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Iodine Question?

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Thank you all for this stimulating discussion. I used to have terrible UTI and below I have my experience which is on my Common Cures website. I often include some of your information in my Common Cures.

First, I would like to ask about the type of iodine that he used. Kelp comes as micrograms, not millograms. Can you clarify as you said that you took 200 mgs of iodine.


If you already have a UTI, use NITROFURANTOIN MONO 100mgs (Prescription Generic for Macrobid 100mgs). This antibiotic fights through the bladder’s filtering system. It should be taken for 3 weeks. It clears all of the bacteria building up in the bladder. This is a prescription, low-dose antibiotic. Take 2000mgs CranConcentrate daily to keep bacteria from attaching in the body or CSilver.

I take Colloidal Silver - 5 droppersful daily will build up in the system and kill all bacteria, not just in the bladder. When traveling by plane, use CS spray or the drops in the nose and mouth to keep bacteria from infiltrating into the body. I use this every day.

My veterinarian has a water cooler in his office for everyone to use and it is colloidal silver water. He recommends this water for animals with arthritis. In connection with arthritis, there are many doctors who have successfully treated arthritis in humans with low doses of an antibiotic...for about 1 year. I prefer the Colloidal Silver to the antibiotics but this shows that some arthritis is bacterial related.


IMPORTANT: It takes too long for Colloidal Silver to kill bacteria in the bladder - as long as 6 weeks. I strongly recommend using the proper antibiotic to kill the bacteria already in the bladder, then use Colloidal Silver to keep the bacteria from returning. Once you get a UTI, it often becomes a pattern, especially as women get older.

The type of Colloidal Silver that I use personally is SILVER BIOTICS by American Biotech Labs. This type is highly refined and it has been used in the Military.

NOTE: CS is not easily excreted. It builds in the system and it takes a long time to eliminate. This is helpful for working with the bladder’s filtering system. However, it is not necessary to take this long term. With the new, highly refined molecules produced now, people have taken this for years without problems. Turning blue is never an issue unless you consume excessive quantities!

Vaginitis that contributes to UTIs - douche with a vinegar and water solution – these can be purchased at the drug store already prepared. Use after intercourse or twice a month. This maintains the acid condition needed in the vaginal canal. It is alkalinity that promotes yeast and UTI bacteria. I had a friend who had a horrible vaginal discharge. She had no medical insurance. I took her to CVS and got a 4-pack of the vinegar douche. After 3 days, she was cured! This is much better than using antibiotics.

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LK, I take Edgar's iodine, a recipe I made up, I throw the charge to elemental iodine, aka molecular iodine, then I mix my own lugols, one part molecular, two parts potassium iodide, but add in one third edgars to it.  It has a kick in the butt to it. I have several ladies taking it, for weight loss, it works, as it speeds their motab up. 

I have a edgar machine I purchased from a retired holistic MD, but have to make iodine for him as part of the deal. There is nothing in the world as potent as edgar's iodine, I call it atomic iodine. and it fits.I buy kelp by the pound, and one pound last about a week. It takes some getting used to to eat, but I lived in the PI for several years and learned to eat it there.  I assume it is very healthy, as I think god got us out of the ocean. In the PI, those who do not eat kelp, have goiters and thyroid problems galore.

In Okinawa, most eat a lot of seaweed, and they consume twenty mgs of iodine to two hundred depending on how much they eat. But they have more people living healthy over a hundred than any other country. My hat is off to you for sitting up and maintain your common cures web site, there is a void, between our general knowledge and what our docters tell us. And LK, you help fill that void, david lubbock tx.

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Lynn Koiner <koiner@...> wrote:


Thank you all for this stimulating discussion.  I used to have terrible UTI and below I have my experience which is on my Common Cures website.  I often include some of your information in my Common Cures.


First, I would like to ask about the type of iodine that he used.  Kelp comes as micrograms, not millograms.  Can you clarify as you said that you took 200 mgs of iodine. 




   If you already have a UTI, use NITROFURANTOIN MONO 100mgs (Prescription Generic for Macrobid 100mgs).  This antibiotic fights through the bladder’s filtering system.  It should be taken for 3 weeks.  It clears all of the bacteria building up in the bladder.  This is a prescription, low-dose antibiotic.  Take 2000mgs CranConcentrate daily to keep bacteria from attaching in the body or CSilver.

   I take Colloidal Silver - 5 droppersful daily will build up in the system and kill all bacteria, not just in the bladder.  When traveling by plane, use CS spray or the drops in the nose and mouth to keep bacteria from infiltrating into the body.  I use this every day.

   My veterinarian has a water cooler in his office for everyone to use and it is colloidal silver water.  He recommends this water for animals with arthritis.  In connection with arthritis, there are many doctors who have successfully treated arthritis in humans with low doses of an antibiotic...for about 1 year.  I prefer the Colloidal Silver to the antibiotics but this shows that some arthritis is bacterial related.   



IMPORTANT: It takes too long for Colloidal Silver to kill bacteria in the bladder - as long as 6 weeks.  I strongly recommend using the proper antibiotic to kill the bacteria already in the bladder, then use Colloidal Silver to keep the bacteria from returning.  Once you get a UTI, it often becomes a pattern, especially as women get older.


The type of Colloidal Silver that I use personally is SILVER BIOTICS by American Biotech Labs.  This type is highly refined and it has been used in the Military.


NOTE: CS is not easily excreted.  It builds in the system and it takes a long time to eliminate.  This is helpful for working with the bladder’s filtering system.  However, it is not necessary to take this long term.  With the new, highly refined molecules produced now, people have taken this for years without problems.  Turning blue is never an issue unless you consume excessive quantities!


Vaginitis that contributes to UTIs - douche with a vinegar and water solution – these can be purchased at the drug store already prepared.  Use after intercourse or twice a month.  This maintains the acid condition needed in the vaginal canal.  It is alkalinity that promotes yeast and UTI bacteria.  I had a friend who had a horrible vaginal discharge. She had no medical insurance. I took her to CVS and got a 4-pack of the vinegar douche. After 3 days, she was cured! This is much better than using antibiotics.

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About food grade iodine -- a woman, who is now a professor at Washington University, has an expertise in pre-natal health (middle east). She found that there is no known toxicity level for iodine. What is not used is eliminated from the body. I am sure there must be some toxicity level but not one that we would run into.

In one of Suzanne Somers' books, she interviews a doctor who would inject something like Atomidine into the woman's vagina to eliminate breast cysts (Cayce said that Atomidine would help with this). It usually works with one injection -- 2 at the most. Woman can do this themselves with a bottle of Atomidine and a douche for application. It is more readily absorbed from this area of the body.

One of her doctors is Jonathon , well know to many folks at the ARE in Virginia Beach...Lynn Koiner

Re: Iodine Question?

LK, I take Edgar's iodine, a recipe I made up, I throw the charge to elemental iodine, aka molecular iodine, then I mix my own lugols, one part molecular, two parts potassium iodide, but add in one third edgars to it. It has a kick in the butt to it. I have several ladies taking it, for weight loss, it works, as it speeds their motab up. I have a edgar machine I purchased from a retired holistic MD, but have to make iodine for him as part of the deal. There is nothing in the world as potent as edgar's iodine, I call it atomic iodine. and it fits.I buy kelp by the pound, and one pound last about a week. It takes some getting used to to eat, but I lived in the PI for several years and learned to eat it there. I assume it is very healthy, as I think god got us out of the ocean. In the PI, those who do not eat kelp, have goiters and thyroid problems galore. In Okinawa, most eat a lot of seaweed, and they consume twenty mgs of iodine to two hundred depending on how much they eat. But they have more people living healthy over a hundred than any other country. My hat is off to you for sitting up and maintain your common cures web site, there is a void, between our general knowledge and what our docters tell us. And LK, you help fill that void, david lubbock tx.

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Lynn Koiner <koiner@...> wrote:

Thank you all for this stimulating discussion. I used to have terrible UTI and below I have my experience which is on my Common Cures website. I often include some of your information in my Common Cures.

First, I would like to ask about the type of iodine that he used. Kelp comes as micrograms, not millograms. Can you clarify as you said that you took 200 mgs of iodine.


If you already have a UTI, use NITROFURANTOIN MONO 100mgs (Prescription Generic for Macrobid 100mgs). This antibiotic fights through the bladder’s filtering system. It should be taken for 3 weeks. It clears all of the bacteria building up in the bladder. This is a prescription, low-dose antibiotic. Take 2000mgs CranConcentrate daily to keep bacteria from attaching in the body or CSilver.

I take Colloidal Silver - 5 droppersful daily will build up in the system and kill all bacteria, not just in the bladder. When traveling by plane, use CS spray or the drops in the nose and mouth to keep bacteria from infiltrating into the body. I use this every day.

My veterinarian has a water cooler in his office for everyone to use and it is colloidal silver water. He recommends this water for animals with arthritis. In connection with arthritis, there are many doctors who have successfully treated arthritis in humans with low doses of an antibiotic...for about 1 year. I prefer the Colloidal Silver to the antibiotics but this shows that some arthritis is bacterial related.


IMPORTANT: It takes too long for Colloidal Silver to kill bacteria in the bladder - as long as 6 weeks. I strongly recommend using the proper antibiotic to kill the bacteria already in the bladder, then use Colloidal Silver to keep the bacteria from returning. Once you get a UTI, it often becomes a pattern, especially as women get older.

The type of Colloidal Silver that I use personally is SILVER BIOTICS by American Biotech Labs. This type is highly refined and it has been used in the Military.

NOTE: CS is not easily excreted. It builds in the system and it takes a long time to eliminate. This is helpful for working with the bladder’s filtering system. However, it is not necessary to take this long term. With the new, highly refined molecules produced now, people have taken this for years without problems. Turning blue is never an issue unless you consume excessive quantities!

Vaginitis that contributes to UTIs - douche with a vinegar and water solution – these can be purchased at the drug store already prepared. Use after intercourse or twice a month. This maintains the acid condition needed in the vaginal canal. It is alkalinity that promotes yeast and UTI bacteria. I had a friend who had a horrible vaginal discharge. She had no medical insurance. I took her to CVS and got a 4-pack of the vinegar douche. After 3 days, she was cured! This is much better than using antibiotics.

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About ninety nine percent of potassium iodide is really elemental iodine, molecular iodine, Lugol's iodine is one part elemental iodine, two parts potassium iodide. But they work entirely differently on the thyroid, elemental iodine goes straight to the thyroid and fires it up, where potassium iodide does not.  So knowing that elemental iodine can cause a run away train affect, and pot iodide does nothing, I can take up to one hundred mgs of ele iodine, and I begin to feel a rush, more ele iodine and I am in a panic attack mode. So some general precautions should be followed. Potasium iodide has some affect on ele iodine, as I can take up to five hundred mgs of lugol's and I get a big rush, but not  undo able. that dosage goes beyond a hundred mgs of ele iodine.

I made atomodine iodine, have a machine for that purpose, I can take one mg of iodine crystals and make an ounce of iodine, and it will rock your boat, wahoo, awesome stuff.atomodine iodine is so affective I mix it with my lugols to tame it some.

But if you want to fix something rapidly, I mean over night like an infection, atomodine will do it very quickly, but it will build a fire on an open wound, far faster than lugol's or nescent iodine. Very few people in this world know about cayce's iodine, it was one of his visions, but it is out of this world stuff as to it's affect. A lady down the street had skin cancer on her nose, it was pretty ugly and was going to have it removed, I put two application of atomodine on it, and it dissappeared. But to make it is a little scary, as we are talking high voltage electrical current, and I can only make one ounce at a time, so about two ounces an hour is max.

david lubbock tx.  On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Lynn Koiner <koiner@...> wrote:


About food grade iodine -- a woman, who is now a professor at Washington University, has an expertise in pre-natal health (middle east).  She found that there is no known toxicity level for iodine.  What is not used is eliminated from the body.  I am sure there must be some toxicity level but not one that we would run into.

In one of Suzanne Somers' books, she interviews a doctor who would inject something like Atomidine into the woman's vagina to eliminate breast cysts (Cayce said that Atomidine would help with this).  It usually works with one injection -- 2 at the most.  Woman can do this themselves with a bottle of Atomidine and a douche for application.  It is more readily absorbed from this area of the body.

One of her doctors is Jonathon , well know to many folks at the ARE in Virginia Beach...Lynn Koiner



Re: Iodine Question?


LK, I take Edgar's iodine, a recipe I made up, I throw the charge to elemental iodine, aka molecular iodine, then I mix my own lugols, one part molecular, two parts potassium iodide, but add in one third edgars to it.  It has a kick in the butt to it. I have several ladies taking it, for weight loss, it works, as it speeds their motab up.  I have a edgar machine I purchased from a retired holistic MD, but have to make iodine for him as part of the deal. There is nothing in the world as potent as edgar's iodine, I call it atomic iodine. and it fits.I buy kelp by the pound, and one pound last about a week. It takes some getting used to to eat, but I lived in the PI for several years and learned to eat it there.  I assume it is very healthy, as I think god got us out of the ocean. In the PI, those who do not eat kelp, have goiters and thyroid problems galore. In Okinawa, most eat a lot of seaweed, and they consume twenty mgs of iodine to two hundred depending on how much they eat. But they have more people living healthy over a hundred than any other country. My hat is off to you for sitting up and maintain your common cures web site, there is a void, between our general knowledge and what our docters tell us. And LK, you help fill that void, david lubbock tx.

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Lynn Koiner <koiner@...> wrote:


Thank you all for this stimulating discussion.  I used to have terrible UTI and below I have my experience which is on my Common Cures website.  I often include some of your information in my Common Cures.


First, I would like to ask about the type of iodine that he used.  Kelp comes as micrograms, not millograms.  Can you clarify as you said that you took 200 mgs of iodine. 




   If you already have a UTI, use NITROFURANTOIN MONO 100mgs (Prescription Generic for Macrobid 100mgs).  This antibiotic fights through the bladder’s filtering system.  It should be taken for 3 weeks.  It clears all of the bacteria building up in the bladder.  This is a prescription, low-dose antibiotic.  Take 2000mgs CranConcentrate daily to keep bacteria from attaching in the body or CSilver.

   I take Colloidal Silver - 5 droppersful daily will build up in the system and kill all bacteria, not just in the bladder.  When traveling by plane, use CS spray or the drops in the nose and mouth to keep bacteria from infiltrating into the body.  I use this every day.

   My veterinarian has a water cooler in his office for everyone to use and it is colloidal silver water.  He recommends this water for animals with arthritis.  In connection with arthritis, there are many doctors who have successfully treated arthritis in humans with low doses of an antibiotic...for about 1 year.  I prefer the Colloidal Silver to the antibiotics but this shows that some arthritis is bacterial related.   



IMPORTANT: It takes too long for Colloidal Silver to kill bacteria in the bladder - as long as 6 weeks.  I strongly recommend using the proper antibiotic to kill the bacteria already in the bladder, then use Colloidal Silver to keep the bacteria from returning.  Once you get a UTI, it often becomes a pattern, especially as women get older.


The type of Colloidal Silver that I use personally is SILVER BIOTICS by American Biotech Labs.  This type is highly refined and it has been used in the Military.


NOTE: CS is not easily excreted.  It builds in the system and it takes a long time to eliminate.  This is helpful for working with the bladder’s filtering system.  However, it is not necessary to take this long term.  With the new, highly refined molecules produced now, people have taken this for years without problems.  Turning blue is never an issue unless you consume excessive quantities!


Vaginitis that contributes to UTIs - douche with a vinegar and water solution – these can be purchased at the drug store already prepared.  Use after intercourse or twice a month.  This maintains the acid condition needed in the vaginal canal.  It is alkalinity that promotes yeast and UTI bacteria.  I had a friend who had a horrible vaginal discharge. She had no medical insurance. I took her to CVS and got a 4-pack of the vinegar douche. After 3 days, she was cured! This is much better than using antibiotics.

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