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Take care of the adrenal glands.

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Herbal Tonic for Energy, Shingles, Herpes and MoreFriday, November 02, 2007 by: Leslee Dru Browning Printable version Key concepts: licorice root, herpes and adrenal gland. Want stories like this e-mailed to you? Click here for free e-mail alerts.

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Enter the numbers you see above: (NewsTarget) The adrenal glands often become 'depleted' as a result of the constant demands placed upon them. They are the “fight or flight” glands that can become exhausted by too much stress. An individual with adrenal exhaustion will usually suffer from chronic fatigue, may complain of feeling anxiety-ridden, and will, more often than not, have a reduced resistance to allergies and infection. The adrenal glands secrete several important hormones that help maintain the balance of many body functions. Stress of any kind, fasting, temperature changes, allergies, infections, drugs, and exercise all stimulate the adrenals to release their hormones. When the adrenals release too few or too many hormones, the body responds differently to the everyday stresses of life. The adrenal cortex is involved in the production of such as cortisol, aldosterone, and androgens such as DHEA. My Adrena Tonic was formulated to support mild to moderate adrenal deficiency that can cause havoc on the immune-system and energy levels. This tonic also supports ‘Shingles, Herpes and Epstein Barr’ recovery along with Prostate Cancer Prevention.When I first formulated Browning’s Adrena it was in order to provide a tonic that would boost adrenal gland function in chronic and critical illness including cancer. Breast cancer patients especially suffer from adrenal insufficiency. When patients are faced with long-term illnesses their stress levels sky-rocket overtaxing the adrenal glands thereby causing a depletion in energy levels. The formula accomplished what it was set out to do and I could not make it fast enough for my patients suffering form fatigue.Licorice root, which is the primary herb in Adrena, helps prevent adrenal failure by maintaining electrolyte balance. Research shows benefits for 's disease sufferers. Glycyrrhiza has a marked effect upon the endocrine system. Its glycosides are structurally similar to the natural steroids of the body, and are responsible for the beneficial action that this herb has in the treatment of adrenal gland problems. Rather than contributing to adrenal atrophy, as synthetics do, licorice helps to preserve healthy adrenal function.But along came some surprises that I had not expected when my patients had been on the Adrena Tonic for 3 to 4 months. Many people with a comprised immune function develop shingles and quite a few of my patients had both shingles and herpes. After taking the Adrena formula my patients reported that they had no more outbreaks of shingles or herpes. Some of those patients have been shingle and herpes free for 3 years or more. They also had better liver and lung function.Licorice root is known to completely reverse the shingle and herpes virus within 1 years time, or less, with no further viral infection. It cures the virus with no side-effects. With licorice root being an anti-viral herb it can be used to keep other viruses at bay as well.Licorice root is excellent for any lung ailment including coughs, emphysema and asthma; it is good for depression, helps allergies, has a well-documented reputation for healing ulcers and is an excellent anti-inflammatory.Licorice protects the liver, promotes liver healing and helps maintain the overall health of the liver. The herb's anti-inflammatory properties help calm hepatitis-associated liver inflammation. Licorice also fights the virus commonly responsible for hepatitis.The National Cancer Institute did a clinical trial using Licorice Root in combination with Docetacel for Hormone-Refractory Metastic Prostate Cancer that did not respond to hormone therapy. The primary outcome was PSA normalization or a 50% decline. As an herbalist I would think that it was the licorice root alone that brought the PSA levels down to normal. I would certainly recommend the Adrena for prostate cancer or the prevention of prostrate cancer along with a blood tonic. I would also suggest that Saw Palmetto and Pygeum be taken with the Adrena as both those herbs are also known to bring PSA levels down to normal and prevent prostate cancer.The herbs in the Adrena Tonic are:Bayberry: Adrenal weakness, astringent, antibacterial. The primary chemical constituents include essential oils, flavonoids, phenols, starch, lignin, albumen, gum, tannins, and gallic acid.Borage: Borage acts as a restorative agent on the adrenal cortex; it will revive & renew the adrenal glands after a medical treatment of cortisone or steroids. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), beta-carotene, choline, mucilage, B vitamins, and trace minerals.Eleuthero Rt: Nutritionally supports the glandular system, adrenal glands, energy, and stress. The eleutherosides are a range of glycosides that appear to act on the adrenal glands, helping to prevent adrenal hypertrophy and excess corticosteroid production in response to stress, additionally help reduce the exhaustion phase of the stress response, and return the adrenals to normal function faster. It has been shown to increase energy & stamina, and to help the body resist viral infections, environmental toxins, radiation, and chemotherapy. It has also been used to help restore memory, concentration, and cognitive abilities which may be impaired from poor blood supply to the brain. Eleuthero also boosts immunity. Healthy people taking 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of tincture three times daily have been shown to have increased numbers of the immune cells (CD4+ cells) that have decreased during HIV-infection and AIDS.Hawthorne: Increases the body's ability to utilize oxygen, and the heart's ability to utilize calcium. This herb can actually help regulate both high and low blood pressure. Flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins.Licorice Rt: Contains biotin, chromium, iodine, lecithin, manganese, niacin, Pantothenic acid, phosphorus, Vitamins E, B-complex and Zinc. Used for Adrenal Gland Exhaustion; ’s Disease; helps maintain water supply in body by balancing electrolytes. The main constituent found in the root is glycyrrhizin. Glycyrrhizin stimulates the secretion of the adrenal cortex hormone "aldosterone". Licorice root has been said to completely reverse the ‘Shingle Virus’ over a period of long-term use. It has been demonstrated to have powerful anti-HIV action in vivo. As an herbal medicine it has an impressive list of well documented uses which include but are not limited to baldness, body odor, bursitis, canker sores, chronic fatigue, depression, colds and flu, gout, heartburn, viral infections, fungal infections, ulcers, liver problems, Lyme disease, menopause, psoriasis, shingles, sore throat, tuberculosis, ulcers, prostate enlargement and arthritis.Rose Hips: Adrenal glands, bio-flavonoids, vitamin C, immune enhancement.Sarsaparilla: Primary chemical constituents of this herb include saponins, glycosides, sitosterol, stigmasterin, resin, fat, and sugar. Sarsaparilla also contains calcium, copper, iron, iodine, manganese, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, B-complex and vitamins A, C, and D. It is an excellent herb for skin conditions and has been suggested as a possible treatment for the herpes simplex I virus as well as for RSV, a respiratory virus that causes upper respiratory infections.Star Anise Seed: Research shows star anise is an excellent flu deterrent.Suma Root: Nutritionally it contains essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements plus high amounts of the trace element germanium, which is a powerful immune stimulator. The germanium in Suma may be partly responsible for Suma's powerful ability to bring more oxygen to the cells. This herb helps fight the virus responsible for ‘Epstein-Barr disease’. Suma is also beneficial for treating cardiovascular disease, depression, chronic fatigue and inflammatory conditions.Uva Ursi: Helps alkalinize the urine neutralizing acidity. As a nutritional supplement and muscle relaxant, it soothes, strengthens, and tightens irritated & inflamed tissues and is added in this tonic since the adrenal glands sit right on top of the kidneys.The dried herbal ingredient amounts you will need make Browning’s Adrena Tonic:1 oz. Bayberry (Morella cerifera)2 oz. Borage (Borago officinalis)3 oz. Eleuthero Root Powder (Eleutherococcus senticosus)2 oz. Hawthorne Berry (whole or powder) (Crataegus laevigata)7 oz. Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)2 oz. Licorice Root Powder (Glycyrrhiza glabra)2 oz. Rose Hips (whole berry or powder) ( canina)2 oz Sarsaparilla Rt. (Smilax medica or Smilax ornate)2 oz. Star Anise Pod (Illicium verum)3 oz. Suma Root Powder (Pfaffia paniculata)1 oz. Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva ursi)What cooking tools and other ingredients you will need:You will also need two stainless steel or glass 16 quart or larger pots with lids. One pot for cooking and one pot for straining liquid into after cooking.A large strainer.A candy or water thermometer.Cheesecloth.3 ½ gallons of distilled water16 oz of vegetable glycerin32 oz of black strap molassesFor bottling you can use regular pint size canning jars. You will need about 14 jars.You can cut recipe in ½ for a smaller batch.In pot add:Begin the tonic in the morning. In 1 pot add the bayberry, eleuthero, hawthorne, licorice root, licorice root powder, rose hips, sarsaparilla, star anise, suma and cover with 3 ½ gallons of distilled water. Stir. Cover pot with lid and bring to a very slow boil (simmer) for about 2 hours then turn heat to low until evening.In the evening add the borage and uva ursi to the above pot and turn heat down to warm to steep (not boil) the herbs like you would a cup of tea overnight.The next morning strain the liquid from the herbs by laying a couple of layers of cheesecloth over your strainer. Strain liquid into a clean container then heat herbal liquid and bring to a boil for 15 minutes to kill any bacteria.Compost the strained herbs in your garden.Then add to strained liquid:16 oz of vegetable glycerin,32 oz of black strap molasses3 tablespoons of citric acidStir and let the mixture mingle on burner for 15 minutes or longer but do not boil. When ready to bottle use a candy thermometer to check the temperature of the liquid. You want the temperature 190* to prevent any bacteria to grow in the tonics. Maintain this heat temperature throughout bottling.While waiting for your liquid to reach the accurate bottling temperature prepare your canning jars. Sterilize jars and lids.Once your bottles are sterilized and your herbal liquid is at the right temperature add the tonic liquid to the hot jars. Fill to ½” from top of jar and cap. Let cool overnight. Check to make sure all the jars sealed properly the store them. Label. Tonic will store for 1 year.Once you open a jar of tonic for use you must Refrigerate it. The tonic will last for 2 months in the refrigerator once it has been opened. Sediment in the bottom of the jars is normal. Give the jar a little shake or stir to mix the sediment before taking.How much to take:Adult Folklore Dosage: 1 teaspoon 1 to 3 times a day.Do not use if you are pregnant. If on any medication check an herb/drug interaction guide before using tonic.Contrary to modern day thinking licorice root will not raise blood pressure if taken in moderate amounts.Disclaimer—The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your health care professional. You should not use the information in this article for self-diagnosis or to replace any prescriptive medication. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem, suffer from allergies, are pregnant or nursing.

About the authorLeslee Dru Browning is a 6th generation Medical Herbalist & Nutritionist from the ancestral line of Patty Bartlett Sessions; Pioneer Mid-Wife & Herbalist. Leslee practiced Medical Herbalism and Nutritional Healing for over 25 years and specialized in Cancer Wellness along with Chronic Illness. She now devotes her career to teaching people, through her writing, about Natural Healing from An Herbal Perspective. ###

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See more articles on: licorice root | herpes | adrenal gland

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