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An interesting site that was forwarded to ACC.

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----- Original Message ----- From: Joyce Hudson


Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2007 10:24 AM

Subject: [spiritual-Insights] An interesting site that was forwarded to ACC.

CHANNELED MESSAGE FROM THE AKASHIC RECORDS OF NOVEMBER 2007 The Grand Finale !.. | 03 November 2007 | 07:05:11



The energy that is available during this month is centered in deep connection. The energy is very similar to what you experience with sexual energy. The energy of the month is based on a deep profound, mind blowing connection. This occurs, not just with the process of sex, but through all kinds of different connections.

Since the time around July of 2007, most of you have been on an intense path that has involved a lot of chaos, darkness for some of you, and an incredible amount of change. At this point most of you have come to terms with who you are becoming. It is as if you bought a new car and took some time to learn how to drive it. You have new ways of thinking and connecting with the world around you. Now that you have a sense of how it works, it is time to really step on the gas and go! The highest possible use of human energy is to create connection.

The whole point of being human is to connect with the different parts of yourself that you imagine are separate – to connect with other human beings, with the Earth, and with nature. The whole reason that you have gone to all this trouble to disconnect yourselves, which is what it is to be human, is so that you can reconnect yourselves. When we say “step on the gas,” we are suggesting that you find different ways to connect and to take it further than you have before.

If there is someone you are attracted to move toward them. Whether you are attracted to them as a romantic mate, as a friend or as a co-worker, move toward them. You are aware that there is magnetism between human beings. You apply this easily in terms of sexual and romantic connections, but it is meant to apply to all connections. You feel magnetism when you stand next to someone in line at the store. Sometimes you are aware of it, sometimes you are not, but there is a magnetic attraction between you and everyone around you. At your best, you are fascinated with each other and you are in love with each other and you open up and investigate those connections. Watch young children and remember what it is like to trust that the people around you will like you if you will only open your minds and your hearts.


The energy of this month is best utilized when you turn your attention to connecting. Connect your body to your mind; connect yourself to another person; or connect yourself with nature, animals, and new kinds of experiences. In every situation, ask yourself, ‘How can I connect more deeply?’ That is the energy and the gift of the month.

Use the word ‘touch’ to guide you. Often the idea of connection is abstracted because your initial experience of yourselves is separation. Part of being human includes a perception that you are separate. While you have tangible evidence for how connection can be done and how it can feel, at some level for most humans, true connection is an abstraction. It is just an idea. We recommend that you utilize the process of physical touch to awaken your inherent desire for and your inherent capacity for connection.

Try touching things this month. When you are talking to a friend, put your hand on their arm; when you are hugging someone, open your hands and press your full palm on their back; or when you are picking up a piece of paper, stop and put your whole hand on the paper. Feel for texture, temperature, and other tactile information. When you are opening a door, feel your hand wrap around the doorknob. Engage activities, like Swedish massage, that turn your attention to physical touch. Touch is like a shortcut to the energy of connection.

An important theme of the year 2008 is family. Choosing a definition for family and finding the people you feel most connected with, then deepening those connections, will be your saving grace in the next nine to eighteen months. Focusing on the physical aspect of touch will help you awaken your capacity to build connection and eventually give you a reliable way to build family connections or to reclaim your spiritual families.

In addition to touch, use your eyes and the act of looking at things with complete eye contact this month. Imagine a wide-eyed 5-year-old child gazing around and taking everything in. Try forgetting that you ever learned not to stare. Of course, do not stare at people if you can tell that they feel uncomfortable, but in general you could gaze longer at things and at people. Most of you, through cultural training or through surviving trauma, have learned to avert your eyes because it has been painful to look for a connection and see that it is not there. Most of you through the course of your lives, have found disappointment in seeking connection and finding that others are distracted or afraid to reach out to you. But now you are the ones who are not paying attention!

At this point on the planet there are many humans who are awakening. You are awakening to Spirit, to your Divine Selves, and to the magic that is available in the world around you. You are all scared to look just in case no one is there to return the gaze. The fact is that you are all there ready to look at each other and then you both avert your eyes! Try staring just a little bit longer or notice the way that you, in your own unique way, tend to turn your gaze away quickly and stop the connection. There is nothing wrong with you for doing this. It was necessary to survive the years of separation.

This month, make a conscious choice and turn your eyes back to see if someone is there. You will find this will happen most obviously and easily with children, but you will also find it with adults. It is time to reconnect. It is vital for the well-being of your entire human race that you reconnect with the people who exist in your reality -- the people who are physically around you. Stop and look at them. Make a connection.


Yes. November 3rd is like a flower blooming in time lapse photography. There is a blossoming energy on this day. Small things will become bigger on November 3rd. The day is an amplifier with a clear energy of the divine feminine, so that things may be amplified but with a strong dose of gentleness. The recommendation for this day is to relax, be passive and allow what needs to come up in your life to come. Be aware of your intentions and choices on this day. Anything you do on November 3rd will have a wider affect or greater consequences than you anticipate. It is a perfect day for planting seeds that you hope will flourish later.

The period between November 7th through 9th has a much sharper energy. In the words of astrology they have a strong Saturn influence, like an authoritarian calling you to task. Things that you have not been able to see clearly will likely become clear during November 7th through 9th. It is very possible that some things have unclear because you did not want to see them. They might make you uncomfortable; they might lead you to ask questions that you cannot easily answer. On these days, those things will come into focus and you will have to work a lot harder to avoid them. We recommend that you use the clarity available to really look things in the eye and ask clarifying questions. If there is an interpersonal relationship that has been unclear for you, you might take these days to ask questions such as, ‘Who has the power in this situation?’ ‘Whose truth is honored more in this situation?’ ‘How happy do I feel in this situation?’ Ask questions that help you see it for what it is. Life can be much more clear for you during and after these days if you will strive to see things as they truly are, rather than as you wish them to be.

On November 11th you have a Stargate. A Stargate always opens you to the higher dimensions, and this one is specifically from the stellar energies that oversee Planet Earth. This is a perfect day to connect with your Spirit Guides or with your own sense of divinity, whether you label divinity as God, Goddess, a series of gods and goddesses, your own personal Spirit Guides, Mother Earth or whatever else. There is a huge potential for spiritual connection on this day. You may find that you are a little sleepier than usual or a little more ‘spaced out’ than usual. If you can, plan ahead for yourself to have some free time on this day or plan your day to have tasks that do not require your full attention.

November 17th has a very playful energy. You will be surrounded with opportunities to play, and play will give you huge momentum to move forward in your life in line with your intentions and with your higher good. It is like a day when the things you need, the things you want, and the things you think you shouldn’t want but want anyway, all intersect and you are allowed to have them all! The key to having them all on this day is to move toward playfulness. You can imagine that you are surrounded by fairies and sprites prodding you to wake up and play. Take note if you find yourself tripping or knocking things over; Spirit is trying to get your attention and remind you to stop working so hard and start playing. Your highest good will be served in silliness on this day and for a few days afterward.

The vibration of December will initiate at the end of November. We will speak of it now so that you are not surprised when you find that there is a great swelling of energy in December. Around the time of November 26th you will find a huge energy, almost like a vibrational tsunami. You are not likely to experience a physical tsunami. Instead, it is an overpowering swelling energy that is meant to move you into a more ecstatic version of yourselves. This swelling is all about Love. The more you have worked to find Self Love -- to hold onto it, to foster it, to nourish it -- the more ecstatic this experience will be. Throughout the month of November, take every opportunity you can to fall in love with yourself. Go beyond just healing and feel slightly better about yourselves than you usually do. Instead, behave in the way that you would if you were so in love with another person that you wanted to send them flowers or you wanted to hold them all the time. Find a way to feel this for yourselves.

The potential for Love in December is enormous. This swelling energy can also lead people to do some pretty big stuff, whether you see it as positive or negative, there is a big energy in December. Be the Light you can be on the planet by loving yourself as much as you can as you move into this swell. You are going to start to feel it around the 26th of November and we invite you to move into it and go with it -- let yourselves fall apart or let things unravel if they need to in order to make space for your heart to open wider than it ever has before. While it is not a probability for most of you, for some of you it will be necessary that some things unravel so that your heart can get big enough to remember your true selves. Move into trust as you come into the month. Whatever ‘it’ is in your life, move into it and just go with it. You can trust that it is there for your highest good. You can trust that there is enormous Love available for you in it if you will enter each moment with an open heart.

The Akashic Records are an ethereal library, offering infinite information regarding every creation in the Universe. There is a unique Akashic Record for every period of time that humans experience, and these Records can be accessed in order to gain understanding. As we approach each new month, the possibilities and probabilities of the month come into form, and can be understood as a general energy that each of us works with individually. This monthly channeling of the Akashic Records is offered to you by Jen Eramith in order to facilitate your own experiences as you move through the month.

This Monthly Message was channeled from the Akashic Records byJen Eramith, MA. Permission is given to copy and redistribute this article provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.

For questions, or to subscribe to the Monthly Message by email, please contact Jen.


Welcome to a magical conversation with Spirit!

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2007 All rights reserved.


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