Guest guest Posted February 23, 2006 Report Share Posted February 23, 2006 Thanks & I feel like I'm the luckiest guy alive to have this beautiful person by my side, I just hope things never get to rough for her to handle, She is a real worrier & that worries But she's also very head strong & a real fighter so as long as I have her & her in my corner, I should do ok... Thanks again for allowing me to chatter, Maxx,London ON.Hunter <us2china2@...> wrote: Too cute! Maxx n Max... You're a lucky guy Maxx! And so is 's brother, and Sandy's fiancee, and all the others who are loved by spouse, family, and friends. At the same time, Max is also lucky, as is Sandy, , and everyone that is loving a spouse or family member or friend. Love is a two-way gift. I'm not sure who benefits more, the lover, or the lovee. Love and health to all, Eat well, sleep well, give love!Maxx of course <dgmaxx@...> wrote: Hi, I'm a recent newbie here myself & new to finding out I have Hep as well, Just found out a week ago. I've yet to have further blood work done to determind where I'm at But that's coming this Friday. Like a few outhers, I most likely caught this threw the use of needle drugs or my tattoo work, both were done back in the 80's. I know, I'm rambbling on here but figured a lil back ground would be better then just saying, My girlfriend is also offering me lots of help, teaching me how to prepare better meals for my self, she's bought me all sorts of natural path products, Done all sorts of research on the net for us both, She's even got me drinkin Green But it shows she really cares about me & it makes me feel better knowing that I do have someone close that does love me & does care this much. It helps keep my outlook better & my spirits up. She attends my appointment with pen & paper & always asks questions, something I never think to do...I don't know what I'd do without her, she's really an amazing lil woman & I love her to death... & besides, I have no one else close that cares. My family does, but they live in T.O., So I'm alone here & without her, I don't think I'd be doing anywhere near as much to fight this as I am. I know that sometimes family sees other family memebers as meddling or just trying to look good to the rest of the family, or just doing it because they feel they have to, But I really hope your Brother sees your help the same way I see my woman's help as being real & wanting to help because you love him. There's a Real comfort in knowing you have someone so willing to be so helpfull & caring. Just my 2 cents worth, Thanks for letting me be a part of this great lil group, You may not see alot of posts from me, because I'm just getting into this but who knows, she says I have the gift of Thank you for being there for me sweetie, I Love you... Maxx in London ON. her name is Max too, So we're Maxx N Max. In London ON.nicole stevens <ans412@...> wrote: i am so sorry to hear about your situation. your right about one thing, this is a very great group to be involved with. they are amazing people who really care. and they are wonderful about giving advice and helping in every way possible. i am also pretty new here. my fiance has this disease and we dont know much about the degree of it. my ex-husband was an alcoholic and a drug user so i understand completely about where your brother, and you for that matter, are at. we divorced because of his problems and only after he lost his daughter to me did he turn himself around. that is wonderful that your brother has been sober for 3 months. although my ex didnt have this disease i did learn that you cant change someone or help someone unless they want it for themselves. i think what you are doing by researching this disease and preparing a good meal for your brother is wonderful and very supporting. just dont get discouraged if it isnt accepted real well from your brother. it will be eventually. he needs someone to be there and do these things even if he doesnt realize it yet. im not much help on giving advice about the disease itself because like i said, im new to this also, but there are so many amazing people here that will be shooting you all kinds of info that will be of great help. feel free to whine, nag, complain, question,all you want. this group can handle it. lord knows ive done enough of it and they have been wonderful to me. so welcome here. i hope you like it as much as i do.Sandy <prettyintherightlight@...> wrote: I joined this group because my brother was diagnosed with Hep C. He is in denial, so I am trying to find out all I can on my own. Last appointment with the doctor showed the disease was worse than they had thought originally, and my brother is looking at a treatment. I have read all the pamphlets he has brought home. He still doesn't like talking about it. My brother was a needle user, and apparently shared only one needle..that happened to be the one. He has been clean and sober now for 3 months, doing well with AA and NA, but dragging his heels on the HCV issues. I understand that denial is quite normal, and about all I can do at this point is encourage him in some way by preparing nutritious meals for him..He has been living with me for the past three months..of course drugs have taken their toll on him financially and physically. He has no job, and at this point facing treatment, that is probably not a big problem for us. He has lost his children because of he has been getting his life in order and with his disease, his ex wife seems to want to show no mercy. He isn't making waves to get his children, because he has been working so hard on his sobriety. Issues involving court and so forth would probably not be a good thing for him at this time in his recovery. His children would definately be a healing thing for him, and of course I do believe his children need their dad in their lives, especially now that he is doing so well. We are waiting on the results of his last blood work..and I know I have rambled on here, but I am kinda scared..I appreciate this group, seems like a caring group of people with a common battle. If you have any helpful tips for me I would appreciate them, or do I just back off and wait till my brother makes the right decision, whatever that is? Thanks so much for your time. Sandy Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars. It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the support you need with us. If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click the link-- Hepatitis C/Happy Posting Thanks, Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars. Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, & more on new and used cars. Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 23, 2006 Report Share Posted February 23, 2006 > > Sandy > First off,, WELCOME hon,, its really nice when we see a family member come in and learn about this disease they themselves do not have.. > Sandy and others who have feamily or friends with HCV, I want you to know that I am very touched by your interest and devotion to your sick loved ones. That's cure for a lot in itself. God bless Ginny Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 5, 2006 Report Share Posted March 5, 2006 Hi Sharibeth, I'm . I'm new to CP and HP, but have been doing lip balms bath salts and bath teas, and M & P soaps for a few years. I've done shampoos and creams and lotions too. But usually using pre-made stuff--like unscented shampoo, and lotion base. I did make my first shampoo today--it was made with coconut oil, castor oil, canola (a light oil), and lanolin. I used sage water (made by steeping about 8 tblsps. in boiling water for about an hour) to mix with my potasium hydroxide. I got a little too enthusiastic right away with the stick blender and had an enormous volcanic eruption--which I caught in time to get it over the sink! Anyhow, after double-boiling for 3 hours, it was finally ready to have water added, and that worked out well. I added rosemary and lavender EOs, and it smells wonderful. I've read that sage, rosemary, and lavender are great for encouraging hair growth. I know I can't make that claim without proof, so I won't, but gee is sure smells good. Well, enough on that, welcome. I'm sure you will have as much to add as you will learn from others. G. aradiaswind <AradiasChaos@...> wrote: I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I am still a bit new to this craft, mostly with CP & HP soaps. I mostly make lip balms, salves, bath salts and teas. I look forward to learning lots here! Hugs, Sharibeth --------------------------------- Relax. virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 9, 2006 Report Share Posted March 9, 2006 Hi , sorry I took so long to respond to your post...I broke a finger and it is very hard to type, soon as I heal up a bit I will post more. -- Hugs, Sharibeth Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Einstein Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2006 Report Share Posted March 26, 2006 Welcome to the group Anita Some people have results early on. Some don't. Some people have dramatic transformations - most don't. Sometimes a noticeable change happens within the first 12 weeks. Sometimes it happens within the first 16 weeks. Please read the document in this group's files section, called: BFL Lady Success. Read it over and over - it will be more reassuring than the posts of women who are having rapid dramatic results. It is filled with posts made to the main BFL website, of women who didn't have noticeable changes until very late in the game. I started at about 185 at lost a maximum of 3# in the first 8 or 9 weeks. Then I whooshed down, and lost a total of about 11-13 in the first 12 weeks. I felt many changes during the first 4 weeks of my next 12-week period. Check out many of the wonderful posts that (this group's moderator) has at her website - Read more about fitness & nutrition at It's very possible that something at one of those sites will hit home with you, and you'll be able to adjust what you've been doing. If you aren't logging your food into a website such as, you might want to consider doing so for a day or two - just as a double check on your calories (I mostly do fist/palm, but do a double-check every now and then to see if I've strayed). And I agree with Tara - 1300 seems very low for you. n At 03:07 PM 3/25/2006, you wrote: >Hi my name is Anita and I am on my first BFL challenge Week 6. I am >having a real hard time right now because I have only lost 4 pounds >thus far. I am 226 which is terribly obese and I am 38 years old. >I have been reading all the success stories and posts of women who >have had major fat loss by the 6th week and I am extremely depressed >right now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2006 Report Share Posted March 26, 2006 Anita, I'm so sorry you're having a tough time with BFL! Hopefully you'll start to see some results soon. When I feel down or discouraged (I'm also in week six and although I lost a few pounds at first the scale hasn't budged in 3 weeks) I check out hussman's website. One thing he says that really gets to me is that we can't control the results or outcome so we should focus on what we can control. I can control what I eat, I can control my workouts, and for the most part I can control my attitude! I think he calls it something like consistent positive action...that's not it exactly but I " m sure someone else will chime in! HE also explains why weight loss sometimes comes in fits and starts and is different for everyone. (I think) Keep your chin up... and good for you for honoring your self promises! heather --------------------------------- Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2006 Report Share Posted March 26, 2006 Hi Anita! Trust me when I say I know exactly how you feel because my body is reacting the same way yours has. I have been spot on with my eating, my workouts everything and my weight just wouldn't shift. End of week 6 I finally lost my first full kilogram (2.2lbs) and I was told my progress was just going to be delayed somewhat. Everyone see's their big results at different times and I am sure mine is going to be towards the end of my 12 weeks in the challenge or maybe even in the next 12 weeks after that. But no matter what, if I stick to BFL which we all know works I will get my results and so will you! Jadey 0:-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2006 Report Share Posted March 26, 2006 i love your attitude i feel the same way -- i know my metabolism is slow now but if i keep at it, it will rev up >>>>. End of week 6 I finally lost my first full kilogram (2.2lbs) and I was told my progress was just going to be delayed somewhat. Everyone see's their big results at different times and I am sure mine is going to be towards the end of my 12 weeks in the challenge or maybe even in the next 12 weeks after that. But no matter what, if I stick to BFL which we all know works I will get my results and so will you! >>> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2006 Report Share Posted March 26, 2006 Anita, Please do post your stats and your food example, you never know what someone else will see that you've missed. Other than the depression because of the stupid scale, how do you feel? How do you feel after you do your work out? I can tell you how I feel...empowered, exhillerated, de-stressed...for those things a lone the work outs are more than worth it. I also know that eating the BFL way I feel healthier, more in controle of my life. Try to examine these feelings and recognize those things are transformations as well. Every step is a success story. It is not all that uncommon to not have lost much weight at the 6 week mark. I believe hussman addresses this, and I've read it in other resources as well, weight loss is cyclic. You'll go for a long time not having much change, the woosh, change happens. A lot of emphasis is put on the 'transformation' of BFL, but I think the health aspects of BFL are the realy important ones. This eating plan, this work out plan, this encouragement of self-discovery, is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. Celibrate that you have decided to make these changes in your life and let the changes in you body come as they will. Barbara > > Hi my name is Anita and I am on my first BFL challenge Week 6. I am > having a real hard time right now because I have only lost 4 pounds > thus far. I am 226 which is terribly obese and I am 38 years old. > I have been reading all the success stories and posts of women who > have had major fat loss by the 6th week and I am extremely depressed > right now. > > I have been eating clean, getting all my workouts in and hitting > 10s. Except for today, my free days have been fairly controlled. > No outrageous cravings and no binges. > > What is going? Originally I was getting in around 1500 cals, but > when I didnt see any results, some BFL people told me to drop the > cals to around 1300 because 1500 seemed too high. Well still > nothing. Scale has not budged. Took 6 weeks pics (disgusting by the > way) and no changes I can see. > > Not to be a drag on this group, but I could use any help you can > provide. I will finish the 12 weeks because I will not break my > self promises. Today I just cried and cried because if I read > another wow is week 6 and I am down 15 pounds line I think I will be > pushed over the edge. > > Hanging on by a thin piece of thread. > > Anita > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 27, 2006 Report Share Posted March 27, 2006 Hi Anita, your post sounds like my week 6 post! (and week 7, 8...). I freak out every week because I expect some crazy dramatic transformation. I eat super clean and workout as prescribed by BFL. Hang in there. I added some walking to my days and that seemed to spur the fatloss a bit. 40 mins every afternoon (about 3-3.5 on the treadmill), definately nothing HIIT, just relaxed, warmed activity. A walk around the block or something. I also stopped the shakes. I eat food 6x/day. Food fuels your metabolism. It was harder at first, but now it's great - I love food and look forward to each and every meal! But really, you're changing from within. Things will be different in a few weeks. Feel your body, mine got squishier right at the point where my weight started to go down. Now it's getting tighter in certain spots! Last night I read in the Eating for Life book that 10 women, 36 yrs old, with 2 kids all had a wide variety of results. Some lost 30 lbs of fat, gained 6.5 lbs muscle and some lost very little and gained very little muscle. But, they all had results! Hang in there, read Hussman's site about how your intramucular fat has to be burned first, then your subq fat will start to come off in sheets. Makes perfect sense to me, I think I had a lot of intramuscular fat to clear up! And, as you do that your measurements will change but maybe not your weight. WAAAA, if only that scale would cooperate! But it won't, I'm one to tell ya. Hang in there, look toward results later. Do something everyday toward getting leaner and you WILL get leaner. Jami (Start of Week 10, only lost under 5 lbs on the scale but have lost 12 lbs of fat, and gained 8 lbs of muscle!!!) My clothes do not fit any looser by the way, but my body is much healthier and I look forward to later results!!!! > > Hi my name is Anita and I am on my first BFL challenge Week 6. I am > having a real hard time right now because I have only lost 4 pounds > thus far. I am 226 which is terribly obese and I am 38 years old. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2006 Report Share Posted July 21, 2006 Welcome, Sandy! > > I am also looking for quick easy recipes that I can pack a lunch and > not have it be boring. I take my lunch daily to work, beginning when I was a vegetarian 10 years ago, and now it's a little easier to find things to pack. Still, there are a lot of things I end up packing simply because it's simpler rather than make something new (for example, the old standby container of yogurt, fruit, or leftovers from the night before). If you can learn to make broth from a whole chicken, you have a base for just about any kind of soup. Get a stainless steel thermos container (avoid plastic if possible), heat the soup (on the stove, not the microwave!) and take it to work. Add veggies or meat or whatever and you can vary the basic broth so it doesn't get boring. I rely on whole fruits, sauerkraut, and bits of this and that to round out my lunch. Sometimes my officemates comment on the strong smells (like sauerkraut) but I don't care. I see what they nuke in the microwave, and just sigh. ~Joe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2006 Report Share Posted July 21, 2006 Dear Joe, I noticed that you said not to nuke food in the micro wave. Why not? Do you have some good vegie recipes that you would be willing to share? I love cook books. I am my mothers daughter! LOL I do know how to make home made soup, although I do not make it enough. I am never filled up when I am done. I dont know why either. I will have to get a thermos for the soup. I dont have one of those. I just filter my water and take it with me. And of all things I nuke stuff ;-( Well I am here to learn and to share what ever I might have with others. Thank you for such a nice welcome. Sandy > > > > I am also looking for quick easy recipes that I can pack a lunch and > > not have it be boring. > > > I take my lunch daily to work, beginning when I was a vegetarian 10 > years ago, and now it's a little easier to find things to pack. > Still, there are a lot of things I end up packing simply because it's > simpler rather than make something new (for example, the old standby > container of yogurt, fruit, or leftovers from the night before). > > If you can learn to make broth from a whole chicken, you have a base > for just about any kind of soup. Get a stainless steel thermos > container (avoid plastic if possible), heat the soup (on the stove, > not the microwave!) and take it to work. Add veggies or meat or > whatever and you can vary the basic broth so it doesn't get boring. > > I rely on whole fruits, sauerkraut, and bits of this and that to round > out my lunch. Sometimes my officemates comment on the strong smells > (like sauerkraut) but I don't care. I see what they nuke in the > microwave, and just sigh. > ~Joe > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2006 Report Share Posted July 22, 2006 " I noticed that you said not to nuke food in the micro wave. Why not? " Sandy, If you go to the group website and do a search for Microwave Dangers or simply Microwaves you will find a whole host of information. We had an extensive discussion about it earlier this spring. There is also one with the subject of Dr. Mercola on Microwaves. I think you will find them to be very informative. Krista Krista Boos 952-707-1263 babymonkeytoes@... Creative Memories Consultant Memory Keeping at Its Best! Organized Life Organization Consulting Creating Order from Chaos! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 Trish you are my soul sister I just know it. LOL I dont have time to go into detail. Just found out today my hubbies uncle passed. So I am going to touch base and email you again later. BUT welcome. Keep the faith. Do me a favor start a journal. Get a journal. A .10 notebook at walmart. They are 10 for a $1 right now. Take an inventory. What this is evaluate everything in your life. A laundry list. Your WEight, portions, water, exercise, finances, sleep, support, emotions, measurments, or anything that is important to you. The purpose is in a set time say 2 weeks to do it again and see improvement. I have a hubby that I know Loves me, LOVES his kids, BUT doesnt accept my weight and is afraid his kids are getting overweight. JUST remember your not alone. NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 Hi Trish....I have to tell you as I sat and read your post, My heart just broke for you. Please don't take what I am about to say the wrong way. I only mean this in a good way and it is my personal opinion. Don't do this because you think your husband will leave you if you don't. If he has even a thought of leaving you because you are overweight then open the door and help him pack his bags and close the door and lock it when he leaves.I know you love him but that love has to be returned unconditonally. In the vows it says for better or worse. You have to do this for you. even for your son but not because you are afraid your husband will leave.Now with me having said that I do think you can do this. But only if you want to. If you want to lose this weight then join us all here. The support is great. The main things I can suggest to you is eat less, move more. There are people losing weight here in many different ways. Some uses food mover, others weight watchers and many more. It sounds like you already have started trying to cut calories by using turkey and rinsing:) I think Portion control plays a big part in losing weight. Also try and get started moving more. if you don't already exercise daily try adding 5 minutes of walking into your day and gradually add more time untill you are doing at least 30 minutes daily of some kind of exercise.You can do this Trish. Please post often and keep us up to date on how things are going for you. > Good morning everyone!!! My name is Trisha I live in MO with my > husband Tim of almost 11 years and our three sons. Marcus is 10, > is 8 and Lucas or Boo as we call him is 4. I've always > struggled with my weight. I remember my mom putting me on diets as > early as 8 or 9. I don't think she knew what to do with me. I'm > adopted so she was a little bit out of her league. She just did't > know what to do with an overweight child. My sister was always a > skinny minnie. Jeny is two years younger than I am and was a > biological child for them. So what to do with this overwieght kid. > Well lets try everything other than cooking differently. hehe ya > gotta love moms!!!! She still cooks unhealthy and my dad pays for > that daily. She cooks everything in 3 inches of grease. I started > out that way when Tim and I got married because I didn't know any > better. I have since found that cooking with all the grease and > butter and such is just bad for us. I've even been using ground > turkey in alot of our dishes to cut fat and don't forget to rinse. > ehhe That sends my mom over the edge. She hates when I do that. I > recently got a deal-a-meal set at a local second time around store > and I know it's an older set with all the cards and vhs tape ,but at > this point I was willing to try anything. > It all started about a year ago when my husband was giving our > oldest son a very mean lecture on his weight and as I sat listening > to him yell at our son I grew more mad than I had been for a long > long time. It felt like I was the one sitting through it. My son was > in tears and I was very angry. I stood up and told my son to leave > the room. My husband wasn't happy that I was once again cutting him > off. What's new though! I yanked him up and drug him to our room > were we continued a yelling match at each other. I was so hurt. I > couldn't believe he was treating our son like this. So as a last > ditch effort to shut him up I asked him to guess my weight. He was > shocked at first. Then finally said fine. I guess 230. I laughed at > him and told him he didn't know anything. That he was so far off it > wasn't even funny. He sat staring at me in this well then big mouth > let's talk about that look. I was ready to slap him. I told him I'm > 334 pounds you were way off you don't even know me. He was shocked > and dare I say disgusted. I had never seen that look on his face > before. I wasn't sure if he was going to get up and leave or just > pass out. It took him a minute to answer me and when he did I had > wished he hadn't. He was like that is just wrong. What is wrong with > you and how could you let it get like this. You need to have your > butt on that exercise bike every morning when you are on the > computer for hours. I was hurt and couldn't believe he was talking > to me like this. He is supposed to love me the way I am...right??? > I'm like well now you know so let's get to the grad. party we are > supposed to be at. That was not much fun. He watched everything I > put in my mouth that day and Marcus (our son) wouldn't even eat > anything. I was so hurt. Now what to do!! I didn't know if he was > just going to leave us or act like nothing ever happened. I was on a > mission to gain like a crazy women I guess because I just ate and > ate. I realized a week or so later that I needed to something or he > just might leave. So I started the weihgt watchers Thing. My cousin > had given all the books and stuff to count my pts. and the little > mover thing. I was set adn kinda pumped I thought I will show him. I > lost enough to get myslef to 306 and was proud of me and he's like I > can tell you've lost weight that's good. I'm like that's it. that's > it that's all I get from you. So that leads me to my now weight of > 313.8 this morning when I weighed. Could it be that I get no > response out of him that I just have given up????? I seem to be > doing this for him and I shouldn't should I???? I don't knowwhere to > go from this point. I just seem lost and confused. I started the > deal-a-meal a few weeks ago and felt like I had a first good week. > It did't last. Am I jsut scared to go down the path since i have > never been there?? could it be that I'm scared to be thin?? I just > don't know what to do with myself anymore. I need some help. Any > thoughts would be great. Trish > > > > > > > > > 100-Plus Files page 100-plus/files > 100-Plus Links page 100-plus/links > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 --- Trish, You are a woman after my own heart. I have in the past let my husband sabatoge my efforts many times. This time is different...this is about me. I don't know how to tell you to find that place within yourself that is sick and tired of being sick and tired. For me my doctor gave me an ultimatum...lose it within a year (I was currently at 316), or gastric bypass. Most people would say...change Dr.'s but they haven't met her. She's not even a Dr., she's a CFNP. And she is the best. She listens, she is laid back...real laid back. I won't see anyone but her. I challenged her...what if I don't lose can't make me have bypass. Her response...I'll fire you. Those words hit me right between the eyes. If you don't know, and a lot of people don't, a Dr. can " fire " you as a patient if you refuse to follow their advice. It's rare because a lot of Dr.'s just want their check at the end of the visit. They are not that personally involved as to whether you follow the advice. It did it for me. It was the one thing that made me take a look at myself. I mean a really hard look at why I am doing this to myself. I took inventory of my life. I looked at everything in my life. I literally made a stay and go list. If something made it on the stay stays. The go list ..goes. By the way, hubby made the stay list. After all, he didn't make me fat. I made me fat. I don't know how to tell you to find that one thing that makes you say " That is it! " I'm not treating myself this way. I looked for it for years. When you find it. You'll know it. If you need to talk I'm here. Patty In 100-plus , " Trisha on " <trisha6720@...> wrote: > > Good morning everyone!!! My name is Trisha I live in MO with my > husband Tim of almost 11 years and our three sons. Marcus is 10, > is 8 and Lucas or Boo as we call him is 4. I've always > struggled with my weight. I remember my mom putting me on diets as > early as 8 or 9. I don't think she knew what to do with me. I'm > adopted so she was a little bit out of her league. She just did't > know what to do with an overweight child. My sister was always a > skinny minnie. Jeny is two years younger than I am and was a > biological child for them. So what to do with this overwieght kid. > Well lets try everything other than cooking differently. hehe ya > gotta love moms!!!! She still cooks unhealthy and my dad pays for > that daily. She cooks everything in 3 inches of grease. I started > out that way when Tim and I got married because I didn't know any > better. I have since found that cooking with all the grease and > butter and such is just bad for us. I've even been using ground > turkey in alot of our dishes to cut fat and don't forget to rinse. > ehhe That sends my mom over the edge. She hates when I do that. I > recently got a deal-a-meal set at a local second time around store > and I know it's an older set with all the cards and vhs tape ,but at > this point I was willing to try anything. > It all started about a year ago when my husband was giving our > oldest son a very mean lecture on his weight and as I sat listening > to him yell at our son I grew more mad than I had been for a long > long time. It felt like I was the one sitting through it. My son was > in tears and I was very angry. I stood up and told my son to leave > the room. My husband wasn't happy that I was once again cutting him > off. What's new though! I yanked him up and drug him to our room > were we continued a yelling match at each other. I was so hurt. I > couldn't believe he was treating our son like this. So as a last > ditch effort to shut him up I asked him to guess my weight. He was > shocked at first. Then finally said fine. I guess 230. I laughed at > him and told him he didn't know anything. That he was so far off it > wasn't even funny. He sat staring at me in this well then big mouth > let's talk about that look. I was ready to slap him. I told him I'm > 334 pounds you were way off you don't even know me. He was shocked > and dare I say disgusted. I had never seen that look on his face > before. I wasn't sure if he was going to get up and leave or just > pass out. It took him a minute to answer me and when he did I had > wished he hadn't. He was like that is just wrong. What is wrong with > you and how could you let it get like this. You need to have your > butt on that exercise bike every morning when you are on the > computer for hours. I was hurt and couldn't believe he was talking > to me like this. He is supposed to love me the way I am...right??? > I'm like well now you know so let's get to the grad. party we are > supposed to be at. That was not much fun. He watched everything I > put in my mouth that day and Marcus (our son) wouldn't even eat > anything. I was so hurt. Now what to do!! I didn't know if he was > just going to leave us or act like nothing ever happened. I was on a > mission to gain like a crazy women I guess because I just ate and > ate. I realized a week or so later that I needed to something or he > just might leave. So I started the weihgt watchers Thing. My cousin > had given all the books and stuff to count my pts. and the little > mover thing. I was set adn kinda pumped I thought I will show him. I > lost enough to get myslef to 306 and was proud of me and he's like I > can tell you've lost weight that's good. I'm like that's it. that's > it that's all I get from you. So that leads me to my now weight of > 313.8 this morning when I weighed. Could it be that I get no > response out of him that I just have given up????? I seem to be > doing this for him and I shouldn't should I???? I don't knowwhere to > go from this point. I just seem lost and confused. I started the > deal-a-meal a few weeks ago and felt like I had a first good week. > It did't last. Am I jsut scared to go down the path since i have > never been there?? could it be that I'm scared to be thin?? I just > don't know what to do with myself anymore. I need some help. Any > thoughts would be great. Trish > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 HI Trish my name is Jana 4 years ago I lost weight but I did it for my husband instead of myself. Can you guess what happened that is right I gained it back plus 20lbs. I got to my all time high of 325 last year in May. I looked at myself in the mirror and had a talk with myself about self worth. I thought long and hard I had hit rock bottom and was ready to lose the weight this time for myself and no one else. You have to want to lose the weight for yourself or you will discouraged and gain it back maybe even like I did and add more.I am doing foodmover now and love it. I am down to 240 as of last Sat, so s plan works for me. If I was you I would talk to your husband and tell him he cant treat you like that and you wont put up with it. Tell him if he really loved you he would support you and not make comments like that because they stick with you forever. Good Luck, Jana Newbie here Good morning everyone!!! My name is Trisha I live in MO with my husband Tim of almost 11 years and our three sons. Marcus is 10, is 8 and Lucas or Boo as we call him is 4. I've always struggled with my weight. I remember my mom putting me on diets as early as 8 or 9. I don't think she knew what to do with me. I'm adopted so she was a little bit out of her league. She just did't know what to do with an overweight child. My sister was always a skinny minnie. Jeny is two years younger than I am and was a biological child for them. So what to do with this overwieght kid. Well lets try everything other than cooking differently. hehe ya gotta love moms!!!! She still cooks unhealthy and my dad pays for that daily. She cooks everything in 3 inches of grease. I started out that way when Tim and I got married because I didn't know any better. I have since found that cooking with all the grease and butter and such is just bad for us. I've even been using ground turkey in alot of our dishes to cut fat and don't forget to rinse. ehhe That sends my mom over the edge. She hates when I do that. I recently got a deal-a-meal set at a local second time around store and I know it's an older set with all the cards and vhs tape ,but at this point I was willing to try anything. It all started about a year ago when my husband was giving our oldest son a very mean lecture on his weight and as I sat listening to him yell at our son I grew more mad than I had been for a long long time. It felt like I was the one sitting through it. My son was in tears and I was very angry. I stood up and told my son to leave the room. My husband wasn't happy that I was once again cutting him off. What's new though! I yanked him up and drug him to our room were we continued a yelling match at each other. I was so hurt. I couldn't believe he was treating our son like this. So as a last ditch effort to shut him up I asked him to guess my weight. He was shocked at first. Then finally said fine. I guess 230. I laughed at him and told him he didn't know anything. That he was so far off it wasn't even funny. He sat staring at me in this well then big mouth let's talk about that look. I was ready to slap him. I told him I'm 334 pounds you were way off you don't even know me. He was shocked and dare I say disgusted. I had never seen that look on his face before. I wasn't sure if he was going to get up and leave or just pass out. It took him a minute to answer me and when he did I had wished he hadn't. He was like that is just wrong. What is wrong with you and how could you let it get like this. You need to have your butt on that exercise bike every morning when you are on the computer for hours. I was hurt and couldn't believe he was talking to me like this. He is supposed to love me the way I am...right??? I'm like well now you know so let's get to the grad. party we are supposed to be at. That was not much fun. He watched everything I put in my mouth that day and Marcus (our son) wouldn't even eat anything. I was so hurt. Now what to do!! I didn't know if he was just going to leave us or act like nothing ever happened. I was on a mission to gain like a crazy women I guess because I just ate and ate. I realized a week or so later that I needed to something or he just might leave. So I started the weihgt watchers Thing. My cousin had given all the books and stuff to count my pts. and the little mover thing. I was set adn kinda pumped I thought I will show him. I lost enough to get myslef to 306 and was proud of me and he's like I can tell you've lost weight that's good. I'm like that's it. that's it that's all I get from you. So that leads me to my now weight of 313.8 this morning when I weighed. Could it be that I get no response out of him that I just have given up????? I seem to be doing this for him and I shouldn't should I???? I don't knowwhere to go from this point. I just seem lost and confused. I started the deal-a-meal a few weeks ago and felt like I had a first good week. It did't last. Am I jsut scared to go down the path since i have never been there?? could it be that I'm scared to be thin?? I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I need some help. Any thoughts would be great. Trish Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 Funny all this is coming up. I just read this article yesterday on i sent this to a good friend of mine that is the largest person in her family, at about 210 pounds. i have seen her family do this to her and she is at the point that she avoids seeing them because of the comments. anyway. it is a good read. -heidi On 8/9/06, tazmancd <tazmancd@...> wrote: HI Trish my name is Jana 4 years ago I lost weight but I did it for my husband instead of myself. Can you guess what happened that is right I gained it back plus 20lbs. I got to my all time high of 325 last year in May. I looked at myself in the mirror and had a talk with myself about self worth. I thought long and hard I had hit rock bottom and was ready to lose the weight this time for myself and no one else. You have to want to lose the weight for yourself or you will discouraged and gain it back maybe even like I did and add more.I am doing foodmover now and love it. I am down to 240 as of last Sat, so s plan works for me. If I was you I would talk to your husband and tell him he cant treat you like that and you wont put up with it. Tell him if he really loved you he would support you and not make comments like that because they stick with you forever. Good Luck, Jana Newbie here Good morning everyone!!! My name is Trisha I live in MO with my husband Tim of almost 11 years and our three sons. Marcus is 10, is 8 and Lucas or Boo as we call him is 4. I've always struggled with my weight. I remember my mom putting me on diets as early as 8 or 9. I don't think she knew what to do with me. I'm adopted so she was a little bit out of her league. She just did't know what to do with an overweight child. My sister was always a skinny minnie. Jeny is two years younger than I am and was a biological child for them. So what to do with this overwieght kid. Well lets try everything other than cooking differently. hehe ya gotta love moms!!!! She still cooks unhealthy and my dad pays for that daily. She cooks everything in 3 inches of grease. I started out that way when Tim and I got married because I didn't know any better. I have since found that cooking with all the grease and butter and such is just bad for us. I've even been using ground turkey in alot of our dishes to cut fat and don't forget to rinse. ehhe That sends my mom over the edge. She hates when I do that. I recently got a deal-a-meal set at a local second time around store and I know it's an older set with all the cards and vhs tape ,but at this point I was willing to try anything. It all started about a year ago when my husband was giving our oldest son a very mean lecture on his weight and as I sat listening to him yell at our son I grew more mad than I had been for a long long time. It felt like I was the one sitting through it. My son was in tears and I was very angry. I stood up and told my son to leave the room. My husband wasn't happy that I was once again cutting him off. What's new though! I yanked him up and drug him to our room were we continued a yelling match at each other. I was so hurt. I couldn't believe he was treating our son like this. So as a last ditch effort to shut him up I asked him to guess my weight. He was shocked at first. Then finally said fine. I guess 230. I laughed at him and told him he didn't know anything. That he was so far off it wasn't even funny. He sat staring at me in this well then big mouth let's talk about that look. I was ready to slap him. I told him I'm 334 pounds you were way off you don't even know me. He was shocked and dare I say disgusted. I had never seen that look on his face before. I wasn't sure if he was going to get up and leave or just pass out. It took him a minute to answer me and when he did I had wished he hadn't. He was like that is just wrong. What is wrong with you and how could you let it get like this. You need to have your butt on that exercise bike every morning when you are on the computer for hours. I was hurt and couldn't believe he was talking to me like this. He is supposed to love me the way I am...right??? I'm like well now you know so let's get to the grad. party we are supposed to be at. That was not much fun. He watched everything I put in my mouth that day and Marcus (our son) wouldn't even eat anything. I was so hurt. Now what to do!! I didn't know if he was just going to leave us or act like nothing ever happened. I was on a mission to gain like a crazy women I guess because I just ate and ate. I realized a week or so later that I needed to something or he just might leave. So I started the weihgt watchers Thing. My cousin had given all the books and stuff to count my pts. and the little mover thing. I was set adn kinda pumped I thought I will show him. I lost enough to get myslef to 306 and was proud of me and he's like I can tell you've lost weight that's good. I'm like that's it. that's it that's all I get from you. So that leads me to my now weight of 313.8 this morning when I weighed. Could it be that I get no response out of him that I just have given up????? I seem to be doing this for him and I shouldn't should I???? I don't knowwhere to go from this point. I just seem lost and confused. I started the deal-a-meal a few weeks ago and felt like I had a first good week. It did't last. Am I jsut scared to go down the path since i have never been there?? could it be that I'm scared to be thin?? I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I need some help. Any thoughts would be great. Trish Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 9, 2006 Report Share Posted August 9, 2006 Hi everyone, I'm new here as well. I joined the other day and decided to finally post an intro. My name is , 29. I live in Oklahoma with my son, who is soon to be 11 and boyfriend. I joined this group because I'm finally ready to face facts about my health and do something about it. I currently weigh in at 240. I am a diabetic as well. I have been around this weight for about 7 years now...I blew up when I was pregnant, and just never seemed to go down since then. I have just kinda floated around the diet subject every now and again....and have mentioned losing weight, but actually really trying to do anything long term about it, I didnt stick with it. Last week I went to my Dr. to get my diabetic checkup. He added another medication to my list. I dont want to be adding medications all the time. I want to just get it off and over with and so I decided I am going to try to cut carbs out of my life. Now let me tell u how addicted I am to those things!!! I am a carb/sweet addict. I crave chocolate. Yesterday was my first day trying it, and not eating chocolate gave me a headache, made me crabby as anything, and very lethargic. I succeeded and didnt touch it all day tho. Till night time. I'm also a proclaimed sleepwalker/eater. I ended up eating a brownie that was in the freezer. Today I gave the rest away. I read thru the posts so far that have come thru my mail, and I can relate sooo much to you guys. My husband...who currently lives in Washington....tried for 7 years, ever since we met, to get me to lost weight. I think that why I failed. Everytime he tried, I pushed away further, to try to defy him. I guess thats what I like to do, is defy everybody, to prove them wrong, even if they are right. Well, I heard countless times from him...I love you, but I'm not IN LOVE with you. His ideal woman is a skinny mini girl with small boobs. That is sooo not me. I have the red wavy hair...thats it. Needless to say, I think thats why we didnt work. Now I'm with my current boyfriend, and he frustrates me too, because when I mention losing weight, all he tells me is....well, you dont have look fine. It makes me want to scream....NO IM NOT!! I'm not ok. So yesterday I tried talking to him, and he just doesnt understand. I give up trying to talk to him about this subject. I love the thought tho, that I can come on here....since I sit here all talk to people that are in my boat, and we can work thru this stuff together. Thank you for listening everyone. - Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2006 Report Share Posted August 11, 2006 Hi Trish. Welcome. Sorry I didn't respond to this right away - I have been dealing with so much stuff between home and work... so tonight's catch up on email night LOL!! I know the other gals have been responding in varying positive ways. Just remember this isn't about your husband now, this is about Trish time. Make sure you are doing it for you (eh, and your kids) and your long-term health. No man is worth it. I am not advocating a break-up in anyway, but you do not deserve to be treated like or talked to like that no matter if you got down to 100 lbs or if you get up to 500 lbs. I'm a single mom, and have a great b/f. In ways, I think he is threatened by this because he could stand to lose a great amount of weight too - but he still speaks and acts happy for me. "I motivate him" LOL!! And, when I get frustrated over things as small as being able to afford new clothes, he tells me to lose the weight, he'll buy the new clothes. I am gonna hold it to him!! :-D You can do this. Hey, the first step is starting. Realizing you need to/want to make a change. Other than that one episode you told us about your husband watching everything you eat, does he now support your efforts? Helping by not bringing in sabotaging foods, etc? No more mean nasty comments? Don't worry about what people are thinking or doing. Especially if it comes to weight loss. There are so many plans and advice out there. You will lose weight at a different rate than me or any one else on this group. Don't get frustrated if you are maintaining and someone else is losing, ya know? If 's card-system plan works for you, great. If it's WW great. Best thing is to make this what you can live with forever. It can't be a get thin quick scheme or the pounds could/will come back on. I've "only" lost 27 lbs in a little over a year, but it's 27 lbs less than last year LOL!! And, I am walking and going to Curves, so I am more energetic and active too. I don't know if the gals have suggested it, but if not, be sure you are journaling. Not only what you eat/drink/exercise, but when and why. Who are you with, where are you. What's going on? This way you can look back and see your triggers, as well as what helps you out. Pre-planning helps so you don't get stuck in a rut with no plan and rushing to fix meals and end up off plan, at a drive thru. Be sure to eat in the present too, this helps me out a lot. That means not at the t.v., computer, in the car, etc. If I am hungry enough to eat, I am hungry enough to have it sitting down at a table on dishes instead of out of boxes and wrappers. Even if I am having McD's or something I try to do this. Am I perfect? No way in H***!! Just practing one meal at a time. About your son: you didn't mention if he is "overweight" or active enough. If there are concerns, definately talk to his doctor about it. Don't get too hung up and lecturing, or it will certainly lead to eating issues of his own. Remember - and remind your husband - that our tummies are the size of our fist. So if your son is active, he is burning it off pretty fast and will need a lot of calories. I can't remember the amounts of calories they recommend at that age - I was concerned at one time and looked at the recommendations. Look also at what the kids are eating, not just how much. If it is good healthy things, protein, fruit, yougurt, etc this is better than chips, soda, pop tarts, etc... Are you or any of the family in counseling if these things are on-going issues? I know it's NMB (nonna my business)... I am just rambling and giving you things to think about, so only respond to what you want to, ok? Trust me, I have been through *most* of these issues too... hugs, girlfriend, we are here for you!! Good motto: Two steps forward and one step back, but moving in the right direction. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 11, 2006 Report Share Posted August 11, 2006 In a message dated 8/9/2006 6:49:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, logansauntpatty@... writes: If you don't know, and a lot of people don't, a Dr. can "fire" you as a patient if you refuse to follow their advice. It's rare because a lot of Dr.'s just want their check at the end of the visit. They are not that personally involved as to whether you follow the advice. It did it for me. I've heard this, Patty, and my mom used to be a nurse. The reason they can/will do this is for their malpractice insurance reasons because if you aren't going to listen to them and then sue for malpractice... or something like that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2006 Report Share Posted August 12, 2006 Hi , Welcome to the group. Your story is simililar to mine. I am currently right at 240 also. And like you I blew up while pregnant with my kids. The weight never left and kept coming. Untill that point I was the skinnest kid in school I think:) And girl....I used to sleepwalk when I was a kid and terrify everyone. Havent done that in years though. This is a great group for support. The group has seemed really quiet the last few days but usually there is always someone here to chat. Good luck in losing weight and remember we are here for ya if you need to vent. Keep us posted on how things are going:) Hi everyone, I'm new here as well. I joined the other day and decided to finally post an intro. My name is , 29. I live in Oklahoma with my son, who is soon to be 11 and boyfriend. I joined this group because I'm finally ready to face facts about my health and do something about it. I currently weigh in at 240. I am a diabetic as well. I have been around this weight for about 7 years now...I blew up when I was pregnant, and just never seemed to go down since then. I have just kinda floated around the diet subject every now and again....and have mentioned losing weight, but actually really trying to do anything long term about it, I didnt stick with it. Last week I went to my Dr. to get my diabetic checkup. He added another medication to my list. I dont want to be adding medications all the time. I want to just get it off and over with and so I decided I am going to try to cut carbs out of my life. Now let me tell u how addicted I am to those things!!! I am a carb/sweet addict. I crave chocolate. Yesterday was my first day trying it, and not eating chocolate gave me a headache, made me crabby as anything, and very lethargic. I succeeded and didnt touch it all day tho. Till night time. I'm also a proclaimed sleepwalker/eater. I ended up eating a brownie that was in the freezer. Today I gave the rest away. I read thru the posts so far that have come thru my mail, and I can relate sooo much to you guys. My husband...who currently lives in Washington....tried for 7 years, ever since we met, to get me to lost weight. I think that why I failed. Everytime he tried, I pushed away further, to try to defy him. I guess thats what I like to do, is defy everybody, to prove them wrong, even if they are right. Well, I heard countless times from him...I love you, but I'm not IN LOVE with you. His ideal woman is a skinny mini girl with small boobs. That is sooo not me. I have the red wavy hair...thats it. Needless to say, I think thats why we didnt work. Now I'm with my current boyfriend, and he frustrates me too, because when I mention losing weight, all he tells me is....well, you dont have look fine. It makes me want to scream....NO IM NOT!! I'm not ok. So yesterday I tried talking to him, and he just doesnt understand. I give up trying to talk to him about this subject. I love the thought tho, that I can come on here....since I sit here all talk to people that are in my boat, and we can work thru this stuff together. Thank you for listening everyone. - Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2006 Report Share Posted August 12, 2006 In a message dated 8/11/2006 8:46:40 AM Pacific Standard Time, lisky95@... writes: I'm new here as well. I joined the other day and decided to finally post an intro. My name is , 29. I live in Oklahoma with my son, who is soon to be 11 and boyfriend. Hi , glad you are finally coming out of the e-shadows of lurkdom and posting. Welcome!! I am , 39 single mom of 3 boys (10, 12 and almost 14) - I live in Washington state and have a great b/f that lives in California. (waaaah - the distance is getting harder and harder) I joined this group because I'm finally ready to face facts about my health and do something about it. This is a good place to be and at your age, all the better!! I currently weigh in at 240. I am a diabetic as well. I have been around this weight for about 7 years now...I blew up when I was pregnant, and just never seemed to go down since then. You didn't mention how tall you are, build, etc and what your goal(s) are for weight loss.... I am (I think) 5'8" and weigh 283 right now - can't wait to see the 240 again!! My goal is 170-190... we'll see when I get there.... I have just kinda floated around the diet subject every now and again....and have mentioned losing weight, but actually really trying to do anything long term about it, I didnt stick with it. Last week I went to my Dr. to get my diabetic checkup. He added another medication to my list. I dont want to be adding medications all the time. I want to just get it off and over with and so I decided I am going to try to cut carbs out of my life. Now let me tell u how addicted I am to those things!!! I am a carb/sweet addict. I crave chocolate. Yesterday was my first day trying it, and not eating chocolate gave me a headache, made me crabby as anything, and very lethargic. I succeeded and didnt touch it all day tho. Till night time. I'm also a proclaimed sleepwalker/eater. I ended up eating a brownie that was in the freezer. Today I gave the rest away. How do you do with the rest of the diabetic eating routines? I don't know much about it, just what the gals on here talk about.... whatever you decide to do, don't make it something that is non-livable (no carbs for life is not livable IMHO) I read thru the posts so far that have come thru my mail, and I can relate sooo much to you guys. My husband...who currently lives in Washington....tried for 7 years, ever since we met, to get me to lost weight. I think that why I failed. Everytime he tried, I pushed away further, to try to defy him. I guess thats what I like to do, is defy everybody, to prove them wrong, even if they are right. Well, I heard countless times from him...I love you, but I'm not IN LOVE with you. His ideal woman is a skinny mini girl with small boobs. That is sooo not me. I have the red wavy hair...thats it. Needless to say, I think thats why we didnt work. Yeah, ya gotta have a lot in common, more than looks - it helps to be attracted, but there has to be more... (getting off soap box now) Now I'm with my current boyfriend, and he frustrates me too, because when I mention losing weight, all he tells me is....well, you dont have look fine. It makes me want to scream....NO IM NOT!! I'm not ok. It's probably just his way of saying he loves you no matter what - or else he is insecure about your changing things for the better for you.... Don't quit just cuz of that though!! So yesterday I tried talking to him, and he just doesnt understand. I give up trying to talk to him about this subject. I love the thought tho, that I can come on here....since I sit here all talk to people that are in my boat, and we can work thru this stuff together. Thank you for listening everyone. Keep talking with him, leave out books, magazine articles, other things... have him go to the doctor with you so he understands why it is important for your health to get healthier with your eating and lose weight. And, this is what we are here for, so keep firing away!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 14, 2006 Report Share Posted August 14, 2006 welcome to the group . I am Jackie and I live in NC. I have been busy the last few days and am now just getting to reading my email. I am glad you are here. Let me tell you a little about me. I went to the doctor last May and weighed in at 273 at his office. He wanted me to have gastric bypass surgery and he gave me 2 weeks to make my decision on the surgery. I talked with my husband and we both decided that was not the answer. So that afternoon I went to the grocery store and brought salad stuff, fruit and slimfast shakes and started on my diet that day. I went back to the doctor in Nov. and had lost about 20 lbs. So I continue on with trying to lose weight but it was hard over the hoildays. So I did the best I could and started fresh Jan 1. Well, I felt like my weight was at a stand still, so I joined a diet center March 3 of this year. Since then I have lost 48 lbs. All together it is 74 lbs. But the last 2 weeks has been hard on me with the doctor putting me on Prednisone for my knee. I actually would lose 2 lbs but gain it back. I weighed in on Friday at 199. I still have about 60 more lbs to lose. But over the weekend, I had things to eat that I shouldn't have, and ended up gaining 4 lbs. Boy, was that an eye opener for me. I have worked so hard to get this weight off and I surely don't want to gan it back. So I am back on track. All I can say , do it for you and only you. Take it one day at a time. I am here if you like to talk more. Off to read more email. Jackie Pooh <lisky95@...> wrote: Hi everyone, I'm new here as well. I joined the other day and decided to finally post an intro. My name is , 29. I live in Oklahoma with my son, who is soon to be 11 and boyfriend. I joined this group because I'm finally ready to face facts about my health and do something about it. I currently weigh in at 240. I am a diabetic as well. I have been around this weight for about 7 years now...I blew up when I was pregnant, and just never seemed to go down since then. I have just kinda floated around the diet subject every now and again....and have mentioned losing weight, but actually really trying to do anything long term about it, I didnt stick with it. Last week I went to my Dr. to get my diabetic checkup. He added another medication to my list. I dont want to be adding medications all the time. I want to just get it off and over with and so I decided I am going to try to cut carbs out of my life. Now let me tell u how addicted I am to those things!!! I am a carb/sweet addict. I crave chocolate. Yesterday was my first day trying it, and not eating chocolate gave me a headache, made me crabby as anything, and very lethargic. I succeeded and didnt touch it all day tho. Till night time. I'm also a proclaimed sleepwalker/eater. I ended up eating a brownie that was in the freezer. Today I gave the rest away. I read thru the posts so far that have come thru my mail, and I can relate sooo much to you guys. My husband...who currently lives in Washington....tried for 7 years, ever since we met, to get me to lost weight. I think that why I failed. Everytime he tried, I pushed away further, to try to defy him. I guess thats what I like to do, is defy everybody, to prove them wrong, even if they are right. Well, I heard countless times from him...I love you, but I'm not IN LOVE with you. His ideal woman is a skinny mini girl with small boobs. That is sooo not me. I have the red wavy hair...thats it. Needless to say, I think thats why we didnt work. Now I'm with my current boyfriend, and he frustrates me too, because when I mention losing weight, all he tells me is....well, you dont have look fine. It makes me want to scream....NO IM NOT!! I'm not ok. So yesterday I tried talking to him, and he just doesnt understand. I give up trying to talk to him about this subject. I love the thought tho, that I can come on here....since I sit here all talk to people that are in my boat, and we can work thru this stuff together. Thank you for listening everyone. - Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out. Get your email and more, right on the new .com Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 16, 2006 Report Share Posted August 16, 2006 In a message dated 8/14/2006 4:41:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, lisky95@... writes: I think I'm most comfortable, and look good arouns 150 area. Geesh, I dont think I'll ever see that number!!! Well, you could get that low again ... but it will take time. Don't expect it to go away over night, you didn't put it on over night (even though it feels that way at times) BF and I got into a huge fight...he started getting distant from me, and I guess it stemmed from my moodiness I have had the past few weeks. To make a long story shorter, things are much better again now...thank goodness. Glad to hear things worked out... He and I have talked to, and I guess he talked to some guys at work, and he understands the diet/no carb thing, and wants to try it to. Just remember to make changes that are long term, not a short term get thin quick scheme... Now my biggest fear is he will lost weight quicker than myself and I'll feel like a failure. Well, he might lose weight faster than you, because guys seem to do that (I don't know the real reasons LOL) but you are not a failure just because of that. Just keep remembering that everyone loses at different paces and keep doing a good job your pounds will come off too... I felt really super bad last night. We just put pics and stuff up on myspace, and I went into a chatroom, and some guy said I was too fat to have pics up. I wanted to delete everything, but my bf wouldnt let me. I gave into my fat self and ate pizza. He got mad at me, and said I shouldnt let some jerk make me feel bad, and screw up my work I've done. Sigh. He's right, don't let anyone bother you enough to ruin your day and derail your goals.... give yourself a little leeway, maybe 1 day a week that you get to splurge and have pizza and "the good stuff" too, though... I want to lose weight soo bad, and have wanted to for a looonnngg time, but it just seems like sometimes the battle is pointless and itll never happen. What diet tips/points do y'all have to lose weight?? One day at a time (heck, one meal at a time) little bit of body movement, smaller portions, journal things - write down what you eat, when, why, etc.... drink water... don't go crazy and obsess over the scale number. Take measurements too as best you can on your own so you can see the difference in those numbers too... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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