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Riding in a car for a long distance is very difficult. My grandkids lived an hour and a half from me several years ago. The ride exhausted me more than the babysitting. I was so glad when they moved to the city where I live.I also wish we had all this new technology when my children were small. Joan

The two with whom I'm close to just an hrs trip there, they both have been fantastic with me, I explain to them from the start if they moved too fast gran wouldn't be able to stop them from falling, and the eldest now 6 years has not once caused me pain from her actions, she treats me like a queen, and our new little chap just 4 months old seems to be following in his sisters steps.. Tis so beautiful and I miss them so much between visits as traveling hurts so much I travel as little as possible but thanks to technology nowadays chatting face to face is easy no matter where you are in the world

With digital cameras and video cams we are able to witness those special moments we can't attend, wish I had a digital camera when my babes were little, they are so much fun.

Thanks for the well wishes and I send you warm greeting in return

Cheers Adrienne


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> > i was meaning noone in my family understands, not those who are here. Sorry


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> > >________________________________


> > >From: BRUCE WINGO <joanwingo2@>


> > >Spinal Stenosis Treatment


> > >Sent: Sunday, October 2, 2011 10:32 AM


> > >Subject: newly diagnosed


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> > >To say that "noone here seems to understand" was an unfair thing to say. I completely understand. I feel the same way. I also have many other health problems besides spinal stenosis. The fact that my family loves me is what keeps me going. I would never purposely hurt them. However, I get so frustrated because my body will not let me do the things that I want to do with my six grandkids. When I try, I pay for it.


> > >The neurosurgeon told me to let him know when I'm ready for surgery. I'm scared to even think about back surgery. I know the day may come when I have to have it, but for now the shots and medicines are keeping me moving.


> > >I never saw my last post on this site so I'm not sure what caused that. Maybe this one will make it.            Joan


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> > >>Thanks for writing Cathie, I am a very depressed unhappy person. I am just a REcluse anymore. I have spinal stenosis and DDD plus RA and I can't walk but a few steps without sitting are laying down. I have tried so many things pills, shots, etc with no relief. My back and my legs hurt so bad and sometimes they burn. I can't even go to the gro. store anymore. I am scheduled for surgery on the 14th, but I am so sc ared and undecided, as the neurosurgeon  ,I asked him would this surgery take away my pain, and he said he couldn't promise me anything. How scary is that.?? I feel like I am being tortured for some reason. Seems once they try to fix one thing that will call for more surgeries. I can't work anymore and that is killing me.To be truthful with you I have even thought many times of suscide, but guess I am too big a coward for that.Hope you will keep in touch, because noone here seems to understand. Have A Great Day and

Feel Better. God Bless

> you!!


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