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painful sinus related infection

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I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about February of this

year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and my immunologist confirmed that

I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am on my third viral infection since.

This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I have a right

ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same side,a sore throat with

swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain also around the right orbit. The pain

interferes with my sleep and I have been taking contin for it.

Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side which is also

very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side might develop similar

problems.I've had infections before on the left that were painful ,seemed to be

similar to the onset of orbital cellulitis that did not progress.

I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am not taking asa

as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being investigated.I've been having

lots of tea with manuka honey beginning yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary

and frontal area feel tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on

it's own ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I suspect that

maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as the frontals were opened

surgically a little over a year ago (modified Lothrop procedure).

Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying sinuses?Wayne

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I have ear ache from ear infections connected with sinus, but to the extent you describe.

Did they culture you? it sounds bacterial so that should be established. If it is, and they do sensitivities to different drugs, problem can be targeted more effectlively. Usually my experience is that it's something very resistant that has taken up residence in there, and IV therapy might be needed to eradicate it. (I had a similar problem with pseudomonas but different symptoms - rather like a very virulent flu.

Good luck, hope you have an understanding doctor. It sounds like very uncomfortable.

> samters > From: louis7680@...> Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 20:49:39 +0000> Subject: painful sinus related infection> > I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about February of this year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and my immunologist confirmed that I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am on my third viral infection since.> This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I have a right ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same side,a sore throat with swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain also around the right orbit. The pain interferes with my sleep and I have been taking contin for it. > Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side which is also very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side might develop similar problems.I've had infections before on the left that were painful ,seemed to be similar to the onset of orbital cellulitis that did not progress.> I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am not taking asa as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being investigated.I've been having lots of tea with manuka honey beginning yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary and frontal area feel tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on it's own ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I suspect that maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as the frontals were opened surgically a little over a year ago (modified Lothrop procedure).> Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying sinuses?Wayne> > > > ------------------------------------> >

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Good luck with your infection, Wayne. Note that black tea is a strong anemiant, though only on a long-term basis. I am afraid oral Manuka will deliver little antimicrobial substance to the airways (was tried and failed according to one article). Herbal teas may work better, like the one I use when sick, which is rich in a combination of thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus and lavender.>> I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about February of this year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and my immunologist confirmed that I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am on my third viral infection since.> This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I have a right ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same side,a sore throat with swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain also around the right orbit. The pain interferes with my sleep and I have been taking contin for it. > Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side which is also very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side might develop similar problems.I've had infections before on the left that were painful ,seemed to be similar to the onset of orbital cellulitis that did not progress.> I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am not taking asa as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being investigated.I've been having lots of tea with manuka honey beginning yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary and frontal area feel tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on it's own ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I suspect that maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as the frontals were opened surgically a little over a year ago (modified Lothrop procedure).> Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying sinuses?Wayne>

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Wayne,I too was diagnosed with low IgG levels. I took an oral form of IgG, IgG 2000 http://www.xymogen.com/uploads/attributes/IGG-pc.pdf and when I was tested for response to vaccination -- a standard test for IgG levels -- I did fine and did not need IgG injections. The IgG 2000 is expensive, and there is no way to know if it was responsible for helping, but I thought I'd pass that on.That said, I also have an infection that won't quit. I've been working with a naturopath who is helping -- but so far I'm not cured.On Sep 10, 2011, at 4:26 PM, asfy wrote: Apo-sulfatrim's side effects can be mitigated by drinking lots of water. > > I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about February of this year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and my immunologist confirmed that I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am on my third viral infection since. > This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I have a right ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same side,a sore throat with swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain also around the right orbit. The pain interferes with my sleep and I have been taking contin for it. > Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side which is also very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side might develop similar problems.I've had infections before on the left that were painful ,seemed to be similar to the onset of orbital cellulitis that did not progress. > I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am not taking asa as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being investigated.I've been having lots of tea with manuka honey beginning yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary and frontal area feel tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on it's own ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I suspect that maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as the frontals were opened surgically a little over a year ago (modified Lothrop procedure). > Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying sinuses?Wayne >

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Has anyone had experience with trying to detoxify the main pathway (sulfer Pathway) that is responsible for the salicylate and oxalate problems. It is my understanding that when this pathway is not functioning properly, we get a build up of oxalates and salicylates which cause a whole host of problems. I started out years ago with a breathing reaction when I took excederin. Then I developed nasal polyps and had surgery to remove multiple polyps. I would have major restless leg syndrom which was do to the sensitivity. Two years ago I ate a bunch of kumquats and developed major asthma and breathing problems that took a long time to go away. Went to ER, Walk-Ins, pulminologist...but no one could find anything wrong with me. Frustrating to say the least. Began researching and found a problem with the PST ( Sulfer Pathways) not working causing an overload of oxalates and salicylates in the body. I have followed a low salicylate diet, I take calcium citrate with each meal to bind with the oxaltes and salicylates, molybdenim, along with B6. Magnesium sulfate cream at night help the sulfer pathway...Epsom salts baths work great too for opening up the sulfer pathway. I found out through a test that I also had leaky gut. L-Glutamine works wonders for that. I am feeling much better but

still have to be carefull with high salicylate foods. I am still searching to find an expert to find exactly why some of us do not process salicyates properly in our bodies. There has to something going on that can be corrected to make our bodies function in a way that does not react to salicylate.

Lesley Freeman

West Pacific Medical Laboratory

Cell Phone: 949-246-6619

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Lesley, - could you give us some article references to the ideas you are referring to ?- what type of "leaky gut" test did you undertake ?- did you test urine and/or blood oxalates before starting your low-oxalate diet, or was it done under the assumption that it would help against Samter's ?>> Has anyone had experience with trying to detoxify the main pathway (sulfer Pathway) that is responsible for the salicylate and oxalate problems. It is my understanding that when this pathway is not functioning properly, we get a build up of oxalates and salicylates which cause a whole host of problems. I started out years ago with a breathing reaction when I took excederin. Then I developed nasal polyps and had surgery to remove multiple polyps. I would have major restless leg syndrom which was do to the sensitivity. Two years ago I ate a bunch of kumquats and developed major asthma and breathing problems that took a long time to go away. Went to ER, Walk-Ins, pulminologist...but no one could find anything wrong with me. Frustrating to say the least. Began researching and found a problem with the PST ( Sulfer Pathways) not working causing an overload of oxalates and salicylates in the body. I have followed a low salicylate> diet, I take calcium citrate with each meal to bind with the oxaltes and salicylates, molybdenim, along with B6. Magnesium sulfate cream at night help the sulfer pathway...Epsom salts baths work great too for opening up the sulfer pathway. I found out through a test that I also had leaky gut. L-Glutamine works wonders for that. I am feeling much better but still have to be carefull with high salicylate foods. I am still searching to find an expert to find exactly why some of us do not process salicyates properly in our bodies. There has to something going on that can be corrected to make our bodies function in a way that does not react to salicylate. > > Lesley Freeman > West Pacific Medical Laboratory> Cell Phone: 949-246-6619>

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Thanks for this information,Joan. How long did you take this,The cost and How

much did this help???I realize sometimes it must be hard to gauge how much an

intervention might help, when you don't know how you would have been without


> > >

> > > I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about

> > February of this year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and

> > my immunologist confirmed that I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am

> > on my third viral infection since.

> > > This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I

> > have a right ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same

> > side,a sore throat with swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain

> > also around the right orbit. The pain interferes with my sleep and

> > I have been taking contin for it.

> > > Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side

> > which is also very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side

> > might develop similar problems.I've had infections before on the

> > left that were painful ,seemed to be similar to the onset of

> > orbital cellulitis that did not progress.

> > > I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am

> > not taking asa as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being

> > investigated.I've been having lots of tea with manuka honey

> > beginning yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary and frontal area

> > feel tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on it's

> > own ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I

> > suspect that maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as

> > the frontals were opened surgically a little over a year ago

> > (modified Lothrop procedure).

> > > Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying

> > sinuses?Wayne

> > >

> >

> >


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HI asfy,the aveolox that I am taking is helping but hasn't eradicated this

infection yet.I know ear aches are painful but really this is the first one in

decades.The pain from orbital cellulitis seems to dwarf the pain from an ear

infection.Codeine didn't seem to touch this pain.I guess this is likely a

complication of a sinus infection that is related to changes in sinus anatomy ie

remodeling.The odd thing was that I had no drainage from the ear that would show

up after using a Q tip.So it was either fluid behind the ear or refered

pain.Also since I had extenive frontal sinus surgery,I'm thinking this infection

might have more to do with the maxillary or one of the other paranasal sinuses

on my right side. I see a local Ent on Sept 21,I am curious what he might

find.Not really interested in another CT as I have had enough radiation from

these for the time being.Wayne

> >

> > I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about

> February of this year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and my

> immunologist confirmed that I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am on my

> third viral infection since.

> > This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I have

> a right ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same side,a sore

> throat with swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain also around the

> right orbit. The pain interferes with my sleep and I have been taking

> contin for it.

> > Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side

> which is also very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side

> might develop similar problems.I've had infections before on the left

> that were painful ,seemed to be similar to the onset of orbital

> cellulitis that did not progress.

> > I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am not

> taking asa as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being

> investigated.I've been having lots of tea with manuka honey beginning

> yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary and frontal area feel

> tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on it's own

> ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I suspect that

> maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as the frontals were

> opened surgically a little over a year ago (modified Lothrop

> procedure).

> > Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying

> sinuses?Wayne

> >


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Wayne, sorry to be so slow in replying. I bought a big tub (comes in 2 sizes) of IgG 2000 and it cost about $99 I think. I had taken about 2/3 of the tub, a tablespoon twice a day for two weeks and then reducing to once a day, when I was retested. I mix it in Rice Dream as it doesn’t mix too well in most things. And honestly, I don’t know how much of my testing ok was due to taking the stuff, and how much to natural resilience. I do still have a sinus infection, so it didn’t cure that.I hope you are doing better. Sounds like a miserable experience.JoanOn Sep 11, 2011, at 7:09 PM, Wayne wrote:

Thanks for this information,Joan. How long did you take this,The cost and How much did this help???I realize sometimes it must be hard to gauge how much an intervention might help, when you don't know how you would have been without it!Wayne

> > >

> > > I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about

> > February of this year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and

> > my immunologist confirmed that I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am

> > on my third viral infection since.

> > > This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I

> > have a right ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same

> > side,a sore throat with swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain

> > also around the right orbit. The pain interferes with my sleep and

> > I have been taking contin for it.

> > > Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side

> > which is also very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side

> > might develop similar problems.I've had infections before on the

> > left that were painful ,seemed to be similar to the onset of

> > orbital cellulitis that did not progress.

> > > I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am

> > not taking asa as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being

> > investigated.I've been having lots of tea with manuka honey

> > beginning yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary and frontal area

> > feel tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on it's

> > own ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I

> > suspect that maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as

> > the frontals were opened surgically a little over a year ago

> > (modified Lothrop procedure).

> > > Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying

> > sinuses?Wayne

> > >

> >

> >


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HiJoan ,I hope you are felling better as I am.

What is the difference between the oral and IV forms of IgG therapeutically


Long term antibiotics unless used for immunomodulation or temporary use might

have some benefits.But I think the long term destruction of GI flora has too

many negative consequences(ie altered microbial flora or balance

bacterially,virally,fungally etc.,inflammatory changes ,immunological changes

etc.).I'm not sure how much taking probiotics might help with these aspects of

long term antibiotic use.

I don't know how much IgG can bolster my immunity and how this might affect

how many viral infections I get.I get Flu,meningococcal,pneumonia vaccines of

course as well.Wayne

> > > > >

> > > > > I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about

> > > > February of this year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and

> > > > my immunologist confirmed that I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am

> > > > on my third viral infection since.

> > > > > This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I

> > > > have a right ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same

> > > > side,a sore throat with swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain

> > > > also around the right orbit. The pain interferes with my sleep and

> > > > I have been taking contin for it.

> > > > > Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side

> > > > which is also very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side

> > > > might develop similar problems.I've had infections before on the

> > > > left that were painful ,seemed to be similar to the onset of

> > > > orbital cellulitis that did not progress.

> > > > > I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am

> > > > not taking asa as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being

> > > > investigated.I've been having lots of tea with manuka honey

> > > > beginning yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary and frontal area

> > > > feel tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on it's

> > > > own ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I

> > > > suspect that maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as

> > > > the frontals were opened surgically a little over a year ago

> > > > (modified Lothrop procedure).

> > > > > Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying

> > > > sinuses?Wayne

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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Wayne, from a quick look at their website, I have the impression (not really

clear, though) that the oral IgG are of bovine origin, whereas the IV form are

human, as we know.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about

> > > > > February of this year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and

> > > > > my immunologist confirmed that I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am

> > > > > on my third viral infection since.

> > > > > > This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I

> > > > > have a right ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same

> > > > > side,a sore throat with swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain

> > > > > also around the right orbit. The pain interferes with my sleep and

> > > > > I have been taking contin for it.

> > > > > > Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side

> > > > > which is also very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side

> > > > > might develop similar problems.I've had infections before on the

> > > > > left that were painful ,seemed to be similar to the onset of

> > > > > orbital cellulitis that did not progress.

> > > > > > I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am

> > > > > not taking asa as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being

> > > > > investigated.I've been having lots of tea with manuka honey

> > > > > beginning yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary and frontal area

> > > > > feel tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on it's

> > > > > own ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I

> > > > > suspect that maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as

> > > > > the frontals were opened surgically a little over a year ago

> > > > > (modified Lothrop procedure).

> > > > > > Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying

> > > > > sinuses?Wayne

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Asfy is right. And the IV form is the standard way to get IgG -- if your doctor determines that you need it. I’ve been told that the side effects aren’t bad and that it can be very effective. I did the bovine form after my IgG tested low, in an attempt to avoid the IV. But I don’t have comparison tests of my IgG levels. I only know that they did a test where they vaccinated me and then six weeks later determined how my body responded to the vaccines. I responded well (I took the bovine IgG during this time) and my immunologist determined that I don’t need the IV treatment. My ENT disagrees and thinks because my IgG was low, and because I get infections, I should get the IV. My immunologist thinks that because I responded well to the test, having IV IgG wouldn’t really help anything.On Sep 16, 2011, at 3:00 PM, asfy wrote:

Wayne, from a quick look at their website, I have the impression (not really clear, though) that the oral IgG are of bovine origin, whereas the IV form are human, as we know.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about

> > > > > February of this year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and

> > > > > my immunologist confirmed that I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am

> > > > > on my third viral infection since.

> > > > > > This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I

> > > > > have a right ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same

> > > > > side,a sore throat with swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain

> > > > > also around the right orbit. The pain interferes with my sleep and

> > > > > I have been taking contin for it.

> > > > > > Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side

> > > > > which is also very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side

> > > > > might develop similar problems.I've had infections before on the

> > > > > left that were painful ,seemed to be similar to the onset of

> > > > > orbital cellulitis that did not progress.

> > > > > > I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am

> > > > > not taking asa as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being

> > > > > investigated.I've been having lots of tea with manuka honey

> > > > > beginning yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary and frontal area

> > > > > feel tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on it's

> > > > > own ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I

> > > > > suspect that maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as

> > > > > the frontals were opened surgically a little over a year ago

> > > > > (modified Lothrop procedure).

> > > > > > Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying

> > > > > sinuses?Wayne

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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I would tend to side with the immunologist : the point of Ig therapy is to boost the Ig that are deficient back to a reasonable level. The only good way of doing it is by testing the Ig (G, M, A) levels before and after. If the treatment boosts by design, say, only IgGs, and pushes them back to normal, but that there are still infections, you have no way of knowing whether it is because of a lack of IgA, IgM, which were not boosted, or for other reasons ; but you do know that you do not need to boost the IgGs any further because they have reached a sufficient level. Besides, the point of boosting Ig's is to work a part of the immune system back to normal functionality ; but if you get an infection that cannot be cleared by the immune system (like a biofilm, a resistant bacteria, etc), or that it is still deficient elsewhere (Samter's), there is no interest in pushing the Ig's beyond normal.> > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > I've been taking apo-sulfatrim ds on a daily basis since about > > > > > > > February of this year.My ENT wanted me to try this first as he and > > > > > > > my immunologist confirmed that I had an IgG deficiency.We'll I am > > > > > > > on my third viral infection since.> > > > > > > > This last infection is different in the amount of pain present.I > > > > > > > have a right ear ache with tenderness of the teeth on the same > > > > > > > side,a sore throat with swollen lymph nodes in the neck,some pain > > > > > > > also around the right orbit. The pain interferes with my sleep and > > > > > > > I have been taking contin for it.> > > > > > > > Having had left orbital cellulitis 2X previously on the left side > > > > > > > which is also very painful it scares me that perhaps the right side > > > > > > > might develop similar problems.I've had infections before on the > > > > > > > left that were painful ,seemed to be similar to the onset of > > > > > > > orbital cellulitis that did not progress.> > > > > > > > I am on an antibiotic now which hasn't helped much at all. I am > > > > > > > not taking asa as I have low iron and hemoglobin which is being > > > > > > > investigated.I've been having lots of tea with manuka honey > > > > > > > beginning yesterday .The right sinuses,maxillary and frontal area > > > > > > > feel tender(steady dull ache).I am hoping it will subside on it's > > > > > > > own ,otherwise if it progresses I will need I.V.antibiotics.I > > > > > > > suspect that maxillary involvement may be a significant factor as > > > > > > > the frontals were opened surgically a little over a year ago > > > > > > > (modified Lothrop procedure).> > > > > > > > Am I unique with these painful infections and the calcifying > > > > > > > sinuses?Wayne> > > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > > >> > > > > >> > > > > > > > > >> > > >> > >> > > >>

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