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calls this, Letting go through Intolerance and Apathy

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October 20, 2007

Dear Joy,

A new energy alert, "Getting Things in Place and the Great Separation"

has just been posted on the What's Up On Planet Earth? web site.

Find out why some are moving things in place and others are still waiting,

and why you may have suddenly been separated from others.


For Your Reading Pleasure Today

A book excerpt from The Ascension Primer:


One thing I have said over and over for several years is thatthe higher realms are not what you might think. Much of whatwe have been taught or read about is highly inaccurate.Although this is not a simple process, basically it all boils downto simplicity and how energy responds and interacts with itself.There are higher and lower forms of vibrating energy creatingthings that feel good and things that do not. So then, there isno meaning to anything. Meaning is simply what we choose toplace on any particular manifestation. Some things may feel good to one person according to how they interpret them, andmay feel very unpleasant to another. A rule of thumb, then,might be that things either feel good or they feel bad. It's thatsimple.

As we begin to vibrate higher and higher we become less andless of a match to what has been created so far on this planetand also to any lower vibrating aspects of other humanbehaviors and realities. One might think that as we becomemore spiritual we embody a great compassion, understanding,and tolerance at higher levels than we ever have before. Butthis is not the case. As we progress through ascension andbegin to vibrate higher and higher, we find ourselves becominghighly intolerant of any lower vibrating energies. We simplycannot be in their presence for very long and we may evenbecome angry and frustrated with them as well.

There is a method to this madness. As mentioned in earliersections of this book, there is a hierarchy to energetic levelsand dimensions. When we reach higher realities, it is verydifficult to reside or spend time in the lower realities. We aresimply not a match to them anymore. This response also hasother benefits. The intolerance greatly encourages us to createmore on the outside that matches how we are vibrating,feeling and being on the inside. If our outside reality feelsdownright awful, we will most assuredly be inspired to saveourselves through our need to feel better by creating higherways of living and being. And by not tolerating and refusing tobe a part of the old reality, as we literally cannot stomach itanymore, it makes us literally refuse to participate, thereforewithdrawing any energy of support. If we do not becomeinvolved in something and negate it, it cannot survive becausethere is no energy to make it real and alive. It will simplycease to be as it will not be residing in anyone's consciousness.

Through this intolerance we are also being very direct. As weprogress into higher vibrating human beings, we find that wecan no longer beat around the bush, sit by and watch, or takea long winding road to get anywhere. Higher energy moves ina straight shot. It does not go here and there, make excusesand support friends and family even though they are inunhealthy situations, or sit blindly by. It is simple and direct.No wishy washy uncertainty and passivity.

The time is up for tolerating the old and for waiting. It's the higher way or noway. At some level we know this, and at times can findourselves addressing the lower vibrations very directly. In thisway, this is a higher form of love. It involves an inability tosupport the lower vibrations in anything. We are actually beingsupportive and loving in that we are now supporting thehighest ways through this intolerance. We are actually beingspiritual warriors of higher truth and greatly helping others.

In the higher realms we create through a partnership withSource and as we are becoming more and more of Sourceourselves, we must connect much more deeply now in order tocreate the higher ways. During these years of ascension, it canappear that we are getting absolutely nowhere. It may seemthat nothing ever goes our way or that we are receiving verylittle support for getting what we want.

This is really not the case. We do not want to create thingsthat are not of a higher vibration or that will no longer fit in the near future. In other ways, we cannot create from ego in thehigher realms. When we are not getting what we want, it isusually because we won't be in that situation or reality verysoon, or that we are not yet ready. If there is something thatyou really feel you must have, then you are not ready toreceive it. It is ironic that we always get what we want whenwe no longer want it. What is happening here is that we have lost our attachment, which places us in a position for perfectcreating. In addition, we are not then, creating from our ego.This is all part of the ascension process.

Through it all, we can get pretty discouraged at times. Whenwe get discouraged and let down over and over again, and feelthat all our dreams have shattered, we become apathetic. Thisis perfect. It puts us into a space of letting go. We simply donot care anymore. This makes us let go and release theenergy of attachment. We are then residing in neutral energywith no agendas and this allows much more of Source to enter.And of course, allows us to let go of many of the illusions."

May the offerings from What's Up On Planet Earth? serve to light your path, validate

your experience, and remind you that we are all one. Thank you for your continued

interest and happy reading!

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Books and E-Books

Click on a book for excerpts, more information, or to order

Staying In Alignment

Now in English, French, and Spanish

The Ascension Primer

The Ascension Companion

Remembering Your Soul Purpose

Click on a book for excerpts, more information, or to order


What's Up On Planet Earth?, P.O. Box 1024, Springerville, AZ 85938, USA

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