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Re: working or not working

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Hi Tami,

I have gone through a very similar experience over the past 2 years---haven't been able to handle the demands of a full-time position, nor have I been able to maintain necessary social contacts. I feel as though I have reached a bottom as well because I'm now not only a Sampter's recipient but also broke and lonely---even at times on the brink of calling it quits.

However, I have decided that I'm not ready to leave this world and that I need my social contacts and need to work full time. So, I'm in the process of turining things around--hopeful that things can only get better from this point forward.


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of Tami Uelmen KlumpyanSent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 10:56 AMsamtersSubject: working or not working

I was just curious. Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full time job and work part time? Or quit altogether? or work from home?

I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule anymore away from home. In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non existant. I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before. Happy New Year to you all. I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year. I'm pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up now! I haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts. Looks like a few new members in the last month or so.



True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle!

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I'm so sorry to hear this you guys, though I have also been completely down this year as well. I am able to work from home and fortunate enough to be able to afford (so far knock on wood) treatment for Samter's. And my symptoms are not as bad as many, though I suffer from chronic pain in my face which is hard to cope with. I've been lucky that my infections aren't nearly as bad since I started taking massive doses of Vit D and fish oil and various other supplements which may or may not be having some effect. Anyhow, I dohope 2011 is better for you and all of us! Joan On Jan 9, 2011, at 1:14 PM, Russ Bova wrote:

Hi Tami,

I have gone through a very similar experience over the past 2 years---haven't been able to handle the demands of a full-time position, nor have I been able to maintain necessary social contacts. I feel as though I have reached a bottom as well because I'm now not only a Sampter's recipient but also broke and lonely---even at times on the brink of calling it quits.

However, I have decided that I'm not ready to leave this world and that I need my social contacts and need to work full time. So, I'm in the process of turining things around--hopeful that things can only get better from this point forward.


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of Tami Uelmen KlumpyanSent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 10:56 AMsamtersSubject: working or not working

I was just curious. Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full time job and work part time? Or quit altogether? or work from home?

I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule anymore away from home. In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non existant. I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before. Happy New Year to you all. I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year. I'm pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up now! I haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts. Looks like a few new members in the last month or so.



True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle!

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It's like we are in limbo.  I've finally found a great pain med that controls the pressure pain in my head but because it is a narcotic I have some memory loss and simply put I am a bit ditsy at times.  I have to call the pain clinic and get off my current meds or no one will hire me, plus I'm not comfortable driving in the afternoon with them.  I know what you mean about tossing in the towel.  I went through feelings like that in my early twenty's when i was in my early stages of Samters and in a severe depression.  I have since become very spiritual and a true believer that things will get better, even if at the moment it doesn't seem at all possible.  I am married but also feel very alone.  I think with or without a spouse when you have a disease that is so misunderstood that we truly all feel alone.  I mean, how long should the spouse understand pain they can't feel.  My husband often compares me to cancer victims and makes me feel  because I don't have cancer I should just suck it up.  He's a story for a whole other time!  LOL.  I have learned to basically be alone.  I've taken up hobbies that I can do from bed which makes me feel like a contributing person in society.  I'm actually selling a bunch of stuff I make..just not enough to make the bills.  I own two businesses, one is a strawberry/raspberry farm that some idiot destroyed in a 5 minute decision to spray 5 different herbicides in high winds in the direction of my farm and the other business is a website for people with chronic pain illness or disability to sell their hand made items.  That business is so slow going with the recession but is gaining some ground.  I'm scared to work away from home but am a real burden on my family.  Not depressed because I'm a burdern, just aware and not wanting to be a burden.  Maybe I should post a little more often so when I do it doesn't end up being an entire novel.  Sorry guys.

Still waiting for the lottery to come in.  We are getting close to winning!!!! Won a dollar today.  LOL


True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle! 

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 2:14 PM, Russ Bova <free_wheel@...> wrote:


Hi Tami,


I have gone through a very similar experience over the past 2 years---haven't been able to handle the demands of a full-time position, nor have I been able to maintain necessary social contacts. I feel as though I have reached a bottom as well because I'm now not only a Sampter's recipient but also broke and lonely---even at times on the brink of calling it quits.


However, I have decided that I'm not ready to leave this world and that I need my social contacts and need to work full time. So, I'm in the process of turining things around--hopeful that things can only get better from this point forward.



From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of Tami Uelmen Klumpyan

Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 10:56 AMsamtersSubject: working or not working


I was just curious.  Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full time job and work part time?  Or quit altogether?  or work from home? 

I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule anymore away from home.  In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non existant.   I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before.  Happy New Year to you all.  I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year.  I'm pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up now! I haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts.  Looks like a few new members in the last month or so.



True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle! 

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I quit my teaching job (first grade) at the strong urging of my doctor and because I was sick all the time, I felt like I wasn't being a very effective teacher.

This year I seem to be doing very well...do I dare say it,,, no sinus infections yet! In the fall I was feeling lousy and my ent wanted me on antibiotics, I expressed concern because I was having issues with joint pain a side effect of soem antibiotics. He started me on prednisone, and he prescibed an antibiotic for my nasal rinse which I used twice a day for a month, He also had me take some supplements. This is the first winter in ten years that I haven't had sinus issues. I even had a chest cold and a bout of the flu and still did not have sinus issues. I am excited and hopeful.

From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of Tami Uelmen KlumpyanSent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 10:56 AMsamtersSubject: working or not working

I was just curious. Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full time job and work part time? Or quit altogether? or work from home?

I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule anymore away from home. In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non existant. I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before. Happy New Year to you all. I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year. I'm pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up now! I haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts. Looks like a few new members in the last month or so.



True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle!

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Hi Tami,

I'm in the same boat as you. Having had this since my late teens it has meant

that I've not really been able to work at all. Last time I had a full time job

(30 years ago) I was chronically unwell, on antibiotics for months before a


I am not a very resiliant person though and have trouble coping with stress. It

triggers my symptoms. I've been borderline chronic fatigue - if I work or

socialise too much in a week I lose muscle strength.

I hate being like this. A few years ago I went on Seretide and Singulair and

everything improved. I also added fish oil, zinc and vitamin B to my daily meds

at the same time and I think they all help. I've seen a few psychologists and am

pretty sure that my depression isn't purely psychological.

At the moment I work from home (safe environment) part time, able to pick the

hours I work.


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Thanks for the responses everyone.  I now see that I'm not the only one who doesn't live a " normal " life.  Although it saddens me that you all have the same issues, it also helps me understand that my lifestyle isn't a choice, it's a result of years of chronic pain.  Becky..if you read this, is your specialist in England (forgot the name) still doing research on Samters? 

Here's to an amazing 2011 for all of us suffering with this debilitating disease and to our strength in percervering despite the odds or the pain and sickness.



True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle! 

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 9:55 AM, Tami Uelmen Klumpyan <tami111555@...> wrote:

I was just curious.  Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full time job and work part time?  Or quit altogether?  or work from home? 

I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule anymore away from home.  In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non existant.   I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before.  Happy New Year to you all.  I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year.  I'm pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up now! I haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts.  Looks like a few new members in the last month or so.



True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle! 

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Not working. I never attributed it to the fact that I feel like crap so much of

the time. Interesting.


> I was just curious. Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full time

> job and work part time? Or quit altogether? or work from home?

> I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule anymore

> away from home. In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non

> existant. I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before. Happy New

> Year to you all. I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year. I'm

> pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up now! I

> haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts. Looks

> like a few new members in the last month or so.

> Thanks

> Tami

> True Ark Creations

> Tami's Berry Farm

> www.truearkcreations.com

> Everyday holds a possibility of a miracle!


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Thanks everyone for all of your responses.  I hope you all don't mind, but I showed your responses to my husband so he would know that I am not the only one who can't work full time.  Hmmm He's been nice to me for a few days now.  I love little miracles.  LOL


True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle! 

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 9:55 AM, Tami Uelmen Klumpyan <tami111555@...> wrote:

I was just curious.  Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full time job and work part time?  Or quit altogether?  or work from home? 

I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule anymore away from home.  In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non existant.   I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before.  Happy New Year to you all.  I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year.  I'm pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up now! I haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts.  Looks like a few new members in the last month or so.



True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle! 

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  • 2 weeks later...


I work full time and it is soooo difficult for me to keep down a full time job

and have Samters. I do not sleep well (hence I am posting this at 4am!). I had

two polypectomys last year (march and october ) my 4th and 5th operation and am

now suffering a sinus and ear infection. My employers have already expressed

that I have had too much time off in the last year (7 wks in total)so I am going

into work although I should really be resting. There is alot of pressure on me

to carry on regardless but sometimes I find it very difficult!


> I was just curious. Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full time

> job and work part time? Or quit altogether? or work from home?

> I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule anymore

> away from home. In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non

> existant. I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before. Happy New

> Year to you all. I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year. I'm

> pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up now! I

> haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts. Looks

> like a few new members in the last month or so.

> Thanks

> Tami

> True Ark Creations

> Tami's Berry Farm

> www.truearkcreations.com

> Everyday holds a possibility of a miracle!


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Hello all!  I'm new to the group and have found immense comfort in reading everyone's posts and, for the first time, do not feel alone.  My doctor recently put me on a 2 month medical leave due to sheer exhaustion in trying to keep a normal work schedule.  My employer is respecting the leave, but there is some tension I feel, as it seems they do not understand medical leave for something other than surgery, the birth of a child, etc.  I

I just started on Zyflo this week and am going in for desensitization tomorrow so am hopeful...Nova

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Sorry to hear you are in hospital. I hope you are back home soon.

I don't know about other peoples experiences with the medical profession but

they just don't seem to understand how this condition lowers quality of life!

> > >

> > > I was just curious. Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full time

> > > job and work part time? Or quit altogether? or work from home?

> > > I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule


> > > away from home. In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non

> > > existant. I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before. Happy New

> > > Year to you all. I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year. I'm

> > > pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up now!


> > > haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts. Looks

> > > like a few new members in the last month or so.

> > > Thanks

> > > Tami

> > > True Ark Creations

> > > Tami's Berry Farm

> > > www.truearkcreations.com

> > > Everyday holds a possibility of a miracle!

> > >

> >

> >


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Hi Mike

Yes, I am in the UK but haven't been referred anywhere. My local ENT consultant

will quite happily listen to me and all the questions I have for him but brushed

aside desense when I mentioned it.

I see him 6 weeks after my op and my polyps have always grown back. I had an op

a year for 4 years and 2 last year. My consultant has basically said this is

what happens, there is little we can do!

I asked him if there were any tests that could be carried out and he has finally

done a blood test to check my immune system-results due in March.

How do I get referred? Do I have to go through my consultant? Did you have any

side effects?


> > > >

> > > > I was just curious. Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full time

> > > > job and work part time? Or quit altogether? or work from home?

> > > > I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule


> > > > away from home. In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non

> > > > existant. I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before. Happy


> > > > Year to you all. I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year.


> > > > pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up

now! I

> > > > haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts. Looks

> > > > like a few new members in the last month or so.

> > > > Thanks

> > > > Tami

> > > > True Ark Creations

> > > > Tami's Berry Farm

> > > > www.truearkcreations.com

> > > > Everyday holds a possibility of a miracle!

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Thankyou Becky and Mike for your replies. I will make an appointment with my GP

and see if he will refer me. I live in Milton Keynes so either London or

Cambridge are easy to travel to.

The genetic link is also really interesting to me as my son has allergic

rhinitus and I am concerned that he will develop polyps too.

> > > > >

> > > > > I was just curious. Has Samters caused any of you to quit your full


> > > > > job and work part time? Or quit altogether? or work from home?

> > > > > I'm wondering because there is no way I could work a rigid schedule


> > > > > away from home. In fact my social life is pretty much the same...non

> > > > > existant. I don't remember ever seeing a survey on this before. Happy


> > > > > Year to you all. I sincerely believe 2011 is going to be a great year.


> > > > > pretty much at rock bottom now, so there is no other way to go but up

now! I

> > > > > haven't posted in awhile, but I've been reading many of the posts.


> > > > > like a few new members in the last month or so.

> > > > > Thanks

> > > > > Tami

> > > > > True Ark Creations

> > > > > Tami's Berry Farm

> > > > > www.truearkcreations.com

> > > > > Everyday holds a possibility of a miracle!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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