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Hello all,

I'm new here and have spent many hours today researching this. TBH I don't know

if im samters or not or even ss.

I have suffered from nasal congestion from the age of 4 I am now 29. I have had

2 nasal roperations as a child and polyps removed 4 years ago. I am using

Nasonex and Neilmed nasal wash daily. I increase these to twice a day during bad

attacks which I have right now. I seem to have had sinusitis for about 3-4 weeks

now and dread another trip to the drs. Pre-Operation for polyps they took bloods

and tested the RAST came back negative. I was told I was just one of those

people who was allergic. And I was like allergic to what though lol. I have what

my consultant called Allergic Asthma caused by the nasal issues. I have never

had an attack but have wheeziness and tightness. I have a lot of muscle pains

which I had linked to stress etc. And I also have a sensitive stomach which is

gassy and bloated a lot and sometimes have diahhrea for no reason. The biggest

problem though is by far my nasal congestion/polyp related issues.Reading the

big long list I can see some of these things are in it and I have other minor

issues which or may not be this. I haven't been tested for anything except for

the RAST and tbh I don't know where to go from here. Do I just jump in with the

detoxing and see how I go or try and get referred to a dietician - good luck

with that on the NHS! Thanks in advance x

Edit: I have actually had urticaria a few times - most serious a few years ago

when I was putting weight on and linked it to that. Had steroid cream that

cleared it up. Tends to appear as a itchy rash on my hands more than anything

for a few days then goes. But isn't consisitent enough or regulary to link it to


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