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Re: ?subject=Re: Vertigo

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Hi ,

I'm so glad you said, "Every fruit and vege function is to

rot/decay/digest and feed it's seed." Recently, there was a food

drive for nonperishable food items, and my first thought was, "then

it must not be a FOOD drive." Not really, there are some real foods

that are meant for storage, like grains and hardened fall crops, but

for the most part, digestion is just a glorified food rotting

activity. I know we like to think ourselves above such nonsense,

but it is true.

Another way we like to think of ourselves is "higher" than our

pets. I was at my Traditional Nutrition meeting today, and we were

having a conversation about salt. Some of the "newbies" in our

group were horrified to learn that I eat "pet grade" Celtic sea salt

and I drink "pet" milk (a.k.a. "raw" milk). Just yesterday, I was

searching through the Cayce readings on "salt," and wouldn't you

know he recommended sea salt, the grayer the better. I love how

Cayce always shows up one step ahead of all the research. I feel so

privileged to have access to Cayce's readings.

And, one of the ways to liberate all the health benefits of those

seeds (a.k.a. whole grains and legumes) is sprouting, soaking, and

fermenting to reduce their sprout-inhibiting phytic acid and to gain

access to their full repertoire of vitamins. Speaking of

fermenting, fermented beverages (including wine) also aid digestion

and acid production.

Oh, and one thing to think about that might be "not so easy to

hear," is that most of our nutrition is produced by our own poo. We

are very loathe to contemplate this fact, but a healthy gut flora is

one of the golden keys to optimal health! It is much better than

pills. (One more thing Cayce knew very, very well. He was well

ahead of his time ;-)



On 5/14/2011 7:52 AM, dAVId wrote:

Just throwing this out, but lack of hydrochloric acid, HCL to digest

food can create

vertigo. As we age our production of HCL diminishes. Researchers are

saying half of us over fifty do not produce sufficient HCL and

digestive enzymes to properly digest our food.

Supplemental Betaine HCL taken with the last bite of food, will stop that.

Urban legends, or could it be money greed, riddle the medical field,

ninety five percent of simple heartburn, almost always treated with

anti acids is truly a shortage of digestive acids. There is a ton of

money to be made from barking anti acids. Sad we are so controlled

and manipulated by TV ads, nexium, proton pump.

What really happens is the lower sphincter muscle, a circular muscle,

in the esophagus will close when suffecient HCL is pumped into the

stomach, but stays open until then, which is what causes heartburn, as

the stomach acid there, splashes up into the feed tube and burns. It

does seem odd, but your body is saying we need more acid to digest

this spicy pizza you just woolfed down. Add in, food handlers use

enzyme killers on our food to maintain a better fresher looking

product, but it makes it very difficult to digest. Every fruit and

vege function is to rot/decay/digest and feed it's seed, of course

that enzyme also helps us digest our food.

david lubbock tx


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