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These are but some of the most common or significant guidelines. The

use of ANY botanical requires

adequate information. Adequate research and study is YOUR individual

responsibility. Everyone's

body chemistry and sensitivity is different, pay attention to your

body. Follow guidelines for usage

frequency and amount given in herbal reference material. Some herbs

can react adversely with

medications. If you are on medications check with your health care

practitioner before taking herbs.

Please consult trained professionals before using or administering

any botanicals that are unfamiliar or

new to you. We sell the highest quality herbs we can locate. They are

perhaps more potent than your

previous experiences with botanicals purchased elsewhere. Be cautious

in usage. Many of our botanicals

are NOT meant to be taken internally, but are used as potpourri

ingredients, incenses, etc. This list of

guidelines is provided as A STARTING POINT. It is not, by any means,

exhaustively complete. Please

consult reference material and trained professionals before beginning

ANY course of administration or

usage. We assume no responsibility for improper usage.

1. Not for human consumption. Considered unsafe by the FDA for use in

foods. (adam & eve roots buckeyes,

dragon's blood, grains of paradise, high john the conqueror roots,

jericho flowers, lucky hand roots, mandrake

root, mojo beans, tilia star, tonka beans)

2. External Use Only. Do Not Use on open wound, broken or abraded

skin or if you are pregnant. (arnica flowers,

calamus root, coltsfoot, comfrey, gravel root, queen of the meadow)

3. May be harmful if used incorrectly. Proper usage information

should be obtained by consulting a health

professional or proper reference materials before using. (black

cohosh, blood root, blue flag, boldo, lobelia,

mistletoe leaf, mugwort, myrrh, periwinkle, poke root, sassafras, St.

's wort, tansy, wild cherry bark, wild

indigo, wormwood, yarrow flowers)

4. Caution: Do not consume or use during pregnancy. (aloes, angelica,

arnica flowers, ashwanganda, barberry,

bayberry, black cohosh, bladderwrack, blessed thistle, blood root,

blue cohosh, blue flag, borage, buchu,

bugleweed, calendula, California poppy leaf, catnip, cats claw,

celandine, chamomile flowers roman, chaste tree

berries, coltsfoot, comfrey, coptis rhizome, cornflowers, devils

claw, dong quai, elecampane, false unicorn root,

goldenseal, gravel root, horehound, juniper berries, kola nut,

lemongrass, licorice, lomatium, lobelia, lomatium,

lycii berry, motherwort, mugwort, myrrh, oregon grape root, osha,

parsley root, pennyroyal, pleurisy root,

prickly ash bark, quassia, queen of the meadow, red clover blossoms,

red raspberry, rhubarb root, rue, safflower,

saffron, shepherd's purse, spikenard, sweet annie, tansy, uva ursi,

vervain, vetiver, wild indigo, wormwood,

yarrow flowers)

5. Item contains sulfites. (atractylodes root, chrysanthemum flowers,

dong quai root, fo-ti root, honeysuckle

flowers, kudzu root, peony root)

6. Henna is not for food use. Sold for further manufacturing purposes

only. Use at your own risk. Not for use in

eye area or on skin with open wounds. As with any hair dyes, a strand

test is always recommended as results

will be different on each individual. We assume no responsibility for

your end results.

7. Read and follow directions carefully. Do not use if you have or

develop diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal

pain. Consult your physician if you have frequent diarrhea. If you

are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or

have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this

product. (aloes, buckthorn bark, cascara

sagrada, fo-ti root, rehmanniae root, rhubarb root, senna)

8. Caution: Not for use by persons under the age of 18. If pregnant,

nursing or taking a prescription drug, consult

health care practitioner prior to use. Do not exceed recommended

dose. Excessive consumption may impair

ability to drive or operate heavy equipment. Not recommended for

consumption with alcoholic beverages.

(kava kava)

9. Ingest only with adequate liquid. Should not be taken with bowel

obstruction. (agar agar powder, flax seed,

guar gum, psyllium)

10. Not recommended for use if taking blood thinners. (alfalfa,

angelica, cramp bark, dong quai, lomatium, lovage,

red clover, rue, sarsaparilla, sassafras, woodruff)

11. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight (angelica, St. 's wort)

12. May cause allergic dermatitis with extended use or in sensitive

persons. (arnica flowers, ginko, lomatium,

mugwort, orris)

13. Avoid use if nursing. (aloes, black cohosh, bladderwrack, borage,

bugleweed, coltsfoot, comfrey, elecampane,

gravel root, queen of the meadow)

14. Avoid long term use. (aloes, black cohosh, black walnut, borage,

coltsfoot, damiana, goldenseal, horny goat

weed, horsetail, hydrangrea, kava kava, oakmoss, queen of the meadow,

rhubarb root, sage, sandalwood yellow,

sassafras, scullcap, senna, wild cherry, wormwood)

15. Avoid if suffering from thyroid disorders. (bladderwrack,

bugleweed, lemon balm)

16. Avoid if suffering from gallstones, serious liver conditions or

obstruction of bile duct. (boldo)

17. Avoid if taking MAO inhibitors or with high blood pressure.

(California poppy leaf, kola nut, mistletoe,

St.'s wort)

18. Not to be used in large quantity by people with pre-existing

kidney disease or liver conditions. (chapparal)

19. Not recommended for use by people with gastric or duodenal

ulcers, gastric irritation and/or inflammation.

(cramp bark, dandelion, devil's claw, gentian, kola nut)

20. WARNING: Will flush prescription medications from your body, a

detoxifier. (pau d'arco)

21. Avoid use if experiencing inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases

or diseases involving bile ducts or liver.


22. May cause nausea and vomiting. (blue flag, lobelia, uva ursi)

23. Not recommended for use by people suffering from depression.

(hops flowers)

24. Not to be used for more than 6 successive weeks. Avoid use if

suffering from inflammatory kidney disease.

(juniper berries, sandalwood yellow)

25. Avoid prolonged use unless supervised by qualified health

practitioner. Extended use may cause hypertension,

edema, headache, vertigo and potassium depletion. Avoid use if

suffering from hypertension, hypokalemia,

edema, cirrhosis of the liver, cholestatic liver disorders, or

diabetes, or are on heart medication. (licorice)

26. Not recommended for use if suffering from impaired or inflamed

kidneys. May cause skin rash, if so discontinue

use. (buchu, lovage, parsley root)

27. Consumption of mace or nutmeg in large quantities may cause

dizziness, stomach pains, rapid pulse, nausea,

anxiety, liver pain, double vision and coma.

28. Avoid use if hypersensitive to protein and if suffering from

chronic-progressive infections such as tuberculosis

and AIDS. (mistletoe)

29. Not recommended for people with low blood pressure or

hypotension. (periwinkle, yohimbe)

30. Avoid use if suffering from hemorrhagic diseases or peptic

ulcers. Ingestion of this herb may prolong blood

coagulation time. (safflower)

31. Avoid use if history of kidney stones exists. (black haw, sheep

sorrel, shepherd's purse, yellow dock)

32. Avoid use if skin is extensively damaged. (white oak bark)

33. Not recommended if history of breast cancer or have been advised

not to take birth control pills. (anise, black

cohosh, fennel, fenugreek, red clover)

34. Avoid use if history of asthma or heart disease. (mistletoe,


35. Consult physician before using if history of high blood pressure,

heart disease or kidney disease. (bayberry,

butchers broom, ginseng, goldenseal, licorice)

36. Consult physician before using if history of congestive heart

failure. (black cohosh)

37. Avoid if history of diabetes or hypoglycemia. (angelica)

38. Known to aggravate auto immune disorders, do not give where there

is an impaired immune function. (alfalfa)

39. Avoid use if undergoing cancer treatment. (astragalus)

40. Do not exceed recommended dosage. (aloes)

41. May counteract the effectiveness of birth control pills. (chaste

tree berry)

42. Contraindicated in nephritis. (cubeb)

43. Contraindicated in blockage of the bile ducts, acute gallbladder

inflammation, and intestinal blockage.


44. Contraindicated in cardiac or renal dysfunction. (shavegrass)

45. Not to be used by children. (celandine)

46. May cause allergic reaction. (kola nut)

47. Contraindicated with diarrhea, dysentery and colitis. (bogbean)

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