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Thanks for the info. 20 month rehabilitation

sounds about par for the course for knees.... even

quick....!<br><br>I'm puzzled... how is it that you can do 160lb squats

and can sit cross-legged but can't kneel???!! What

happens if you try to kneel?<br><br>Joe

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Hello Joe,<br> I am trying to think of a word for

the pain I feel when I kneel. It kind of feels like I

am Kneeling on a rock and there is a lot of pressure

in my knee. What do you think?<br> When I squat I go

about a third of the way. I am almost to the halfway

point now. I found out you dont need to go real low to

build up strength in your legs. If I keep the proper

form I feel no pain. I feel there is no need to go

lower then halfway. <br> The hardest part of getting

stronger is making your muscle feel the exercise. <br> Joe

do you think I will be able to run again? If I try a

light jog about 20 mins. after I will get jolts of

pain. I think it is coming from where they drilled in

the bone. <br> Mike

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Hi Mike<br><br>Maybe your knees are too tight so

when you kneel your kneecap is really being forced in

there. So perhaps you need to do some stretching

excercises. <br><br>If you get jolts of pain where you think

you had the drilling done when running then don't

run!! Seriously, you have to excercise but don't damage

the parts which are trying to heal

themselves!<br><br>I think you have to try to stay positive. So far

you've made really good progress. If you look back over

the last 20 months I'm sure there was a time when you

were much worse than you are right now????<br><br>So

maybe in another 20 months you'll be completely back to

normal. I don't know, but this is how I try to think. In

any event if you can do mini 160lb squats you're

doing VERY well!!!!!! (much better than me). I think

you have to think of this as a kind of long-term

healing process.<br><br>I have a friend who had knee

problems and it took him well over 2 years to get out of a

knee brace and back to playing tennis. The docs

couldn't really figure out what was wrong with him. It

just takes a long time. The trick is to excercise

without overdoing it!!<br><br>Keep positive!<br>Good


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Hi,<br> I have read your posts and am interested

in finding out more about what you meant by

aggressive stretching. Could you tell me specifically what

you do, how long you hold the stretch, and how often.

Also, could you tell me what kind of exercises you have

done. <br> I posted message 1914, and have not had any

replies. Any help that you or anyone could offer would be

greatly appreciated.<br><br> Thanks,<br>

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,<br> I dont know the names of the stretches

I do. I will find out and post them over the

weekend. I do them everyday. 3 sets and hold for 40 sec.

there is a hip stretch back stretch and 4 knee

strethes. Do you use ice on your knees at all? A bag of

frozen peas works well. 15 to 20 mins every day.If you

like you can email me a endlessumr@... <br> I

feel one key is getting the whole body strong.<br>The

stronger I get the better I feel.<br> Hang in there, Mike

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Sorry to hear the time and pain you went though,

but it's so nice to hear that never give up! The

option to giving up is not living the life to what

extent we want to live it. <br>I go see my second PT on

Monday, 8 months out from a debriment, I'm still

experiencing all those pains with a small improvment each day

but so s-l-o-w. Keep posting the positive, we all can

use them!<br>Dianne

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  • 7 months later...


Hi Dan and everyone:

I also found that if I am having trouble swallowing something, if I

get up and walk around it goes down. My doctor also verified that

movements such as walking could help to get the swallowed food down

to the stomach. I also found that eating more slowly and taking

breaks helps out. Beth

In achalasia@y..., " dbarasch " <dbarasch@y...> wrote:

> My name is Dan and I am new to this group, I hope maybe my


> could help somebody.


> I have been having symptoms of Achalasia for about a year. I didnt

> know what it was, it just started to happen. Someone mentioned that

> maybe it was a hiatal hernia, but when I check out hiatal hernia on

> webmd I didnt have those symtoms. Finally I came across Achalasia,

> and it descibe my symtoms perfectly. I never got it checked out

> professionally, because it is something I can cope with for now. I

> learned what aggravates it, and out of trial and error know what

> foods to avoid.


> For me, I notice that achalasia comes on when I am very hungry. I

> try to avoid foods that are very oily based, such as salad


> or things that have a thick sauce such as gravy. I Also avoid foods

> that clump together such as white rice, meatballs or pasta. Almost

> everytime I eat very fast, I get it. I have to stop eating.

> Immediately as soon as that happens, sometimes I cause myself to

> regurgitate the food so that the symptoms stop, and sometimes that

> works (although its not a pretty sight). If I wait I start to feel

> pain in my chest and my mouth gets filled with saliva. I also feel

> spasms in my chest. I try to make myself burp and that helps, but

> many times I cant make that happen. I am constantly always


> This can go on for 30 mins to hours sometimes, and I cannot finish


> dinner. Eventually the symptoms stop, and I feel things returning


> normal.


> Things that helped me are, before I start to eat I drink alot of

> water. This calms me down and also it makes me not so hungry, so

> therefore I dont eat fast. Every time I do chew food and swallow,


> take another gulp of water (to make sure everything is okay) and


> continue eating. I take deep breaths of air to calm me down. For

> some reason or another this helps me also, I try to keep my mind


> this while I eat. I will either engage in a conversation with my

> family, or go on the computer to play a game of chess, or just


> TV. This helps me because I don't concentrate on what could


> my mind is occupied.


> I hope that my experience will help someone. Everyday I learn how


> cope with it. Its not a easy task, but I feel that knowledge is


> most important thing we have. If we share our experiences then


> we can learn from each other, and learn how to cope with Alchalasia.

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  • 6 years later...
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What a little star he is , and what a big star his Mummy is too. We get

a mixture of disparaging and embarrassed looks from one member of our family

when we just get out enzymes. It is great that they can all see how well he is

doing with the supplementation.

Sometimes the kids can surprise you with the right motivation. Kieran's biggest

motivation is food too.


Autism Treatment , " michelle0471 " <michelle0471@...>



> Hi all


> I just wanted to share my experience with you. It was my mothers 70th Birthday

the other day, sadly my father had passed away very recently so the family

though it would be a nice idea for us all to take mum for a carvary. So I made

my list of all the items I needed to take including supplements, the list looked

something like this


> Booster seat

> Toilet pecs card

> the tank engine computer game

> Brainchild minerals and vitamins

> Megahydrate

> Calcium

> Trienza


> Eskimo kids

> Some pre cooled camomile tea (for the trienza to be mixed with)

> Drink of filtered water in flask

> Some organic GF/CF gravy

> Some soya custard

> Boiled cooled water containing Goldenseal root

> Spoon for measuring brainchild supplements/Eskimo kids

> Cup for drinking supplements out of

> My sons own cutlery

> Plus freezer packs to keep the chilled supplements cool


> So 2 bag fulls later we arrived at the venue, which was absolutely packed

(lucky for me my son doesn't have sensory issues) we made our way to the table

and set up his booster seat and sat him down, he spotted the toilet card and

gave it to me, I was not sure if he really wanted to go as he, like my girls

when they were little (who are not autistic) has a fascination with toilets but

he did go to pee. We then went to the back of the very large queue to wait in

line for our carvary, my son was brilliant he stood in line and waited

patiently. I asked one of the staff if there was any trays as I had to get my

food, my sons food and hold his hand back to our table, she said there wasn't

but if I gave one of the staff a shout when I was at the counter they would

assist me – well they all disappeared!!!! So I there was trying to juggle two

dinners and keep hold of my son, then I had an idea- my sons biggest motivator

is food! I know your probably thinking I am very lucky but just six months ago

his diet was awful and very limited but what with the GF/CF diet, biomedical

intervention, ABA we are in a much better place and his diet is brilliant, as he

will eat anything that I put in front of him. So there I am showing him his

plate and saying, " food " and there I am the pied piper of Hamelin and he

followed me all the way back to the table (which was quite some way) signing

" food " as he went, he ate all his dinner, took all his supplements and all in

all it was a very lovely evening – I will certainly be doing it again very soon,

as daunting as it seems and the effort that you have to put in by organizing

yourselves is well worth it in the long run and it also made my other family

members (who have been very unsupportive and judgemental in the past) see the

supplement regime in place so they can fully understand what goes into my day to

day life as they can all see that my son is benefitting from everything I am

doing, he kept pointing at my mum's helium " 7 " " 0 " balloons saying 7 and 0 –

these things he couldn't do just a couple of month ago, as he can now point,

count to ten, recognise numbers and knows his whole alphabet capitals and lower

case. He is still quite non verbal although he does vocalise a lot more and we

are working on his speech through our ABA programme but at four and a half and 8

months into ABA and 7months into biomeds he is doing so well , we can know do

things that I would have only ever dreamt about.


> x


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How exciting, what a great story. That sounds like such great progress

and it's very inspriring. Well done.

Darla xx

On 07/08/2009, magherabuoysue <GSWILKI@...> wrote:

> What a little star he is , and what a big star his Mummy is too. We

> get a mixture of disparaging and embarrassed looks from one member of our

> family when we just get out enzymes. It is great that they can all see how

> well he is doing with the supplementation.


> Sometimes the kids can surprise you with the right motivation. Kieran's

> biggest motivation is food too.


> Sue




> Autism Treatment , " michelle0471 " <michelle0471@...>

> wrote:


>> Hi all


>> I just wanted to share my experience with you. It was my mothers 70th

>> Birthday the other day, sadly my father had passed away very recently so

>> the family though it would be a nice idea for us all to take mum for a

>> carvary. So I made my list of all the items I needed to take including

>> supplements, the list looked something like this


>> Booster seat

>> Toilet pecs card

>> the tank engine computer game

>> Brainchild minerals and vitamins

>> Megahydrate

>> Calcium

>> Trienza

>> NAG

>> Eskimo kids

>> Some pre cooled camomile tea (for the trienza to be mixed with)

>> Drink of filtered water in flask

>> Some organic GF/CF gravy

>> Some soya custard

>> Boiled cooled water containing Goldenseal root

>> Spoon for measuring brainchild supplements/Eskimo kids

>> Cup for drinking supplements out of

>> My sons own cutlery

>> Plus freezer packs to keep the chilled supplements cool


>> So 2 bag fulls later we arrived at the venue, which was absolutely packed

>> (lucky for me my son doesn't have sensory issues) we made our way to the

>> table and set up his booster seat and sat him down, he spotted the toilet

>> card and gave it to me, I was not sure if he really wanted to go as he,

>> like my girls when they were little (who are not autistic) has a

>> fascination with toilets but he did go to pee. We then went to the back of

>> the very large queue to wait in line for our carvary, my son was brilliant

>> he stood in line and waited patiently. I asked one of the staff if there

>> was any trays as I had to get my food, my sons food and hold his hand back

>> to our table, she said there wasn't but if I gave one of the staff a shout

>> when I was at the counter they would assist me – well they all

>> disappeared!!!! So I there was trying to juggle two dinners and keep hold

>> of my son, then I had an idea- my sons biggest motivator is food! I know

>> your probably thinking I am very lucky but just six months ago his diet

>> was awful and very limited but what with the GF/CF diet, biomedical

>> intervention, ABA we are in a much better place and his diet is brilliant,

>> as he will eat anything that I put in front of him. So there I am showing

>> him his plate and saying, " food " and there I am the pied piper of Hamelin

>> and he followed me all the way back to the table (which was quite some

>> way) signing " food " as he went, he ate all his dinner, took all his

>> supplements and all in all it was a very lovely evening – I will certainly

>> be doing it again very soon, as daunting as it seems and the effort that

>> you have to put in by organizing yourselves is well worth it in the long

>> run and it also made my other family members (who have been very

>> unsupportive and judgemental in the past) see the supplement regime in

>> place so they can fully understand what goes into my day to day life as

>> they can all see that my son is benefitting from everything I am doing, he

>> kept pointing at my mum's helium " 7 " " 0 " balloons saying 7 and 0 – these

>> things he couldn't do just a couple of month ago, as he can now point,

>> count to ten, recognise numbers and knows his whole alphabet capitals and

>> lower case. He is still quite non verbal although he does vocalise a lot

>> more and we are working on his speech through our ABA programme but at

>> four and a half and 8 months into ABA and 7months into biomeds he is doing

>> so well , we can know do things that I would have only ever dreamt about.


>> x





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, this is truly amazing and has made my day to read it. Well done to you

both and heres to many more outings for you like this.

Lots of love

Helen xx


> Hi all


> I just wanted to share my experience with you. It was my mothers 70th Birthday

the other day, sadly my father had passed away very recently so the family

though it would be a nice idea for us all to take mum for a carvary. So I made

my list of all the items I needed to take including supplements, the list looked

something like this


> Booster seat

> Toilet pecs card

> the tank engine computer game

> Brainchild minerals and vitamins

> Megahydrate

> Calcium

> Trienza


> Eskimo kids

> Some pre cooled camomile tea (for the trienza to be mixed with)

> Drink of filtered water in flask

> Some organic GF/CF gravy

> Some soya custard

> Boiled cooled water containing Goldenseal root

> Spoon for measuring brainchild supplements/Eskimo kids

> Cup for drinking supplements out of

> My sons own cutlery

> Plus freezer packs to keep the chilled supplements cool


> So 2 bag fulls later we arrived at the venue, which was absolutely packed

(lucky for me my son doesn't have sensory issues) we made our way to the table

and set up his booster seat and sat him down, he spotted the toilet card and

gave it to me, I was not sure if he really wanted to go as he, like my girls

when they were little (who are not autistic) has a fascination with toilets but

he did go to pee. We then went to the back of the very large queue to wait in

line for our carvary, my son was brilliant he stood in line and waited

patiently. I asked one of the staff if there was any trays as I had to get my

food, my sons food and hold his hand back to our table, she said there wasn't

but if I gave one of the staff a shout when I was at the counter they would

assist me – well they all disappeared!!!! So I there was trying to juggle two

dinners and keep hold of my son, then I had an idea- my sons biggest motivator

is food! I know your probably thinking I am very lucky but just six months ago

his diet was awful and very limited but what with the GF/CF diet, biomedical

intervention, ABA we are in a much better place and his diet is brilliant, as he

will eat anything that I put in front of him. So there I am showing him his

plate and saying, " food " and there I am the pied piper of Hamelin and he

followed me all the way back to the table (which was quite some way) signing

" food " as he went, he ate all his dinner, took all his supplements and all in

all it was a very lovely evening – I will certainly be doing it again very soon,

as daunting as it seems and the effort that you have to put in by organizing

yourselves is well worth it in the long run and it also made my other family

members (who have been very unsupportive and judgemental in the past) see the

supplement regime in place so they can fully understand what goes into my day to

day life as they can all see that my son is benefitting from everything I am

doing, he kept pointing at my mum's helium " 7 " " 0 " balloons saying 7 and 0 –

these things he couldn't do just a couple of month ago, as he can now point,

count to ten, recognise numbers and knows his whole alphabet capitals and lower

case. He is still quite non verbal although he does vocalise a lot more and we

are working on his speech through our ABA programme but at four and a half and 8

months into ABA and 7months into biomeds he is doing so well , we can know do

things that I would have only ever dreamt about.


> x


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This made me cry. What a fantastic tale. I met you at the conference

(Ithink) and you were struggling at the time, which makes it even more

of a pleasure to read. What a mother!

Sara x

michelle0471 wrote:


> Hi all


> I just wanted to share my experience with you. It was my mothers 70th

> Birthday the other day, sadly my father had passed away very recently

> so the family though it would be a nice idea for us all to take mum

> for a carvary. So I made my list of all the items I needed to take

> including supplements, the list looked something like this


> Booster seat

> Toilet pecs card

> the tank engine computer game

> Brainchild minerals and vitamins

> Megahydrate

> Calcium

> Trienza


> Eskimo kids

> Some pre cooled camomile tea (for the trienza to be mixed with)

> Drink of filtered water in flask

> Some organic GF/CF gravy

> Some soya custard

> Boiled cooled water containing Goldenseal root

> Spoon for measuring brainchild supplements/Eskimo kids

> Cup for drinking supplements out of

> My sons own cutlery

> Plus freezer packs to keep the chilled supplements cool


> So 2 bag fulls later we arrived at the venue, which was absolutely

> packed (lucky for me my son doesn't have sensory issues) we made our

> way to the table and set up his booster seat and sat him down, he

> spotted the toilet card and gave it to me, I was not sure if he really

> wanted to go as he, like my girls when they were little (who are not

> autistic) has a fascination with toilets but he did go to pee. We then

> went to the back of the very large queue to wait in line for our

> carvary, my son was brilliant he stood in line and waited patiently. I

> asked one of the staff if there was any trays as I had to get my food,

> my sons food and hold his hand back to our table, she said there

> wasn't but if I gave one of the staff a shout when I was at the

> counter they would assist me – well they all disappeared!!!! So I

> there was trying to juggle two dinners and keep hold of my son, then I

> had an idea- my sons biggest motivator is food! I know your probably

> thinking I am very lucky but just six months ago his diet was awful

> and very limited but what with the GF/CF diet, biomedical

> intervention, ABA we are in a much better place and his diet is

> brilliant, as he will eat anything that I put in front of him. So

> there I am showing him his plate and saying, " food " and there I am the

> pied piper of Hamelin and he followed me all the way back to the table

> (which was quite some way) signing " food " as he went, he ate all his

> dinner, took all his supplements and all in all it was a very lovely

> evening – I will certainly be doing it again very soon, as daunting as

> it seems and the effort that you have to put in by organizing

> yourselves is well worth it in the long run and it also made my other

> family members (who have been very unsupportive and judgemental in the

> past) see the supplement regime in place so they can fully understand

> what goes into my day to day life as they can all see that my son is

> benefitting from everything I am doing, he kept pointing at my mum's

> helium " 7 " " 0 " balloons saying 7 and 0 – these things he couldn't do

> just a couple of month ago, as he can now point, count to ten,

> recognise numbers and knows his whole alphabet capitals and lower

> case. He is still quite non verbal although he does vocalise a lot

> more and we are working on his speech through our ABA programme but at

> four and a half and 8 months into ABA and 7months into biomeds he is

> doing so well , we can know do things that I would have only ever

> dreamt about.


> x



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This was so brilliant , I know you have had a really rough time with

your family previously so its even more well cool... Well done to you all!

Luv caroline


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what a fantastic story michelle, thank you for sharing it. slowly, slowly

you're changing peoples impression of biomeds. you are such a biker and have

overcome so many challenges and are happy to let people know about them, so they

can make changes too. nice to hear that harry is doing so well!



> > Autism Treatment , " michelle0471 " <michelle0471@>

> > wrote:

> >>

> >> Hi all

> >>

> >> I just wanted to share my experience with you. It was my mothers 70th

> >> Birthday the other day, sadly my father had passed away very recently so

> >> the family though it would be a nice idea for us all to take mum for a

> >> carvary. So I made my list of all the items I needed to take including

> >> supplements, the list looked something like this

> >>

> >> Booster seat

> >> Toilet pecs card

> >> the tank engine computer game

> >> Brainchild minerals and vitamins

> >> Megahydrate

> >> Calcium

> >> Trienza

> >> NAG

> >> Eskimo kids

> >> Some pre cooled camomile tea (for the trienza to be mixed with)

> >> Drink of filtered water in flask

> >> Some organic GF/CF gravy

> >> Some soya custard

> >> Boiled cooled water containing Goldenseal root

> >> Spoon for measuring brainchild supplements/Eskimo kids

> >> Cup for drinking supplements out of

> >> My sons own cutlery

> >> Plus freezer packs to keep the chilled supplements cool

> >>

> >> So 2 bag fulls later we arrived at the venue, which was absolutely packed

> >> (lucky for me my son doesn't have sensory issues) we made our way to the

> >> table and set up his booster seat and sat him down, he spotted the toilet

> >> card and gave it to me, I was not sure if he really wanted to go as he,

> >> like my girls when they were little (who are not autistic) has a

> >> fascination with toilets but he did go to pee. We then went to the back of

> >> the very large queue to wait in line for our carvary, my son was brilliant

> >> he stood in line and waited patiently. I asked one of the staff if there

> >> was any trays as I had to get my food, my sons food and hold his hand back

> >> to our table, she said there wasn't but if I gave one of the staff a shout

> >> when I was at the counter they would assist me – well they all

> >> disappeared!!!! So I there was trying to juggle two dinners and keep hold

> >> of my son, then I had an idea- my sons biggest motivator is food! I know

> >> your probably thinking I am very lucky but just six months ago his diet

> >> was awful and very limited but what with the GF/CF diet, biomedical

> >> intervention, ABA we are in a much better place and his diet is brilliant,

> >> as he will eat anything that I put in front of him. So there I am showing

> >> him his plate and saying, " food " and there I am the pied piper of Hamelin

> >> and he followed me all the way back to the table (which was quite some

> >> way) signing " food " as he went, he ate all his dinner, took all his

> >> supplements and all in all it was a very lovely evening – I will certainly

> >> be doing it again very soon, as daunting as it seems and the effort that

> >> you have to put in by organizing yourselves is well worth it in the long

> >> run and it also made my other family members (who have been very

> >> unsupportive and judgemental in the past) see the supplement regime in

> >> place so they can fully understand what goes into my day to day life as

> >> they can all see that my son is benefitting from everything I am doing, he

> >> kept pointing at my mum's helium " 7 " " 0 " balloons saying 7 and 0 – these

> >> things he couldn't do just a couple of month ago, as he can now point,

> >> count to ten, recognise numbers and knows his whole alphabet capitals and

> >> lower case. He is still quite non verbal although he does vocalise a lot

> >> more and we are working on his speech through our ABA programme but at

> >> four and a half and 8 months into ABA and 7months into biomeds he is doing

> >> so well , we can know do things that I would have only ever dreamt about.

> >>

> >> x

> >>

> >

> >

> >


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I’ve posted but usually

I am gaining more knowledge from all of you than I can give so there is not

much point. I wanted to tell all about my continued success with the

alternative supplements and vitamins I take. It has come up recently

again in some of the posts form you guys.( most of the supplements I take came

from suggestion made from the group) My last surgery was March 18

2009. Before this, I was having a surgery every 18 months on top of

having my ENT cut out what he could reach in his office every 4 months.

For the year leading up to my surgery on Mar 18 2009, I took the following religiously

for the year,

A Syrian oregano based supplement ( 6-10 caps per day)

A high count Acidophilus

Vit- D3

Wild fish oil ( 6 large caps per day)

1000mg of Vit C

Manuka honey( 6 weeks before the surgery and 6 weeks after)

Since my surgery, I have seen my ENT( who by the way, is

fantastic at his job) every 4 months. He has not had to cut out a single polyp

and as a matter of fact, can not see any new polyp growth except for a very

small one on the right side that has been there since my first follow up from

the surgery. I have suggested these things in the past and I think a few

tried them with not much success( Becky I think). All I can tell you is

that my breathing is STILL 100 % after 2 years. I can’t believe it

myself and there has been 5-6 times where I have caught a cold or had a sinus

infection and said to myself, “ Here we go” but everything has

cleared up like a cold should with no longer term effects of long drawn out

congestion. On a daily basis I still take the following;

A high count Acidophilus

Vit- D3

Wild fish oil ( 6 large caps per day)

1000mg of Vit C

When I do get congested, I start taking the Oregano

supplement again.( usually about 2-3 weeks)

The feeling of 100 % congestion put me in a depressive state

for al long time, so as much as I know most people are very skeptical about the

benefits of natural supplements I wanted to tell everyone about my progress.(

It take a long time to see the effects of taking them) I have no sense of

smell at all. Over the last 10 years it has showed up maybe 6 times.

A few of the times were at Christmas which made the holiday food all the more

delicious! I’ll take what I can get. I am reading everything

I can that deals with SOS hoping to find something while my breathing is


Good luck everyone.

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Hi ,

I am really pleased for you that this regime is working, and long may it last! I have also noticed that - very oddly - my sense of smell makes its annual appearance actually ON Christmas day - it has happened now for the past 4 or 5 years like clockwork, i am beginning to wonder if it is my Christmas present from someone working 'behind the scenes'! It's possibly the best day of the year to regain ones sos...but if i could be so bold as to put in a request, I'd also love to have my sos return on a lovely hot summers day when i could enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass, and the strawberries and raspberries that we grow in our garden, and freshly squeezed orange juice and the yeasty taste of a cold beer, and BBQ's with a thai-based marinade over chicken ...nostalgia is a wonderful thing! I'd better get back to work lol!


From: "Ansara, (Norbord)" <anthony.ansara@...>samters Sent: Mon, 28 March, 2011 15:14:58Subject: my experience

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I’ve posted but usually I am gaining more knowledge from all of you than I can give so there is not much point. I wanted to tell all about my continued success with the alternative supplements and vitamins I take. It has come up recently again in some of the posts form you guys.( most of the supplements I take came from suggestion made from the group) My last surgery was March 18 2009. Before this, I was having a surgery every 18 months on top of having my ENT cut out what he could reach in his office every 4 months. For the year leading up to my surgery on Mar 18 2009, I took the following religiously for the year,

A Syrian oregano based supplement ( 6-10 caps per day)

A high count Acidophilus

Vit- D3

Wild fish oil ( 6 large caps per day)

1000mg of Vit C

Manuka honey( 6 weeks before the surgery and 6 weeks after)

Since my surgery, I have seen my ENT( who by the way, is fantastic at his job) every 4 months. He has not had to cut out a single polyp and as a matter of fact, can not see any new polyp growth except for a very small one on the right side that has been there since my first follow up from the surgery. I have suggested these things in the past and I think a few tried them with not much success( Becky I think). All I can tell you is that my breathing is STILL 100 % after 2 years. I can’t believe it myself and there has been 5-6 times where I have caught a cold or had a sinus infection and said to myself, “ Here we go†but everything has cleared up like a cold should with no longer term effects of long drawn out congestion. On a daily basis I still take the following;

A high count Acidophilus

Vit- D3

Wild fish oil ( 6 large caps per day)

1000mg of Vit C

When I do get congested, I start taking the Oregano supplement again.( usually about 2-3 weeks)

The feeling of 100 % congestion put me in a depressive state for al long time, so as much as I know most people are very skeptical about the benefits of natural supplements I wanted to tell everyone about my progress.( It take a long time to see the effects of taking them) I have no sense of smell at all. Over the last 10 years it has showed up maybe 6 times. A few of the times were at Christmas which made the holiday food all the more delicious! I’ll take what I can get. I am reading everything I can that deals with SOS hoping to find something while my breathing is normal.

Good luck everyone.

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Hi ,

I am seriously going to try and attack Samters naturally too.  I just ordered some leukotrene inhibitor type supplements.  I have been on D3 for quite some time and also acidopholous, b12 and a multivitamin.  I will check into the things you have taken.  Please let me know the brands of the things you take.  I can't take high doses of vitamin c because I immediately get cold sores inside my nose.  I wonder if anyone else has that problem.

I'm also going to do eft and healing codes for the specific problems in people with samters  like too many leukotrienes.  Enough with medication.I currently am on a Fentanyl patch and tramadol throughout the day for breakthrough pain.  The Fent patch works fairly well, but now I'm afraid to drive as it would be a danger to others and I really don't want to end up in jail if I hurt someone.  I'm in a catch 22 situation.  I have no taxi service here either.  I can't think of a better reason to go for the natural approach.




True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle! 

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Ansara, (Norbord) <anthony.ansara@...> wrote:


Hi everyone,


It’s been a while since I’ve posted but usually I am gaining more knowledge from all of you than I can give so there is not much point.  I wanted to tell all about my continued success with the alternative supplements and vitamins I take.  It has come up recently again in some of the posts form you guys.( most of the supplements I take came from suggestion made from the group)  My last surgery was March 18 2009.  Before this, I was having a surgery every 18 months on top of having my ENT cut out what he could reach in his office every 4 months.  For the year leading up to my surgery on Mar 18 2009, I took the following religiously for the year,


A Syrian oregano based supplement ( 6-10 caps per day)

A high count Acidophilus

Vit- D3

Wild fish oil ( 6 large caps per day)

1000mg of Vit C

Manuka honey( 6 weeks before the surgery and 6 weeks after)


Since my surgery, I have seen my ENT( who by the way, is fantastic at his job) every 4 months.  He has not had to cut out a single polyp and as a matter of fact, can not see any new polyp growth except for a very small one on the right side that has been there since my first follow up from the surgery.  I have suggested these things in the past and I think a few tried them with not much success( Becky I think).  All I can tell you is that my breathing is STILL 100 % after 2 years.  I can’t believe it myself and there has been 5-6 times where I have caught a cold or had a sinus infection and said to myself, “ Here we go” but everything has cleared up like a cold should with no longer term effects of long drawn out congestion.  On a daily basis I still take the following;    


A high count Acidophilus

Vit- D3

Wild fish oil ( 6 large caps per day)

1000mg of Vit C


When I do get congested, I start taking the Oregano supplement again.( usually about 2-3 weeks)


The feeling of 100 % congestion put me in a depressive state for al long time, so as much as I know most people are very skeptical about the benefits of natural supplements I wanted to tell everyone about my progress.(  It take a long time to see the effects of taking them)  I have no sense of smell at all.  Over the last 10 years it has showed up maybe 6 times.  A few of the times were at Christmas which made the holiday food all the more delicious!  I’ll take what I can get.  I am reading everything I can that deals with SOS hoping to find something while my breathing is normal.


Good luck everyone.







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