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I have created a folder in the file section called NEWS. The Article below will be added to it. Blessings, Joy

Breast Cancer Industry A Scam? Support Education, Not MedicationWednesday, October 24, 2007 by: Mike Printable version Key concepts: cancer, breast cancer and cancer industry. Want stories like this e-mailed to you? Click here for free e-mail alerts.

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Breakthrough LED lighting technology prevents global warming, saves 90% on your lighting bill• Browse more health books...• Shop our eco-friendly products...All sales help fund NewsTarget operations. This is the second annual publication of NewsTarget's "Education, Not Medication" program designed to teach women the truth about how to prevent and even cure breast cancer. This disease is 90 percent preventable, mostly using completely free therapies. The breast cancer industry does not want women to be made aware of these free therapies because most of the better-known non-profits in the area of breast cancer are, themselves, dependant on revenues from the companies that profit from the disease.The breast cancer industry is now run by corporations that profit from women who receive breast cancer treatments. With nearly all breast cancer nonprofits being subjugated by drug companies, the FDA censoring alternative cancer solutions, and the mainstream media wildly exaggerating the benefits of near-useless cancer drugs like Herceptin, there's hardly a message heard about breast cancer today that doesn't have a profit motive behind it."Breast cancer has been transformed into a market-driven industry. It has become more about making money for corporate sponsors than funding innovative ways to treat breast cancer." - Health Studies researcher King, author of Pink Ribbons Inc.The emphasis on breast cancer "screening," and the circus of holding breast cancer awareness months is, of course, all about recruiting more women into a system of treatment that generates profits for drug companies. Using fear-based tactics of recruitment (like telling women, "You'll die in six months if you don't undergo chemotherapy..."), the breast cancer industry manages to corral women of all races and ages into treatments that actually harm far more women than they help. New research, for example, shows that certain classes of chemotherapy drugs are so dangerous to human health that they cause heart failure in many women who use them. The drugs are called anthracyclines, and the research was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (October, 2007).Chemotherapy is so dangerous to the heart, liver, kidneys and brain that the very act of screening for cancer tumors with mammography machines ultimately causes harm to most patients. Find that hard to believe? Researchers at the Nordic Cochrane Center in Denmark studied 500,000 women to determine the results of breast cancer screening programs. They found that for every one woman helped by breast cancer screening, ten were harmed through false diagnosis or unnecessary treatments that devastated their health."What seems like good and obvious advice in everyday life is not always scientifically or medically sound", said Gotzsche, MD, director of the center. "So we might say there is a benefit of one but a harm of 10 from screening for breast cancer." You can read more about that story at www.NewsTarget.com/020829.htmlIn other words, breast cancer screening is surprisingly harmful to women. That's partly because the procedure itself irradiates the breast tissue and actually causes cancer, but also because practically any screening result producing a questionable blur on the final image may result in a woman being manipulated through fear into undergoing aggressive, toxic cancer treatments even when they never had breast cancer in the first place. (False positives are extremely common in breast cancer screening, and in some cases, the machinery is incorrectly calibrated and doesn't even meet radiology standards.)

Preventing preventionAnd yet breast cancer screening is the only form of "prevention" offered by the cancer industry. But it isn't prevention, it's detection. Breast cancer screening does nothing to educate women how to really prevent breast cancer, nor does it teach women how to change their diets and lifestyles so that breast cancer never develops in the first place. In fact, the strategy of the cancer industry today can be best described as waiting for women to get cancer, then treating it with toxic drugs that just happen to generate huge profits for pharmaceutical companies.While tens of millions of women are developing undetectable, early-stage breast cancer right now, the cancer industry does nothing. They will not tell these women how to halt the growth of cancer tumors; they will only wait until the cancer becomes large enough to see on a screening test, and then they will scare the women to death with harmful, authoritative medical demands and toss them into chemotherapy -- a treatment that causes permanent, irreversible harm to the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and other organs.Yet even the World Health Organization admits that 70 percent of all cancers can be prevented through simple changes in food and lifestyle. That number is probably conservative, though. My own opinion is that 90 percent of all cancers can be prevented through simple food and lifestyle changes. Yet no one in the cancer industry seems interested in teaching any of these strategies to women. In the cancer industry, there is no incentive to teach women how to avoid breast cancer, because to do so would eliminate a future customer! Billions of dollars in revenue are at stake here, and the cancer industry is banking on the continuation of this disease among the population.That's why I started the Education Not Medication program. It is a humble effort to teach women how to prevent their own breast cancer through scientifically-supported natural health strategies that are easy to understand and simple to follow. They include things like eating more broccoli and garlic, getting more natural sunlight on your skin (to generate the anti-cancer nutrient Vitamin D, which has recently been shown to prevent an astonishing 77 percent of ALL cancers!) and avoiding cancer-causing chemicals in manufactured foods (such as sodium nitrite, found in bacon, sausage and virtually all packaged meats). A more detailed list is offered below.

The cancer industry depends on more cancerThe cancer industry remains silent about these cancer prevention solutions. Ever wonder why? It's because the livelihood of the industry depends on more cancer! If cancer rates plummeted by 70 percent or more, the industry would be devastated. The incomes, egos and power positions of cancer industry operators depend entirely on the continued spread of cancer among the population.Ever notice that cancer centers are not called, "Anti-Cancer Centers?" You see them in virtually every city and state across the country: The Washington Cancer Center, or the San Francisco Cancer Center. Here in Arizona, we have a massive, new building being constructed, and it's named the Arizona Cancer Center. These are all monuments to cancer, and they are usually for-profit businesses constructed for the purpose of making money from a woman's disease. They turn cancer into profit, and they depend on the continuation of cancer to stay in business.That's why there's no real effort underway to teach women how to prevent breast cancer. There's no program in place to teach women about the anti-cancer effects of sunlight and vitamin D (in fact, cancer industry groups like the American Cancer Society run public service ads warning people about sunlight!), there's no honest effort to teach women about the natural anti-cancer medicine founds in certain foods, and no one is telling women the truth about the cancer-causing chemicals in perfumes, laundry detergent, cosmetics and personal care products. Recent research shows that even air fresheners are contaminated with phthalates, and new details about cancer-causing chemicals in household products seem to emerge every week.But when it comes to preventing cancer, the cancer industry is silent. Why should they say anything, anyway? If they teach women how to prevent breast cancer, they lose customers. Besides, the scheme they're running right now is working brilliantly. They maximize revenues and profits by preventing prevention and waiting for women to get cancer, then treating them with high-profit pharmaceuticals, radiation and surgical procedures. They have the easiest business model in the world: All they have to do is keep their mouths shut about what causes cancer, and wait for new customers to fill the cancer centers. And to help them out, corporations, media organizations and volunteers (many are women!) actually help them raise more money!Women raising money for cancer industry non-profit groups makes about as much sense as Jews raising money for Hitler. The cancer industry is exploiting these women, using their bodies to generate profits!

It's time to teach genuine cancer prevention to womenThe cancer industry has been getting away with this scam for years, but I say enough is enough. It's time to declare, "The Emperor has no clothes!" and that the best way to help protect the lives of women is to teach them how to avoid breast cancer rather than waiting for them to get it.And doing so is surprisingly simple. All you have to do is raise awareness about the things that cause breast cancer vs. the things that prevent breast cancer. This can be done through public service announcements, information handouts, or even internet campaigns like this one.I also suggest that all these cancer treatment centers donate 100 percent of their profits to cancer prevention campaigns. It's wrong to profit from a woman's cancer, is it not? If these businesses really cared about stopping cancer, they'd refuse to profit from the disease and, instead, use the money to help stop cancer in future generations of women (and men, for that matter).What an idea, huh? That these ultra-wealthy non-profits and billion-dollar corporations might spend some money on teaching women how to prevent cancer...If it ever really happens, of course, it will only be as a cover-your-ass reaction to public awareness about the corporatization of the breast cancer industry. As word spreads, these non-profits will have to do something to save their reputation, so they'll start running tiny "prevention" campaigns to save face. But underneath the facade, make no mistake: cancer is big, big business, and the cancer industry is driven by profiting from a woman's body, not protecting it from cancer."[The cancer industry is] a market-driven industry that feeds off breast cancer survivors." - Health Studies researcher King, author of Pink Ribbons Inc.

The real answers to breast cancer preventionHere, for the benefit of women everywhere, is a partial list of the things that cause cancer and things that don't. You're not going to find full descriptions and citations here, as that would require an entire book all by itself, but this is a very useful reference list that tells the truth about what causes or prevents cancer in the human body.18 things that CAUSE cancer: (in no particular order)

Smoking cigarettes

Mammography radiation - see articles on mammograms

Chemotherapy and radiation

Perfumes and fragrance products

Cosmetics and personal care products - see articles on personal care products

Home cleaning products, including laundry detergent, dryer sheets, etc.

Drinking non-organic milk or eating non-organic dairy products

Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids - See Poison In the Food or articles on hydrogenated oils

Plastic food containers - includes plastic lining inside food cans

Sodium nitrite - found in most processed meats, see articles on sodium nitrite

Pesticides, PCBs, chlorine and other chemicals

Acrylamides (formed during high-heat food processing such as frying)

Watching television / lack of exercise

Severe emotional distress or relationship stress

Refined sugars / refined grains

Dry cleaning chemicals

Hair color chemicals

Nail polish remover22 things that PREVENT cancer:

Vitamin D and sunshine - see the Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D

Anti-cancer foods - see articles about anti-cancer foods

Medicinal mushrooms - reishi, shiitake, agaricus blazei, etc. See www.MushroomScience.com or www.DragonHerbs.com

Green tea - see articles about green tea

Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables - see articles about broccoli

Lycopene and tomatoes

Infra-red saunas and sweat lodges - because sweating expels toxins

Chlorella - see articles on chlorella, or check out a recommended chlorella product: Rejuvenate! From IntegratedHealth.com (product to be launched soon)

Pomegranate seeds - see artiles on pomegranate or http://www.ats.org/news.php?id=32

Omega-3 oils / chia seeds - available from GoodCauseWellness.com

Rainforest herbs - There are many anti-cancer rainforest herbs, including graviola and Cat's Claw (Una de Gato). Recommended sources is Terry Pezzi of the high-integrity Amazon Herb Company (also helping to preserve the Amazon rainforest) - Another great source of rainforest herbs is Rain Tree with

Juice detoxification - Read books by Dr. Cousens or visit his retreat in Southern Arizona

Acupuncture - helps move blood and chi (body's energy)

Sprouts - ALL sprouts are anti-cancer. Best sprouting machine is the EasyGreen Automatic Sprouter (use any search engine to find resellers)

Red clover - Helps cleanse the blood. Find from any supplement maker.

Deep breathing / oxygenation / stress reduction - Best product is called Stress Eraser (highly recommended)

Yoga, Tai Chi or Pilates - These all boost lymph circulation

Cacao - (real chocolate) - Good sources are NavitasNaturals.com or Superfoods.com

Therapeutic massage - helps move lymph, boost circulation

Mint - grow your own (the easiest plant to grow)

Apricot pits / laetrile / vitamin B17 - View this World Without Cancer video featuring G.

Blackberries - Most berries contain some form of anti-cancer medicine

The cancer industry attacks nearly all genuine cancer solutionsAfter examining this list, it's not difficult to notice something quite curious: The cancer industry promotes many things that cause cancer while attacking most things that prevent cancer. Naturopathic doctors who once prescribed laetrile for cancer patients, for example, have been run out of the country or arrested. Herbal product companies have been censored to such a degree that none dare tell the truth about the anti-cancer effects of their own products, and even broccoli growers and marketers are scared into remaining silent about the remarkable, scientifically-proven anti-cancer effects of broccoli.In other words, if you want to know what the cancer industry supports or attacks, just check to see which list it's on. If it's on the list of things that prevent cancer, the cancer industry (including most of its doctors, oncologists, non-profits and government regulators) will be against it. If it's on the list of things that cause cancer, they will likely promote it. The cancer industry, you see, isn't interested in stopping cancer. It depends on the disease!The exception to this is, of course, tobacco. That's a substance that doctors once gladly promoted in magazine advertisements, claiming that smoking was good for your health and even improved your teeth! But today, the tobacco scam has long since been revealed, and even conventional medicine is now squarely against this substance that they once strongly promoted.The American Medical Association, by the way, used to actually run ads for cigarettes in its flagship medical journal, JAMA. Doctors can always be bought off and made to promote whatever poison is making the most money this decade (these people have no shame). In the 1950's, it was cigarettes. Today, it's pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy. Different drugs, same scam. But money was always -- and IS always -- the bottom line for conventional medicine. Today, doctors promote chemotherapy, which is far more toxic than smoking!

Join the Education Not Medication effortNow here's how you can help make a difference. Simply copy one of the images shown below and place it on your website. Then link it to this page. Here's a block of HTML code you can copy and paste into any HTML editor to make the process really easy:Copy and paste the following HTML code onto any web page<br><a href = "http://www.newstarget.com/020841.html"><img src = "http://www.newstarget.com/gallery/articles/EducationNotMedication_125.jpg" border="0"><br>Education Not Medication - click here for the truth about breast cancer</a><br>

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Additional reading:Breast Cancer Deception (special report): http://www.NewsTarget.com/Report_Breast_Cancer_Deception_0.htmlBreast cancer articles on NewsTarget:http://www.NewsTarget.com/Breast_Cancer.htmlBreast cancer screening harms ten women for every one it helps:http://www.newstarget.com/020829.htmlMammograms cause breast cancer (and other cancer facts you probably never knew)http://www.newstarget.com/010886.htmlCancer diagnosis doubles suicide rate in patientshttp://www.newstarget.com/020827.htmlNutrients in cruciferous vegetables found to induce death of cancer cellshttp://www.newstarget.com/020839.html###About the author: Mike is a natural health author and technology pioneer with a strong interest in personal health, the environment and the power of nature to help us all heal He has authored more than 1,500 articles and dozens of reports, guides and interviews on natural health topics, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In 2007, launched EcoLEDs, a manufacturer of mercury-free, energy-efficient LED lighting products that save electricity and help prevent global warming. He's also a noted technology pioneer and founded a software company in 1993 that developed the HTML email newsletter software currently powering the NewsTarget subscriptions. also serves as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a non-profit consumer protection group, and practices nature photography, Capoeira, Pilates and organic gardening. He's also author of numerous health books published by Truth Publishing and is the creator of several consumer-oriented grassroots campaigns, including the Spam. Don't Buy It! campaign, and the free downloadable Honest Food Guide. He also created the free reference sites HerbReference.com and HealingFoodReference.com. believes in free speech, free access to nutritional supplements and the ending of corporate control over medicines, genes and seeds.

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See more articles on: cancer | breast cancer | cancer industry

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Well, I'm glad I don't eat Mystery meats any more I lean more toward being a Vegatarian now than I used to Boloney was amoung the first to go can't stand eating Turkey and the Whole Chicken really got to me when I went to cut it up in the sink. I used to be quite a Carnavor though I thought I'd die if I didn't eat meat litually dead. Well, today I am a partial Vegatarian and I'm still alive AMAZING! Love you all -- Rebekah Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote: I have created a folder in the file section called NEWS. The Article below will be added to it. Blessings, Joy Breast Cancer Industry A Scam? Support Education, Not MedicationWednesday, October 24, 2007 by: Mike Printable version Key concepts: cancer, breast cancer and cancer industry. Want stories like this e-mailed to you? Click here for free e-mail alerts. NewsTarget solutions for personal and planetary health: Replace your toxic laundry detergent with natural laundry soap that grows on trees! (Popular solution!) This top "underground" natural health newsletter brings you amazing new natural cures each month. Save $100! How to treat and cure over 100 health conditions using little-known health secrets How to halt type-2 diabetes with nutritional therapy - over 50% cure rate proven in studies End cravings with this guide to natural appetite suppressants (Download edition available.) How to blend nutritious meals in minutes with ' Superfood smoothie recipes (Delicious!) Breakthrough LED lighting technology prevents global warming, saves 90% on your lighting bill• Browse more health books...• Shop our eco-friendly products...All sales help fund NewsTarget operations. This is the second annual publication of NewsTarget's "Education, Not Medication" program designed to teach women the truth about how to prevent and even cure breast cancer. This disease is 90 percent preventable, mostly using completely free therapies. The breast cancer industry does not want women to be made aware of these free therapies because most of the better-known non-profits in the area of breast cancer are, themselves, dependant on revenues from the companies that profit from the disease.The breast cancer industry is now run by corporations that profit from women who receive breast cancer treatments. With nearly all breast cancer nonprofits being subjugated by drug companies, the FDA censoring alternative cancer solutions, and the mainstream media wildly exaggerating the benefits of near-useless cancer drugs like Herceptin, there's hardly a message heard about breast cancer today that doesn't have a profit motive behind it."Breast cancer has been transformed into a market-driven industry. It has become more about making money for corporate sponsors than funding innovative ways to treat breast cancer." - Health Studies researcher King, author of Pink Ribbons Inc.The emphasis on breast cancer "screening," and the circus of holding breast cancer awareness months is, of course, all about recruiting more women into a system of treatment that generates profits for drug companies. Using

fear-based tactics of recruitment (like telling women, "You'll die in six months if you don't undergo chemotherapy..."), the breast cancer industry manages to corral women of all races and ages into treatments that actually harm far more women than they help. New research, for example, shows that certain classes of chemotherapy drugs are so dangerous to human health that they cause heart failure in many women who use them. The drugs are called anthracyclines, and the research was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (October, 2007).Chemotherapy is so dangerous to the heart, liver, kidneys and brain that the very act of screening for cancer tumors with mammography machines ultimately causes harm to most patients. Find that hard to believe? Researchers at the Nordic Cochrane Center in Denmark studied 500,000

women to determine the results of breast cancer screening programs. They found that for every one woman helped by breast cancer screening, ten were harmed through false diagnosis or unnecessary treatments that devastated their health."What seems like good and obvious advice in everyday life is not always scientifically or medically sound", said Gotzsche, MD, director of the center. "So we might say there is a benefit of one but a harm of 10 from screening for breast cancer." You can read more about that story at www.NewsTarget.com/020829.htmlIn other words, breast cancer screening is surprisingly harmful to women. That's partly because the procedure itself irradiates the breast tissue and actually causes cancer, but also because

practically any screening result producing a questionable blur on the final image may result in a woman being manipulated through fear into undergoing aggressive, toxic cancer treatments even when they never had breast cancer in the first place. (False positives are extremely common in breast cancer screening, and in some cases, the machinery is incorrectly calibrated and doesn't even meet radiology standards.) Preventing preventionAnd yet breast cancer screening is the only form of "prevention" offered by the cancer industry. But it isn't prevention, it's detection. Breast cancer screening does nothing to educate women how to really prevent breast cancer, nor does it teach women how to change their diets and lifestyles so that breast cancer never develops in the first place. In fact, the strategy of the cancer industry today can be best described as waiting for women to get cancer, then treating it with toxic drugs that just happen to

generate huge profits for pharmaceutical companies.While tens of millions of women are developing undetectable, early-stage breast cancer right now, the cancer industry does nothing. They will not tell these women how to halt the growth of cancer tumors; they will only wait until the cancer becomes large enough to see on a screening test, and then they will scare the women to death with harmful, authoritative medical demands and toss them into chemotherapy -- a treatment that causes permanent, irreversible harm to the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and other organs.Yet even the World Health Organization admits that 70 percent of all cancers can be prevented through simple changes in food and lifestyle. That number is probably conservative, though. My own opinion is that 90 percent of all cancers can be prevented through simple food and lifestyle changes. Yet no one in the cancer industry seems

interested in teaching any of these strategies to women. In the cancer industry, there is no incentive to teach women how to avoid breast cancer, because to do so would eliminate a future customer! Billions of dollars in revenue are at stake here, and the cancer industry is banking on the continuation of this disease among the population.That's why I started the Education Not Medication program. It is a humble effort to teach women how to prevent their own breast cancer through scientifically-supported natural health strategies that are easy to understand and simple to follow. They include things like eating more broccoli and garlic, getting more natural sunlight on your skin (to generate the anti-cancer nutrient Vitamin D, which has recently been shown to prevent an astonishing 77 percent of ALL cancers!) and avoiding cancer-causing chemicals in manufactured foods (such as sodium nitrite, found in bacon, sausage and virtually all packaged meats). A more detailed list is offered below. The cancer industry depends on more cancerThe cancer industry remains silent about these cancer prevention solutions. Ever wonder why? It's because the livelihood of the industry depends on more cancer! If cancer rates plummeted by 70 percent or more, the industry would be devastated. The incomes, egos and power positions of cancer industry operators depend entirely on the continued spread of cancer among the population.Ever notice that cancer centers are not called, "Anti-Cancer Centers?" You see them in virtually every city and state across the country: The Washington Cancer Center, or

the San Francisco Cancer Center. Here in Arizona, we have a massive, new building being constructed, and it's named the Arizona Cancer Center. These are all monuments to cancer, and they are usually for-profit businesses constructed for the purpose of making money from a woman's disease. They turn cancer into profit, and they depend on the continuation of cancer to stay in business.That's why there's no real effort underway to teach women how to prevent breast cancer. There's no program in place to teach women about the anti-cancer effects of sunlight and vitamin D (in fact, cancer industry groups like the American Cancer Society run public service ads warning people about sunlight!), there's no honest effort to teach women about the natural anti-cancer medicine founds in certain foods, and no one is telling women the truth about the cancer-causing chemicals in perfumes, laundry detergent, cosmetics and

personal care products. Recent research shows that even air fresheners are contaminated with phthalates, and new details about cancer-causing chemicals in household products seem to emerge every week.But when it comes to preventing cancer, the cancer industry is silent. Why should they say anything, anyway? If they teach women how to prevent breast cancer, they lose customers. Besides, the scheme they're running right now is working brilliantly. They maximize revenues and profits by preventing prevention and waiting for women to get cancer, then treating them with high-profit pharmaceuticals, radiation and surgical procedures. They have the easiest business model in the world: All they have to do is keep their mouths shut about what causes cancer, and wait for new customers to fill the cancer centers. And to help them out,

corporations, media organizations and volunteers (many are women!) actually help them raise more money!Women raising money for cancer industry non-profit groups makes about as much sense as Jews raising money for Hitler. The cancer industry is exploiting these women, using their bodies to generate profits! It's time to teach genuine cancer prevention to womenThe cancer industry has been getting away with this scam for years, but I say enough is enough. It's time to declare, "The Emperor has no clothes!" and that the best way to help protect the lives of women is to teach them how to avoid breast cancer rather than waiting for them to get it.And doing so is surprisingly simple. All you have to do is raise awareness about the things that cause breast cancer vs. the things that prevent breast cancer. This can be done through public service announcements,

information handouts, or even internet campaigns like this one.I also suggest that all these cancer treatment centers donate 100 percent of their profits to cancer prevention campaigns. It's wrong to profit from a woman's cancer, is it not? If these businesses really cared about stopping cancer, they'd refuse to profit from the disease and, instead, use the money to help stop cancer in future generations of women (and men, for that matter).What an idea, huh? That these ultra-wealthy non-profits and billion-dollar corporations might spend some money on teaching women how to prevent cancer...If it ever really happens, of course, it will only be as a cover-your-ass reaction to public awareness about the corporatization of the breast cancer industry. As word spreads, these non-profits will have to do something to save their reputation,

so they'll start running tiny "prevention" campaigns to save face. But underneath the facade, make no mistake: cancer is big, big business, and the cancer industry is driven by profiting from a woman's body, not protecting it from cancer."[The cancer industry is] a market-driven industry that feeds off breast cancer survivors." - Health Studies researcher King, author of Pink Ribbons Inc. The real answers to breast cancer preventionHere, for the benefit of women everywhere, is a partial list of the things that cause cancer and things that don't. You're not going to find full descriptions and citations here, as that would require an entire book all by itself, but this is a very useful reference list that tells the truth about what causes or prevents cancer in the human body.18 things that CAUSE cancer: (in no particular order) Smoking cigarettes Mammography radiation - see articles on mammograms Chemotherapy and radiation Perfumes and fragrance products Cosmetics and personal care products - see articles on personal care products Home cleaning products, including laundry detergent, dryer sheets, etc. Drinking non-organic milk or eating non-organic dairy products Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids - See Poison In the Food or articles on hydrogenated oils Plastic food containers - includes plastic lining inside food cans Sodium nitrite - found in most processed meats, see articles on sodium nitrite

Pesticides, PCBs, chlorine and other chemicals Acrylamides (formed during high-heat food processing such as frying) Watching television / lack of exercise Severe emotional distress or relationship stress Refined sugars / refined grains Dry cleaning chemicals Hair color chemicals Nail polish remover22 things that PREVENT cancer: Vitamin D and sunshine - see the Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D Anti-cancer foods - see articles about anti-cancer foods Medicinal mushrooms - reishi, shiitake, agaricus blazei, etc. See www.MushroomScience.com or www.DragonHerbs.com Green tea - see articles about green tea Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables - see articles about broccoli Lycopene and tomatoes Infra-red saunas and sweat lodges - because sweating expels toxins Chlorella - see articles on chlorella, or check out a recommended chlorella product: Rejuvenate! From IntegratedHealth.com (product to be launched soon) Pomegranate seeds - see artiles on pomegranate or http://www.ats.org/news.php?id=32 Omega-3 oils / chia seeds - available from GoodCauseWellness.com Rainforest herbs - There are many anti-cancer rainforest herbs, including graviola and Cat's Claw (Una de Gato). Recommended sources is Terry Pezzi of the high-integrity Amazon Herb Company (also helping to preserve the Amazon rainforest) - Another great source of rainforest herbs is Rain Tree with Juice detoxification - Read books by Dr. Cousens or visit his retreat in Southern Arizona Acupuncture - helps move blood and chi (body's energy) Sprouts - ALL sprouts are anti-cancer. Best sprouting

machine is the EasyGreen Automatic Sprouter (use any search engine to find resellers) Red clover - Helps cleanse the blood. Find from any supplement maker. Deep breathing / oxygenation / stress reduction - Best product is called Stress Eraser (highly recommended) Yoga, Tai Chi or Pilates - These all boost lymph circulation Cacao - (real chocolate) - Good sources are NavitasNaturals.com or Superfoods.com Therapeutic massage - helps move lymph, boost circulation Mint - grow your own (the easiest plant to grow) Apricot pits / laetrile / vitamin B17 - View this World Without Cancer video featuring G. Blackberries - Most berries contain some form of anti-cancer medicine The cancer industry attacks nearly all genuine cancer solutionsAfter examining this list, it's not difficult to notice something quite curious: The cancer industry promotes many things that cause cancer while attacking most things that prevent cancer. Naturopathic doctors who once prescribed laetrile for cancer patients, for example, have been run out of the country or arrested. Herbal product companies have been censored to such a degree that none dare tell the truth about the anti-cancer effects of their own products, and even broccoli growers and marketers are scared into remaining silent about the remarkable, scientifically-proven anti-cancer effects of broccoli.In other words, if you want to know what the cancer industry supports or attacks, just check to

see which list it's on. If it's on the list of things that prevent cancer, the cancer industry (including most of its doctors, oncologists, non-profits and government regulators) will be against it. If it's on the list of things that cause cancer, they will likely promote it. The cancer industry, you see, isn't interested in stopping cancer. It depends on the disease!The exception to this is, of course, tobacco. That's a substance that doctors once gladly promoted in magazine advertisements, claiming that smoking was good for your health and even improved your teeth! But today, the tobacco scam has long since been revealed, and even conventional medicine is now squarely against this substance that they once strongly promoted.The American Medical Association, by the way, used to

actually run ads for cigarettes in its flagship medical journal, JAMA. Doctors can always be bought off and made to promote whatever poison is making the most money this decade (these people have no shame). In the 1950's, it was cigarettes. Today, it's pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy. Different drugs, same scam. But money was always -- and IS always -- the bottom line for conventional medicine. Today, doctors promote chemotherapy, which is far more toxic than smoking! Join the Education Not Medication effortNow here's how you can help make a difference. Simply copy one of the images shown below and place it on your website. Then link it to this page. Here's a block of HTML code you can copy and paste into any HTML editor to make the process really easy:Copy and paste the following HTML code onto any web page<br><a href =

"http://www.<wbr>newstarget.<wbr>com/020841.<wbr>html"><img src = "http://www.<wbr>newstarget.<wbr>com/gallery/<wbr>articles/<wbr>EducationNotMedi<wbr>cation_125.<wbr>jpg" border="0"><br>Education Not Medication - click here for the truth about breast cancer</a><br> Images you can use: Additional reading:Breast Cancer Deception (special report): http://www.NewsTarget.com/Report_Breast_Cancer_Deception_0.htmlBreast cancer articles on NewsTarget:http://www.NewsTarget.com/Breast_Cancer.htmlBreast cancer screening harms ten women for every one it helps:http://www.newstarget.com/020829.htmlMammograms cause breast cancer (and other cancer facts you probably never knew)http://www.newstarget.com/010886.htmlCancer diagnosis doubles suicide rate in patientshttp://www.newstarget.com/020827.htmlNutrients in cruciferous vegetables found to induce death of cancer cellshttp://www.newstarget.com/020839.html###About the author: Mike is a natural health author and technology pioneer with a strong interest in personal health, the environment and the power of nature to help us all heal He has authored more than 1,500 articles and dozens of reports, guides and interviews on natural health topics, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In 2007,

launched EcoLEDs, a manufacturer of mercury-free, energy-efficient LED lighting products that save electricity and help prevent global warming. He's also a noted technology pioneer and founded a software company in 1993 that developed the HTML email newsletter software currently powering the NewsTarget subscriptions. also serves as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a non-profit consumer protection group, and practices nature photography, Capoeira, Pilates and organic gardening. He's also author of numerous health books published by Truth Publishing and is the creator of several consumer-oriented grassroots campaigns, including the Spam. Don't Buy It! campaign, and the free downloadable Honest Food Guide. He also created the free reference sites HerbReference.com and HealingFoodReference.com. believes in free speech, free access to nutritional supplements and the ending of corporate control over medicines, genes and seeds. Vote now: How would you rate this article from 1 to 10? (1=poor, 10=excellent. Votes are reflected within 1 business day.) See more articles on: cancer | breast cancer | cancer industry Articles related to this article:• The mineral selenium proves itself as powerful anti-cancer medicine• New research shows vitamin D slashes risk of cancers by 77 percent; cancer industry refuses to support cancer prevention• Mammograms cause breast cancer (and other cancer facts you probably never knew)• Canadian Cancer Society announces national program to prevent cancer using vitamin D• Sunlight emerging as proven treatment for breast cancer, prostate cancer and other cancers Support NewsTarget by linking to this articleCopy and paste the following HTML code into any web page: <a href =

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