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Today's Newsletter has several excellent articles. Blessings, Joy

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Feature articles on side effects:

Half the users of diet drug Alli experience gastrointestinal side effects(NewsTarget) Approximately half the users of GlaxoKline's new diet drug Alli may experience gastrointestinal side effects, according to clinical trials conducted before the drug's approval. Alli -- a weaker version of Roche Holding's prescription drug Xenical, known generically as orlistat -- is...

FDA Moves To Shut Down Red Yeast Rice Distributors Online(NewsTarget) On August 9th the FDA issued a warning to the public against buying or consuming three red yeast rice products sold on the internet. The FDA stated as their primary reasons for this action; “The products...

New online consumer health guide reveals nutritional deficiencies caused by prescription drugsNewsTarget.com, a leading natural health news and information site, has launched NewsTarget DrugWatch, a free online resource that reveals the nutritional deficiencies caused by over 540 brand-name prescription drugs. The pages are provided free of charge as a service to enhance the health and safety...

"Miracle" weight loss drug Alli delivers more than you bargained for (diapers optional)When people ask, "What can I do to lose weight?" what they're really asking is, "What can I do to lose weight that doesn't require exercise or giving up all the junk foods I eat?" When it comes to weight loss, consumers are looking for a magic bullet -- a miracle pill that eliminates the responsibility...

Canadian Cancer Society announces national program to prevent cancer using vitamin DCanada has done what the U.S. refuses to do: Protect the health of its people through a national program of encouraging vitamin D supplementation. While U.S. cancer groups like the American Cancer Society stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the benefits of vitamin D supplements in cancer prevention, the...

Americans fed up with drug industry influence, FDA corruption, reveals remarkable Consumer Reports survey(NewsTarget) More than four out of five Americans think drug companies have too much influence over the Food and Drug Administration, and 84 percent believe that advertisements for prescription drugs with safety concerns should be outlawed, reveals a striking new survey from Consumer Reports. The...

Prominent psychiatrist admits psychiatric diagnoses are not based on science(CCHR.org) Growing public scrutiny over people being drugged for normal behavior in addition increasing international warnings on the deadly side effects of psychiatric drugs has forced one of the leading architects of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychiatry's billing...

Cosmetic surgery patients regret not learning more before undergoing procedures, study suggestsThe American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) says that patients need to do more research before undergoing plastic surgery. The conclusion was based on the results of a poll of 617 cosmetic or reconstructive surgery patients which revealed a large percentage of patients having regrets about not learning...

Statin drugs expose patients to dangerous, debilitating side effectsMillions of Americans take statin drugs to help lower their cholesterol, making it one of the most popular classes of prescription drugs on the market today, but like most prescription medications, these drugs are often unnecessary, as most Americans could lower their LDL (bad) cholesterol levels simply...

Eli Lilly hid side effects of Zyprexa drug, say internal documents leaked to New York Times(NewsTarget) The New York Times recently obtained documents that show Eli Lilly worked to downplay the link between its best-selling schizophrenia drug Zyprexa and obesity, increased blood sugar levels, and an increased diabetes risk. The documents -- which include emails, marketing material, sales...

Fosamax Side Effects May Include 'Dead Jaw' (press release)One of the most-prescribed drugs in America, a bisphosphonate manufactured by Merck called Fosamax is now facing growing concerns about side effects including osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ). Often referred to as 'Dead Jaw', ONJ is a rare syndrome where the jaw bone tissue dies. This Fosamax side effect...

Reporters for Just Say ‘Know’ to Prescription Drugs Initiative Find MD’s Failure to Discuss Side Effects ‘Significantly Higher’ Than New Study Stated (press release)UCLA head researcher says, “We were very liberal.” Actual percentage of physicians who fail to discuss risks of prescribed medication are “much higher” than 65 percent reported previously. Today, the Just Say “Know” to Prescription Drugs Campaign, aimed at getting one million people to stop and...

Birth control patch harms women's health, lawsuit alleges(NewsTarget) A group of 40 women who use a popular birth-control patch sued the patch's manufacturer this past Wednesday. The group claimed that the contraceptive caused serious illnesses -- and at least one death. One lawsuit stipulates that 43 women suffered from blood clots and other health...

Overactive Bladder Drugs Only Modestly Effective (press release)While consumers are inundated these days with advertisements touting the benefits of overactive bladder medicines - "Gotta Go Right Now" - the latest report from Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs finds that the five prescription drugs used to treat the condition are only modestly effective and have side...

Ritalin stunts growth of preschoolers; 40 percent develop side effects(NewsTarget) According to a 70-week government study published in the November edition of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, popular attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug Ritalin's side effects -- including stunted growth -- are more likely to affect preschoolers...

With 25% of the U.S. Population Suffering Side Effects from Sleep Medications, Effective Natural Remedies are Needed (press release)Sleeplessness is a big problem in America. According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), almost six out of ten Americans report having insomnia at least a few nights weekly. Insomnia is defined as "An inability to fall asleep or remain asleep long enough to feel rested, especially when the problem...

Medscape review supports effectiveness and safety of new non-drug blood pressure treatment (press release)InterCure, Ltd., today announced the publication of a peer-reviewed clinical overview of seven clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of device-guided breathing. The study's authors conclude that RESPeRATE, an FDA-cleared over-the-counter therapeutic device, is an effective non-pharmacologic treatment...

Doctors fail to communicate drug side effects to patients(NewsTarget) A study published in Monday's issue of the journal Archives of Internal Medicine found that doctors frequently prescribe medications to patients without clearly explaining dosages and side effects. Researchers from the University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine examined...

Why is Fido dead? Prescription drugs are killing dogs, too(NewsTarget) The FDA has released information concerning non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pets -- including Metacam, Deramaxx, Previcox and Rimadyl -- that shows they have been connected to 22,000 cases of illness in dogs, almost 3,000 of which were fatal. The drug makers maintain their...

Amazon.com pushing ADHD drugs with front-page, celebrity-endorsed "Amazon survey"A recent ad published on the home page of Amazon.com promotes the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug Adderall. With celebrity Ty Pennington's face prominently displayed, the ad invites visitors to take an "Amazon.com survey" before following the link to distributor Shire Pharmaceuticals' ADHD...

Prescription drugs are connected to school shootings and other violence, yet more drugs are touted as the solutionThe United States is gaining a reputation around the world for raising children who go on school shooting rampages. Earlier this year, we had another one with 16-year-old Jeff Weiss, who went into his school on an Indian reservation and blew away 10 friends. And guess what? He was taking the antidepressant...

Exercise Can Reduce Side Effects of Cancer Treatment (press release)An estimated 1.3 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed last year, according to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Most of those cases required treatment that produced side effects such as weight gain or loss, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. University of Missouri...

Exercise Can Reduce Side Effects of Cancer Treatment (press release)An estimated 1.3 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed last year, according to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Most of those cases required treatment that produced side effects such as weight gain or loss, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. University of Missouri...

While scientists clash over the dangers of ADHD drugs, the U.S. government does nothing to protect childrenSince the Vioxx scandal broke in late 2004, most Americans are all too familiar with the idea that prescription drugs can be dangerous and even deadly. But how would America react if it were to discover that a class of drugs being primarily prescribed to children was also dangerous and sometimes deadly...

Common antibiotics cause tendon ruptures; Public Citizen demands black box warnings(NewsTarget) In response to reported cases of tendon ruptures associated with fluoroquinolone antibiotics, consumer group Public Citizen petitioned the FDA this week to require a black box warning about the side effect rather than the current warning, which the group claims is buried in a list of possible...

TeenScreen - Normal Kids Labeled Mentally IllDespite years of public outcry, based on recommendations by President Bush's New Freedom Commission to screen all school children for mental illness, TeenScreen is now being administered in the nation's public school system and children are being regularly diagnosed with one, or more, disorders chosen...

New study: Pine bark extract reduces ADHD symptoms in children (press release)A new study to be published in the June 17 edition of the journal of European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry shows a significant reduction of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children after supplementing with Pycnogenol® (pic-noj-en-all), an antioxidant plant extract from the...

Chemotherapy side effects send 61 percent of women to hospital emergency rooms, research shows(NewsTarget) -- New research published in the Aug. 18 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute has found that the side effects and additional costs of chemotherapy for breast cancer patients are higher than previously thought. A team of researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute...

TGN1412 drug trial nightmare could have been prevented(NewsTarget) Had the results of a 1994 drug trial similar to the recent TGN1412 trial in London -- which left six volunteers hospitalized with life-threatening side effects -- been required to be released to the public, the disastrous TGN1412 trial could have been prevented. Terry Hamblin, a retired...

Prescription skin cancer cream Aldara has horrific side effects, say usersElaine Hollingsworth put Aldara on her nose thinking that it was the "benign salve" that her dermatologist made it out to be; instead, it was the beginning of her nightmare. After using the pharmaceutical skin cancer treatment for only two weeks, a "disgusting, thick, crusty, black scab" covered her...

Research shows that seeds and nuts are "brain foods" that can also stabilize your moodCan some foods make you smarter? Research shows that nuts and seeds just might boost your brainpower and balance your moods. That's right, everything from the most common nuts -- such as walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and almonds -- to the more exotic seeds and nuts can clear up that "brain fog...See all 42 side effects feature articles.

Concept-related articles:nutritional supplements:

Vitamin warning! Some nutritional supplements use hydrogenated oils as filler Lane Labs is latest victim in FDA's war of oppression against nutritional supplements that fight cancer the Health Ranger exposes health deceptions while promoting honest health solutions FDA's relentless assault on diet pills and nutritional supplements puts Metabolife founder in hot seatstatins:

Despite the claims of the mainstream media, Lesco and other statins are not magic bullets for cholesterolhigh cholesterol:

How to reduce high cholesterol by eating like your ancestors and avoiding hydrogenated oils (part 1)lower cholesterol:

Forget statins; simple nutritional supplements lower cholesterol naturally, with no side effectsbad cholesterol:

How to lower your cholesterol absolutely free (no prescription required)grape seed extract:

Grape seed extract halts colorectal cancercancer:

The mineral selenium proves itself as powerful anti-cancer medicinecancer patients:

Official nutritional information for cancer patients offers wimpy advice; here's how to really prevent and even reverse cancerchemotherapy:

Killer cancer treatment: How toxic chemotherapy kills both cancer cells and cancer patientschemotherapy side effects:

Low vitamin intake makes chemotherapy side effects even worsenausea:

Drugs for Postoperative Nausea May Not Help Most Patients (press release)placebo:

Psychiatric Drugs: Chemical Warfare on Humans - interview with Whitakerhospitals:

U.S. hospitals fail basic hygiene standards; infections worsenBayer:

USDA approves genetically engineered rice that contaminated U.S. food supply; safety tests skippedmodern medicine:

Acupuncture proven effective at treating post-operative nausea; but modern medicine marginalizes true potential of acupuncture

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Related books:The Seven Laws of NutritionLearn how to transform your health, reverse chronic disease and free yourself from pharmaceuticals by mastering the fundamental laws of nutrition.The Real Safety Guide to Disease PreventionMore than 80% of all chronic disease is preventable, but only if you know how. Learn the proven, yet simple prevention strategies for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's and many other degenerative health conditions.Dangerous Medicine Message BoardBulletin board site for posting your horror stories about harmful prescription drugs, hospital stays, surgical procedures and medicine gone bad. Post your true story and read others now!The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D: an exclusive interview with Dr. HolickIn this interview, Dr. Holick reveals fascinating facts on how vitamin D is created and used in the human body to ward off chronic diseases like cancer, osteoporosis, mental disorders and more.The Ten Most Important Emerging Technologies For HumanityIn this book, author Mike takes you on a fascinating tour that ventures far beyond conventional science and dares to suggest that as a civilization, we are spending too much time, money and effort on technologies that really don't help us while ignoring the technologies that can really make a difference in our lives.How to Halt Diabetes In 25 DaysA down-to-earth guide on halting type-2 diabetes using natural methods: nutrition, food choice, medicinal herbs and more. Provides a 25-day plan for radically altering your body physiology to literally reverse type-2 diabetes.Spam Filters For Your BrainYour brain is being spammed by 3,000 ads and commercial messages per day. Now you can actually filter out annoying, manipulative messages with the revolutionary brain defense technology revealed in this guide.Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and SpirulinaIn this free online book, you'll get the astounding truth on how these two superfoods are far more than just "supplements" like vitamins and minerals: they are disease preventing foods from nature that can actually help conquer cancer, diabetes, heart disease, clinical depression, and much more.

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