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Please sign each petition supporting herpes (linked to Alzheimer's) researches!!

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Current research strongly suggests that Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1) and

Herpes Simplex Virus-2 (HSV-2) can be cured. HSV-1 is usually the cause of oral

herpes, aka cold sores and is the main cause of blindness. When HSV affects the

eyes it leads to Stromal Keratitis. At this point, most patients undergo

multiply corneal transplants to eventually lose their eye sight anyways.

Antiviral medications do not work properly in suppressing the HSV virus once it

has infected the eye(s). HSV-1 can affect the genital region, but mainly HSV-2

is the associated with the genital area. Research has linked HSV-1 to

Alzheimer's disease in which is the 7th leading cause of death nationally.

Billions of tax dollars use being used on finding better treatment for

Alzheimer's disease as well as direct care for these individuals. You can obtain

the statistics on Alzheimer's disease at http://www.alz.org/index.asp . HSV is

attracted to cancer cells, and with recent discoveries in modern medicine

scientists are looking for treatments such as anti-cancer agents to carry an

inactivated form of HSV to the infected cancer cells or tumor. There are several

researches being conducted on HSV. Approximately, 90% of people carry HSV-1 and

this could be the reason why Alzheimer's is on a fast incline and that people

live longer these days. It is estimated 1 out of every 5 people have HSV-2

genitally. Many people are asymptomatic to the virus, but shed the virus

instead. So, they are unaware they are infected with HSV and are very likely to

spread the virus. Sores DO NOT have to be present to become infected with HSV-1

or HSV-2.

Dr. Bloom, PhD a professor in the department of molecular genetics and

microbiology at University of Florida is currently working toward inactivating

this horrible virus that has infected the human body for far too long. He has

designed a " ribozyme " for HSV-1 which completely deactivates the herpes virus.

He is also designing a ribozyme to disable the HSV-2 virus. His current research

is mainly focused on HSV-1 due to the large amount of people who become blind

from this virus. His current research will yield great results with the help of

more funding. He will be able to move forward with disabling HSV-2 after his

success in curing HSV-1. Currently, as of 2011 his research is 100% effective in

the testing with rabbit eyes. His journey to inactivate this virus was based on

finding better treatment or cure for ocular herpes and then discovered it this

method can also inactivate HSV-2. This virus can be cured or inactivated and

many lives will be changed forever. This virus can be stopped easily. Why let

people live with a virus that can be cured?

Dr. Cullen, PhD a professor in the department of molecular genetics and

microbiology at Duke University Medical Center has found a way to cure herpes.

His approach is different when compared to Dr. Bloom's research. Although, both

herpes research projects yield very promising results. Once again funding is

scarce, slowing their research. No research in all the years of studying this

virus and searching for cures have ever been this close in terminating HSV-1 and

HSV-2. Scientist have broken the herpes genome code and are now closer to curing

people who have a medical condition that society labels as a disgrace.

With your help, will you please sign each petition and encourage others to do

so? It takes less than a minute to sign each petition, it's free, and you can

sign anonymously! By doing this you are stating you would like to see your tax

dollars be spent on herpes researches.





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