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Re: De sensitization

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Hi , are you in the UK?If so,where have you been treated for

desensitisation?I have asked my GP to refer me to the Royal Free Hospital but so

far no progress


> I started my trial 3 months ago. I am on the liquid aspirin up the more trial.

The first 2 weeks it was getting into my stomach and started to cause ulcers.

However the next 4 weeks I felt great. My sinuses were unblocked and I could

sleep. Unfortunately this hasn't lasted. For the past 5 weeks I am worse than

ever. No sleep, completely blocked, headaches etc. I go back to the ent

consultant next week as the trial is coming to an end. I will be surprised if my

polyps have shrunk but will keep you posted.


> Sent from my Sony sson Xperia neo


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My ent planned desensitization right before surgery because it brpught down my inflammation. I did have to follow a reduction in my aspirin prior to surgery as u arent supposed to be on aspirin prior to any surgery due to increased chances of blood loss. Bianca On Aug 25, 2011, at 11:53 PM, <kdcurlywurly@...> wrote:

I have just completed 3 months of desens and as reported in a previous post have felt lousy. Just been to my ent in london and was told I have another infection. I have been taken off the trial:-( and am on steroids followed by 2 months of antibiotics. Looks as though I will need operation number 6 as my polyps have grown considerably during the desens. I am hoping they will start me again after the operation.

Have the people who have been through desensitization found that they had a better response post op?

Thank you.

Sent from my Sony sson Xperia neo

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