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Re: Insufficent blood flow/circulation

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Hi Tammy,

May I suggest that you take vitamin E (the circulation vitamin), preferably the

mixed-tocopherol variety. I myself take two 400 IU capsules, one in the morning

and one in the afternoon.

May I also suggest you employ the radial appliance (a Cayce electrotherapy unit

I also use on a daily basis). For information about this device, visit


Massage therapy is also very helpful in normalizing circulation.

This site has information about treating migraine headaches that you may find



All the best,

Dudley Delany


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Dudley, you are right about Mixed. I actually use E-Gamma from Life Extension. It is said that the E problems are caused by D-Alpha since this interferes with the activities of the other Tocopherols. Mixed is always better. Good point about E and circulation as I had not considered this.

Natokinase lowers blood pressure and it stimulates circulation in the extremities. 100 mg daily is required. ~ Lynn Koiner

Re: Insufficent blood flow/circulation

Hi Tammy,May I suggest that you take vitamin E (the circulation vitamin), preferably the mixed-tocopherol variety. I myself take two 400 IU capsules, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.May I also suggest you employ the radial appliance (a Cayce electrotherapy unit I also use on a daily basis). For information about this device, visithttp://www.webspawner.com/users/raappinfo/index.htmlMassage therapy is also very helpful in normalizing circulation.This site has information about treating migraine headaches that you may find helpful:http://www.webspawner.com/users/ecsmigrainetx/index.htmlAll the best,Dudley Delanydudley_delany

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though pricey the Sun Ancon chi machine is very good at improving

circulation all over the body. I used to suffer from dreadful swollen ankles

and they have completely gone now

Insufficent blood flow/circulation

> Hello there~


> I was wondering if anyone knew of anything i can do to help

> increase blood flow in my legs. I just had an ultrasound and learned i

> have insufficent blood flow and that the blood doesnt want to go up my

> legs. Following my internal guidance system, i feel like i shouldn't have

> the lazer surgery that they suggested. I am taking a vitamin called " Leg

> Veins " It has several herbs that are supposed to help increase blood flow.

> I do own a High Frequencey unit and don't know if that would help? I do

> know it helps to get rid of my migrains/headaches when i use it on my

> scalp during those times. So anyone know of this or has this that can help

> in any info that could help me i would deeply (pun intended) appreaciate

> it :)

> Tammy




> ------------------------------------



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Hi Tammy,

What did the doctors say about your veins?

Most people get far too many unstable " polyunsaturated " fatty acids in

their diet. Vitamin E is important because it can help interrupt the

lipid-peroxidation chain reaction. This is where an unsaturated fat

molecule breaks down and creates all sorts of hazardous substances

which damage other fats in the vicinity.

Very little is said about the hazards of too much " Omega 3 " and " Omega

6 " (the two most common polyunsaturated fatty acids) in one's diet.

Butter, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, tallow and lard

(non-hydrogenated) are appropriate dietary sources of fat. Seed oils

(soybean oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, light olive

oil, etc) are not appropriate for human consumption. If there are any

products made with these in your kitchen, you should immediately throw

them out. This includes most salad dressings, including " organic "


This is covered in more detail in one of my free email reports. Sign up at


I recently made a video that covers foods to avoid:

It's targeted to women who are trying to conceive, but the advice is

good for all humans.

By repairing the energy body, the Radial Appliance does help warm many

cases of cold hands and feet.




On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 7:39 AM, luv2knit31 <luv2knit31@...> wrote:


> Hello there~


>            I was wondering if anyone knew of anything i can do to help

increase blood flow

> in my legs. I just had an ultrasound and learned i have insufficent blood flow

and that the

> blood doesnt want to go up my legs. Following my internal guidance system, i

feel like i

> shouldn't have the lazer surgery that they suggested. I am taking a vitamin

called " Leg

> Veins " It has several herbs that are supposed to help increase blood flow. I

do own a

> High Frequencey unit and don't know if that would help? I do know it helps to

get rid of

> my migrains/headaches when i use it on my scalp during those times. So anyone


> of this or has this that can help in any info that could help me i would

deeply (pun

> intended) appreaciate it :)

>                          Tammy




> ------------------------------------



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I would suggest two think:

- The Radiac (equalize circulation)

- Massage with olive/peanuts oil

luv2knit31 a écrit :

Hello there~

I was wondering if anyone knew of anything i can do to help increase

blood flow in my legs. I just had an ultrasound and learned i have

insufficent blood flow and that the blood doesnt want to go up my legs.

Following my internal guidance system, i feel like i shouldn't have the

lazer surgery that they suggested. I am taking a vitamin called "Leg

Veins" It has several herbs that are supposed to help increase blood

flow. I do own a High Frequencey unit and don't know if that would

help? I do know it helps to get rid of my migrains/headaches when i use

it on my scalp during those times. So anyone know of this or has this

that can help in any info that could help me i would deeply (pun

intended) appreaciate it :)


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