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whooping cough

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At 07:50 AM 10/04/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>I have also heard that there has been a resurgence of

>whooping cough...my kids are at the tail end of it and

>have had it since AUGUST!!! It was awful and

>frightening but probably worse for me than it was for


I cannot tell you how stupid doctors have become. Pediatric nurse in

pediatric hospital and practice, especially 1971 - 1978 and can't imagine

the doctors I worked for being such idiots. It has all gone DOWNHILL BIG



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-740-0561 Voicemail in US


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


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Education, Homeopathic Education

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At 12:36 PM 10/04/2001 -0400, you wrote:


>Hi. Can you tell me what the symptoms were for your kids. I think we all

>have had it but I am not sure. Thanks so much. What can the homeopath

>prescribe as opposed to the antibiotics you received? My husband, my four

>year old and me were all on antibiotics but nothing really helped. I found

>that 3000mg of vitamin c worked better for me.



each person is individual as to what remedies will work with them - see the

articles I posted yesterday.

Antibiotics do nothing - and there is no evidence that they do.

Certainly Vitamin C- as much as tolerated - is in order



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-740-0561 Voicemail in US


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

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CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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In a message dated 10/4/01 9:52:18 PM GTB Daylight Time, Chevy974@...



I have read alot about pertussis and am wondering why this is a cough or

sickness you never get immunity to? >>

It would seem that we only develop temp immunity to bacterial infections.

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well, I can tell you the Vit c helped alot here. ALso when i took my dd 5 mo

old at the time to the Dr HE said is there any sign the other kids arfe

getting it I said Why they are vaxed He said yes but there are many strains

od pertussis and there vaccines are starting to wain by this time they are

just as suseptable Luckliy they didnt get it. But i can tell you 2 yrs ago I

had a cough so bad i broke 2 ribs would sit up in beds and practiclly cough

up a lung At this point in my life i was ignorant to the vaccine issue and Dr

said I had bronchitis. And I always had BAD coughs as a kid. So this is a

weak spot in my system i have passed to my daughter. So I am sure that it was

pertussis i had

I honesty feel for any of you going through pertussis right now it was not a

fun time I dont ever and hope not to see it again. If any of you need just to

talk give me a hollar. I know there were a few of you i talked to daily that

helped me through all this.( Thanks Phyliss and Sara.) ANd I can also say my

house will never be with out the Vit C and homeopathic from now on.





Chelsea 9

Carrigian 5


Chaela 7 mo


HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >the hasktt bunch</A>

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At 02:50 PM 10/04/2001 EDT, you wrote:

>I have read alot about pertussis and am wondering why this is a cough or

>sickness you never get immunity to? I hate the thoughts that we might have

>this ugly thing rear its head in my house again. Although now I know what to

>do and will be on the better side with having knowledge on my side and a

>great homeopath but i really dont care to see it again.

> Ao what are the chances after having it will you get it again.



It is a bacteria. There just isn't lasting immunity from any bacterial

disease usually.

ie strep, staph, etc. That's why vaccines for bacterial diseases is such a


" Pertussis is caused by the gram-negative bacillus B. pertussis, a strict

anaerobe whose only known reservoir is humans. B. pertussis produces many

biologically active substances that are thought to be responsible for its

clinical syndrome; the most significant of these substances are pertussis

toxin and filamentous hemagglutinin. Transmission is by aerosolized

droplets containing organisms coughed by infected persons. The incubation

period is usually six to 10 days but ranges from five to 21 days. Infected

persons can transmit the disease after the first week of incubation and

remain infectious until three weeks after the onset of symptoms. Pertussis

has no distinct seasonal pattern. "

From WHO

" Even infection with Bordetella pertussis may not assure a long-lasting

immunity; some serological observations suggest that past infection may not

provide protection, and that the widely held belief that infection with B.

pertussis confers lifelong immunity is probably wrong. "

But we (they) realy don't know much about immunity and immunity may also

depend on constant exposure to the bacteria in the environment as well as

having had the disease.


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-740-0561 Voicemail in US


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Is that true that it is a bacterial infection? My whole family was

vacinated. My husband and I thirty odd years ago and the boys three and

five years ago. We are all so sick with it and have all of the symptoms

that Sandy provided us. I am downing the Vitamin C with great relief. It

is breaking up the mucus and allowing me to carry on without coughing

until...night. At that time we sound like a house of seals. I will not

give the 8 year old antibiotics. They did not help us at all. We are still

all just as ill.


>From: nnu29@...



>Subject: Re: whooping cough

>Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 19:37:20 EDT


>In a message dated 10/4/01 9:52:18 PM GTB Daylight Time, Chevy974@...




> I have read alot about pertussis and am wondering why this is a cough or

> sickness you never get immunity to? >>

> It would seem that we only develop temp immunity to bacterial



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How much vitamin c did you give your kids? I am waiting for two homeopaths

to respond to me. In the meantime, I am trying to do what we can without

any drugs. I am taking 2000mg in the am, 1000 at lunch and 2000 at bedtime.

I am still with slight symptoms while it runs its course but am 90% better

than my husband, who will not comply with my suggestions(hard head) and my

four year old who I cannot get to swallow a pill. THe eight year old is

getting 1000mg plus a vitc mag tablet.


>From: Chevy974@...



>Subject: Re: whooping cough

>Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 20:26:22 EDT


>well, I can tell you the Vit c helped alot here. ALso when i took my dd 5


>old at the time to the Dr HE said is there any sign the other kids arfe

>getting it I said Why they are vaxed He said yes but there are many


>od pertussis and there vaccines are starting to wain by this time they are

>just as suseptable Luckliy they didnt get it. But i can tell you 2 yrs ago


>had a cough so bad i broke 2 ribs would sit up in beds and practiclly cough

>up a lung At this point in my life i was ignorant to the vaccine issue and


>said I had bronchitis. And I always had BAD coughs as a kid. So this is a

>weak spot in my system i have passed to my daughter. So I am sure that it


>pertussis i had


>I honesty feel for any of you going through pertussis right now it was not


>fun time I dont ever and hope not to see it again. If any of you need just


>talk give me a hollar. I know there were a few of you i talked to daily


>helped me through all this.( Thanks Phyliss and Sara.) ANd I can also say


>house will never be with out the Vit C and homeopathic from now on.






> Chelsea 9

> Carrigian 5

> 4

> Chaela 7 mo

> <A

>HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >the hasktt





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In a message dated 10/5/01 3:39:11 AM GTB Daylight Time, mdjbam@...


<< am still with slight symptoms while it runs its course but am 90% better

than my husband, who will not comply with my suggestions(hard head) and my

four year old who I cannot get to swallow a pill. THe eight year old is

getting 1000mg plus a vitc mag tablet.

Michel >>

Can you get any sodium ascorbate powder?????

I use the NOW brand and bought 3 pounds of it from vitaglo online.You can

mix this in water/juice.My dd who loves salt prefers to eat hers straight of

with some veggies to dip in it!!!!

For dosage it all depends,but I saved this from another list member...

(Give until they get the poopies and then cut back a little)

Sodium ascorbate powder for breastfed babies.

Dosage rate = between 200 - 375 mg per kg of body

weight over waking hours, actual dose depends on


So if your baby weighs 4 kilos, one gram vitamin C =

1,000 mgs ( one-quarter of a level tsp) should be split

into several doses, and given from morning to


One good pinch equals 250 mgs, if you want to use the

vague method.

Express some breastmilk, dissolve the vitamin C. Using

a plastic dropper, drip it into the inside of her cheek

until all in, or get it into her as she breastfeeds by

inserting the dropper without breaking her " seal " - not

so easy!!!

You should start to notice a significant difference

within 24 hours.

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Where do you live - if there are symptoms you can't live with and just bide

your time with, you need a homeopath!


At 07:57 PM 10/04/2001 -0400, you wrote:



>Is that true that it is a bacterial infection? My whole family was

>vacinated. My husband and I thirty odd years ago and the boys three and

>five years ago. We are all so sick with it and have all of the symptoms

>that Sandy provided us. I am downing the Vitamin C with great relief. It

>is breaking up the mucus and allowing me to carry on without coughing

>until...night. At that time we sound like a house of seals. I will not

>give the 8 year old antibiotics. They did not help us at all. We are still

>all just as ill.




Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-740-0561 Voicemail in US


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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At 08:37 PM 10/04/2001 -0400, you wrote:


>How much vitamin c did you give your kids? I am waiting for two homeopaths

>to respond to me. In the meantime, I am trying to do what we can without

>any drugs. I am taking 2000mg in the am, 1000 at lunch and 2000 at bedtime.

> I am still with slight symptoms while it runs its course but am 90% better

>than my husband, who will not comply with my suggestions(hard head) and my

>four year old who I cannot get to swallow a pill. THe eight year old is

>getting 1000mg plus a vitc mag tablet.



Read the articles I've posted.

You need much greater amounts, especially when ill.

Get Sodium Ascorbate powder and put in juice - can tolerate much greater

amounts in the sodium ascorbate form

order from addresses I listed a few days ago


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-740-0561 Voicemail in US


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Grosse Ile, Michigan. We are near to Trenton and not too far from Canada,

however, currently it is taking about two to three hours to get in and out

of the country. What do you suggest. I have already contacted Dr.

Carly(do you know her?) and have talked to Dr. Mercola's office which would

be two hours away!

Thanks for your help


>From: Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...>



>Subject: Re: whooping cough

>Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2001 10:22:24 +0100


>Where do you live - if there are symptoms you can't live with and just bide

>your time with, you need a homeopath!



>At 07:57 PM 10/04/2001 -0400, you wrote:

> >

> >HI

> >Is that true that it is a bacterial infection? My whole family was

> >vacinated. My husband and I thirty odd years ago and the boys three and

> >five years ago. We are all so sick with it and have all of the symptoms

> >that Sandy provided us. I am downing the Vitamin C with great relief.


> >is breaking up the mucus and allowing me to carry on without coughing

> >until...night. At that time we sound like a house of seals. I will not

> >give the 8 year old antibiotics. They did not help us at all. We are


> >all just as ill.

> >Michel

> >


>Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

>Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

>530-740-0561 Voicemail in US


> " All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

>women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



>Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


>International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

>Education, Homeopathic Education

>CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters


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  • 4 weeks later...

Someone emailed me with this (from my website)....can anyone answer?

I was searching for home remedies for the whooping cough (which I am

sure I have now) and found your site/listing here:




I was rather discouraged when it continuously spoke of homeopathy but

never said what was used specifically for treating whooping cough?What

was it? Where can I get it?


Thanks! (cough, cough)

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I will send you some info - but its about individualing symptoms. There

aren't one or two or three remedies. It could be anyone of thousands. And

its not about treating whooping cough - its about assisting the body with

the symptoms that are presenting.

Refer them to my article on homeopathy


And I will send one by Will homeopath


At 03:10 AM 10/30/2001 -0800, you wrote:

>Someone emailed me with this (from my website)....can anyone answer?


>I was searching for home remedies for the whooping cough (which I am

>sure I have now) and found your site/listing here:




>I was rather discouraged when it continuously spoke of homeopathy but

>never said what was used specifically for treating whooping cough?What

>was it? Where can I get it?


>Thanks! (cough, cough)


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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  • 2 weeks later...

I forgot to say that Will is an MD Homeopath I think extremely

highly of (he is in Maine)

Just to give you an idea.........

ashryn wrote,

>well, one of my worst nightmares may have come true.. my unvaccinated 3year

>old has a very nasty cough that i have been told sounds like the beginnings

>of whooping cough.

It is never easy when our own young-ones take sick. I find it easy to

offer knowledgable reassurance to my patients, but struggle so often in

these same situations with my own pain at seeing my own boys not feeling

well. Find someone for hugs (someone must know a nifty little e-mail

symbol for hugs?)

> i guess what i am looking for is reassurance that i am doing the right

>thing, it is so hard to hold on to my faith in homoeopathy (actually in my

>own abilities) when i am so close to it.. there isnt anything allopathy can

>do anyway, is there?

Conventional medicine can only intervene with supportive care (observation,

humidity, hydration, oxygen). Antibiotics do *not* affect the course of

the illness (except, perhaps, in the very early catarrhal phase, before

there is any clue that this might be whooping cough); they may be given to

the patient to reduce the possibility of contagion to others. But consider

that the most common side-effect of erythromycin (the antibiotic most often

used for this) is nausea ...

Perhaps one of the reasons allopathy worries so much about pertussis is,

that they " gots nothin' to do " for it. & allopaths basically *hate* it

when that happens.

>the cough is worse at night, and she has to sit up to cough, and ends up

>with tears streaming down her face after each bout.(not crying from grief,

>but from the sheer exertion.) she seems to be being very brave, and when she

>isnt coughing seems perfectly fine

My experience with pertussis is, that it is much much more difficult for

the parents than it is for the child. It is very hard to watch these

paroxysmal coughing episodes. I mean sure, they're rough for the kid to go

thru, but as parents we feel so incredibly helpless. The kids seem mostly

to recover just fine.

>her picture is that of a perfect pulsatilla, although the remedy does not

>act. so i gave her one dose of silica (the first chronic of puls)

Recall what Edouard wrote recently about the pace of remedies (he used Bell

& Calc-c as examples). It would be very unusual to see Silica called for

in an acute pertussis case in the paroxysmal cough phase - the pace of this

remedy just does not match the pace of the acute paroxysmal illness.

Many of the common symptoms of pertussis seem to fit Pulsatilla - worse in

the first part of the night, <lying down, > (or at least prefers) sitting

up, etc. You usually need to look further at more differentiating symptoms

to find the simillimum.

As an aside, not really applicable to this case, if a " chronic of Puls "

does need to be given, it should still be a remedy that fits the whole

picture. Only Silica if it fits. See Boenninghausen's concordances (in

the back of his repertory) for other possibilities.

>and it

>seemed to ease the cough for one night, but the next day she was back to the

>same deep wrenching cough that makes her feel like vomiting. it does seem

>that she has more mucus when she coughs now and it is slightly less

>spasmodic.. is this an improvement?

I suspect it is an indication that the remedy was not correct.

>her cough seems to fit drosera, but not the mentals..if i gave this, would

>it be supressive?

I have rarely seen the persecution, etc. of Drosera during a Drosera

whooping cough acute. Go to the most characteristic symptoms of the case -

which will likely be in the modalities ( & times), the physical generals,

concomitants to the cough, and any strongly characterizing physical


>it has been going on for about 2 weeks now and i am starting to get very


Going on for 2 weeks as it has, it is likely that you've pretty much

already seen what is in store for you. Emphasize rest ( & restful activity)

for all of the family during the day, so you can all pace yourself through

this. Plan on little treats for yourself during the predictable night

wakings, & breaks for self-refreshment during the day, & work out some

alternation of responsibilities so you don't all get exhausted


I hope for the best for your family -

>i guess i am having some trouble just sitting back and waiting..

>in my experience, homoeopathy works faster than this..

It usually does. I would expect at the least to see the cough settle down

into a semi-disturbing, no-gagging night-time cough without nausea or


Will , MD


To leave this list, email <homeopathy-request@...>

with the body text: leave homeopathy




Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Director email - wwithin@...


Well Within and Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours

PO Box 1563, Nevada City, CA 95959 USA

Phone 530-272-7306 Fax 530-272-7316

Broadcaster/DJ at KVMR FM - Community Radio, 89.5, 99.3, 103.7, Nevada City

International Sacred Site Tours, Homeopathic Education,

Dangers of Vaccination, Holistic Homestudy Courses for Nurses



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Keep babies out of nursing homes. It's very common for pertussis to be passed

around between the elderly.


Whooping Cough


we recently had our second baby (he's now 14 days). our older 2½ year boy

is not vaxed at all - and we have no plans of doing it either. i have one

question - the greatest risk in this seems to be the older one coming down

with whooping cough (not so serious for him) and passing it on to the

little one (potentially serious).

what are your thought on this - and what can be done as preventive




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Guest guest

At 07:49 PM 04/18/2003 +0200, you wrote:



>we recently had our second baby (he's now 14 days). our older 2½ year boy

>is not vaxed at all - and we have no plans of doing it either. i have one

>question - the greatest risk in this seems to be the older one coming down

>with whooping cough (not so serious for him) and passing it on to the

>little one (potentially serious).


>what are your thought on this - and what can be done as preventive






congratulations Per!

I agree with everything every one else has written to you

And homeopathic treatment is available too.

I wouldn't lose sleep over this. The vaccine doesn't work and often gives

children whooping cough or something similar.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Classical Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Homeopathy course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm





" Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.

Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy

knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information

and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner

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  • 5 months later...

Most people told me when my DD had whooping couigh that the antibiotics wont

do a thing. They do claim the use of antibiotics will make her NOT contagious

but I am not sure I believe it and If i did how good the antibiotics are for a

immune system trying to cope with pertussis. I did NOT give antibiotics. My

dd who is the only one of my children NOT vaxed my other children did NOT get

the cough. We had the cough for a bit over 6 weeks.

Her best bet is Sodium ascbate Vitc and i used homeoathy as well and seen a

big change in my dd in hours after taking it. It of course didnt rid the cough

but she was able to get the large thick gunk out of her chest. She was 6 mo

old she your friends child being 3 she already has an advantage. I am sure alot

of more knowledgable folks will post as well. I just know how we treated my dd

but the basis of the disease as far as antibiotics I am not 100% on.

Hoe i was some help




HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " > </A>D<A

HREF= " http://www.vaccinetruth.org/ " >Id you know ?</A>

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In a message dated 9/22/03 12:31:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

syringe@... writes:

> . She thinks that if she gives her antibiotics that she

> >won't be contagious to other children. Is this true?


Well in all the books i have read it says to give antibiotics to help prevent

the spread. I also think i remeber my Dr telling me to givet hem so i didnt

spread the cough uggghh.


HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " > </A>D<A

HREF= " http://www.vaccinetruth.org/ " >Id you know ?</A>

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Hi Joyce,

> She's considering having her cultured and also giving her

> antibiotics. She thinks that if she gives her antibiotics that she

> won't be contagious to other children. Is this true?

As far as I know this is not true. Antibiotics don't make anybody not


> She's considering doing both antibiotics and homeopathy.

I would not mix up with both.


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> Well in all the books i have read it says to give antibiotics to help

> prevent

> the spread.

I have heard it is said so because the symptoms disappear rather quickly

under antibiotics and so the person cannot be contagiuos anymore.


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First of all, your friend's daycare provider should have let every parent

know of an exposure to an infectious disease as soon as she found out about

it herself. That said, your friend's instincts are right on -- children who

are ill should be at home with their parent(s). I don't think the focus on

preventing her from being contagious and getting back to " normal " life is

really that appropriate. Our bodies often need nothing more than time to

heal. Slowing down and spending time at home is a great cure, and a good

lesson that our health is a priority.

We do not have to " know " what illness our child has to know that his body is

ready and able to fight off an illness. I find it absolutely amazing that

children bounce back from an illness *despite* the variety of

immune-suppressing and confusing treatments they are often subjected to.

I'd say whether or not you feel the need to keep your children away is up to

you. Personally, I doubt an ill child would be a great playmate if he is not

feeling well, so this would be more of a consideration to me than the

possibility of catching an illness. On the other hand, if I had

non-refundable plane tickets to visit an elderly family member, I'd probably

be extra-cautious. But, normally, the worst part of getting sick is the

societal fear of getting sick (which I think is a normal, healthy thing for


Even if she gets the child cultured, it may take three weeks to get reliable

results (they have to grow the culture), so it may really be a moot point.


-----Original Message-----

A friend of mine thinks that her 3-year-old daughter may have whooping

cough. She is unvaccinated. She goes to a daycare 2 days a week. My

friend kept her daughter home today because she said she had a very strange

whooping-sounding cough. When she called her off from daycare, daycare said

that last week there was a kid there who had whooping cough.

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  • 2 years later...

From a homeopath I highly respect in response to a parent

ashryn wrote,

>well, one of my worst nightmares may have come true.. my unvaccinated 3year

>old has a very nasty cough that i have been told sounds like the beginnings

>of whooping cough.

It is never easy when our own young-ones take sick. I find it easy to

offer knowledgable reassurance to my patients, but struggle so often in

these same situations with my own pain at seeing my own boys not feeling

well. Find someone for hugs (someone must know a nifty little e-mail

symbol for hugs?)

> i guess what i am looking for is reassurance that i am doing the right

>thing, it is so hard to hold on to my faith in homoeopathy (actually in my

>own abilities) when i am so close to it.. there isnt anything allopathy can

>do anyway, is there?

Conventional medicine can only intervene with supportive care (observation,

humidity, hydration, oxygen). Antibiotics do *not* affect the course of

the illness (except, perhaps, in the very early catarrhal phase, before

there is any clue that this might be whooping cough); they may be given to

the patient to reduce the possibility of contagion to others. But consider

that the most common side-effect of erythromycin (the antibiotic most often

used for this) is nausea ...

Perhaps one of the reasons allopathy worries so much about pertussis is,

that they " gots nothin' to do " for it. & allopaths basically *hate* it

when that happens.

>the cough is worse at night, and she has to sit up to cough, and ends up

>with tears streaming down her face after each bout.(not crying from grief,

>but from the sheer exertion.) she seems to be being very brave, and when she

>isnt coughing seems perfectly fine

My experience with pertussis is, that it is much much more difficult for

the parents than it is for the child. It is very hard to watch these

paroxysmal coughing episodes. I mean sure, they're rough for the kid to go

thru, but as parents we feel so incredibly helpless. The kids seem mostly

to recover just fine.

>her picture is that of a perfect pulsatilla, although the remedy does not

>act. so i gave her one dose of silica (the first chronic of puls)

Recall what Edouard wrote recently about the pace of remedies (he used Bell

& Calc-c as examples). It would be very unusual to see Silica called for

in an acute pertussis case in the paroxysmal cough phase - the pace of this

remedy just does not match the pace of the acute paroxysmal illness.

Many of the common symptoms of pertussis seem to fit Pulsatilla - worse in

the first part of the night, <lying down, > (or at least prefers) sitting

up, etc. You usually need to look further at more differentiating symptoms

to find the simillimum.

As an aside, not really applicable to this case, if a " chronic of Puls "

does need to be given, it should still be a remedy that fits the whole

picture. Only Silica if it fits. See Boenninghausen's concordances (in

the back of his repertory) for other possibilities.

>and it

>seemed to ease the cough for one night, but the next day she was back to the

>same deep wrenching cough that makes her feel like vomiting. it does seem

>that she has more mucus when she coughs now and it is slightly less

>spasmodic.. is this an improvement?

I suspect it is an indication that the remedy was not correct.

>her cough seems to fit drosera, but not the mentals..if i gave this, would

>it be supressive?

I have rarely seen the persecution, etc. of Drosera during a Drosera

whooping cough acute. Go to the most characteristic symptoms of the case -

which will likely be in the modalities ( & times), the physical generals,

concomitants to the cough, and any strongly characterizing physical


>it has been going on for about 2 weeks now and i am starting to get very


Going on for 2 weeks as it has, it is likely that you've pretty much

already seen what is in store for you. Emphasize rest ( & restful activity)

for all of the family during the day, so you can all pace yourself through

this. Plan on little treats for yourself during the predictable night

wakings, & breaks for self-refreshment during the day, & work out some

alternation of responsibilities so you don't all get exhausted


I hope for the best for your family -

>i guess i am having some trouble just sitting back and waiting..

>in my experience, homoeopathy works faster than this..

It usually does. I would expect at the least to see the cough settle down

into a semi-disturbing, no-gagging night-time cough without nausea or


Will , MD


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Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Director email - wwithin@...


Well Within and Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours

PO Box 1563, Nevada City, CA 95959 USA

Phone 530-272-7306 Fax 530-272-7316

Broadcaster/DJ at KVMR FM - Community Radio, 89.5, 99.3, 103.7, Nevada City

International Sacred Site Tours, Homeopathic Education,

Dangers of Vaccination, Holistic Homestudy Courses for Nurses



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Classical Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm




" Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.

Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy

knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information

and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner

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I am pretty sure my son had it when he was...oh 7 or 8 the doctors said NOOo

but I am sure of it he had it from November til April, and he would cough

til he almost threw up and got to the point he would go to the trash can to

cough, even at school. He would whoop too, but the insisted he didn't have

it. Yeah ok...

Western NY

-- whooping cough

Dear Sheri:

Yes, whooping cough lasts long - up to 3 months or more !

In China, it is called the 100 day cough!

I have met quite a few older people here in Poland where I live who said Oh,

yes, I had whooping cough - they remember it as being long but they didn't

feel it was some horrible thing. I do believe that the childhood sicknesses

are necessary to build their immune system to strenth them in adulthood (and

childhood too).

Actually, it is difficult to go through - especially when 4 children have it

at the same time - running back and forth to each. Our oldest son was 14 at

the time and he coughed a little - they say teenagers usually don't get it

or very mild. However, like childbirth - what's difficult to get over

results in warm memories. I loved having the kids home from school for a

month - that's why I start making more steps towards homeschooling here -

when I realized even more how much the schools here make a family crazy!

Now we don't need to get everyone out in the cold mornings and sit until

late with homework - we have a family! We are reading the Little House on

the Prairie books right now - and it fits in!


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Guest guest

At 05:12 AM 5/7/2007 -0000, you wrote:

>My 5 month old son has not been vaccinated at all, we do not plan to. I

>believe he may have the beginnings of whooping cough, not for sure, I

>would have to have his doctor do culture tests and/or blood work to

>know for sure. However, I was wondering if anyone new of a holistic or

>homeopathic approach to dealing with whooping cough. Thanks.


>Leigh Anne

I would have a homeopath for support

and I will send info on possible remedies that would be helpful

Why do you think he has whooping cough?




Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

earthmysteriestours@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm

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