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Re: Re: Homeopathic Option

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I visited one several years ago but the ongoing costs soon took their toll on my finances so in the end, after around five months of visits (twice a week) I found no difference whatsoever and felt I'd totally wasted my money.

samters From: lbl626@...Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 12:15:58 +0000Subject: Re: Homeopathic Option

I went to a highly reccommended homeopath for 2 yrs, travelled to a different state monthly with no results...She was highly intelligent and very effective in alot of cases...She was very frustrated with me.Nothing was working.I also take D3, Omega fish oil,saline neti pot with xylitol,Good luck>> Hello everyone,> > I just wanted to get an idea if anyone has tried homeopathic healing for their samters condition? I actually made an appointment with a homeopathic healer that came highly recommended about 1-1/2 years ago at which time the wait to get in was 1-1/2 years. In the mean time I went though aspirin desensitization and my symptoms greatly improved but I am still on a list of medications and never regained my sense of smell. So a couple months ago I got the call confirming my appointment that I had made 1-1/2 years prior. I figured it was worth a shot and I am now 2 months into my homeopathic treatment. To be honest I can't explain the theory behind homeopathic healing, but I can say that I have not taken my normal nasal spray (a generic nasonex) in about 2 weeks and I can't believe how clear my sinuses are. I also think foods are starting to have more flavor for me. It also seems as though my asthma symptoms are less severe. Along with the "potions" I am taking for my "maisms" I am also taking Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Glutamin, Vit C, and a composite fish oil. > > Thats a quick overview of my experience. Does anyone else have any experience with a homeopathic treatment?> > Thanks,> > Pete>

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Doing homeopathic option is a whole way of living. A lot of people go to a homeopathic doctor take some supplements and vitamins and decide after a period of time its not working for them. Homeopathic is diet, environment, stress on your body, supplements etc. You can feel worse or that its not helping, but keep in mind how long our bodies have been sick and on medications it didn't happen overnight it took many, many years so we can't expect miracles in a short period of time. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: Celtic Dove <celtic_dove@...>Sender: samters Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 08:32:54 +1100<samters >Reply samters Subject: RE: Re: Homeopathic Option I visited one several years ago but the ongoing costs soon took their toll on my finances so in the end, after around five months of visits (twice a week) I found no difference whatsoever and felt I'd totally wasted my money. samters From: lbl626@...Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 12:15:58 +0000Subject: Re: Homeopathic Option I went to a highly reccommended homeopath for 2 yrs, travelled to a different state monthly with no results...She was highly intelligent and very effective in alot of cases...She was very frustrated with me.Nothing was working.I also take D3, Omega fish oil,saline neti pot with xylitol,Good luck>> Hello everyone,> > I just wanted to get an idea if anyone has tried homeopathic healing for their samters condition? I actually made an appointment with a homeopathic healer that came highly recommended about 1-1/2 years ago at which time the wait to get in was 1-1/2 years. In the mean time I went though aspirin desensitization and my symptoms greatly improved but I am still on a list of medications and never regained my sense of smell. So a couple months ago I got the call confirming my appointment that I had made 1-1/2 years prior. I figured it was worth a shot and I am now 2 months into my homeopathic treatment. To be honest I can't explain the theory behind homeopathic healing, but I can say that I have not taken my normal nasal spray (a generic nasonex) in about 2 weeks and I can't believe how clear my sinuses are. I also think foods are starting to have more flavor for me. It also seems as though my asthma symptoms are less severe. Along with the "potions" I am taking for my "maisms" I am also taking Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Glutamin, Vit C, and a composite fish oil. > > Thats a quick overview of my experience. Does anyone else have any experience with a homeopathic treatment?> > Thanks,> > Pete>

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Don't mean to be pedantic, but homeopathy is a very specific form of treatment that has nothing to do with supplements, diet, etc. It is based on the idea of like curing like -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeopathy. There's no scientific basis for it, but many people do have good results. Diet, supplements etc. can all be good, but have nothing to do with homeopathy. On Feb 8, 2011, at 3:45 PM, samsmom6602@... wrote:

Doing homeopathic option is a whole way of living. A lot of people go to a homeopathic doctor take some supplements and vitamins and decide after a period of time its not working for them. Homeopathic is diet, environment, stress on your body, supplements etc. You can feel worse or that its not helping, but keep in mind how long our bodies have been sick and on medications it didn't happen overnight it took many, many years so we can't expect miracles in a short period of time. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: Celtic Dove <celtic_dove@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 08:32:54 +1100<samters >Reply samters

Subject: RE: Re: Homeopathic Option

I visited one several years ago but the ongoing costs soon took their toll on my finances so in the end, after around five months of visits (twice a week) I found no difference whatsoever and felt I'd totally wasted my money.

samters From: lbl626@...Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 12:15:58 +0000Subject: Re: Homeopathic Option

I went to a highly reccommended homeopath for 2 yrs, travelled to a different state monthly with no results...She was highly intelligent and very effective in alot of cases...She was very frustrated with me.Nothing was working.I also take D3, Omega fish oil,saline neti pot with xylitol,Good luck>> Hello everyone,> > I just wanted to get an idea if anyone has tried homeopathic healing for their samters condition? I actually made an appointment with a homeopathic healer that came highly recommended about 1-1/2 years ago at which time the wait to get in was 1-1/2 years. In the mean time I went though aspirin desensitization and my symptoms greatly improved but I am still on a list of medications and never regained my sense of smell. So a couple months ago I got the call confirming my appointment that I had made 1-1/2 years prior. I figured it was worth a shot and I am now 2 months into my homeopathic treatment. To be honest I can't explain the theory behind homeopathic healing, but I can say that I have not taken my normal nasal spray (a generic nasonex) in about 2 weeks and I can't believe how clear my sinuses are. I also think foods are starting to have more flavor for me. It also seems as though my asthma symptoms are less severe. Along with the "potions" I am taking for my "maisms" I am also taking Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Glutamin, Vit C, and a composite fish oil. > > Thats a quick overview of my experience. Does anyone else have any experience with a homeopathic treatment?> > Thanks,> > Pete>

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I think some of us get to a stage where we'll willingly try anything going just to try to obtain some relief.

The person I visited was a qualified homeopath and I had to indeed change my lifestyle/environment dramatically, if only it'd worked a little though but I wasn't one of the lucky ones.

samters From: thomyris7@...Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 17:28:17 -0700Subject: Re: Re: Homeopathic Option

Don't mean to be pedantic, but homeopathy is a very specific form of treatment that has nothing to do with supplements, diet, etc. It is based on the idea of like curing like -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeopathy. There's no scientific basis for it, but many people do have good results. Diet, supplements etc. can all be good, but have nothing to do with homeopathy.

On Feb 8, 2011, at 3:45 PM, samsmom6602@... wrote:

Doing homeopathic option is a whole way of living. A lot of people go to a homeopathic doctor take some supplements and vitamins and decide after a period of time its not working for them. Homeopathic is diet, environment, stress on your body, supplements etc. You can feel worse or that its not helping, but keep in mind how long our bodies have been sick and on medications it didn't happen overnight it took many, many years so we can't expect miracles in a short period of time.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Celtic Dove <celtic_dove@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 08:32:54 +1100

<samters >


Subject: RE: Re: Homeopathic Option

I visited one several years ago but the ongoing costs soon took their toll on my finances so in the end, after around five months of visits (twice a week) I found no difference whatsoever and felt I'd totally wasted my money.

samters From: lbl626@...Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 12:15:58 +0000Subject: Re: Homeopathic Option

I went to a highly reccommended homeopath for 2 yrs, travelled to a different state monthly with no results...She was highly intelligent and very effective in alot of cases...She was very frustrated with me.Nothing was working.I also take D3, Omega fish oil,saline neti pot with xylitol,Good luck>> Hello everyone,> > I just wanted to get an idea if anyone has tried homeopathic healing for their samters condition? I actually made an appointment with a homeopathic healer that came highly recommended about 1-1/2 years ago at which time the wait to get in was 1-1/2 years. In the mean time I went though aspirin desensitization and my symptoms greatly improved but I am still on a list of medications and never regained my sense of smell. So a couple months ago I got the call confirming my appointment that I had made 1-1/2 years prior. I figured it was worth a shot and I am now 2 months into my homeopathic treatment. To be honest I can't explain the theory behind homeopathic healing, but I can say that I have not taken my normal nasal spray (a generic nasonex) in about 2 weeks and I can't believe how clear my sinuses are. I also think foods are starting to have more flavor for me. It also seems as though my asthma symptoms are less severe. Along with the "potions" I am taking for my "maisms" I am also taking Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Glutamin, Vit C, and a composite fish oil. > > Thats a quick overview of my experience. Does anyone else have any experience with a homeopathic treatment?> > Thanks,> > Pete>

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> From: samsmom6602@...

> Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 22:45:52 +0000

> Subject: Re: Re: Homeopathic Option

> Doing homeopathic option is a whole way of living. A lot of people go to a

> homeopathic doctor take some supplements and vitamins and decide after a

> period of time its not working for them. Homeopathic is diet, environment,

> stress on your body, supplements etc. You can feel worse or that its not

> helping, but keep in mind how long our bodies have been sick and on

> medications it didn't happen overnight it took many, many years so we can't

> expect miracles in a short period of time.

This is what I would call " Naturopathy " , which has been helpful to me.

Homeopathy, in my understanding, is nonsense, even if some naturopaths

practice it as part of their offering.

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I agree with what you said. It seems as though my process mainly involves treating my "maisims" and the suppliments I am taking are supposed to help that process. It is my understanding that after my 16 weeks of treatment it is more likely a cure then a life style change. The only change I have been asked to make is to stop drinking milk. I have been very skeptical due to the nature of the testing method but I told myself I would give it a try. Like I stated before I think I am seeing a reduction in the severity of my symptoms already.

Thanks for all the feedback.


Doing homeopathic option is a whole way of living. A lot of people go to a homeopathic doctor take some supplements and vitamins and decide after a period of time its not working for them. Homeopathic is diet, environment, stress on your body, supplements etc. You can feel worse or that its not helping, but keep in mind how long our bodies have been sick and on medications it didn't happen overnight it took many, many years so we can't expect miracles in a short period of time.

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

From: Celtic Dove <celtic_dove@...>

Sender: samters

Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 08:32:54 +1100

<samters >


Subject: RE: Re: Homeopathic Option

I visited one several years ago but the ongoing costs soon took their toll on my finances so in the end, after around five months of visits (twice a week) I found no difference whatsoever and felt I'd totally wasted my money.

samters From: lbl626@...Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 12:15:58 +0000Subject: Re: Homeopathic Option

I went to a highly reccommended homeopath for 2 yrs, travelled to a different state monthly with no results...She was highly intelligent and very effective in alot of cases...She was very frustrated with me.Nothing was working.I also take D3, Omega fish oil,saline neti pot with xylitol,Good luck>> Hello everyone,> > I just wanted to get an idea if anyone has tried homeopathic healing for their samters condition? I actually made an appointment with a homeopathic healer that came highly recommended about 1-1/2 years ago at which time the wait to get in was 1-1/2 years. In the mean time I went though aspirin desensitization and my symptoms greatly improved but I am

still on a list of medications and never regained my sense of smell. So a couple months ago I got the call confirming my appointment that I had made 1-1/2 years prior. I figured it was worth a shot and I am now 2 months into my homeopathic treatment. To be honest I can't explain the theory behind homeopathic healing, but I can say that I have not taken my normal nasal spray (a generic nasonex) in about 2 weeks and I can't believe how clear my sinuses are. I also think foods are starting to have more flavor for me. It also seems as though my asthma symptoms are less severe. Along with the "potions" I am taking for my "maisms" I am also taking Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Glutamin, Vit C, and a composite fish oil. > > Thats a quick overview of my experience. Does anyone else have any experience with a homeopathic treatment?> > Thanks,> > Pete>

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Thank you! I have been trying to get my husband on this type of diet for a while now (the salicylate free didn't work). Maybe he'll be inspired by your experience.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerryFrom: Jordan <jordanlburnett@...>Sender: samters Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 22:40:36 -0800 (PST)samters <samters >Reply samters Subject: Re: Homeopathic Option I've been suffering for 4 years. Last April I had my first surgery. 6 months later my led nostril was completley clogged again with polops.. In three months I was on two long runs of prednisone, with harsh antibiotics. As soon as I was off them a week later I would feel completly horrible again. I saw my ENT on Jan. 5th, she told me surgery wasn't worth it because my polyps grew back so fast, she told me that I may have to be on permanent prednisone. That scared the crap out of me! The very next day I started a new diet which I'm still on. I cut out dairy, sugar, salt, wheat, and most startches and flours. I've been trying to eat more fish, and also more omega 3 rich foods and healthy fats. Also taking fish oil supplements. Two weeks later my nose cleared up, the polyps that I could see in my left nostrill were shrinking! My asthma has been much better, havnt had to use my albuteral in a while now, and I was using it everyday! This week starting Mondaymy smells been coming back, I haven't smelled in four years! I'm shocked how much this diet has been helping, I didn't expect it to help so much. I'm really interested to see someone else with this try it. Hope this helps.Sent from my iPhone

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Yes this is fantastic news - I must try to clean up my diet more..I have tried eliminations diets before - and do not eat wheat any more, but I am sure if I was able to give up sugar, i'd be a new person :-)


From: laurahlennon <lbl626@...>samters Sent: Thu, 10 February, 2011 12:14:44Subject: Re: Homeopathic Option

That is wonderful news..we should all clean up our diets and be strict about it. I'm reading a new book "Clean" by Dr. Junger.I am going to try his 3 week challenge to see if there is a difference...I would love to be able to smell again..it's been a long time.>> I've been suffering for 4 years. Last April I had my first surgery. 6 months later my led nostril was completley clogged again with polops.. In three months I was on two long runs of prednisone, with harsh antibiotics. As soon as I was off them a week later I would feel completly horrible again. I saw my ENT on Jan. 5th, she told me surgery wasn't worth it because my polyps grew back so fast, she told me that I may have to be on permanent prednisone. That scared the crap out

of me! The very next day I started a new diet which I'm still on. I cut out dairy, sugar, salt, wheat, and most startches and flours. I've been trying to eat more fish, and also more omega 3 rich foods and healthy fats. Also taking fish oil supplements. Two weeks later my nose cleared up, the polyps that I could see in my left nostrill were shrinking! My asthma has been much better, havnt had to use my albuteral in a while now, and I was using it everyday! This week starting Monday> my smells been coming back, I haven't smelled in four years! I'm shocked how much this diet has been helping, I didn't expect it to help so much. I'm really interested to see someone else with this try it. Hope this helps.> > Sent from my iPhone>

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> . . . The very next day I started a new diet which I'm

> still on. I cut out dairy, sugar, salt, wheat, and most startches and flours.

> I've been trying to eat more fish, and also more omega 3 rich foods and

> healthy fats. Also taking fish oil supplements. Two weeks later my nose

> cleared up, the polyps that I could see in my left nostrill were shrinking!

The reduction of dairy and the taking of fish oil are the two things here

that are consistant with my positive observations.

(And again, this is not homeopathy, as a check with Wikipedia will confirm.)

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I cut out dairy & sugar for some time, I try to cut out wheat & starches and maybe I can smell again, can't smell since 5 years,stay away from prednisone & antibotics.

From: Jordan <jordanlburnett@...>"samters " <samters >Sent: Thu, February 10, 2011 1:40:36 AMSubject: Re: Homeopathic Option

I've been suffering for 4 years. Last April I had my first surgery. 6 months later my led nostril was completley clogged again with polops.. In three months I was on two long runs of prednisone, with harsh antibiotics. As soon as I was off them a week later I would feel completly horrible again. I saw my ENT on Jan. 5th, she told me surgery wasn't worth it because my polyps grew back so fast, she told me that I may have to be on permanent prednisone. That scared the crap out of me! The very next day I started a new diet which I'm still on. I cut out dairy, sugar, salt, wheat, and most startches and flours. I've been trying to eat more fish, and also more omega 3 rich foods and healthy fats. Also taking fish oil supplements. Two weeks later my nose cleared up, the polyps that I could see in my left nostrill were shrinking! My asthma has been much better, havnt had to use my albuteral in a while now, and I was using it everyday! This week starting

Mondaymy smells been coming back, I haven't smelled in four years! I'm shocked how much this diet has been helping, I didn't expect it to help so much. I'm really interested to see someone else with this try it. Hope this helps.Sent from my iPhone

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Jordan Can you be more specific on what you are doing ,would love to tryFrom: Barbara <danielbarbara@...>samters Sent: Thu, February 10, 2011 9:24:47 AMSubject: Re: Re: Homeopathic Option

I cut out dairy & sugar for some time, I try to cut out wheat & starches and maybe I can smell again, can't smell since 5 years,stay away from prednisone & antibotics.

From: Jordan <jordanlburnett@...>"samters " <samters >Sent: Thu, February 10, 2011 1:40:36 AMSubject: Re: Homeopathic Option

I've been suffering for 4 years. Last April I had my first surgery. 6 months later my led nostril was completley clogged again with polops.. In three months I was on two long runs of prednisone, with harsh antibiotics. As soon as I was off them a week later I would feel completly horrible again. I saw my ENT on Jan. 5th, she told me surgery wasn't worth it because my polyps grew back so fast, she told me that I may have to be on permanent prednisone. That scared the crap out of me! The very next day I started a new diet which I'm still on. I cut out dairy, sugar, salt, wheat, and most startches and flours. I've been trying to eat more fish, and also more omega 3 rich foods and healthy fats. Also taking fish oil supplements. Two weeks later my nose cleared up, the polyps that I could see in my left nostrill were shrinking! My asthma has been much better, havnt had to use my albuteral in a while now, and I was using it everyday! This week starting

Mondaymy smells been coming back, I haven't smelled in four years! I'm shocked how much this diet has been helping, I didn't expect it to help so much. I'm really interested to see someone else with this try it. Hope this helps.Sent from my iPhone

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Ya Barbara, I can try. Cut out sugar, salt, dairy, wheat. Not eating any

potatoes or breads. However I think that I would be able to eat sprouted bread

without negetive effects. I also cut out alcohol. Basically I eat lots of fresh

fruits and vegies. Also alot of unsalted raw nuts. Natural sugars from fruits or

dried fruits are fine. I do eat a bit of brown rice, so I can make stir fry. I'm

not eating very much red meat either, just once in awhile. You definantly want

to stay away from saturated fats. Just look on lables for sodium and sugar

content. I've been eating quite a bit of avacodo also. Also no soda. I pretty

much just drink tea and water, but I havnt given up coffee!lol. Also I take two

to four 360mg fish oil supplements a day, and also around a 1000mg of vitamin c.

Also I'm trying to eat as much fish as possible because of the omega 3's. If you

need more info try looking up the 'pericone' diet. This diet is supposed to be

anti-inflammatory. I

think alot of the problems caused from this disease is due to inflamation, from

the asthma to the polyp growth. I felt so inflamed in my sinuses before, I could

just feel them pounding all the time, I don't have that now. I'm not gonna lie,

this diet is hard to be on but it does get easier the longer ur on it. And u

start to figure out things u can have, I think it's gonna be easier the longer

I'm on it, and also think I'll be able to cheat here and there without bad

affects. It might take a while to notice results so don't give up to early. I

told my allergist what I was doing diet wise and he told me he'd never had

somone stay on it long enough to see how it works. I'm anxious to go back to

him. I hope that this is helpfull.

Sent from my iPhon

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Toothpaste and mints are both very high in salicylates which is what we are intolerant to.


From: Jordan <jordanlburnett@...>"samters " <samters >Sent: Fri, 11 February, 2011 5:37:23Subject: Re: Homeopathic Option

Hey Molly, I used to get asthma from toothpaste and mints?idk what it is that did. But ya I've had that same thing Sent from my iPhone__________________________________________________________Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Small Business.http://smallbusiness./domains/?p=BESTDEAL

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I think inflammation causes or has an effect on a lot of issues

including Samter’s!

You take a lot of vitamin C, do you also have allergies? I

have always avoided vitamin C since it boosts the immune system and since I have

a lot of bad allergies, the last thing I want to do is boost my immune system

since it is hyper-reactive already!

How you are eating sounds very similar to a typical

low-carbohydrate diet. I don’t cut out salt, since I like my food

to taste good, and I don’t eat much that is high in even natural sugars

(so not many fruits). I eat plenty of meat, lots of veggies. By

eating low carb I naturally avoid wheat in most things though I do not go out of

my way to avoid it. Sometimes I swear I am allergic to wheat, but I went

a whole summer avoiding gluten and I didn’t notice any difference.

Simple sugars affect me the most. If I eat something high in sugar I will

actually get palpitations and sometimes my heart rate speeds up unless I have

eaten a decent amount of protein. Go figure. My husband eats the

same as I do and while he doesn’t have the sinus issues I do, he doesn’t

snore at night when we are eating low carb. I make no special effort to

reduce salicylates in foods. I’m a mint addict and eat way too many

every day! Doesn’t seem to affect me too badly.

Recently I have discovered the joy of baking with almond

flour. It is a great wheat substitute though it is unfortunately expensive.

You can make your own with a good food processor and raw almonds, which may

make it a little cheaper. Almonds are supposed to be healthy too.



samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of Jordan

Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 2:20 PM


Subject: Re: Re: Homeopathic Option

Ya Barbara, I can try. Cut out sugar, salt,

dairy, wheat. Not eating any potatoes or breads. However I think that I would

be able to eat sprouted bread without negetive effects. I also cut out alcohol.

Basically I eat lots of fresh fruits and vegies. Also alot of unsalted raw

nuts. Natural sugars from fruits or dried fruits are fine. I do eat a bit of

brown rice, so I can make stir fry. I'm not eating very much red meat either,

just once in awhile. You definantly want to stay away from saturated fats. Just

look on lables for sodium and sugar content. I've been eating quite a bit of

avacodo also. Also no soda. I pretty much just drink tea and water, but I havnt

given up coffee!lol. Also I take two to four 360mg fish oil supplements a day,

and also around a 1000mg of vitamin c. Also I'm trying to eat as much fish as

possible because of the omega 3's. If you need more info try looking up the

'pericone' diet. This diet is supposed to be anti-inflammatory. I

think alot of the problems caused from this disease is due to inflamation, from

the asthma to the polyp growth. I felt so inflamed in my sinuses before, I

could just feel them pounding all the time, I don't have that now. I'm not

gonna lie, this diet is hard to be on but it does get easier the longer ur on

it. And u start to figure out things u can have, I think it's gonna be easier

the longer I'm on it, and also think I'll be able to cheat here and there

without bad affects. It might take a while to notice results so don't give up

to early. I told my allergist what I was doing diet wise and he told me he'd

never had somone stay on it long enough to see how it works. I'm anxious to go

back to him. I hope that this is helpfull.

Sent from my iPhon

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