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I had trouble finding doctors to treat me, but I FINALLY did at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston.

Neil Bhattacharyya is the ENT, and na Castells is the allergist.

It takes 3 months or so to get an initial appointment with each, but it's definitely worth it, they gave me my life back- I follow up with each one every 4 months or so.


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of angel4mytullSent: Friday, March 05, 2010 6:12 PMsamters Subject: New England

Does anyone know of a ENT in New England that is a specialist for Samters? Maybe at Mass.General or Yale?? Thanks.

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Hello. I live in New England. I love my ENT. Her name is Dr Chiaramonte. She is in Worcester. Email me at sutela@... if you want contact info. She is having a baby in May so will be out for a few months. Good Luck.


New England

Does anyone know of a ENT in New England that is a specialist for Samters? Maybe at Mass.General or Yale?? Thanks.

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have you undergone desensitization?


RE: New England

I had trouble finding doctors to treat me, but I FINALLY did at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston.

Neil Bhattacharyya is the ENT, and na Castells is the allergist.

It takes 3 months or so to get an initial appointment with each, but it's definitely worth it, they gave me my life back- I follow up with each one every 4 months or so.


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of angel4mytullSent: Friday, March 05, 2010 6:12 PMsamters Subject: New England

Does anyone know of a ENT in New England that is a specialist for Samters? Maybe at Mass.General or Yale?? Thanks.

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Hi Stacey,

I wasn't sure if you were asking the original poster or me, but I have undergone desens w/ Dr. Castells.


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of & Stacey SutelaSent: Friday, March 05, 2010 10:23 PMsamters Subject: Re: New England

have you undergone desensitization?


RE: New England

I had trouble finding doctors to treat me, but I FINALLY did at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston.

Neil Bhattacharyya is the ENT, and na Castells is the allergist.

It takes 3 months or so to get an initial appointment with each, but it's definitely worth it, they gave me my life back- I follow up with each one every 4 months or so.


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of angel4mytullSent: Friday, March 05, 2010 6:12 PMsamters Subject: New England

Does anyone know of a ENT in New England that is a specialist for Samters? Maybe at Mass.General or Yale?? Thanks.

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - www.avg.comVersion: 8.5.435 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2725 - Release Date: 03/05/10 19:34:00

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - www.avg.comVersion: 8.5.435 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2725 - Release Date: 03/05/10 19:34:00

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Yes I was asking you. Did it help? Do you have a sense of smell? Did you have trouble getting your insurance to cover it?

RE: New England

I had trouble finding doctors to treat me, but I FINALLY did at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston.

Neil Bhattacharyya is the ENT, and na Castells is the allergist.

It takes 3 months or so to get an initial appointment with each, but it's definitely worth it, they gave me my life back- I follow up with each one every 4 months or so.


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of angel4mytullSent: Friday, March 05, 2010 6:12 PMsamters Subject: New England

Does anyone know of a ENT in New England that is a specialist for Samters? Maybe at Mass.General or Yale?? Thanks.

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - www.avg.comVersion: 8.5.435 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2725 - Release Date: 03/05/10 19:34:00

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG - www.avg.comVersion: 8.5.435 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2725 - Release Date: 03/05/10 19:34:00

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  • 11 months later...

Neil Bhattacharyya at Brigham and Women's in Boston is my surgeon and is extremely knowledgable about Samters. na Castells at Brigham and Women's is my allergist who does aspirin desensitization and is also extremely knowledgable about it. It takes about 3 months to get an initial appointment with each, but it's well worth it.

samters From: angel.spargo@...Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 15:37:03 +0000Subject: New England

Hello Friends, I haven't posted anything on this site for a long time, although I do read the coments often. Some of you may remember me some may not. If you do you will recall me as the women who probably had the most surgical procedures due to the Samters. Things are about the same, I have just found myself very alone as none of the doctors I see really know much about Samters. It seems many of you have great resources outside the US with very bright people. If anyone on this site has a name of a good doctor or group of doctors in New England I would love to know. Thanks so much for all your great input, keep it up!! May you all find good health and peace in the very near future, Thanks, Angel

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Definitely contact B & W as already mentioned. I highly recommend Dr. Laidlaw who works with Dr. Castells:

M. Laidlaw, MDDepartment of Allergy/ImmunologyBrigham and Women's Hospital, Boston MALaboratory Office: 617-525-1238Outpatient Clinic: 617-732-9850tlaidlaw@...

You can tell her I sent you :)

Stacey Sutela


I'm sorry I should have said I have an excellent ENT but am looking for more of an allergy or pulmonary specialist on Samters.....thanks

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