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Herbal Teas

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It's really fun and inexpensive to make your own tea. You can start

simple and use one herb in a tea, then move on to many herbs in one

tea. It's also interesting once you start making teas with more than

one herb because the taste will vary on each recipe you try.

To make tea, you need:

- cheese cloth or tea ball

- herbs

- cup of hot water

Take a small square of cheese cloth, place the herbs in the middle,

gather the ends and tie them with string. Or just place them in a tea

ball. But, before using, you should charge the tea if using it in any

magical way. Just imagine the appropriate energy, for example, if

drawing love and friendship into your life see yourself with friends

or a boy/girl friend. See your self happy and having fun with these

people. Draw the energy from the earth, into your feet through your

arms and out your finger tips into the herbs. When they are charged,

place the tea into the cup of hot water, let it steep and drink! Here

are some recipes:

Headache Tea





Sleep Tea

2 Tbsp of hops

1 tsp. of lavender, rosemary, thyme, mugwort and sage

1 Tbsp. chamomile and wintergreen

1 pinch of valerian root (be careful to avoid getting a whiff of it!)

Calming Tea

1 part sage

1 part thyme

1 part marjoram

1 part chamomile

Tea For Insomnia

50 g Cowslip

25 g Lavender

10 g St. 's Wort

15 g Hops cones

5 g Valerian roots

Friendship Tea

2 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup Tang orange drink

1 cup instant tea

1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

3/4 tsp. ground cloves

Relaxation Infusion

2 parts lemon balm

1 part chamomile

1/2 part catnip

1/2 part skullcap

1/2 part passionflower

1/4 part St. 's Wort

1/4 part lavender

Mix. Boil. Sweeten if necessary. Drink.

Bed Time Tea

1 part Linden flowers & leaves

1 part Oatstraw

1/2 part Chamomile

1/4 part Lavender

Colds and Flu Tea

1 oz Blackberry leaves

1 oz Elder flowers

1 oz Linden flowers

1 oz Peppermint leaves

Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 tbs mixture. Cover & steep 10

minutes; strain.

Headaches and Anti-depressive

Pour 2 cups of boiling water over three teaspoons dried

primrose flowers and leaves. Let stand, covered, about 15

minutes. Strain and sweeten. Drink hot or warm.

Dream Tea

1 part peppermint

1 part mugwort leaves

1 part damiana leaves

1 part chamomile flowers

1 part gota kola leaves

1 part rosemary leaves

1 part rose petals

Communicate with Faeries Tea

1 part elder flower

1 part lemon thyme

1 part rose hips

1 part yarrow

1 part lemon grass

Happy Stomach Tea

1 part catnip

1 part spearmint & lemongrass leaves

1 part calendula flowers

1 part skullcap

1 part rosemary & sage leaves

1 part fennel seeds

Insomnia Tea

1 ½ oz dried Vervain leaves

1 oz Chamomile

½ oz Spearmint

Relieve Stress Tea

1 part chamomile

1 part mint

1 part calendula flowers

Mentally Refreshing Tea

1 part ginkgo

1 part gotu kola and peppermint leaves

1 part red clover tops

1 part rosemary leaves

1 part ginger root

Concentration Tea

1 part Celendula

1 part mint,

1 part sage (flowers only)

1 part yarrow leaves

Upset Stomach Tea

Peppermint leaves

Lemon Balm leaves

Fennel seeds

Soothing Tea

1 part mint

1 part hyssop

1 part oregano

1 part parsley

1 part lemon balm

Relaxation Tea

2 parts chamomile

1 part lemon balm

1 part lemon peel

1 part thyme

Refreshing Tea

1 part rosemary

1 part rosehips

1/2 part hibiscus

1/2 part raspberry

1/2 part blackberry

1/2 part lemon peel

Nervousness Tea

1 ½ oz Peppermint leaves

1 ½ oz Lemon Balm leaves

The following are meant to be taken as teas. Steep for twelve minutes

and drink hot. A small dose of honey can be added to sweeten the brew.

-The seeds of anise can increase passions.

-A brew of borage may decrease the aches in the joints and limbs.

-Seeds from caraway can increase mental stamina.

-Fever and chills may be subdued by catnip.

-A sour stomach may be tamed by mint.

-Headaches can be avoided with an infusion of nasturtium.

-Overcome frailty with a strong brew of parsley.

-The flowers of the red clover have been known to quell a hot temper.

-Sooth nerves with the calming power of rosemary.

-Have power over guilt and sorrow with the tea of rue.

-Battle depression and mental fatigue with age old sage.

-Coughs are soothed with thyme.


Sprinkle any of the herbs listed below in a warm bath to produce the

required results.

Relaxing herbs:

Chamomile, hops, jasmine, linden flowers, meadowsweet, valerian.

Invigorating herbs:

Basil, bay eucalyptus, fennel, ivy, lavender, lemon balm, lemon

verbena, mint, pennyroyal, pine rosemary sage, tansy, thyme.

Healing herbs:

Calendula, comfrey, hens and chicks, lady's mantle, spearmint, yarrow.

Little Hints and Tips:

-I use rosewater as an astringent for my face and hair. Adding

rosemary makes it even better.

-Infuse rosewater with your will to be beautiful, inside and out,

then splash it on your face straight out of the fridge in the

morning. It refreshes and helps you stay positive. Plus it smells

like the freshness of summertime.

-Chamomile is a natural lightener for your hair, and soaking wet

teabags placed over the eyes will reduce dark circles under the eye.

-Chamomile is also great for prosperity spells. I like to rinse my

hands in the tea.(to draw money) It also smells great.

Note: Chamomile works best when fresh. You can grow it by simply

ripping open a chamomile tea bag and sprinkling it on soil. It makes

a beautiful houseplant, but it can be a little finicky.

-Yarrow helps promote beauty when kept by your mirror.

-I sprinkle rosemary under my doormat, on window sills, and under my

bed for protection

Here are some herbs and their uses in teas and infusions (an

infusion is basically tea that is not drunk, but brewed and sprinkled

on or around things. They are steeped in water to release their oils

then used to bath in, to sprinkle persons or objects on, etc.)

Buchu Tea is brewed and drunk to develop psychic powers.

Cascara Infusion is sprinkled at home before going to court to win

favor with the judge/jury.

Chamomile Infusion is added to bath to attract love.

Cinquefoil Wash the head and hands with the infusion 9 times to rid

yourself of hexes.

Clover, Red Infusion is sprinkled to drive away evil and negativity.

Cohosh, Black Infusion is added to the bath to cure impotency.

Damiana Infusion is drunk to increase sexual stimulation.

Dill Infusion is added to the bath to attract love.

Fumitory Infusion is sprinkled around the house to attract money.

Gentian Infusion is added to the bath to attract love.

Ginseng Tea is drunk to induce lust.

Hibiscus An infusion of the flowers is drunk to induce lust.

Hyssop Infusion is sprinkled or added to the bath for purification.

Kava Kava A tea is drunk to enhance psychic powers.

Lemon Infusion is used to induce lust.

Lemon Verbena Infusion is sprinkled or added to the bath for


Lovage Infusion is added to the bath to attract love.

Marigolds Infusion is added to the bath to attract respect and


Mimosa Infusion is added to the bath to break hexes.

Mugwort Infusion is used to wash divinatory tools to increase their


Orange Infusion is added to the bath to be more attractive.

Parsley Infusion is added to the bath for purification.

Pineapple Infusion is added to the bath to attract luck.

Poke Infusion is sprinkled or added to the bath to break hexes.

Rattlesnake Root Infusion is added to the bath for protection.

Rose Rosebud tea drunk before bed induces prophetic dreams.

Rosemary Infusion is added to the bath for purification.

Rue Infusion is added to the bath for breaking hexes and exorcism.

Saffron Infusion is drunk to improve psychic powers.

Sagebrush Infusion is added to the bath for purification.

Shallots Infusion is added to the bath for luck.

s Seal Infusion of the roots is sprinkled to drive away evil.

Tormentil Infusion is drunk to improve psychic powers, and give


Vervain Infusion is sprinkled to exorcise evil spirits and


Wintergreen Infusion is sprinkled for purification.

Yarrow Infusion of the flowers is drunk to improve psychic powers.

Yerba Mate Infusion is drunk as a lust inducing potion.

Yerba Santa Infusion is added to the bath to be more beautiful.

Yohimbe Infusion is drunk as a lust inducing potion.

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