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I do not want any one to become frightened, worried, or upset. These are negative emotions that harms our bodies. It is also, focusing our attention on the negative. Remember our intent (focusing attention) creates our world.

It is important to know what is going on in our world, but not be part of it. It's a Spiritual thing, you see. Meditation, prayer, and focusing our intent on the right things can change our lives and our world. It's true and I have done it. It takes practice, patience, and compassion for yourself and others.

The article below is about what could happen in 2009. It doesn't mean it's going to. Prayers and Intent can change it. :-)

Just remember to bless your foods, water, and medicines and they will be healthy for you. Intent, right? Also, during meditation and prayer, you can ask Source/God/Great Spirit to send to you what you need to be healthy.

Blessings and Love, Joy

From Raw Cuisine-Food for Consciousness http://www.rawcuisine.co.uk/

Codex Talk - or how they’re trying to make nutrition illegal - the year after next….

October 14th, 2007

(snip, info on meetings)

What i really want to get over to people is that this is not just about defending the food we’re already got or being able to bring back what we had in the past but being able to continue to create better sources of nutrition and ‘nutrients for consciousness’, as Ruth described it today. The food generally available now is SO devitalised - that’s why so many of us are turning to ’superfoods’. Well ‘Codex’ intends to put a stop to that. By the end of 2009. This is imminent and major. When our nutrition is taken away then our capacity for awareness and for action is threatened. There is no more time to mess about. As Kate said tonight, we can no longer sit on the fence. We need to nourish ourselves as well as we can, while we still can, to get our brains working as well as possible, and let go of old addictions and attachments, so we can come together turn this whole business around. The powers that are creating this know exactly what they are doing. They know that the pathetic version of nutrition that they tell us about in school or in the media is just that - pathetic. They know that we need living high quality vitalised food to be be fully awake, to be fully alive. The truth is we have been lacking our ideal nutrition for centuries, no millenia. Most of the human race, including in ‘advanced countries’ does not know what it feels like to be properly nourished. Information is coming out now about our true nutritional needs - the food that we need to reach our fullest potential - and the steps required are pretty much in the opposite direction to what Codex would bring about. Codex it would outlaw it before it can even get started - and oppress even more than before. Codex would take us further into the decline of human health this planet.

Talking about this kind of thing isn’t being negative. Being scared of it is. It’s happening anyway, affecting us, and if we’re sensitive we can feel it. To talk about it is just to mentally acknowledge it - then we can get a mental framework for dealing with it. It needs a mass of people to know about it. And the word is getting out and we can all play our part. We only get scared when we are out of touch with our own power and universal consciousness. Time for some more superfoods and herbs!

We need to ‘act locally’ or more precisely in, as Terence McKenna called it, ‘the nexus of space and time where we are now’ Our lives are about an experience - not impressing phantoms in our minds. It’s the big business philosophy that can make us so vulnerable to something like Codex. Sometimes we get hijacked by our own minds. If lots of the the plants we need were being grown by people locally - partly growing our own food but a good deal of simple local exchange too and also some further afield even across the world but lots of little companies or groups, then it would be very difficult to control with legislation. Especially if people were willing to pull together and protect eachother. And maybe through the process of seeing this oppression of nutrition, more and more people will be able to pull back the veils further and see that we have been nutritionally below par for a long time and this could alert many people into massive change in this area. Personally i think this is much deeper than pharmecutical companies wanting to make money - yes, this is their motivation for participating but it feels deeper to me than that. This important thing is what we do.

This is a summary of Codex Alimentarius:

Dietary supplements c(e.g. vitamins and minerlas) cannot be sold for preventive or therapeutic use. Potencies would be limited to extremely low dosages - they would not allowed to be sold at dosages that could cause a benefit.

Only Big Pharma (the big pharmaceutical companies) would have the right to produce and sell the higher potency products and dictate the price. Prescriptions would be required for anything above extremely low doses.

Common foods such as garlic and peppermint would be classified as drugs, or a third category (neither food nor drugs) that only Big Pharma could regulate and sell. Any food with any therapeutic effect can be considered a drug.

Codex regulations for dietary supplements would become binding with all escape clauses eliminated. All new dietary supplements would be banned unless they go through Codex testing and approval.

Nearly all food must be irradiated unless to be consumed locally to where it is grown and raw. (This might sound alright til you think how much of our food in the UK is currently imported).

Genetically altered food would be sold worldwide without labelling.All dairy cows worldwide would have to be treated with Monsanto’s recombinant bovine growth hormone and all animals produced for food, whether with ‘feet, fins or feathers’, will have to be given antibiotics – even those from organic producers.

Seven out of nine cancer-causing organic chemicals known as ‘Pops’, or Persistent Organic Pollutants, which are banned in 176 countries, will be allowed again by Codex Alimentarius because it overrides all national laws. It is estimated by official studies that billions of people will die from starvation and preventable disease as a consequence of the Codex laws.

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