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Okay, so the last cold DID get a secondary... has ear and sinus

infections. She swears her ear doesn't hurt and the ped's eyes bugged out of

her head at that one. I think these pumpkins develop a higher tolerance for

pain just by virtue of going through so much. Funny thing is that it appears

to be the left maxillary sinus and the right ear. I thought they were sort of

connected and assumed it would all be on one side or all on both.

We're trying Omnicef AGAIN.... it's been one or two months since the last

time so we're hoping it will work better -- she's been needing more and more

for each infection, which is the same pattern she went through with

Ceftin/Cefzil before we had to switch to Omnicef. We're saving Augmentin Duo

for bigger things.

Can someone tell me what choices there are for " regular " antibiotics?

Meaning, not any big guns? Amoxicillin has never worked for her but we'd be

willing to try a different penicillin derivative. Believe me, I'm grateful

she's not allergic to anything and that the meds we have used have done as

well as they have. But that's the next fear, nothing working anymore, you

know? Of course you do!!!!!

(mom to Kate, born 9/19/02; and , age 4 -- currently has

polysaccharide antibody def, previously had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell &

other defs)

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For those whose children (like mine) who do not complain when they have an

ear infection--I find that an ear thermometer is a great tool. When his ears

are getting bad--it shows a temp, usually higher on one side. Since he

doesn't run temps, I know it's his ears.

Sandi, 's Mom

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When 's Ped asks him how much his ears hurt (before checking them) Bri

will say, " medium. " His Ped says that 's " medium " is most kid's

meltdown. It think to live in so much pain, he must have such a high pain

tolerance. Plus, you are right, they are not exactly looking forward to

another visit to the Peds!! A few years ago, I would determine by 's

behavior if it was his ears or his sinuses that were infected. Then, as we

would walk into the Ped's office, he would " fess up " . He'd say something

like, " Okay, my ears hurt, I admit it " . He knew Dr. would tell me that

he had an infection. So, it leads me to believe that there is a little of

both factors going on: high pain tolerance, and an unwillingness to visit the

Ped's AGAIN!!

Sandi--Mom to , age 9. Suspected IgA def., Tetrology of Fallot, chronic

sinusitis, chronic ear infections, asthma, severe allergies, GERD. Ten

surgeries, heart surgery pending.

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Autumn always says her ears don't hurt. I was going crazy trying to figure out

when she had an ear infection because she doesn't run a fever either.

I finally sat down and thought about what it felt like for me to have an ear

infection (I get them still occasionally). I remembered a lot of noise and

occasionally popping sounds in my ears. So, I asked Autumn if her ears popped

or if they made noise. She said, " Oh, Mommy, they do that almost all the time.

It always happens when I can't breathe. " BINGO! I knew then all I had to do

was ask if her ears made noise and then I'd know if she was having trouble

before we got to the bulging stage.

Hope feels better!

Ray, mother to Tabitha (age 7), Autumn, age 5 (IgG def., asthma, chronic

sinusitis, and allergies), and Duncan (20 months)

Okay, so the last cold DID get a secondary... has ear and sinus

infections. She swears her ear doesn't hurt and the ped's eyes bugged out of

her head at that one.

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Thanks Sandi I will try that. has never complained to me but I have

always thought she intentionally was not telling me to avoid another trip to the

doctors. It never occurred to me they just did not hurt. I would see drainage

on the outside of her ears, and ask " don't your ears hurt? She would

always reply " no they are fine, please don't call the doctors " . I think these

kids have been through sooo much that they tune out their bodies sometimes. At

times looks so gravely ill, pale white, black circles under her eyes,

stomach pains and she keeps on trucking. I sometimes wonder where they get the

strength. Truthfully she is an inspiration to me , when I am having minor

health problems, cold etc. and begin to complain , I think of her and all of

these other kids and it will shut me right up.

God bless to all


Mom to 10 PID & 20

Re: whoops

For those whose children (like mine) who do not complain when they have an

ear infection--I find that an ear thermometer is a great tool. When his ears

are getting bad--it shows a temp, usually higher on one side. Since he

doesn't run temps, I know it's his ears.

Sandi, 's Mom

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Hey ... good idea ... my kids are a little younger, but they can never tell

me either!

" She said, " Oh, Mommy, they do that almost all the time. It always happens

when I can't breathe. "

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s ped used to scold her terribly when we would visit because he would look

in her ears and of course they were always a mess. He would look at me like why

did you let it get this bad. I would constantly be telling the ped's " She is not

complaining they hurt!! " I always followed the treatment by the book! Finally I

had to be very stern with and threaten to ground her if she knew her ears

were getting bad and deliberately did not tell me . It broke my heart to do it,

however if I could catch it early it is so much easier to treat. That is one of

our biggest hurdles are her ears. We drop and clean them every morning and

night, but by the time she gets to school they still drain some. The kids at

school sometimes make fun of her and say cruel things to her about her ears. So

now she will only wear her hair down, so it covers them. Very sad. One day

soon I am hopeful her ear problems will be history. .

Re: whoops


When 's Ped asks him how much his ears hurt (before checking them) Bri

will say, " medium. " His Ped says that 's " medium " is most kid's

meltdown. It think to live in so much pain, he must have such a high pain

tolerance. Plus, you are right, they are not exactly looking forward to

another visit to the Peds!! A few years ago, I would determine by 's

behavior if it was his ears or his sinuses that were infected. Then, as we

would walk into the Ped's office, he would " fess up " . He'd say something

like, " Okay, my ears hurt, I admit it " . He knew Dr. would tell me that

he had an infection. So, it leads me to believe that there is a little of

both factors going on: high pain tolerance, and an unwillingness to visit the

Ped's AGAIN!!

Sandi--Mom to , age 9. Suspected IgA def., Tetrology of Fallot, chronic

sinusitis, chronic ear infections, asthma, severe allergies, GERD. Ten

surgeries, heart surgery pending.

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That's a great idea, asking about how it SOUNDS rather than if it hurts.

Sometimes I'll ask " which ear hurts the most " and can " trick " her into

answering if I suspect an ear infection when I think she's covering it up.

But at this age you can also plant the suggestion in their mind, which

doesn't help at all. For instance, one night she couldn't find her lamb,

which is her lovey. I looked everywhere and suspected she had hidden it to

put off having to go to bed. So I asked if she hid it and she said yes. I got

all mad! Well, it turns out she never hid it at all, she forgot it in the

bathroom when she went to use the potty. Another good reason never to put a 4

year old on the stand in court!

(mom to Kate, born 9/19/02; and , age 4 -- currently has

polysaccharide antibody def, previously had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell &

other defs)

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ny Depp has been in so many movies recently it's almost difficult to keep track. liberine isn't a word. Well, on another post there's some mention of listerine. I guess I could see the confusion. kajira_2001 <kajira_2001@...> wrote: i meant "The Libertine". Kajira

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ny Depp has been in so many movies recently it's almost difficult to keep track. liberine isn't a word. Well, on another post there's some mention of listerine. I guess I could see the confusion. kajira_2001 <kajira_2001@...> wrote: i meant "The Libertine". Kajira

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