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Re: Samters info and question

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I asked that question about penicillin yesterday as well. I have always been allergic to it and both of my parents smoked growing up. I use to smoke, but quit. Smoke really aggravates my asthma. I was hoping the aspirin would help my asthma, but it hasn't really. It has helped my sinus's significantly though.Sent from my iPhoneOn Jan 31, 2011, at 7:52 AM, samsmom6602@... wrote:

I really feel bad for so many of you who are suffering with Samter's. I also had a very hard time suffering with it, and had so many people not take me seriously with this illness. However, I have posted several times on here that through diet, supplements, and basically one pharmaceutical drug I am done with all the suffering. I do get a sinus infection from time to time, but I am never really stuffy and feeling horrible from my sinuses. Best part of all for about 2 years I have been off Singulair and all the nasal sprays and inhalers. All these drugs everyone takes is just so bad for you. I cringe every time I see new posts of more drugs people are taking. I pray that you all find some relief like I have because I know exactly how you feel. I am curious to know how many people here are allergic to Penicillin, and who had a parent that smoked at some point during their lives even if it was before you were born? Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: Rebekah Critchley <womens_fellowship@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:33:29 +0000<samters >Reply samters

Subject: RE: New Here

No antihistamines. Only in the summer if I have a bad hay fever but tbh now I'm on the nose spray permanent I don't often have the need to.Never heard of Singulair. I only use Nasonex. From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of KeeferSent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:32 AMsamters Subject: RE: New Here A lot of people on this list do not test positive to allergens despite bad nasal symptoms, so you are not alone! You might want to research celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (not just wheat) which can cause the stomach issues you describe. There are tests for celiac disease also. A good friend suffers from it and had lots of stomach issues before being diagnosed and she feels much better now that she is gluten-free. Do you use an antihistamine? What about something like Singulair? Welcome! K. From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of princess_rebekah2001Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:34 PMsamters Subject: New Here Hello all,I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't know if im samters or not or even ss.I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have had 2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during bad attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4 weeks now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took bloods and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of those people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I have what my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I have never had an attack but have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of muscle pains which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive stomach which is gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes have diahhrea for no reason. The biggest problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related issues.Reading the big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I have other minor issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for anything except for the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I just jump in with the detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a dietician - good luck with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance xEdit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years ago when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link it to anything.

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I'm allergic to penicillin V and my mum smoked when pregnant with me (she gave up during that pregnancy) ....but, my dad's dad had samters so that is where I think I got mine from...I'm sure there is a genetic element. One of my cousins once had an anaphilactic reaction to aspirin and she doesn't go near it now, but she doesn't have samters (asthma or polyps).


From: Lincicum <j_lincicum@...>"samters " <samters >Sent: Mon, 31 January, 2011 14:05:11Subject: Re: Samters info and question

I asked that question about penicillin yesterday as well. I have always been allergic to it and both of my parents smoked growing up. I use to smoke, but quit. Smoke really aggravates my asthma. I was hoping the aspirin would help my asthma, but it hasn't really. It has helped my sinus's significantly though.Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 31, 2011, at 7:52 AM, samsmom6602@... wrote:

I really feel bad for so many of you who are suffering with Samter's. I also had a very hard time suffering with it, and had so many people not take me seriously with this illness. However, I have posted several times on here that through diet, supplements, and basically one pharmaceutical drug I am done with all the suffering. I do get a sinus infection from time to time, but I am never really stuffy and feeling horrible from my sinuses. Best part of all for about 2 years I have been off Singulair and all the nasal sprays and inhalers. All these drugs everyone takes is just so bad for you. I cringe every time I see new posts of more drugs people are taking. I pray that you all find some relief like I have because I know exactly how you feel. I am curious to know how many people here are allergic to Penicillin, and who had a parent that smoked at some point during their lives even if it was before you were born?

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Rebekah Critchley <womens_fellowship@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:33:29 +0000

<samters >


Subject: RE: New Here

No antihistamines. Only in the summer if I have a bad hay fever but tbh now I'm on the nose spray permanent I don't often have the need to.

Never heard of Singulair. I only use Nasonex.

From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of KeeferSent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:32 AMsamters Subject: RE: New Here

A lot of people on this list do not test positive to allergens despite bad nasal symptoms, so you are not alone!

You might want to research celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (not just wheat) which can cause the stomach issues you describe. There are tests for celiac disease also. A good friend suffers from it and had lots of stomach issues before being diagnosed and she feels much better now that she is gluten-free.

Do you use an antihistamine? What about something like Singulair?



From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of princess_rebekah2001Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:34 PMsamters Subject: New Here

Hello all,I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't know if im samters or not or even ss.I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have had 2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during bad attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4 weeks now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took bloods and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of those people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I have what my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I have never had an attack but have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of muscle pains which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive stomach which is gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes have

diahhrea for no reason. The biggest problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related issues.Reading the big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I have other minor issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for anything except for the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I just jump in with the detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a dietician - good luck with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance xEdit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years ago when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link it to anything.

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Could not take penicillin when I was a child, later in my life 49 (after a lot of stress) reaction to Alka Seltzer (shock), Advill (shock), my new ENT diagnosed me with Samters about 4 years ago the last shock was in a German hospital a year ago I'm still trying to overcome the damage from that. There is history of asthma and allergy sensetivity in my familie. I do a lot of research on Samters trying to help myself without all the drugs, I refuse to take Prednisone to me does more long term damage then good (adrenal). There have been smokers arround me growing up and as an aduld. Smoke aggravates my athma! so does perfuem big time.

I wrote to Dr Oz thought it would be a good subject for his show (Mystery desease) to make Dr.'s and the public aware of this awful illness and maybe more research would be done on Samters. I have not received an awnser.

From: Lincicum <j_lincicum@...>"samters " <samters >Sent: Mon, January 31, 2011 9:05:11 AMSubject: Re: Samters info and question

I asked that question about penicillin yesterday as well. I have always been allergic to it and both of my parents smoked growing up. I use to smoke, but quit. Smoke really aggravates my asthma. I was hoping the aspirin would help my asthma, but it hasn't really. It has helped my sinus's significantly though.Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 31, 2011, at 7:52 AM, samsmom6602@... wrote:

I really feel bad for so many of you who are suffering with Samter's. I also had a very hard time suffering with it, and had so many people not take me seriously with this illness. However, I have posted several times on here that through diet, supplements, and basically one pharmaceutical drug I am done with all the suffering. I do get a sinus infection from time to time, but I am never really stuffy and feeling horrible from my sinuses. Best part of all for about 2 years I have been off Singulair and all the nasal sprays and inhalers. All these drugs everyone takes is just so bad for you. I cringe every time I see new posts of more drugs people are taking. I pray that you all find some relief like I have because I know exactly how you feel. I am curious to know how many people here are allergic to Penicillin, and who had a parent that smoked at some point during their lives even if it was before you were born?

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Rebekah Critchley <womens_fellowship@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:33:29 +0000

<samters >


Subject: RE: New Here

No antihistamines. Only in the summer if I have a bad hay fever but tbh now I'm on the nose spray permanent I don't often have the need to.

Never heard of Singulair. I only use Nasonex.

From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of KeeferSent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:32 AMsamters Subject: RE: New Here

A lot of people on this list do not test positive to allergens despite bad nasal symptoms, so you are not alone!

You might want to research celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (not just wheat) which can cause the stomach issues you describe. There are tests for celiac disease also. A good friend suffers from it and had lots of stomach issues before being diagnosed and she feels much better now that she is gluten-free.

Do you use an antihistamine? What about something like Singulair?



From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of princess_rebekah2001Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:34 PMsamters Subject: New Here

Hello all,I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't know if im samters or not or even ss.I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have had 2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during bad attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4 weeks now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took bloods and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of those people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I have what my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I have never had an attack but have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of muscle pains which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive stomach which is gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes have

diahhrea for no reason. The biggest problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related issues.Reading the big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I have other minor issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for anything except for the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I just jump in with the detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a dietician - good luck with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance xEdit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years ago when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link it to anything.

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I have been allergic to penicillin and sulpha antibiotics since childhood.

My father also has a samter's diagnosis and of 3 siblings, one has asthma/lung

issues, one has sinus issues/allergies and one has aspirin and other drug

reactions/environmental allergies. I was the lucky one who got all three,

though my siblings are aware that things don't all develop at once and are






> >I really feel bad for so many of you who are suffering with Samter's. I also


> >a very hard time suffering with it, and had so many people not take me


> >with this illness.

> >

> >

> >However, I have posted several times on here that through diet, supplements,


> >basically one pharmaceutical drug I am done with all the suffering. I do get


> >sinus infection from time to time, but I am never really stuffy and feeling

> >horrible from my sinuses. Best part of all for about 2 years I have been off

> >Singulair and all the nasal sprays and inhalers. All these drugs everyone


> >is just so bad for you. I cringe every time I see new posts of more drugs


> >are taking.

> >

> >

> >I pray that you all find some relief like I have because I know exactly how


> >feel.

> >

> >

> >I am curious to know how many people here are allergic to Penicillin, and who

> >had a parent that smoked at some point during their lives even if it was


> >you were born?

> >

> >Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

> ________________________________


> >From: Rebekah Critchley <womens_fellowship@...>

> >Sender: samters

> >Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:33:29 +0000

> ><samters >

> >Replysamters

> >Subject: RE: New Here

> >

> > 

> >No antihistamines. Only in the summer if I have a bad hay fever but tbh now


> >on the nose spray permanent I don't often have the need to.

> >Never heard of Singulair. I only use Nasonex.

> > 

> >From:samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of

> >Keefer

> >Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:32 AM

> >samters

> >Subject: RE: New Here

> > 

> > 

> >A lot of people on this list do not test positive to allergens despite bad


> >symptoms, so you are not alone!

> > 

> >You might want to research celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten

> >(not just wheat) which can cause the stomach issues you describe.   There


> >tests for celiac disease also.  A good friend suffers from it and had lots


> >stomach issues before being diagnosed and she feels much better now that she


> >gluten-free.

> > 

> >Do you use an antihistamine?  What about something like Singulair?

> > 

> >Welcome!

> > K.

> > 

> >From:samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of

> >princess_rebekah2001

> >Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:34 PM

> >samters

> >Subject: New Here

> > 

> > 

> >Hello all,

> >

> >I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't


> >if im samters or not or even ss.

> >I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have


> >2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using

> >Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during


> >attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4


> >now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took


> >and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of those

> >people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I have


> >my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I have never

> >had an attack but have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of muscle pains

> >which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive stomach which


> >gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes have diahhrea for no reason. The


> >problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related issues.Reading the

> >big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I have other minor

> >issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for anything except


> >the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I just jump in with


> >detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a dietician - good luck

> >with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance x

> >

> >Edit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years


> >when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that

> >cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything

> >for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link it


> >anything.


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Allergic to Penicillin and lived with a grandma that was a chain smoker along withmany of those that would come to visit. This was before it was politically correct to smoke outside and the effects of secondhand smoke weren't readily known at the time. Bianca

I really feel bad for so many of you who are suffering with Samter's. I also had a very hard time suffering with it, and had so many people not take me seriously with this illness. However, I have posted several times on here that through diet, supplements, and basically one pharmaceutical drug I am done with all the suffering. I do get a sinus infection from time to time, but I am never really stuffy and feeling horrible from my sinuses. Best part of all for about 2 years I have been off Singulair and all the nasal sprays and inhalers. All these drugs everyone takes is just so bad for you. I cringe every time I see new posts of more drugs people are taking. I pray that you all find some relief like I have because I know exactly how you feel. I am curious to know how many people here are allergic to Penicillin, and who had a parent that smoked at some point during their lives even if it was before you were born? Sent on

the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: Rebekah Critchley <womens_fellowship@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:33:29 +0000<samters >Reply samters

Subject: RE: New Here

No antihistamines. Only in the summer if I have a bad hay fever but tbh now I'm on the nose spray permanent I don't often have the need to.Never heard of Singulair. I only use Nasonex. From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of

KeeferSent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:32 AMsamters Subject: RE: New Here A lot of people on this list do not test positive to allergens despite bad nasal symptoms, so you are not alone! You might want to research celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (not just wheat) which can cause the stomach issues you describe. There are tests for celiac disease also. A good friend suffers from it and had lots of stomach issues before being diagnosed and she feels much better now that she is gluten-free. Do you use an antihistamine? What about something like Singulair? Welcome! K. From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of princess_rebekah2001Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:34 PMsamters Subject: New Here Hello all,I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't know if im samters or not or even ss.I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have had 2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during bad attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4 weeks now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took bloods and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of those people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I have what my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I have never had an attack but

have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of muscle pains which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive stomach which is gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes have diahhrea for no reason. The biggest problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related issues.Reading the big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I have other minor issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for anything except for the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I just jump in with the detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a dietician - good luck with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance xEdit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years ago when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link

it to anything.

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I'm also allergic to penicillin and sulfa.

From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of Bianca FSent: Monday, January 31, 2011 11:35 AMsamters Subject: Re: Samters info and question

Allergic to Penicillin and lived with a grandma that was a chain smoker along withmany of those that would come to visit. This was before it was politically correct to smoke outside and the effects of secondhand smoke weren't readily known at the time. Bianca

I really feel bad for so many of you who are suffering with Samter's. I also had a very hard time suffering with it, and had so many people not take me seriously with this illness. However, I have posted several times on here that through diet, supplements, and basically one pharmaceutical drug I am done with all the suffering. I do get a sinus infection from time to time, but I am never really stuffy and feeling horrible from my sinuses. Best part of all for about 2 years I have been off Singulair and all the nasal sprays and inhalers. All these drugs everyone takes is just so bad for you. I cringe every time I see new posts of more drugs people are taking. I pray that you all find some relief like I have because I know exactly how you feel. I am curious to know how many people here are allergic to Penicillin, and who had a parent that smoked at some point during their lives even if it was before you were born?

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Rebekah Critchley <womens_fellowship@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:33:29 +0000

<samters >


Subject: RE: New Here

No antihistamines. Only in the summer if I have a bad hay fever but tbh now I'm on the nose spray permanent I don't often have the need to.

Never heard of Singulair. I only use Nasonex.

From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of KeeferSent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:32 AMsamters Subject: RE: New Here

A lot of people on this list do not test positive to allergens despite bad nasal symptoms, so you are not alone!

You might want to research celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (not just wheat) which can cause the stomach issues you describe. There are tests for celiac disease also. A good friend suffers from it and had lots of stomach issues before being diagnosed and she feels much better now that she is gluten-free.

Do you use an antihistamine? What about something like Singulair?



From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of princess_rebekah2001Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:34 PMsamters Subject: New Here

Hello all,I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't know if im samters or not or even ss.I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have had 2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during bad attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4 weeks now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took bloods and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of those people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I have what my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I have never had an attack but have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of muscle pains which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive stomach which is gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes have diahhrea for no reason. The biggest problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related issues.Reading the big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I have other minor issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for anything except for the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I just jump in with the detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a dietician - good luck with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance xEdit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years ago when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link it to anything.

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - www.avg.comVersion: 9.0.872 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3413 - Release Date: 01/31/11 02:34:00

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No problems with penicillin (that I know of). I can take the

cephalosporin antibiotics with no allergy issues. However, I am allergic to

Avelox, so I avoid all the quinolone antibiotics. I have never lived with

anyone who smoked, at least while I was there. I hate cigarette smoke but it

doesn’t cause me any sort of immediate issues like some cleaners, solvents, and

perfumes do.



samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of samsmom6602@...

Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 8:53 AM


Subject: Samters info and question

I really feel bad for so many of you who are suffering with Samter's. I also

had a very hard time suffering with it, and had so many people not take me

seriously with this illness.

However, I have posted several times on here that through diet, supplements,

and basically one pharmaceutical drug I am done with all the suffering. I do

get a sinus infection from time to time, but I am never really stuffy and

feeling horrible from my sinuses. Best part of all for about 2 years I have been

off Singulair and all the nasal sprays and inhalers. All these drugs everyone

takes is just so bad for you. I cringe every time I see new posts of more drugs

people are taking.

I pray that you all find some relief like I have because I know exactly how you


I am curious to know how many people here are allergic to Penicillin, and who

had a parent that smoked at some point during their lives even if it was before

you were born?

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Rebekah Critchley


Sender: samters

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:33:29 +0000

<samters >


Subject: RE: New Here

No antihistamines. Only in the summer if

I have a bad hay fever but tbh now I'm on the nose spray permanent I don't

often have the need to.

Never heard of Singulair. I only use



samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:32 AM


Subject: RE: New Here

A lot of people on this list do not test

positive to allergens despite bad nasal symptoms, so you are not alone!

You might want to research celiac

disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (not just wheat) which can cause the

stomach issues you describe. There are tests for celiac disease

also. A good friend suffers from it and had lots of stomach issues before

being diagnosed and she feels much better now that she is gluten-free.

Do you use an antihistamine? What

about something like Singulair?




samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of princess_rebekah2001

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:34 PM


Subject: New Here

Hello all,

I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't know

if im samters or not or even ss.

I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have had

2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using

Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during

bad attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4

weeks now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took

bloods and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of

those people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I

have what my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I

have never had an attack but have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of

muscle pains which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive

stomach which is gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes have diahhrea for no

reason. The biggest problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related

issues.Reading the big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I

have other minor issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for

anything except for the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I

just jump in with the detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a

dietician - good luck with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance x

Edit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years ago

when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that

cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything

for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link it

to anything.

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I am not allergic to Penicillin although I have not had it in a long time. Both of my parents smoked when I was child and I smoked for a few years (stopped 18 years ago). Plus, I grew up in Southern California smog. I always wonder if the chemicals in the air play a role. That might make for a good poll too.

SamOn Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 6:19 AM, Bannister <beckyb256@...> wrote:


I'm allergic to penicillin V and my mum smoked when pregnant with me (she gave up during that pregnancy) ....but, my dad's dad had samters so that is where I think I got mine from...I'm sure there is a genetic element. One of my cousins once had an anaphilactic reaction to aspirin and she doesn't go near it now, but she doesn't have samters (asthma or polyps).


From: Lincicum <j_lincicum@...> " samters " <samters >

Sent: Mon, 31 January, 2011 14:05:11Subject: Re: Samters info and question


I asked that question about penicillin yesterday as well.  I have always been allergic to it and both of my parents smoked growing up.  I use to smoke, but quit.  Smoke really aggravates my asthma.  I was hoping the aspirin would help my asthma, but it hasn't really.  It has helped my sinus's significantly though.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 31, 2011, at 7:52 AM, samsmom6602@... wrote:


I really feel bad for so many of you who are suffering with Samter's. I also had a very hard time suffering with it, and had so many people not take me seriously with this illness. However, I have posted several times on here that through diet, supplements, and basically one pharmaceutical drug I am done with all the suffering. I do get a sinus infection from time to time, but I am never really stuffy and feeling horrible from my sinuses. Best part of all for about 2 years I have been off Singulair and all the nasal sprays and inhalers. All these drugs everyone takes is just so bad for you. I cringe every time I see new posts of more drugs people are taking.

I pray that you all find some relief like I have because I know exactly how you feel. I am curious to know how many people here are allergic to Penicillin, and who had a parent that smoked at some point during their lives even if it was before you were born?

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Rebekah Critchley <womens_fellowship@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:33:29 +0000

<samters >


Subject: RE: New Here


No antihistamines. Only in the summer if I have a bad hay fever but tbh now I'm on the nose spray permanent I don't often have the need to.

Never heard of Singulair. I only use Nasonex.


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of Keefer

Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:32 AMsamters

Subject: RE: New Here



A lot of people on this list do not test positive to allergens despite bad nasal symptoms, so you are not alone!


You might want to research celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (not just wheat) which can cause the stomach issues you describe.   There are tests for celiac disease also.  A good friend suffers from it and had lots of stomach issues before being diagnosed and she feels much better now that she is gluten-free.


Do you use an antihistamine?  What about something like Singulair?





From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of princess_rebekah2001

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:34 PMsamters

Subject: New Here



Hello all,I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't know if im samters or not or even ss.I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have had 2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during bad attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4 weeks now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took bloods and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of those people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I have what my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I have never had an attack but have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of muscle pains which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive stomach which is gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes have

diahhrea for no reason. The biggest problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related issues.Reading the big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I have other minor issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for anything except for the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I just jump in with the detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a dietician - good luck with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance x

Edit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years ago when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link it to anything.

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, I also have an issue with the quinolone antibiotics and have a very difficult time with cleaners, solvents and perfumes and candles.

From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of KeeferSent: Monday, January 31, 2011 7:51 PMsamters Subject: RE: Samters info and question

No problems with penicillin (that I know of). I can take the cephalosporin antibiotics with no allergy issues. However, I am allergic to Avelox, so I avoid all the quinolone antibiotics. I have never lived with anyone who smoked, at least while I was there. I hate cigarette smoke but it doesn’t cause me any sort of immediate issues like some cleaners, solvents, and perfumes do.


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of samsmom6602@...Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 8:53 AMsamters Subject: Samters info and question

I really feel bad for so many of you who are suffering with Samter's. I also had a very hard time suffering with it, and had so many people not take me seriously with this illness. However, I have posted several times on here that through diet, supplements, and basically one pharmaceutical drug I am done with all the suffering. I do get a sinus infection from time to time, but I am never really stuffy and feeling horrible from my sinuses. Best part of all for about 2 years I have been off Singulair and all the nasal sprays and inhalers. All these drugs everyone takes is just so bad for you. I cringe every time I see new posts of more drugs people are taking. I pray that you all find some relief like I have because I know exactly how you feel. I am curious to know how many people here are allergic to Penicillin, and who had a parent that smoked at some point during their lives even if it was before you were born?

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Rebekah Critchley <womens_fellowship@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:33:29 +0000

<samters >


Subject: RE: New Here

No antihistamines. Only in the summer if I have a bad hay fever but tbh now I'm on the nose spray permanent I don't often have the need to.

Never heard of Singulair. I only use Nasonex.

From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of KeeferSent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:32 AMsamters Subject: RE: New Here

A lot of people on this list do not test positive to allergens despite bad nasal symptoms, so you are not alone!

You might want to research celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (not just wheat) which can cause the stomach issues you describe. There are tests for celiac disease also. A good friend suffers from it and had lots of stomach issues before being diagnosed and she feels much better now that she is gluten-free.

Do you use an antihistamine? What about something like Singulair?



From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of princess_rebekah2001Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:34 PMsamters Subject: New Here

Hello all,I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't know if im samters or not or even ss.I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have had 2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during bad attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4 weeks now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took bloods and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of those people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I have what my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I have never had an attack but have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of muscle pains which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive stomach which is gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes have diahhrea for no reason. The biggest problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related issues.Reading the big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I have other minor issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for anything except for the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I just jump in with the detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a dietician - good luck with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance xEdit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years ago when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link it to anything.

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i don't know if I am allergic to penciliin.

I now am allergic to levequin antibiotic--utacuartia.( sp) rash/hives

but I have done that before for no other known reasons.

I had two parents that smoked, I am adopted so I do not know what i am genetically predisposed to

I smoked myself until this week- can not handle that any more.-absolutely not.

I noticed too that those with salicilate senstivities should avoid menthol.mint ,even gum--lotions ,perfumes, etc

they are everywhere.

From: Drew & <anmcarter@...>Subject: RE: Samters info and questionsamters Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 7:43 AM

, I also have an issue with the quinolone antibiotics and have a very difficult time with cleaners, solvents and perfumes and candles.

From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of KeeferSent: Monday, January 31, 2011 7:51 PMsamters Subject: RE: Samters info and question

No problems with penicillin (that I know of). I can take the cephalosporin antibiotics with no allergy issues. However, I am allergic to Avelox, so I avoid all the quinolone antibiotics. I have never lived with anyone who smoked, at least while I was there. I hate cigarette smoke but it doesn’t cause me any sort of immediate issues like some cleaners, solvents, and perfumes do.


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of samsmom6602@...Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 8:53 AMsamters Subject: Samters info and question

I really feel bad for so many of you who are suffering with Samter's. I also had a very hard time suffering with it, and had so many people not take me seriously with this illness. However, I have posted several times on here that through diet, supplements, and basically one pharmaceutical drug I am done with all the suffering. I do get a sinus infection from time to time, but I am never really stuffy and feeling horrible from my sinuses. Best part of all for about 2 years I have been off Singulair and all the nasal sprays and inhalers. All these drugs everyone takes is just so bad for you. I cringe every time I see new posts of more drugs people are taking. I pray that you all find some relief like I have because I know exactly how you feel. I am curious to know how many people here are allergic to Penicillin, and who had a parent that smoked at some point during their lives even if it was before you were born?

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Rebekah Critchley <womens_fellowship@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:33:29 +0000

<samters >


Subject: RE: New Here

No antihistamines. Only in the summer if I have a bad hay fever but tbh now I'm on the nose spray permanent I don't often have the need to.

Never heard of Singulair. I only use Nasonex.

From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of KeeferSent: Monday, January 31, 2011 1:32 AMsamters Subject: RE: New Here

A lot of people on this list do not test positive to allergens despite bad nasal symptoms, so you are not alone!

You might want to research celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten (not just wheat) which can cause the stomach issues you describe. There are tests for celiac disease also. A good friend suffers from it and had lots of stomach issues before being diagnosed and she feels much better now that she is gluten-free.

Do you use an antihistamine? What about something like Singulair?



From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of princess_rebekah2001Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:34 PMsamters Subject: New Here

Hello all,I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't know if im samters or not or even ss.I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have had 2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during bad attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4 weeks now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took bloods and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of those people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I have what my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I have never had an attack but have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of muscle pains which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive stomach which is gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes

have diahhrea for no reason. The biggest problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related issues.Reading the big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I have other minor issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for anything except for the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I just jump in with the detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a dietician - good luck with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance xEdit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years ago when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link it to anything.

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