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> Now my biggest fear is he will lost weight quicker than myself and I'll


> like a failure.



> Well, he might lose weight faster than you, because guys seem to do that


> don't know the real reasons LOL)

Yes, men do lose weight much easier than women do, and it's because they

have more fat-burning muscle than we do. You guys can both eat the exact

same foods and exercise the exact same amounts, and *he* is going to lose

almost twice as fast and twice as much as you (Well, it'll seem that way, at


> I felt really super bad last night. We just put pics and stuff up on

> myspace, and I went into a chatroom, and some guy said I was too fat to

have pics up.

This happens even on Plus-sized sites. Trolls and vermin are everywhere, so

ignore them and do what makes you happy.

> I wanted to delete everything, but my bf wouldnt let me.

Good for him!

>I gave into my fat self and ate pizza. He got mad at me, and said I

shouldnt let some jerk make me feel bad, and screw up my work I've done.


You *will* have occasion all through your life for feeling bad - life is

*not* a bowl of cherries all the time. You just have to find new coping

mechanisms other than eating. Even punching a pillow is better than chewing

pizza crust when it comes to relieving frustrations.

Sue in NJ

who has hurt her poor arthritic toes so many times kicking the couch when

things go wrong instead of stuffing her face with cookies

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  • 3 months later...

Welcome !

I have a SCS that was implanted the past February. I had tried everything

prior to it. My first surgery (I've had 3 and going for #4) was a

discectomy. My surgeon at the time botched the surgery and has caused

permanent nerve damage in my left foot. I get about 30% relief from my SCS.

It's not much in the whole scope of things, but it was worth it. Any relief

is better than none.

Because of all the emotional issues that long term pain can cause, I believe

the psych exam is to see what your stability is. Are you suicidal, are your

goals and expectations of the SCS realistic, are you addicted to pain meds

as well as how mentally stable are you in regards to dealing with anger,

depression etc. with your family and so forth. I've never heard of anyone

failing it. Some of the questions are off the wall but it's really not a

big deal.

Best wishes!



From: Stimulator [mailto:Stimulator ] On

Behalf Of

Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:33 AM


Subject: Fw: newbie here

newbie here

Hi all!

My name is and I am in WI. I am right at the beginning of

the process (psych exam Dec.8th) of getting an SCS. I have had

LBP for approx. 26 years-- I am 35. I had back surgery (laminectomy,

discectomy L4-S1) in July of this year. It was a failure... My

surgeon has told me that he has NO idea what more HE can do for me,

So hey, try this SCS. I have other health issues (Arnold Chiari,

neuropathy, sciatica, DDD, etc), so I am kind of skeptical, but yet

hopeful, that this will help me. I have been looking into the

psych. portion of this process, but I still have questions... Has

anyone here failed that part? What exactly are they looking for?

If someone has failed, did they have to have counseling, then

became eligible for the SCS? I know I am not crazy, but I hear

PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING and get twitchy--<g>. I am sure I have more

questions, but that is enough for now.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi Fran,

Who is your ortho surgeon. He is in Boston I understand? Pls let me

know. I am trying to get some info on good ortho's here in Canada and

in the U.S. I need help. I have waited too long, a year not walking now.

Thanks, Bev

> > >

> > > From what I understand, they did find the right place to put it

> in.

> > > There was fluid in the area and they couldn't do it. I am going

> in

> > > for another injection on February 2nd.

> > >

> > > I have another quuestion. My left leg above the knee swells to

> twice

> > > it's size. This never happened until after the first steroid

> > > injection. Is this normal? Will this eventually go away. It was

> > weird

> > > and scarey at the same time. I had gone to bed and when I woke

> up,

> > my

> > > leg was huge. My knee was engulfed in the swelling. It feels like

> a

> > > squishy mass.

> >







> ---------------------------------

> Get your own web address.

> Have a HUGE year through Small Business.


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  • 7 months later...

Never let anyone tell you not to apply for help. You never know...the

charts and whatever that the help folks use are understandable only to

them. And there's more than one place to go to for help.

Check into getting your son on the DD Waiver (or Beckett Waiver,

whatever your state calls it), it can help a lot. Check into Medicaid

via SSI. I only get $5.25 a month from SSI, but I also get Medicaid

which pays for all meds and dr. visits. Sometimes they make exceptions

for our kids. Also, see if the National Autism Foundation (I think

that's the name) has a chapter in your city; they have rafts of

information you could find useful. If there's a University with a

medical school and/or a hospital where you live, look into their program

for those with few resources. A lot of the time, you can get medical

care and prescriptions for a fairly low co-pay. If you are a member of

a church, look into what they offer in the way of financial help. Our

church has a Deacon's Fund for that and it's pulled our irons out of the

fire more than once. If you're renting, talk to your landlord or apt.

owner about doing cleaning work or gardening work in your complex for a

knock-off on your rent. I do the gardening where we live, and the lower

rent really has helped.

Above all, don't give up. It's rough now, I know (believe me, I know!),

but you've only got about 10 years tops to get through before your son

is grown and moves into another place. And those years pass really

quickly. Our son (Louie, HFA/AS, prosopagnosia, hyperlexia) moved into

assisted living when he was 21, and has advanced in leaps and bounds in

the six years since then (he's gonna be 28 on Feb. 29 of next year).

You will look back on these years and pat yourself on the back for

perservering, believe me.

BTW, I'm in Albuquerque NM. :)

I hope this helps you some.

Annie, who loves ya annie@...


“They understand but a little who understand only what can be

explained.” -- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Austrian writer

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some states have programs that are not income based call your local and state heath departments and tell them you are looking for a program also search the state web sites, I know MD has one that is $2500 a year plus $800 for summer camp. its a drop but it could be for meds, theripy, etc.. you just have to document your kid is on the spectrumgood luckGretaOn Sep 20, 2007, at 2:48 PM, lamhunter wrote:Hi EveryoneI am so tired and I need help. My son was recently diagnosed with Aspergers but let me go back a few. In 1st grade they tested him at school and it was determined that he had severe learning disabilites. Then in 3rd grade the doctor diagnosed him ADHD/ODD. Then in 5th grade diagnosed with Asperger's and now Bipolar. He is now in the 6th grade and he is 11 years just in case you were wondering. I lost a good paying job (by no fault of mine)when he was in the 3rd grade. So we decided that it was best for me to stay home and be there for him. Which I really felt was the best thing to do for him. And I still believe is the best thing for him. I am working now and I was working during school hours so that I was always home when he was home. But now they have cut my hours. How are we to afford his meds and doctors? Everyone tells us that we make to much money to apply for help anywhere so not to bother. My husband has a good job but by the time they take out insurance his paychecks are horrible and he works so hard. I don't even know if I pay our rent next month. This really wasn't suppose to be a sad story but I am just so lost and not sure where to turn. I love my children so much and I only want what is best for them. We could always move to a different area where rent is cheaper but that concerns me and what it do to my son. He is doing so well this year so far in school for the first time. Past years well that is another story.Thanks for letting me vent. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi ,

I am new here too as I rarely post.

My son just got diagnosed with AS,I am not even sure it is really

what he has, but anyhow.

I wanted to tell you that if the college accepts your son,you should

send him and not worry about his social behaviour. Take one day at a

time. My son who is 16 has decided not to go to school anymore since

last year and it breaks my heart. He is brilliant but refuses to

write tests and does not want to sit in a classroom.

If your son wants to go to college and he accepts, please send him

and you will not regret it.

Go with the flow!



> New here! My name is Rene and my son Joe has Aspergers. He

graduated in June while living with his dad, and now moved in here.

He wants to play video games or go online most of the day - I'm

trying to get him hooked up with Massachusetts Rehab and see what

they have to offer. He wants to go to the state college in the next

town, but although I know he could probably do the academic end of

it, he'll have a hard time socially - just not being able to

understand what is acceptable behavior, etc...but should I let him

try it if they'll accept him? Do any of you have children with

similar issues who attend college? Right now he's tagging along while

I homeschool his little sister.


> Blessings...

> Rene Coston


> " I believe in the sun even when it is not shining, in love even

when I am alone and in God even when He is silent. "







> Need a vacation? Get great deals

> to amazing places on Travel.

> http://travel./


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Welcome Rene, I'm Toni mom to n and Noah , 19 yo..I'm having the same problems now... My one son is taking his GED at the end of this month and then we are going to look into our local college.. I worry about the social and academics with both of them. They test well, and are very intelligent but when it comes to studying and homework, we're in trouble. I think getting hooked up with the rehab folks is a great idea. Here they told us that they would help pay for school and other things but my kids won't go that route and they are adults so I can't force them to. :( I think that he could get a mentor or coach through rehab? I'm not sure, but if he is willing to go that route, I'd GO FOR IT! I totally get the video game and computer.. that's all my kids do... too bad they don't have a college specifically for aspies... Welcome again... Toni

Newbie here

New here! My name is Rene and my son Joe has Aspergers. He graduated in June while living with his dad, and now moved in here. He wants to play video games or go online most of the day - I'm trying to get him hooked up with Massachusetts Rehab and see what they have to offer. He wants to go to the state college in the next town, but although I know he could probably do the academic end of it, he'll have a hard time socially - just not being able to understand what is acceptable behavior, etc...but should I let him try it if they'll accept him? Do any of you have children with similar issues who attend college? Right now he's tagging along while I homeschool his little sister.


Rene Coston

"I believe in the sun even when it is not shining, in love even when I am alone and in God even when He is silent."

oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

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My husband tells me the same thing. He says let him go do what he wants and stop being so afraid of how others will treat him. It is a scary thing, though, you understand! I am going to help him apply, and if he is accepted I will drive him back and forth each day. Cost and fear lead me to have him live here instead of in a dorm. Of course, we live 5 minutes from the school, too! ;-) I'll let you know how it goes!


Rene Coston

"I believe in the sun even when it is not shining, in love even when I am alone and in God even when He is silent."

Re: Newbie here

Hi ,I am new here too as I rarely post.My son just got diagnosed with AS,I am not even sure it is really what he has, but anyhow.I wanted to tell you that if the college accepts your son,you should send him and not worry about his social behaviour. Take one day at a time. My son who is 16 has decided not to go to school anymore since last year and it breaks my heart. He is brilliant but refuses to write tests and does not want to sit in a classroom.If your son wants to go to college and he accepts, please send him and you will not regret it.Go with the flow!Lo>> New here! My name is Rene and my son Joe has Aspergers. He graduated in June while living with

his dad, and now moved in here. He wants to play video games or go online most of the day - I'm trying to get him hooked up with Massachusetts Rehab and see what they have to offer. He wants to go to the state college in the next town, but although I know he could probably do the academic end of it, he'll have a hard time socially - just not being able to understand what is acceptable behavior, etc...but should I let him try it if they'll accept him? Do any of you have children with similar issues who attend college? Right now he's tagging along while I homeschool his little sister.> > Blessings...> Rene Coston > > "I believe in the sun even when it is not shining, in love even when I am alone and in God even when He is silent."> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ __> Need a vacation? Get

great deals> to amazing places on Travel.> http://travel. />__________________________________________________

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  • 4 months later...


Where in Texas are you?

I am in the Dallas area and I have Kombucha and milk kefir. Sorry, no

water kefir!


On Feb 28, 2008, at 9:25 PM, De wrote:

> Hello. I am a newbie--- just reading and learning. I am interested in

> getting some kombucha starters so I can try making my own Kombucha

> tea.

> I'm in Texas. If there is anyone from this area of the US that

> would be

> willing to share with me I would be grateful. I'm willing to pay for

> shipping of course.

> I'm also looking for milk and water kefir grains if anyone has those.


> To your health.


> De




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Oh, Regine--- this is awesome. I'm just south of Dallas in Red Oak. When

would be a good time for me to come? Do you work thru the week? I can

come most days- most times as long as I know in advance. I prefer

weekdays- during the day to avoid the traffic but this is negotiable. I'm

so excited that you have both. I can't wait to get started with them.



> Where in Texas are you?

> I am in the Dallas area and I have Kombucha and milk kefir. Sorry, no

> water kefir!

> Regine


> On Feb 28, 2008, at 9:25 PM, De wrote:


>> Hello. I am a newbie--- just reading and learning. I am interested in

>> getting some kombucha starters so I can try making my own Kombucha

>> tea.

>> I'm in Texas. If there is anyone from this area of the US that

>> would be

>> willing to share with me I would be grateful. I'm willing to pay for

>> shipping of course.

>> I'm also looking for milk and water kefir grains if anyone has those.


>> To your health.


>> De








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De...I see someone has already offered a KT SCOBY and milk kefir grains.

I can help you out with water kefir for postage.

Shipping 1 cup of Water Kefir Crystals/Grains Priority is about $5.

Let me know off list.



Newbie here

> Hello. I am a newbie--- just reading and learning. I am interested in

> getting some kombucha starters so I can try making my own Kombucha tea.

> I'm in Texas. If there is anyone from this area of the US that would be

> willing to share with me I would be grateful. I'm willing to pay for

> shipping of course.

> I'm also looking for milk and water kefir grains if anyone has those.


> To your health.


> De








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  • 6 months later...

> I thought I'd start out making

> linen water...I love old vintage linens and

> buy linen water from a local store. My

> favorite is lavender.

Welcome. A linen spray will definitely be part of my line. I've

received rave reviews for one I made in which the key ingredient is

petitgrain sur fleur. It definitely makes getting into bed more

pleasurable; I hadn't thought of the ironing part but will try it.

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  • 3 months later...

---dont forget spiritual healing and reiki

and massage

Glandular imbalances

Each individual's case may be a little different. Different contributing

causes, different solutions. However, in Cayce Medicine we might say

that any illness in the body is created by one or more of these three


1. mental-emotional stress,

2. pressure upon nerves (often at the spine),

3. toxicity (localized or systemic).

Glandular problems are no exception. In the case of the thyroid, we

might ask if the body is toxic overall, or perhaps just locally. If so,

what would we do to clear this up?

Since the thyroid is located at the base of the throat, we might check

the neck and shoulders to see if they are tense. If so, perhaps the

tension is disrupting the circulation of blood, lymph, and nerve

energies to the area - creating the abnormal thyroid activity. Should

this be the case, it is best for the tension to be relieved.

Are the mind and emotions being chosen in such a way that they might

express poorly through the thyroid gland? Are the mind and emotions the

cause of tension and disrupted circulation in the neck and shoulder

area? Are other glands possibly involved?

These sorts of questions can begin to focus us on what has gone wrong

and what needs to change in order to restore a healthy balance.

Typical suggestions for addressing hypothyroid issues might include:

1. Neck and shoulder massage, castor oil pack at neck, and/or

spinal manipulation,

2. Atomidine on a 1-2-3-4-5-0-0 drop schedule (which detoxifies

the glands),

3. Meditation to change patterns of doubt to belief, worry to

faith, feeling overwhelmed to dwelling in harmony, wariness to

peace, and impatience to patience.

Atomidine can be given in a series this is to balance the glands one

drop daily in half a glass of water for five days stop for three days

then to two drops daily for five days stop for three days. Then back

to one drop daily then a rest and start the regime again.

A cleansing of the glands was the first priority, a drop of atomidine

in half a glass of water in the morning before any meal is taken for 5

days, and then 2 drops for 5 days then leave off entirely

Cayce found a lack of activity of the thyroid glands, which causes

this disturbance in the body where apparently for no cause, there are

patches on the body that are bald. These come from circulation and

from the lack of certain elements in the diet.

For the glandular forces give small quantities of Atomidine to purify

the glandular system. In the beginning take one drop in half a glass

of water before the morning meal, each day for three to five days;

leave off five days, then take again for five days. Then leave off.

At the beginning of the second rest period from the Atomidine, start

massaging the body of evenings when ready to go to bed on those areas

of scalp and where the baldness appears, using Pure Hog Lard. Massage

this thoroughly into the areas and bind up. The next morning bathe

off, and then in the evening apply again. Do this for three to four

days in succession, then leave off for a week - during which period

another series of Atomidine would be taken.

1904-1 F 52

Cayce found disturbing conditions This needs attention to stop other

problems. The disturbing forces arise from, primarily the glandular

system; caused by an unbalancing in the chemical reactions in the

system and not sufficient iodides , also pressures upon the nerve

system were found - to cause a disturbance in the locomotion of the

body at times.

The blood supply has also become unbalanced, so that there is

insufficient vitamins in the blood as assimilated through these

glandular disturbances to produce the proper capillary circulation. A

cleansing was required , to help the glandular forces .begin first

with taking small doses of Atomidine..For the first seven days, take

one minim (drop) in half a glass of water each morning before any meal

is taken. Then leave same off five days. Then begin taking TWO

minims each morning for seven days. Then leave off five days. Then

at the third series take THREE minims in half a glass of water (not

more than this) each morning for the seven days. Leave off three to

five days.


How can I regain my hair (which I have been losing since my late teens

- thought by a doctor to be due to a sickness, which I had for several

years with earache, fever and headache)?

4056-1 M 26

Cayce found a lack of activity of the glands in the thyroid area.

This causes a weakness in the activities to nails and hair over the body.

Take small doses of Atomidine to purify in the thyroid activity. Take

one drop each morning for five days in succession. Then leave off for

five days.

During that period give the scalp a thorough massage with crude oil;

using the electrically driven vibrator with the suction applicator

this was to be done very thoroughly, for at least thirty to forty

minutes for the massage with the crude oil and then the application of

white Vaseline and then the electrically driven vibrator using the

suction cup applicator.

Then begin the first of the next week with the Atomidine, one drop

each morning for five days. Then give another crude oil shampoo

following with the white Vaseline and the vibrator treatment.

Leave these off then for two weeks.

Then have another complete series, but between each two series allow

two weeks to elapse. Doing these, we will find that in six to eight

months it will begin to stimulate the activities for the growth of

hair over the scalp and on body.

Diet must carry iodine in their natural forms. Use only kelp salt or

deep-sea salt. Eat plenty of seafoods.

Not too much sweets.

Atomidine was also recommended in 42% of cases but due to its high

iodine content this was recommended in specific dosages and treatment

cycles. Excessive iodine in the system could overstimulate the thyroid

and result in harmful effects in the body. Never take atomidine when

you are using thyroid medicine or other drugs as the drugs could react

with each other and have undesirable effects. The most common dosage

was one drop taken daily for five days followed by a five-day rest

period then one-drop daily then rest for five days. Then resume the

cycle.Daily dosages ranged from one to eight drops daily. It was

recommended that atomidine was taken in half glass of water in the

morning before eating. Frequently atomidine was coordinated with Epsom

salt baths and massage with the baths being taken during the rest

period and immediately following the atomidine sequence.

5 After the osteopathic adjustments have been given then take a course

of atomidine which should be given starting with one drop twice a day

increasing by one drop per day until you are taking 5 drops twice

daily then continue for a further 3 days and then reduce by one drop

per day until the original dose is used. Then rest a week or two then

repeat this regime 3-4 times. The atomidine is for the cleansing of

the glands and for the glandular forces of the body.

BACKGROUND 5345-1 F 35

For some time she has been suffering with sugar diabetes, no help from

MD's. . She's read the book THERE IS A RIVER and is ready to accept

and follow anything that may come through the reading. "

Cayce cautioned to apply corrections to the diet, this with the

spinal corrections , will bring much better conditions and reactions

with this Person. He found a subluxation, caused from a strain many

years ago and has gradually been a great pressure, which has caused

overactivity in the pancreas and spleen area, and from this created in

the body, too much sugar. This affects the activity of the kidneys

and bladder, as well as the general nervous system and the

incoordination in the areas of the brachials, just a little higher up,

which cause distresses to organs of sensory system, general nervous

system and the glandular forces of the body.

Alternative Treatment

Edgar cayce gave over 250 readings for epilepsy and associated

disorders. In Reba Ann karps book a study was made of about 84

readings for 37 people with an age range of 20 months to 62 yrs old.

There are quite a few files at the A.R.E. which members can research

further and anyone contemplating treatment would well advised to

consult with them.


1.Most frequently mentioned was glandular imbalances, which implied

adhesions and lesions in the lacteal area of the intestines.

2. Other glands were mentioned particularly the pineal.

3. In 16 cases spinal sublaxations and lesions were found to be a

direct cause with mention of other vertebrae out of alignment in any

part of the spine. These misalignments would interfere with the proper

supply of nutrients and or nerve impulses which were needed in other

parts of the body the lack of which would result in

) What causes and what should be done to correct, excess growth of

hair on legs and arms? Is this from a glandular condition? (A) Cayce

said A glandular condition, combined with a disturbance in the general


Do not use anything other than too the thyroids to make better

activity there; this done better by manipulation than by drugs.

From epilepsy file

(Q) Why are the menstrual periods irregular? (A) A problem partly from

the circulation and the adjusting of the bodily functions from the

glandular forces of the whole system to the activity of such periods.

The adjustments and manipulations are for these specific

disturbances; as also the purifying of the glands by the use of

iodized salt.

Cayce gives the causes of Glaucoma; to do with the functioning of the

glands in origin with mention of spinal misalignments causing other

blockages where proper channels needed to be kept open, Toxins or

infectious forces could also cause problems in the system, poor

eliminations and kidney and liver imbalances were also mentioned.

Karma was also mentioned.

According to cayce any of these conditions either singly or combined

could interfere with the proper nutriments that feed the eyes and or

nerve impulses, which go to the eyes.

To another who had been treated for glaucoma by conventional means,

this lady was in excrutiating pain Cayce said there was incorrect

activities from the adrenal glands and their effect on the kidneys,

which had their effect on other organs, which produced slowness in the

eliminations. The emphasis on eliminations is a crucial factor in

maintaining good health in this case it was effecting the optic nerve.

630-3 F 37

" About 8 mos. ago (eye specialist) told me I had Glaucoma and Iritis

Pigmentosis, but being an optimist I thought they would be all right.

Now I am at home and Dr. says my eyes are decidedly worse.

Cayce found disturbances with the glandular system, related to the

activities of the adrenals. This made for an unbalanced condition

relating to the supply of energies in the circulation to the sensory

forces. This hinders or impoverishes the supply to the optic forces;

producing a relaxation that causes the problem in the eye reflex

itself. These hinder in the kidneys' activity in bringing about

elimination, and a flow of secretions that are a part of same deflect

through the supply to optic forces.

Cayce sited the causes of M.S.as being varied but briefly it was the

lack of gold in the body which caused a glandular imbalance which in

turn caused a hormonal deficiency.This hormone was said to be vital to

the proper functioning of the nerves.

Also it can be stated that even with enough gold present in the system

the body still has to have the ability to use it, it was this ability

that was lacking in some of the cases that cayce dealt with. The body

has to have the ability to absorb or assimilate the gold.


here is some stuff on glandualr imbalences

In , " hayleyscocoabear "

<hayleyscocoabear@...> wrote:


> Hello:My name is Tina.I just recently bought a couple of Edgar cayce

> books.My son has autismseziures,circlatory problems,puffy eyes.I also

> have puffy eyes,poor circulation,thin hair.I`m interested in some of

> his remedies.Massage therapy,castor oil packs,violet Ray,Wet cell,I

> think is the name,I don`t have my book handy.He says glandular

> imbalance,elimination problems,spinal lesions,are factors in

> epilepsy.Also glandular imbalance,may cause puffy eyes.I have taken him

> for somechiropractic care,but he doesn`t cooperate very well.Any advice?

> Need advice,using castor oil packs please.Best massage oil,for

> elimination,spinal lesions.Thankyou.Tina


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Hi, and welcome!

I'm Jennie. My daughter Caitlin has . There are some

interesting similarities. Caitlin always reacted badly to

vaccinations, not badly enough to go to the ER but she got fevers,

irritability, and once a giant lump on her arm that lasted about six


She's also been diagnosed with sensory integration disorder.

Caitlin's bloodwork doesn't show an infection, but there is an

elevated marker for inflammation and her white blood cell count is

high/normal with a higher than normal number of a certain type that

can indicate bacterial infection.

Caitlin's behavioral problems make us wonder about hypoglygemia. That

is something we are investigating in the near future, along with

possible seizure activity. She shares a lot of traits with 'spectrum


I would love to see some studies done about kids like ours and

vaccinations. I would love to know if ANY children with or this

kind of collection of symptoms is unvaccinated.

Dr. Feder said that behavioral symptoms are not associated with .

Interesting, though, that our children have some similarities in that

area, isn't it?

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Hi, and welcome!

I'm Jennie. My daughter Caitlin has . There are some

interesting similarities. Caitlin always reacted badly to

vaccinations, not badly enough to go to the ER but she got fevers,

irritability, and once a giant lump on her arm that lasted about six


She's also been diagnosed with sensory integration disorder.

Caitlin's bloodwork doesn't show an infection, but there is an

elevated marker for inflammation and her white blood cell count is

high/normal with a higher than normal number of a certain type that

can indicate bacterial infection.

Caitlin's behavioral problems make us wonder about hypoglygemia. That

is something we are investigating in the near future, along with

possible seizure activity. She shares a lot of traits with 'spectrum


I would love to see some studies done about kids like ours and

vaccinations. I would love to know if ANY children with or this

kind of collection of symptoms is unvaccinated.

Dr. Feder said that behavioral symptoms are not associated with .

Interesting, though, that our children have some similarities in that

area, isn't it?

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Hi All

I really wonder about the sensory issues as well. The doctors says

they are not related but I think they are. I was wondering what

sensory issues your child has. When my son is sick, his sensory

issues become significantly worse. He becomes hypersensitive to many

things especially certain sounds. I think if you do not feel good you

are going to be more sensitive to other things. Maybe like when you

have the flu. Lately, he seems to feel sick most of the time which I

am not sure I understand, because he does not have a fever but his

right tonsil is always enlarged.

We are also wondering about the hypoglycemia. Have you tested for it?

What are the behavioral problems for Caitlin that make you think

this. Ethan needs to eat frequently or he gets extremely irritable,

has break downs and seems very fatigued. Once he has a snack he is

ok. It just seems more than typical kids.

Maybe I will try and send out a survey later and see how many kids

with have similar things.

Take Care

Ethan 2 1/2

fevering since 3 months

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Hi All

I really wonder about the sensory issues as well. The doctors says

they are not related but I think they are. I was wondering what

sensory issues your child has. When my son is sick, his sensory

issues become significantly worse. He becomes hypersensitive to many

things especially certain sounds. I think if you do not feel good you

are going to be more sensitive to other things. Maybe like when you

have the flu. Lately, he seems to feel sick most of the time which I

am not sure I understand, because he does not have a fever but his

right tonsil is always enlarged.

We are also wondering about the hypoglycemia. Have you tested for it?

What are the behavioral problems for Caitlin that make you think

this. Ethan needs to eat frequently or he gets extremely irritable,

has break downs and seems very fatigued. Once he has a snack he is

ok. It just seems more than typical kids.

Maybe I will try and send out a survey later and see how many kids

with have similar things.

Take Care

Ethan 2 1/2

fevering since 3 months

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My daughter's sensory issues tend to be more sensitive than seeking

(she shies away from things as opposed to needing more and more input)

with touch, oral, sound, movement mostly - they do seem to be elevated

sensitivities when she's sick, but I guess I just assumed we're all

like that when we're sick (cranky, sore, tired, sensitive to light and

sound, etc) so I didn't pay that much mind.

My daughter also has hypoglycemia and a variety of other issues that

have been contributed to her Mitochondrial Disease diagnosis. It's

possible that her cyclical fevers are part of this disease as well and

they aren't - though this month she has had a fever every seven

days, on Mondays, lasting two days each with high fevers, complaining

of a sore throat, pain in her legs and stomach. Maybe you can have

-like syndrome that's just part of the mito.

Do any of your children have other medical issues outside of the

cyclical fevers?

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My daughter's sensory issues tend to be more sensitive than seeking

(she shies away from things as opposed to needing more and more input)

with touch, oral, sound, movement mostly - they do seem to be elevated

sensitivities when she's sick, but I guess I just assumed we're all

like that when we're sick (cranky, sore, tired, sensitive to light and

sound, etc) so I didn't pay that much mind.

My daughter also has hypoglycemia and a variety of other issues that

have been contributed to her Mitochondrial Disease diagnosis. It's

possible that her cyclical fevers are part of this disease as well and

they aren't - though this month she has had a fever every seven

days, on Mondays, lasting two days each with high fevers, complaining

of a sore throat, pain in her legs and stomach. Maybe you can have

-like syndrome that's just part of the mito.

Do any of your children have other medical issues outside of the

cyclical fevers?

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HI ,

I read this and one thing you said reminded me of my lil one and I had to post.

When her

fevers first started they thought UTI also. funny is she even complained of

woohoo pain. but

the cultures continually came back neg. I wonder if anyone else had this kind of

link. I always

thought it odd that thats what they first thought it was. Please keep us posted

your story is

one I will most definitely pray for often.

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Our daughter has fevered since birth and has had other odd/rare

conditions that don't seem to be connected with in any way.

She was born with a cyst in her adrenal gland, had the most

incredible rash on her face and torso area that started shortly after

birth and had drs donning masks and gloves before coming in our room

(by this time we were already in the hospital because of a

fever- this trip lasted 6 weeks because the rash earned a leukemia

cutis diagnosis that was retracted a week later... you can imagine

how long that story is, lol!), chiari I malformation and

craniosynostosis (sp?) that required a craniectomy when she was 12 mo

old. Other than her fevers that are consistantly every 2-3 weeks,

she is a happy and somehow healthy little girl!

mom to Riley, just turned 3!

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Our daughter has fevered since birth and has had other odd/rare

conditions that don't seem to be connected with in any way.

She was born with a cyst in her adrenal gland, had the most

incredible rash on her face and torso area that started shortly after

birth and had drs donning masks and gloves before coming in our room

(by this time we were already in the hospital because of a

fever- this trip lasted 6 weeks because the rash earned a leukemia

cutis diagnosis that was retracted a week later... you can imagine

how long that story is, lol!), chiari I malformation and

craniosynostosis (sp?) that required a craniectomy when she was 12 mo

old. Other than her fevers that are consistantly every 2-3 weeks,

she is a happy and somehow healthy little girl!

mom to Riley, just turned 3!

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Our daughter has fevered since birth and has had other odd/rare

conditions that don't seem to be connected with in any way.

She was born with a cyst in her adrenal gland, had the most

incredible rash on her face and torso area that started shortly after

birth and had drs donning masks and gloves before coming in our room

(by this time we were already in the hospital because of a

fever- this trip lasted 6 weeks because the rash earned a leukemia

cutis diagnosis that was retracted a week later... you can imagine

how long that story is, lol!), chiari I malformation and

craniosynostosis (sp?) that required a craniectomy when she was 12 mo

old. Other than her fevers that are consistantly every 2-3 weeks,

she is a happy and somehow healthy little girl!

mom to Riley, just turned 3!

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Numerous options Jeannie.

1. Some-one reading will be close enough to give you one.

2. As above but post (Mail?) it.

3. Within the group's pages, go here >>>--------------->

kombucha tea/files/Kombucha%20For%20Fr\


Where list members prepared to help are there.

4. Go here>>>------------------->


where, if you scroll down to USA lists several scattered between Alaska and

Arizona via California and Colorado.





" Any, LEGAL, topic which other groups would consider Off-Topic. "



From: the_barn_swallow

Sent: Wednesday, 1 July, 2009 14:56:27


I am Jeannie and very much a newbie to the Kombucha drinking. Last fall I had

begun brewing Kombucha for the first time only to not really enjoy the labour

the scoby would produce since I found my family and I moving into our first

small farm home. With that move I lost my scoby :(

I am currently reading through Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver

and since I started reading it I have not been able to put it down, the wealth

of information has sparked my heart to want to live better and it reminded me of

what I was trying to start with as far as moving into a better health

mindset..... Kombucha.

Since it appears you all are full of information about the stuff, how do you

go about getting scoby? I had got my original scoby through a fellow blogger but

have since lost contact with her. Do you have any online " scoby " stores that you

would reccomend, literally any ideas on how about acquiring a scoby?

Thanks So Much

PS: I have Nourishing Traditions also and plan to re read it again, that is also

a wonderful book of information.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Welcome Pam!!


From: dancinonsonshine <dancinonsonshine@...>100-plus Sent: Wed, July 28, 2010 1:27:17 PMSubject: Newbie Here

Hello, The name is Pam I am near Cincinnati Ohio. Happy to have others on the journey to health! I am a newbie and would love to say HI! Feel free to e-mail me!Smiles,Pam

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