentha piperita) is the strongest mint and is


externally to sooth pain.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram.

The smell of this plant counters shock and helps to focus the


Mistletoe (Viscum album) is a dangerous narcotic, a nervine and



Fluid extract: ¼ - 1 dram a day; leaves: 2 ounces to ½ pint of

water, 1

tablespoon a day; whole herb: 10 – 60 grains a day.

This plant is used to know secrets and also for good luck in


Wands made from this plant ward off thieves.

Moneywort (Lysimachia nummularia), also called Creeping ,


Twopence and Serpentaria, is one of the best plants for wounds.

Up to 10 grains a day.

As the name implies, the plant is used in money spells.

Monsonia (Monsonia ovata) is used in cases of ulcerations in

the lower


Fluid extract: 1 – 2 drams every four hours for up to 7 days.

Monstera (Monstera deliciosa) is used for circulation and a

healthy heart.

15 -30 grams a day.

The scent of the plant is supposed to free one of inhibition.

Mountain Pretty Face (Triteleia ixioides) is questionably toxic.

The scent of the flower is supposed to help those with low self-


Moss, American Club (Lycopodium complanatum), also called

European Ground

Pine, is used to remove obstructions from the liver and spleen.

10 – 60 grains a day.

Moss, Common Club (Lycopodium clavatum) is used to suppress

urination and

is applied externally for skin conditions.

10 – 60 grains a day.

Moss, Cup (Cladonia Pyxidata) is an expectorant.

Up to 4 ounces a day up to 3 times a day.

Moss, Hair Cap (Polytrichium Juniperum), also called Ground

Moss, Golden

Maidenhair and Female Fern Herb, is a powerful diuretic.

4 ounces drunk as tea once a day.

Moss , Iceland (Cetraria islandica) is given for gastro-


problems and bleeding coughs.

1 – 2 ounces drunk as tea up to 4 times a day.

Moss, Irish (Chondrus crispus) is given for kidney and bladder


½ ounce drunk as tea up to 5 times a day.

Moss, Sphagnum (Sphagnum cymbifolium), also called Bog Moss, is


germicide, used to treat skin conditions and is an insect


Apply whole plant.

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is almost exclusively taken for


disorders; it is a nervine and stops spasms and hysteria.


during pregnancy.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram; whole plant: 5 – 15 grains a day.

The herb is used in fertility spells.

Mother in Law Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata) restricts the

vocal cords.

Up to 2 grains.

This plant is used to start gossip.

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), also called St 's Plant, is

used to calm

" fits, " and is applied externally to bruises and swelling.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 4 times a day.

The scent of this plant enhances dreams.

Burn to induce visions.

Mulberry, Red (Morus ruba L). The sap is applied to treat


3 – 6 grains a day.

Mulberry, White (Morus alba) is used to clean the liver and


vision and circulation.

3 – 6 grains a day.

The fruits are used for wisdom.

Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), also called Great Mullein, White


Candlewick Plant, Velvet Dock, 's Rod, Jupiter's Staff and


Taper, is potent in aiding the healing of the lungs.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

This plant is added to graveyard dirt, called Goofer Dust, to


someone, but is sometimes carried to protect from wild animals.

Mushroom, Giant Puffball (Calvatia gigantean). The sores from

inside this

mushroom are applied to open wounds to stop bleeding and to

speed healing.

Mushroom, Magic (Stropharia cubensis, Psilocybe cubensis) is a


Mushroom, Maitake (Grifola frondosa) is an immune booster,


cholesterol and blood pressure and promotes weight loss.

Mushroom, Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) is used for healthy lungs

and liver,

and is sometimes uses as a blood cleaner.

Up to 400 milligrams a day.

Mushroom, Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) is known to fight tumors

and boost

the immune system.

Mushroom, Toadstool (Amanita muscaria), also called Fly Agaric,

can be


1 – 30 grams a day.

This is a psychedelic mushroom that is eaten in very small

amounts to

produce " spirit flight: "

Mushroom, White Jelly Leaf (tremella fuciformis) is used to

fight tumors,

lower cholesterol and produce more red blood cells.

Up to 200 milligrams a day.

Mustard, Black (Brassica nigra, Sinapis nigra) is an irritant

but is

sometimes applied externally to relieve congestion and is anti-


Snuff is used to stop headaches.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The seeds are used to dissuade meddling persons and for hexing.

Mustard, Common Hedge (Sisymbrium officinale) is used for loss

of voice.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) is an expectorant, heals wounds and

may expel


Whole plant: 10 – 30 grains a day.

The scent of this plant calms anger.

This is the most popular incense to use in rituals.

- N -

Naked Lady (Amaryllis belladonna) is a muscle relaxer when

burned and

smoke inhaled.

Narcissus (N.O. Amaryllidaceae) is an antispasmodic, but deadly.

½ dram a day.

The scent of this flower relieves tension.

Nettle, Lesser (Urtica urens), also called Common Nettle and


Nettle, the seeds are taken internally for stings and bites and


and used on the scalp it stimulates hair growth.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

This is an uncrossing plant.

Nettle, Purple Dead (Lamium purpureum) is used to stop bleeding


promotes perspiration.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

Nightshade, Black (Solanum nigrum) is an extremely toxic


Leaf: 1 grain a day.

This plant is used in hexing.

Nightshade, Enchanters (Circaea lutetiana) is deadly poison.

The plant is used mostly to summon the dead.

Nightshade, Woody (Solanum dulcamara), also called Bittersweet,


poisonous and is sometimes used for coughs and skin disorders.

Fluid extract: ½ - 2 drams a day.

This plant is placed under the pillow to forget a past love.

Nodding Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes cernua) is used to treat



Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

- O -

Oak, Common (Quercus robur) is an antiseptic best used on

wounds and to


Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day; 1 leaf applied to area.

The acorns are used in male fertility spells.

Oat (Avena sativa) is good for depression, spasms, and is used


to soften the skin and relive itching.

Olive (Olea Europaea) is an astringent and antiseptic.

1 ounce drunk as tea once a day.

The most popular leaf for feeling peaceful.

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is mostly a confectionary.

The leaves are used to gain a favorable outcome in lawsuits.

Orange (Citrus reticulate) flowers are mildly stimulant and the

fruit is

an immune stimulant.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

Oregon Grape (Bidens cernua L) is helpful in digestion and the


system; the root is an immunity booster.

Up to 5 milligrams a day.

Orchid (Orchis) is used for " invalids suffering from chronic

diarrhea and

bilious fevers. "

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

The root, called the Lucky Hand, is used in gambling luck.

Osier, Red American (Cornus sericea), also called Swamp's

Dogwood and Red

Willow, is used to preserve the gums and whiten teeth.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

This plant makes one speak bluntly.

- P -

Palm, Common (Acanthophoenix) is a diuretic.

1/4 ounce drunk as tea once a day.

Whole leaves are wrapped around a person for protection, but

the burned

leaves are used in hexing powders.

Palm, Thread (Washingtonia robusta), also called Mexican Fan

Palm, is said

to build bone marrow.

1 thread as tea once a day.

Palo Azul (Eysenhardtia polystachya), also called Kidneywood,

was once

used to treat kidney ailments.

Place a few wood chips in water, boil until water changes

color, then

drink; once a day.

This tree is used to uncross.

Papaw (Carica papaya) makes the skin tender, but the stems have

been found

to have anti-cancerous properties.

In the Ozark Mountains this tree is said to protect against


Paperbark Tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) Clears respiratory


and sinus.

1 gram once a day.

The scent of the leaf is said to make one be more outgoing.

Parilla, Yellow (Menispermum Canadense), also called Moonseed,

Sarsaparilla and Vine Maple, is used as a laxative and a


Powdered root: ½ - 1 dram; fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram; whole

leaf: 1 – 4

grains a day.

Paris , Herb (Paris quadrifolia) is a deadly narcotic that can


vomiting, though the berries are sometimes used in place of

opium and were

once used to treat arsenic poisoning.

Parsley (Carum petroselinum) is mostly a confectionary.

The root is carried to stave off misfortunes.

Parsley Piert (Alchemilla arvensis), also called Field Lady's

Mantle, is a

diuretic and cools wounds.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnate) is a safe sedative.

3 – 10 grains a day.

The scent of this flower is a mild sedative.

The flower is sometimes carried to attract love.

Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli) can cause nervous conditions.

The scent of this plant is said to be an aphrodisiac, though it

has some

sedative qualities.

This plant is carried to excite lust in others, especially when


behind the knees.

Pau D'arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa) promotes overall health,


the immune system.

500 milligrams two times a day.

Incense is made from the flowers and placed in the room of a

severely sick


Peach (Prunus persica) bark is a mild sedative and expectorant.

1 ounce bark drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

The leaves are carried to help students pass tests.

Pear (Pyrus communis) is a diuretic and supports spleen health.

Though sacred to Venus and once believed to induce lust, the

fruit is

mostly used to protect cattle.

Pellitory (Anacyclus pyrethrum), also called Roman Pellitory,

is used

often for toothaches and to increase the flow of saliva.

20 grains a day.

Pellitory of the Wall (Parietaria officinalis), also called

Lichwort, is a

diuretic, stimulant and cools wounds.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

Pennyroyal (Mentha Pulegium), also called Pudding Grass, stops

spasms but

is most often used as an insect repellant. CAUTION: Never use

this herb

internally! Some herbalists claim it is an abortifacient,

because of this

MANY fatalities have been reported.

Fluid extract: ¼ - 1 dram a day.

The scent of this plant repels insects.

d on a ship it will guard against motion sickness and

placed in a

home it will promote family tranquility.

Pepper, African Bird (Capsicum annuum) apparently is

questionably toxic.

The peppers are thrown on another person's property to cause


Periwinkle, Greater & Lesser (N.O. Apocynaceae) is a laxative

and an

astringent usually used on hemorrhoids.

2 – 10 drops up to 4 times a day.

This plant is carried for self-esteem.

Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) ripe fruit may act as a


The wood is used for good business and the leaves are used to

soften a


Pikerel Weed (Pontederia lanceolata) clears liver and helps the


assimilate fats.

1 gram a day.

The scent of the flower is supposed to help one with


Pigweed (Amaranthus chlorostachys), also called Green Amaranth,

is used to

treat hoarseness and excessive menstrual flow.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 2 times a day.

Pimpernel, Scarlet (Anagallis arvensis), also called Shepherd's


Poor Man's Weatherglass and Adder's Eyes, is a diuretic and


20 grains up to 4 times a day.

Pine, Arborvitae (Pinus nigra) is questionably toxic.

The bush is used to have an unchanged friendship.

Pine, Black Larch (larix laricina), also called Tamarack. The

gum is

chewed for indigestion.

½ an ounce as needed.

Pine, Common Larch (Pinus larix), is a stimulant and is usually

applied to

skin conditions.

Boil 1 ounce of needles and apply externally.

The needles are used to unbind.

Pine, Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia). The oil is used to

sooth and

softens skin.

2 part needles to 1 part oil, apply externally.

Pine, White (Pinus strobes) is an expectorant, benefits the

bladder and

kidney and was once compounded to ease someone off morphine


Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Pine needles are used for purification.

Pineapple Weed (Chamomilla suaveolens) is applied to cramping,


and itches.

2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

The plant is used to renew hope.

Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellate), also called Winter Green,


Winter, Prince's Pine, King's Cure, Ground Holly, Rat's Vein


Rheumatism Weed, is antibacterial and thins blood.

1 ounce drunk as tea up to 4 times a day.

This plant can be used when summoning spirits.

Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes sp), also called Eve's Cups, Fly

Catcher and

Saddle Cup is a laxative, but helps with digestion, the bowels

and the


10 – 30 grains a day.

" Captures hexes. "

Plantain, Common (Plantago major), also called Ripple Grass and


is used to cool wounds and is mildly astringent.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

This plant protects from jealousy, keeps away serpents and

protects an


Plantain, Rattlesnake (Orchidaceae Goodyera oblongifolia) is

one of the

few plants used to treat rattlesnake bites.

Said to protect from rattlesnakes.

Plantain, Water (Alisma Plantago) is a good stone diuretic.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberose), also called Orange

Milkweed, is used

as an expectorant and reduces inflammation in the lungs.

1 ounce drunk as tea up to 4 times a day.

It is said that a poppet stuffed with the plant will help a

person breath.

In Greek mythology, any member of the Milkweed family was said

to be able

to raise the dead, though some members of the family are deadly.

Poke (Phytolacca decandra) is a purgative and a narcotic and

can be


10 – 30 grains a day.

Take a bath with some of the leaves to break hexes. You may

also wrap

someone's name around the root and throw it into a river to get

rid of the


Pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit cools wounds and the bark



Powdered flower: 20 – 30 grains; bark: 4 ounces or bark to 20

ounces of

water, ½ ounce a day.

As in the Greek myth of Persephone, the seeds are used to bind


Pompas Grass (Cortaderia selloana) is helpful to the spine and



1 gram a day.

The scent creates a feeling of arrogance.

The tufts are used to promote arrogance.

Poplar, Tulip (Liriodendron tulipifera). The green bark is an


and the crushed leaves are used for headaches.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 fluid ounce a day.

Poppy, Red & White (Papaver Rhoeas, Papaver somniferum) is a


narcotic and painkiller.

1 – 2 drams a day.

The flower is used in spells to go unnoticed and has been used



Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is used to treat rheumatism and is

applied to


Old folk would carry a small potato in their pocket to keep off

the pain

of rheumatism. Also, on the night of a new moon, cut one in

half, rub one

half on a wart and put the two halves together again with a

nail. Burry it

and as it rots so will the wart.

Primrose (Primula vulgaris), also called Evening Primrose is a


treats depression and treats the gastro-intestinal tract and


CAUTION: Avoid during pregnancy.

10 part flower to 100 part water.

The flower is used to control children; hung above a child's

bed it will

reduce bedwetting.

Princess Flower (Tibouchina urvilleana) rebuilds damaged cells.

1 gram once a day.

The scent of the flower makes one more generous.

Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) seeds are supposed to help with


The seeds are used to excite lust. Also for protection and the


of the unborn.

Purple Granadilla (Passiflora quandrangularis) is a feminine



1 gram once a day.

Purslane (Portulaca sativa), also called Caterpillar Stings, is


for inflammation and sores.

2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

The leaves are used to assure good dreams.

Pussytoes (Antennaria parlinii) is applied to treat bruises and


2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

- Q -

Quassia (Picraena excelsa) increases appetite.

Fluid extract: 15 – 30 drops; whole herb: 30 grains a day.

The " hairs " of this tree are used to control others.

Queens Delight (Stillingia sylvatica) also called Queens Leaf

and Silver

Root, the root of which is chewed to help with laryngitis.

Powdered root: 6 – 10 grains; whole herb: 2 – 5 grains; fluid

extract: 10

– 30 drops a day.

Carry this plant for fertility. The root is called Queen's Root

and is

carried when one wishes to find a spouse.

Queen's Tears (billbergia zebrine) is questionably toxic.

The plant is believed to heal sorrow.

- R -

Radish (Raphanus sativus) is a stone diuretic.

The bulbs are used to create obstacles.

Rampion (Campanula rapunculus), also called Ramps and Rapunzel

Root, is a

good mouth gargle and clears the complexion.

Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) leaves are used to increase fertility.

This plant is put on land to cause problems, but is also used



Rattan Vine (Rhamnaceae), also called Supple Jack, is used to



1 gram a day.

Rattle, Yellow (Rhinanthus crista-galli) is good to help with



1 gram once a day.

Rattlesnake Root (Prenanthes racemosa) is questionably toxic.

This plant is carried to protect from rattlesnakes.

Red Root (Ceanothus Americanus), also called New Jersey Tea and


Snowball, is an antispasmodic, anti-syphilitic, expectorant

and sedative;

it is a common pain-killer.

2 part water to 1 part herb, boil; use 1 - 30 drops throughout

the day.

Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) conditions the skin and relaxes



Soak bark in water, boil and apply to skin.

The scent of the leaf is supposed to help with clarification.

Resurrection Plant (Selaginella pilifera), also called Rose of

Jericho, is

questionably toxic.

This plant is used in resurrection spells, rituals and in


Rhododendron, Yellow (Rhododendron chrysanthum) is toxic, but

was once

used as a wash for rheumatism.

2 teaspoon of dried leaf to 1 liter water, boil and apply


Rhubarb, English (Rheum rhaponticum), also called Bastard

Rhubarb, loosens

the stools and increases the appetite.

This plant is used to assure fidelity.

Rose, Dog ( canina) cools wounds.

2 part leaf to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

Rose ( Centifolia), also called Hundred-leaved Rose and

Cabbage Rose,

is all around good for the heart, liver, stomach and relieves


Rose petals are used in love sachets. The smell of the petals

warms the

soul and brings joy.

Rose, Wood (Merremia tuberosa, Ipomoea tuberosa) heals damaged


1 flower to ½ liter of oil; apply externally.

In magick, the flower is said to be the strongest for love

spells and is

often duplicated by sawing the tip off a pine cone for

financial gain.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an astringent, an

antioxidant and a


The smell of the herb improves confidence and creativity.

This herb protects farmlands and gardens.

Rosinweed (Silphium paciniatum), also called Compass Weed, is

used for an

enlarged spleen, internal bruising, liver problems and ulcers.

It treats

burns and rashes, and may be a sedative.

Combine this plant with mistletoe and add a bit to someone's

tongue. If

they are telling the truth, they will be able to repeat the


Rue, Common (Ruta graveolens) is irritating, but is good for


hysteria and cramps. CAUTION: Avoid during pregnancy.

Powdered herb: 15 - 30 grains; fluid extract: 1/2 - 1 dram a

day. Chewing

on 1 or 2 of the leaves will leave one giddy.

The root is used in hexes.

Rue, Goat's (Galega officinalis) helps lactation.

8 to 15 grains, from three to five times a day.

- S -

Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius), also called American Saffron

and Fake

Saffron, is a laxative.

½ ounce herb to 1 pint boiling water, 1 glassful up to 2 times

a day.

This flower is usually mixed in with jinx incenses to destroy


Men can also rub this inside their knees to draw sexual

attention. Gay

men often use this to attract love, and when mixed with

Echinacea, they

will find a dominant lover. This plant has also been used in


Sage, Clery (Salvia sclarea) aids in digestion and helps with



2 ounces drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

The scent of this herb will produce a kind of euphoria.

Sage, Common (Salvia officinalis), also called Garden Sage, Red

Sage and

White Sage, is mostly used to stop bleeding gums and excess


2 part herb to 1 part boiling water, drink 1 glassful up to 3

times a day.

The most important herb used to exorcise unwelcome energies

from the body

and home.

Sage, Diviners (Salvia Divinorum) is one of the most potent but


hallucinogens, once taken by Aztec priests to foretell the


Chew on one leaf, burn for incense, or smoke.

Sage, Pineapple (Salvia elegans) regulates blood pressure,


respiration, digestion and strengthens the endocrine system.

½ ounce drank as tea once a day.

Sage, Vervain (Salvia Verbenaca), also called Wild English

Clary and

Christ's Eye, is used to treat cataracts.

Fluid extract: 1 dram up to 3 times a day.

The most popular plant used in necromancy.

Sage, White (Salvia apiana), also called Cudweed, is applied

externally to

stop itching and to induce sweating.

2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally as


Sandalwood (Santalum album) is used for chronic bronchitis,

viruses and


Fluid extract: 1 – 2 drams a day.

The scent of this wood is helpful in meditation to calm the


Sandspurry, Common (Arenaria rubra) treats bladder diseases.

Up to 30 grains a day.

Sanicle, Wood (Sanicula Europaea) is good for the lungs, for

sore throats

and is a blood-cleaner.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

Sarsaparilla, American (Aralia nudicaulis), also called False

Sarsaparilla, Wild Sarsaparilla, Small Spikenard, Wild

Liquorices and

Rabbit Root, is a wash for ulcerations, shingles and syphilis


Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Carry this herb to increase vitality.

Sassafras (Sassafras officinale) is good for relieving cramps,

but in the

South root bark is made into tea for a spring tonic; deadly in



Fluid extract: 1 – 2 drams a day.

Keep a leaf in your wallet to make your money " go further. "

Saw Palmetto (Sarenoa serrulata) is used as a sedative,

increases male

fertility, relaxes an overactive bladder and promotes prostate


Fluid extract – up to 2 drams a day; herb: 5 – 10 grains a day.

This plant is used to attract snakes, but is also kept for

vigor. This

plant is also used in spells by wizards to make their female

partners not

utilize abortion options.

Scabious, Common (Scabiosa succisa) is a blood purifier, is

used to wash

the scalp for dandruff, stops fevers and pulls out venom.

Fluid extract: 1 – 2 drams a day.

Also called Devil's Button, it was said that to pick it would

guarantee a

visit from the Devil.

Scabious, Field (Knautia arvensis) is used to treat scabs.

1 part herb to 1 part lard, boil and apply externally once a


Skullcap (Scutellarias), also called Madweed, is used to calm


½ ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

The scent of this plant helps give insight.

Put this herb and two white loadstones in a white flannel

sachet and keep

under your bed for fidelity.

Sedge, Sweet (Acorus calamus), also called Sweet Flag, Calamus

Root, Sweet

Cane, Myrtle Grass and Cinnamon Sedge, is used to stimulate the


relieve flatulence, and stop spasms and lower cholesterol.

Fluid extract: 15 – 60 drops a day.

The scent of this plant is a stimulant.

The root is carried when one wishes to be dominant.

Senna, Bladder (Colutea arborescens) excites vomiting.

1 – 2 drams of seeds.

Senna, Common (Cassia acutifolia) is a powerful laxative and in


doses excites vomiting.

Powdered leaves: 1 dram; fluid extract: ½ - 2 fluid drams once

a day.

This plant is used for when one wants to be noticed more often.

Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica) is an astringent.

2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally once a


The scent of the flower is supposed to be used for those who

are timid and


Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia) is taken to aid digestion

and stop

excess menstrual bleeding.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris), also called Lady's


Witches' Pouches, Rattle Pouches, Case-weed and Blindweed, is

used to stop

any kind of bleeding, lowers blood pressure and accelerates

coagulation of

blood. CAUTION: Avoid during pregnancy.

1 teaspoon drunk as tea once a day.

Shinleaf (Pyrola elliptica) is a gargle for sore throats and

for cuts and

canker sores in the mouth.

1 part herb to 1 part water, boil and gargle.

Sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia L) is used exclusively to treat


10 – 15 grains a day.

Silverweed (Potentilla anserine), also called Prince's

Feathers, Trailing

Tansy, Wild Agrimony, Goosewort, Silvery Cinquefoil and More

Grass, is

used to stop bleeding hemorrhoids, for cramps in the mid-

section, and to

relieve lockjaw.

3 ounces drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

Skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) is a dangerous narcotic.

Powdered root: 10 – 20 grains; fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

This weed is used to help in court.

Slender Rice Flower (Pimelea linifolia) petals are used to

remove scars.

2 part herb to 1 part lard, boil and apply externally up to 3

times a day.

Smartweed (Polygonum hydropiper), also called Pepper Plant and


is used for coughs and colds, removes gravels, treats

hemorrhoids, reduces

inflammation and treats colic.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 2 times a day.

This plant clears the mind.

Snakeroot, Button (Liatris spicata) is a diuretic.

2 ounce herb drunk as tea up to 4 times a day.

Samson Snakeroot (Psoralea psoralioides) is an immune stimulant.

Fluid extract: 1 dram up to 3 times a day.

The flowers are used to soften the heart.

Snakeroot, Seneca (Polygala senega) is an expectorant for an


respiratory infection.

½ - 1 grain a day.

Snakeroot, Virginian (Aristolochia serpentaria) will induce


stimulate the appetite, is an expectorant and suppress menses.

Powdered root: 10 – 30 grains; fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

This is considered to be one of the best good luck charms.

Snakeroot, White (Eupatorium rugosum) is one of the few

supposed cures for

snake bites.

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum magus) is applied to ulcerations.

2 part herb to 1 part lard, boil and apply externally.

The flowers protects from ill luck and witchcraft.

Sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale) will cause people to sneeze


Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) aids in digestion.

Fluid extract: up to 2 drams a day.

This flower is associated with hope.

Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis), also called Soaproot,

Latherwort, Crow

Soap, Sweet Betty and Wild Sweet , is used to relieve


2 part herb to 1 part lard, boil and apply externally.

's Seal, False (Smilacina racemosa) is used to induce

sweating and

urination and is sometimes used as a blood purifier.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

The root is burned to calm hysteria.

The root is used to quell the insane.

's Seal, True (Polygonatum multiflorum) also called

Lady's Seal.

The root is used to relieve inflammation, bruises and helps

heal broken


1 – 4 ounces up to 3 times a day.

This plant is used to turn away or control malicious spirits.

Sorrel, Sheep's (Rumex acetosella) is used to treat urinary and



Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

Sorrel, Wood (Oxalis acetosella), also called Sour Trefoil, is

used to

cool wounds and strengthens the stomach and is eaten freely.

Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboretum), also called Sorrel Tree. The

leaves are

used to calm nerves, menstrual bleeding and indigestion.

Fluid extract: 10 – 20 drops a day.

Southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum) is mainly used as a


against worms.

1 ounce drunk as tea once a day.

This plant is used to attract the love of a young male.

Sow-thistle, Corn (Sonchus arvensis) treats inflammation.

2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

Sow-thistle, Mountain (Sonchus alpinus) is used to ease the


alleviate wheezing and put a luster to the skin.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

The plant is used to go unnoticed by enemies.

Spanish Needles (Clidemia hirta), also called Soapbush is

toxic, but was

once used to expel worms. The juice can be used for earaches.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Spatterdock (Nuphar polysepalum), also called Yellow Pond Lily,

is applied

to inflammation and is used to treat spasms and impotence.

Fluid extract: up to 12 drops a day.

Spearwort, Lesser (Ranunculus flammula) is a cure for ulcers.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

Speedwell, Common ( officinalis) is a simple, safe and


treatment for skin disorders; it is also known to clot blood.

2 part herb to 1 part water or lard, boil and apply externally.

Speedwell, Germander ( chamaedrys) is used to relieve

itch, purify

the blood and stimulate the kidneys.

2 part herb to 1 part water or lard, boil and apply externally;


extract: 1 dram a day.

Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) is used to treat GI problems and



500 milligrams a day.

Spikenard, Common (Aralia racemosa), also called Pettymorell,

Old Man's

Root, Indian Spikenard and Indian Root, is a stimulant.

1/2 - 1 dram infused in 1 ounce water, drink once a day.

The legendary substance Magdelene used from the alabaster

jar to

anoint Jesus with; is buried every other month to assure


Spikenard, Ploughman's (Inula conyza), also called Great

Fleabane, is used

to kill fleas.

The scent of Spikenard causes one to give-up.

Squaw Vine (a repens), also called Checkerberry, Winter

Clover and

Deerberry, is used to increase female fertility (roots) and is


externally for sore nipples.

2 – 4 ounces drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

A pregnant woman may bath with the vine to protect her unborn

child and it

may be carried to prevent jealousy.

Squill (Urginea scilla) is used to treat coughs and kidney


1 – 3 grains a day.

The root is carried to attract money.

St 's Cross (Hypericum stragulum) is used for bladder and


ailments and is applied externally for skin disorders.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

St s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is used to treat


457 milligrams a day.

Hang this plant in the kitchen to lessen the likelihood of a


Staves acre (Delphinium staphisagria), also called Lousewort,

is a very

toxic way of killing lice, worms and fleas.

Steeplebush (Spirea tomentosa) is used to treat morning


½ ounce drunk as tea once a day.

Sticktight (Hackelia californica) is a pain killer.

½ ounce in 1 liter of oil; apply externally.

The scent of the flower is said to be an antidepressant.

The plant is used in binding spells.

Stone Root (onia Canadensis), also called Horseweed,


Knobweed and Horsebalm, is used to reduce spasms, urinary and


problems and is applied externally to reduce bruising. It is a


and an antioxidant.

Fluid extract: 15 – 60 drops; herb: 2 – 4 grains a day.

Stonecrop, Common (Sedum acre), also called Biting Stonecrop,

Golden Moss,

Wall Ginger, Gold Chain and Creeping Tom, is used as a


1 part herb to 1 part lard, boil and apply externally.

Stonecrop, Orpine (Sedum telephium) has been used on bleeding


and to stop diarrhea.

Fluid extract: 1 dram once a day.

Stonecrop, Virginian (Penthorum sedoides), also called Ditch

Stonecrop, is

used as a laxative.

Fluid extract: 1 dram once a day.

Stonecrop, White (Sedum album), also called Small Houseleek, is

used to

cool painful hemorrhoids.

2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

Stork's Bill (Erodium cicutarium) is used as a wash for


1 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

Strawberry, Common (Fragaria vesca) fruit is used as a wash to



Perhaps because they are red, the fruits are used in love


Strawberry, Wood (Duchesnea indica), also called Indian

Strawberry, is a

blood purifier, gravel diuretic and a wash for sunburns. The

berries are

known to fight tumors by inhibiting cell reproduction.

25 – 50 milligrams a day.

Sumac, Dwarf (Rhus copallina). The bark is used to stimulate

milk flow, to

treat blisters and bedwetting, but it is very irritating.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

Sumac, Smooth (Rhus glabra), also called Pennsylvania Sumac and


Sumac, is an antiseptic and antibiotic (bark) and cools wounds


Fluid extract from bark: 1 – 2 drams; fluid extract from

berries: 1 – 2

drams; herb: 1 – 2 grains a day.

The berries are used to lessen sentences placed on one in a

court case.

Sumac, Staghorn (Rhus hirta) is used to treat sore throats,

worms and

bleeding; may cause irritation.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) is used for any type of lung

problem. It is

an antibiotic, antiviral, an immune stimulant and is said to

remove warts.

Fluid extract: 10 – 20 drops; herb: 2 – 5 grains a day.

Sweet grass (Hierochloe odorata) is a diuretic.

Fluid extract: 10 – 30 drops a day.

The scent of this grass puts one in a good mood.

This grass is used to call good spirits.

Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua). From this tree comes gum


which is used for sore throats.

1 part leaf to 1 part water, boil and gargle.

The pods, called Witches Burs, are said to pass to the

possessor great

supernatural strength.

Sweet Annie (Artemisia annua) is used to treat night sweats,


and is antiviral.

3 – 9 grams a day.

Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratus) is very soothing to the skin, but



2 part flower to 1 part water or alcohol, boil and apply


The bloom is used in truth spells.

Sweet (Dianthus barbatus) is questionably toxic.

The scent of the flower is supposed to " open the heart. "

Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) will induce vomiting.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

- T -

Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is a stimulant and may relieve

flatulence, expel

worms, and suppresses menstruation. Externally, it treats


CAUTION: Avoid during pregnancy.

Fluid extract: ½ - 2 drams; herb: 5 – 10 grains.

Keep some of this in your shoes to evade justice, or just to



Teazle, Common (N.O. Dipsaceae), also called Card Thistle, is

used to

strengthen the stomach and stimulate appetite.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

Thimbleweed (Anemone virginiana) is used to treat boils.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

The scent of this plant will revive unconscious people.

When this plant is placed under the pillow it will induce

dreams of

whether or not your lover has been unfaithful.

Thistle, Arctic Glow Globe (Echinops sphaerocephalus) is



The scent of the plant helps one stop mourning over the dead.

Thistle, Blessed (Carbenia benedicta), also called Holy

Thistle, is used

to increase blood circulation and increase the memory, but in

large doses

it can cause vomiting.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The bloom is said to make men kinder.

Thistle, Milk (Silybum marianum) is the strongest herb used to


the liver.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to twice a day.

This plant draws unwanted attention from other people and



Thistle, Scotch (Onopordon acanthium), also called Woolly

Thistle and Milk

Thistle, is used to diminish discharges from mucous membranes

and treats

neck pain.

1 ounce powdered root boiled in 1 glassful of water.

The bloom protects from any magick.

Thunbergia (Thunbergia mysorensis) is questionably toxic.

The scent of the flower is supposed to foster independence.

Ti Plant (Cordyline terminalis) is questionably toxic.

The plant is kept in the home to guard against " psychic attack. "

Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), also called Flaxweed and Devil's

Head, is

used to treat the kidneys and is eyewash.

1 ounce herb drunk as tea once a day.

Tobacco, Common (Nicotiana tabacum) the leaves are a stimulant.

The leaves are burned to " carry messages to the gods. "

Tobacco, Rabbit (Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum) is used to treat


problems and is very good to apply to burns.

2 part herb to 1 part lard, boil and apply externally; smoke


Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is used to support a healthy


As the name, Love Apple implies, Italians used the vegetable

for love.

Toothache Plant (Spilanthes acmella) " berries " sooth sore

throats and

stops toothaches.

Eat " berries " as needed.

Toothwort (Dentaria laciniata) is chewed for toothaches.

Chew stems as needed.

Tormentil (Potentilla Tormentilla), also called Shepard's Knot,

is used

for hemorrhoids and to reduce swelling in the eyes as a wash.

2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply externally.

The plant protects from possession, but can also be used to

cause misery.

Tube Flower (Clerodendrum indicum) strengthens heart valves,


fatty tissue and helps with high cholesterol.

0.5 - 1.5 grams a day.

Turnip (Brassica rapa) usually a confectionary.

The bulb is used to hex love.

Twinleaf (Jeffersonia diphylla) is used externally for

rheumatism and

swelling, though it is very poisonous.

Up to 10 grains a day.

The leaves are used to bring those to like-mindedness.

- U -

Unicorn Root, False (Chamaelirium luteum), also called

Starwort, is used

to increase female fertility.

Fluid extract: 5 – 30 drops; herb: 2 – 4 grains a day.

The root protects infants.

Unicorn Root, True (Aletris farinose), also called Colic Grass,


Star, Stargrass and Bitter Grass, is used to increase female


strengthen appetite, treat colic and inflammation, but it can

cause a

sense of dizziness.

Powdered root: 5 – 10 grains.

The root is hung in a home to protect it from curses.

- V -

Valerian, Common (Valeriana officinalis) is a sedative and

calms spasms.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 4 times a day.

The scent of the flower will relieve depression.

This plant is used in the art of conjuration, but the root is

often a

substitute for graveyard dirt.

Valerian, Greek (Polemonium reptans) induces vomiting and

diarrhea and


1 – 2 ounces drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is used to shrink cancerous

cells in the


Fluid extract: 1 – 2 drams a day.

Since this strange plant eats flies, it is also seen

as " eating " hexes

thrown your way.

Verbena, Lemon (Verbena bonariensis) is a sedative and relieves

flatulence. It is still made into balms and placed on stiff

necks and

joint pain.

1 ounce drunk as tea up to 3 times a day.

This plant is used to keep from dreaming.

Vervain, Blue (Verbena Babylon) is used for stomach cramps and


complaints. It can be used externally as a tranquilizer.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 2 times a day; 2 part herb to 1 part


boil and apply externally.

Vervain, Common (Verbena officinalis, Verbena hastate) relieves

fevers and

spasms. CAUTION: Avoid during pregnancy, but use during labor

is OK.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

This is a plant sacred to philosophers and scholars, as it puts

a love of

learning in a person.

Vetivert (Vetiveria zizanioides), also called Vetiver, relieves

pain in

joints and moisturizes the skin.

5 – 10 grams a day; 2 part herb to 1 part water, boil and apply


The scent of this grass helps one understand truths.

The root is called khus-khus in hoodoo and is burned to

overcome evil

spells, powdered and put in bath water to attract love, and

left whole

near a cash register to draw money.

Violet, Canadian (Viola Canadensis) will induce vomiting.

1 tablespoon.

Violet, Sweet (Viola odorata) is a laxative. The petals are

drunk to calm

an angry person.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day; 3 flowers to 1 glassful hot water,


The scent of the flowers calms the anger of a man.

This flower speeds healing, mends a broken heart and calms


Virginian Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum virginianum) is chewed for

chapped lips

and mouth sores.

Chew on stalks as needed.

- W -

Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus, Euonymus Europoeus), also called


Tree, is a laxative.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram; herb: 1 – 4 grains a day.

The bark is used to uncross.

Walking Stick (Corylus Contorta) is questionably toxic.

Some prefer the twisted branches as wands and staffs.

Walnut (Juglans nigra) is used as a laxative and an astringent.

Fluid extract from leaves: 1 – 2 drams; boil nuts and apply


The leaves are used to break-up lovers; add a walnut and a


turtle heart to a sachet to stop lust.

Wartweed (Euphorbia helioscopia), also called Mad Woman's Milk.

The " milk "

from the stalks eats away warts.

Wattle (Acacia decurrens) balance adrenaline.

1 gram a day.

Wild Potato Vine (Ipomoea pandurata) is used as a blood

purifier, for

headaches and indigestion.

1 flower in 1 glassful of hot water and drink.

Willow , Black (Salyx nigra), also called Pussy Willow, is used

to calm

premature ejaculation.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Willow , White (Salix alba) bark is used to relieve headaches



Powdered root: 1 dram; fluid extract: 1 – 2 drams.

This plant is sacred to Lucifer.

Willow-herb, RoseBay (Epilobium angustifolium), also called


Willow, French Willow, Persian Willow, Blood Vine, Blooming

Sally and

Purple Rocket, is used as an astringent.

30 – 60 grains a day.

Wintercress (Nasturtium officinale) is a blood purifier, cough


and will stimulate the appetite.

1 – 2 ounces drunk as tea up to 2 times a day.

Wintergreen (Gaultheria Procumbens), also called Teaberry,


Mountain Tea and Partridge Berry, is used as a stimulant and

opens the

nasal passages.

½ ounce drunk as tea up to 2 times a day.

The leaves were placed under children's pillows to ward off


Wisteria (Wisteria venusta) is a laxative.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

The scent of the flower is supposed to be relaxing.

The flowers are used to gain wisdom.

Witch grass (Panicum capillare), also called Dog Grass and

Quack Grass,

and is used for coughs.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Once used for protection against witches, now it is used

to " uncross " or

un-hex someone.

Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), also called Spotted Alder,

and is used

as a cooling astringent for the face and to hemorrhoids.

2 part leaf to 1 part water or alcohol, boil and apply


A forked branch from this tree was used as a dowsing rod to

find water.

Woad (Ivatis tinctoria) is used as an astringent for bleeding


externally for spleen pain.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram once a day.

Pictish witches would use the blue dye this plant produces to


symbols on their body for shape shifting.

Woodruff, Sweet (Asperula odorata) is used to remove liver


and repels insects.

2 part herb to 1 part water or lard, boil and apply externally.

Wormseed, American (Chenopodium anthelminticum), also called

Mexican Tea,

is used to expel round worms.

Fruit: 20 grains; fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram a day.

Wormwood, Common (Artemisia absinthium) is dangerous, but

strengthens the

stomach and relieves flatulence. The " seeds " were taken in

small doses to

get rid of worms; traditionally it was kept in closets to ward

off moths.

This plant is used to make the drink absinthe.

1 ounce herb boiled in 1 liter water, 1 glassful a day.

Sprinkle on enemies to cause them grief and misfortune. A

medieval love

spell: On St. Luke's Day (October 18), take marigold flowers, a

sprig of

marjoram, thyme, and a little Wormwood; dry them before a fire,

rub them

to powder; then sift it through a fine piece of lawn, and

simmer it over a

slow fire, adding a small quantity of virgin honey, and

vinegar. Anoint

yourself with this when you go to bed, saying the following

lines three

times, and you will dream of your partner " that is to be " : " St.

Luke, St.

Luke, be kind to me, in dreams let me my true-love see. "

- Y -

Yage (Banisteriopsis caapi), also called Food of the Gods and

Death Vine,

is a powerful hallucinogen than can quickly become deadly.

20 grams of leaf to a gallon of water, set in sun for two days


strain. Drink in very small doses.

Yam, Wild (Dioscorea Villosa) relieves spasms, hot flashes and

cramps and

is used as a contraceptive; it is commonly used as a steroid.

Fluid extract: ½ - 1 dram; herb: ¼ - 4 grains a day.

Yellowroot (Xanthorhiza simplicissima) lowers blood pressure,


anti-inflammatory and an immune stimulant.

100 milligrams a day.

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is used for bleeding hemorrhages;


disorders and can fight off balding when the hair is washed

with it.

½ ounce herb drunk in tea up to 2 times a day.

To overcome your fears, add this flower to a sachet with a list

of your

fears. Keeping this in a sachet will help you make friends.

Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) is used internally to treat urinary


and increase circulation, but externally it is wonderful for

treating skin

conditions and reducing acne.

Fluid extract: 30 – 60 drops; root: 5 – 15 grains a day.

The root is used to attract good business and is carried in a

green sachet

to attract money.

Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon glutinosum), also called Mountain


Consumptive's Weed, Gum Bush and Bear's Weed, is used for

bronchial and

laryngeal troubles and a bleeding bladder.

10 – 60 grains a day.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow (Brunfelsia latifolia) is said to


vitality, circulation and sooth nerves when burned.

Inhale smoke.

Yohimbe (Pausinystalia Yohimbe) is a stimulant and is often

used to excite

lust in a man.

1/2 ounce drunk as tea.

Yucca, Adam's Needle (Yucca filamentosa) is used to treat


cleanses the colon, purifies the blood and helps clear toxins

from the

liver and kidneys. The roots are good to stop dandruff. The

plant as a

whole has the ability to " stupefy " fish.

1 – 3 grains up to 3 times a day.

Since the tops are phallic, they are used for protection.

Yucca, Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium) is a diuretic

and is used

for female reproduction disorders and hemorrhoids. The roots


saliva flow.

Fluid extract: 10 – 20 drops a day; chew on small piece of root.

Yucca, Soapweed (Yucca glauca) is antifungal and treats tumor.

The root

treats rheumatism, though it is poisonous.

Fluid extract: 1 dram a day.

The threads from the leaves are used to thread juniper berries

to create a

bracelet to ward off bad dreams.

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