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Re: Desensitization: Reasons and Results

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We have talked on the list about being very tired and needing at least 8 hours of sleep to be able to function, being worn out all of the time, etc. Did you have these problems before you did the desensitization? If so, have they improve afterwards? I am going to Scripps on 10/25 and am looking forward to some relief!


P.S. I personally can't wait to get a good whiff of Captain Private Stock :-)

Desensitization: Reasons and Results

I am very positive about the benefits of aspirin desensitization inaddressing the suffering associated with Samters triadThis is despite the fact that I've had to take two cracks at it. (see myposts, #768, and #446.)I thought I would post my thoughts on why I did it and what were theresults. Here is my list of benefits, and how/whether I have realizedthem, one month after the second desensitization process.1. To be able to take aspirin if if is needed for some legitimate reason:This is especially pertinent if you're somewhere, eg. on a remote vacation,where you don't have access to something which isn't ASA or anNSAID, eg., something like Tylenol. Another case in point is theprescription of daily ASA for heart benefits.Given that I am taking 650mg/day of ASA, it is clear that I am able, ifneeded to take aspirin for any reason, including a heart prescription.2. To avoid inadvertant reactions to things I don't know about:Eg., before I understood what was going on with Samters, I had anear-hospitalization experience with Alka Seltzer, which as I found outlater, has exactly one dose of aspirin in each tablet (325mg ASA).Now, after desensitization, I have no concerns about such accidents.3. To avoid reaction to salycilates in foods, or to avoid the need for adiet which restricts consumption of foods containing salycilates:Before desensitzation I was supicious that certains brands of beer, which Idrink regularly, and certain Gins, which I drink from time to time, wouldtrigger an asthma thing. I also suspected other foods, because theepisodes would very often follow a meal. In reading other posts, itappears that some of us are going to extremes to adhere to a complicated,punishing diet excluding salycilates. I don't have the discipline forsuch a diet, and even if I did, I'm not sure I'd want to live that way.Since desensitization, my post-drink, post-meal episodes have disappeared.I feel no need to avoid any food, any time.4. To generally reduce the symptoms of asthma, and of congestion due topolyps:Since desensitization, I perceive that both pulmonary and nasal functionshave improved, and I am demonstrably less dependent the medicines which hadbeen prescribed for these things, specifically:4.1 I now inhale Pulmicort (budenisole), an antiinflammitory steroid puffer,3 or 4 times a week, rather than 14 times;4.2 I take Oxeze (formeterol), a steoid broncho-dialator in a puffer, onlywhen needed, and perhaps before doing sports -- 1 or 2 times a week, ratherthan 7-14 times per week.4.3 I have totally forgotten about taking Nalcrom in Flunisolide, the nasalsteroid spray that my allergist contrived, to be taken twice a day, andwhich worked only for a week or so before failing forever -- I am breathingeasily, I have no trouble sleeping because of congestion, and the remainingrhinitis is infrequent and not a problem worth mentioning. I think thatthe predisone zapped the polyps, and the ASA maintenance has kept them, sofar, from returning. (This was the part that didn't work well on my firstattempt, which I now deduce was because I was mis-handling the maintenancedose.)4.4 I have missed this month's dust-mite allergy shot, and do not intend totake any more unless specific symptoms return. My theory is that myallergist, who was never very sure about the dust-mite thing, has totallymisread the cause of the allergy-like reactions due to aspirin intolerance.5. To avoid surgery for polyps:As one poster said last week: "surgery seems like such a primitive solutionto an obviously chemical problem."For sure. How can a mechanical procedure address a chemical problem?!?Also, there have been posts which describe how polyps return more quicklyfor Samterites than for others. If you are middle aged, you may belooking at more than a dozen operations in your lifetime just to keepbreathing. Think of all the damage to your body. This is not for me.I am looking for the desensitization and the mainteance intake to avoid theneed for surgery. Time will tell.6. To regain the sense of smell.This is ultimate objective, and the least successful, so far.Almost on command, however, I did start to smell things this afternoon, andthe vapours from a Jack s, before sitting down for this note, werearomatically delightful.It may not last, but even if it is intermittant, smelling the occasionalskunk will be worth the time and trouble of desensitization.Yes, the daily aspirin is a nuisance, but once you are desensitized, I thinkit is a nuisance worth dealing with. In any case, I take another dailypill -- it's just part of waking up.I do have some remaining concerns about side effects, especially aboutbleeding -- eg., a stroke would not be a nice thing. I intend to do moreresearch on this point, with lots of input from my various doctors.Summary: for me, so far, desensitization has worked. I think it is theONLY way to go.regards,Ken West

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