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HI Lee Sometimes I think the computer is possessed,, lol,, sometimes I have a hard time getting messages posted too.. You are lucky that you only have to do 24 weeks instead of the 48 and the success rates for geno 2 is so good! So, you didnt get your iron levels checked huh? They need to check your "ferritin" levels to see if you are 'storing' iron as that is where it is most important that you NOT store it... Im glad you are taking a chelating compound to keep it from staying in your body as even the medical (allopathic) field are starting to recognize what the natural docs have that stored iron is really bad and sets ya up for heart disease, stroke, and all sorts of bad things... I remember when Geritol was on the market which was basically iron and a lot of elderly people died from it! Bad stuff... Well drinking that 2 gallons of water isnt bad unless you are washing your lytes out so thats why I'd add another

bottle of pedialyte just to make sure.. and yes, I agree, eating several small meals will help with the nausea,, I try to do that too.. and IM not on tx and havent been for 3 1/2 years now.. Have you had a PCR done since you started tx and are you 'undetectible' if you have? I'd have them do one and ask them to use the 'heptimax' as THIS TEST checks the viral load down to 2-5 iu/ml which I think is the lowest one can check now and IF you are undetectible at that level,, you stand a VERY VERY good chance of remaining SVR for life!!! Well keep us posted,, we all are hoping and praying that you are SVR FOR LIFE,, jaxLee <leecuate@...> wrote: I tried to post earlier this morning,but I guess it didn't go through for some reason. Anyways this is close to what I posted so if the other one comes through it might be redundant. To answer a few of the questions: I am genotype 2b and am on the 24 week treatment. Jackie, before treatment I did drink over a gallon of water a day so I figured that I would try to double that. As far as the funny taste and the nausia, that was only bad that one time. Since then I try not to eat too much at a time. The taste wasn't metallic, more basic almost like a no taste at all. This weekend the aches and headaches have been much less and shorter lasting, and I haven't had any more chills. The other thing that I posted was that I still think that my gastro is an

idiot. I went in on Friday to have get one week blood test paperwork and said that I was curious about my Iron levels because I have been drinking well water out of a galvanized tank for over 20years, I use iron chelate DPTA at work and my palms are always reddish. When I went to the lab I saw that she hadn't indicated an iron test. She also has only been having me tested for metabolism and thyroid function, no viral tests. I was at 27 million before treatment started. I hope this one goes through. THANKS LEEJackie

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After hearing back, I called the Cleveland Clinic and will be tooling

down the highway for a Thursday appointment. It was difficult to find

a physican to do the aspirin desensitizing, but I did it. I'll keep

you informed as to how it worked.


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