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Inner ear problems

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If you are a member of the A.R.E., may I suggest you do a search of the readings on these conditions in the member's section of their website athttp://www.edgarcayce.orgIf you are not an A.R.E. member, you can purchase a full set of the readings on CD-ROM athttp://tinyurl.com/ec-readings-on-cd-romYou can also call the A.R.E. at1-800-333-4499and ask to purchase a copy of the Circulating File on these conditions, if available.

From: tina

Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 9:45 AM

Subject: Inner ear problems

Are there any Caycee readings for inner ear problems/vertigo,or vestibular disorders?

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Hi Tina,

There's a protocol on tinnitus that had been put together when the

Meridian Institute (former research institute of the ARE) was doing

that sort of thing. Perhaps the overview for that protocol would be

helpful. Here's the text from from it:


Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no external sound is

present. Although tinnitus is often referred to as "ringing in the

ears," it is also commonly described as a sensation of hissing,

roaring, whistling, chirping or clicking. The perceived sound can be

tonal, ranging from high pitch to low pitch. However, for some

individuals it can be multi-tonal, or even noise-like (no tonal

quality). Tinnitus may be constant, pulsed or intermittent. The

volume ranges in intensity from subtle to life-shattering. One or

both ears may be affected.

Tinnitus may begin suddenly, or may come on gradually. Tinnitus

can strike people of all ages.

The exact mechanism underlying tinnitus is unknown. Several

factors are known to cause or worsen tinnitus if it already exists:

allergic reactions, noise exposure, wax build-up in the ear canal,

certain medications, ear or sinus infections, jaw misalignment

(TMJ), cardiovascular disease, growths and/or tumors, underactive

thyroid, and head and neck trauma.

Standard medical treatment for tinnitus often involves various

therapies, including biofeedback and relaxation training, hearing

aids, medication, masking, and TMJ treatment.

From a medical perspective, tinnitus is often regarded as an

incurable condition. Treatment is intended to provide symptomatic



Edgar Cayce gave 197 readings indexed as tinnitus. Various

causative factors were noted including pressures on spinal nerves,

systemic toxicity (often linked to liver and kidney problems), the

after-effects of cold or flu, etc. The common theme in the various

patterns of causation is that eventually the nerve impulse and

circulation to the ear is impaired or obstructed in some manner

resulting in the diverse forms of head noises called tinnitus.

Edgar Cayce was not alone in this view of tinnitus. The

traditional osteopathic perspective on tinnitus also recognized that

various casual factors could affect nerve functioning and

circulation to the ears. Hazzard, a well respected

osteopath, included the following explanation of tinnitus in his

comprehensive treatise titled The Practice and Applied Therapeutics

of Osteopathy published in 1905:

Tinnitus Aurium, or "ringing of the ears," consists of a variety

of subjective sounds due to nervous disease, anemia, catarrhal

conditions, and various other causes. Generally speaking, the dull,

throbbing or buzzing noises are due to obstructed circulation in the

ear, especially in the fine capillary network spread upon the drum.

This commonly results from colds and catarrhal affections ...

On the other hand, ringing, screeching, or whistling noises

commonly denote some affection the nerves of the auditory apparatus,

as is sometimes seen resulting from lagrippe [influenza]. (pp. 34 -


Not surprisingly, Edgar Cayce often made referrals to

osteopathic physicians for the treatment of tinnitus. Here are a

couple of examples in which pressures on nerves along the upper

spine resulted in tinnitus:

(Q) What causes irritation in my ears, roaring in head?

(A) Poor circulation.

The [osteopathic] manipulations and adjustments will assist this

considerably ... (303-16)

(Q) Please give condition of left ear.

(A) There is a ringing in the ear at times but it is from that

incoordination in the sensory forces, in the brachial centers.


(Q) What will relieve the ringing in the ear?

(A) [Eliminating] The pressure as is found in the 5th and 6th

cervical. (1377-2)

(Q) Why do I still have the head noises and deafness?

(A) This is lack of coordination in the areas of the secondary

supply of nerve forces and energies between sympathetic and

cerebrospinal systems, from the upper dorsal centers. These cause,

with this incoordination, a short circuit between sympathetic nerves

and the central nerve system. (3074-3)

The blood supply indicates, as does the activity in the sensory

system, that these deflections exist in the 1st and 3rd dorsal, the

3rd, 4th and 5th cervical; affecting the circulation to the organs

of the senses - ears, eyes, nasal passages, and the upper portion of

the head.

Hence those conditions which have existed in portions of the

soft tissue about ears (or mastoids), nasal passages, the antrum,

and the throat - or the glands in same. All of these produce

accumulations, or poisons, from lack of drainages.

The combination of these cause the disturbances with this body,

producing those deflected conditions as related to smell, or odor,

the ringing in the ears - which arises from the deflection of nerve

pressure as well as drainages. (1796-2)

The nerves along the upper spine (cervical and dorsal/thoracic)

provide impulse and regulate the circulation to the sensory organs,

including the ears. Pressure on these nerves can adversely

influence hearing by distorting the sensory functions of the

auditory nerves. Since these nerves also play a role in regulating

blood and lymph circulation to the ears, impingements can also cause

auditory problems via disturbed circulation to the ears. Thus

spinal adjustments to relieve nerve pressure is a primary treatment

in Edgar Cayce's approach to tinnitus.

In addition to pressures on nerves along the spine and local

disturbances in circulation to the ear, other factors of a more

systemic nature were sometimes implicated in cases of tinnitus. For

example, poor eliminations resulting in systemic toxicity was cited

in several readings for individuals suffering from tinnitus.

(Q) What will relieve continual ringing in right ear?

(A) The correction of eliminations, and especially those

eliminations as related to the pressures created in the whole

nervous system; followed by those baths and rubs. These are

pressures, for they are poison creations in system ... (2096-1)

Systemic toxicity (autointoxication) is often linked to

inadequate functioning of the liver and kidneys - two primary organs

of elimination.

The blood supply indicates that there is incoordination between

liver and kidneys as related to eliminations; and these bring about

irritations in parts of the body, disturbances at times with eyes,

ringing in the ears ... (3407-2)

(Q) Roaring in ears and head, and dizziness at times?

(A) Non-activity of the liver, and those reflexes to the system as

indicated that are to be overcome by the stimulation through the

electrical vibrations [violet ray appliance] that carry on through

all the centers along the cerebro-spinal system, and specifically in

the area indicated. (369-11)

Thus, internal cleansing is sometimes an essential component in

the treatment of tinnitus. A cleansing diet (consisting primarily

of fruits and vegetables), abdominal castor oil packs, and colonic

irrigations are primary therapeutic modalities for internal

cleansing. In certain cases, Edgar Cayce insisted that decreasing

systemic toxicity is an essential step in the treatment of tinnitus.

Based on the above considerations with regard to the various

causes of tinnitus, treatment recommendations varied considerably.

However, certain therapeutic modalities were more frequently

suggested. Osteopathic treatment was the most commonly recommended

therapy. Systemic cleansing via diet, castor oil packs, and colonic

irrigations was emphasized. Other therapies were often integrated

into the treatment plan as described in the following excerpt which

mentions the use of mild electrotherapy (violet ray appliance), the

hand-held vibrator, cleansing of the ear, and maintaining a positive

mental attitude:

(Q) What should be done to cure roaring in ear?

(A) This is included in those things as indicated; in the use of

the violet ray and the applicator about same. Use the vibrator

SPONGE applicator about the neck and head; that is, around the FACE

and head, and the cup applicator on the spinal column itself. These

should soon prove helpful; though they may be irritating at times,

even more so than at present, but gradually the condition should

recede - and the corrections being made in the system will relieve

the distress.

Cleanse the ear at times, to be sure, with any warm solution;

preferably a combination of salt and soda in equal parts with

distilled water; or with a little sweet oil and then cleanse with a

little tuft of cotton or the like. For these are the natural

discharges that come from the lack of the distribution of refuse

forces or used energies within the system itself.

Keep the mental and physical body fit. (413-5)

The mental and spiritual aspects of tinnitus were especially

emphasized in reading 5140-1:

In giving the interpretations of the conditions as we find them

with this physical body, much as to the results as may be obtained

will depend upon the spiritual attitude that is taken by the body;

not respecting the physical disturbance.

There will be required the analyzing of self first, as to what

purpose, as to what use the body will give to those creative forces

that may bring relief from the physical disturbance which exists...

Have you listened to the voice of conscience as it has brought

corrections to the self? These are parts of the cause of the

creation of deposits along the Eustachian tube, which causes the

great roaring in the head and ears; that is, in the anxiety the body

feels at times through the general mental attitude towards

conditions as well as towards people.

In making the applications for helpful forces, do the first

things, first; and the vows and promises you make to thy own better

self, you'd better keep, lest the last state be worse than the

first! (5140-1)

So, at least in some cases of tinnitus, these questions may well

be asked,

"Is there something that I don't want to hear?"

"Am I blocking messages from within?"

"How would I live differently if I were healed?"

Significantly, in addition to the psychospiritual emphasis,

reading 5140-1 insisted that the physical aspects of the condition

be addressed with some of the typical therapies for tinnitus:

osteopathic adjustments and massage, castor oil packs,

electrotherapy, and a healthy diet.

The psychological and physical dimensions were also well

integrated in reading 1523-15 which provided suggestions for a

specific exercise to improve nerve functioning and circulation to

the ears:

(Q) What causes my ears to roar like ocean waves beating in them at


(A) This is from the emotional body. Hence the needs for the head

and neck exercise. This is a tendency of the slowing of the

circulation through the eustachian tubes to the auditory forces of

the ear. Thus the physical reaction from same. This should

entirely disappear if the head and neck exercise is taken.


Thus a blending of treatments into a well integrated treatment

plan was often recommended by Edgar Cayce for the treatment of

tinnitus. Here is a summary of some of the most common treatment

recommendations for tinnitus.


Conceptually, the Cayce approach to tinnitus focuses on

assisting the body in healing itself by the application of a variety

of therapies intended to address the underlying causes of the

condition. The mental and spiritual aspects of healing are

emphasized from the standpoint of working with a spiritual ideal.

Here are some general therapeutic recommendations intended to

address the underlying causes of tinnitus:

1. MANUAL THERAPY (SPINAL MANIPULATION): Cayce often recommended

spinal manipulations to correct specific problems which may be a

primary cause of tinnitus. The upper spine, in particular, should

be evaluated for abnormalities. It is difficult to obtain the

osteopathic adjustments specified by Cayce. However, a chiropractor

may be of help. The frequency of the adjustments will depend on the

recommendations of the individual chiropractor or osteopath. The

use of an electric vibrator may also be helpful for individuals

unable to obtain regular spinal adjustments.

2. EXERCISE: A simple "head and neck exercise" is suggested to

assist with relaxing neck muscles, improve nerve functioning and

circulation to the ears.

3. ELECTROTHERAPY: Regular use of the violet ray appliance to

stimulate nerve functioning and circulation is recommended.

4. LOCAL CLEANSING: If the ear(s) is prone to accumulations or

discharges, daily cleansing with a mild solution such as warm water

containing salt and soda may be helpful.

5. INTERNAL CLEANSING: Because tinnitus was often linked with poor

eliminations, hydrotherapy is recommended to improve eliminations

through the colon. Hydrotherapy includes drinking six to eight

glasses of pure water daily and obtaining colonic irrigations to

cleanse the bowel. Following the diet should also assist with

internal cleansing. Hot castor oil packs applied over the abdomen

are recommended to improve circulation (especially lymphatic) and

eliminations through the alimentary canal.

6. DIET: The Basic Cayce Diet is intended to improve assimilation

and elimination. The diet focuses heavily on keeping a proper

alkaline/acid balance while avoiding foods which produce toxicity

and drain the system. Essentially, the diet consists mainly of

fruits and vegetables while avoiding fried foods and refined

carbohydrates ("junk food"). Certain food combinations are


7. ATTITUDES AND EMOTIONS: The mental and spiritual aspects of

healing are frequently discussed in the Cayce readings.

Particularly, an attitude of desiring and expecting to be healed is

important. A positive mental and emotional attitude and can be

created and maintained by focusing on a high purpose (spiritual

ideal) for being healed.



On 8/19/2011 8:45 AM, tina wrote:

Are there any Caycee readings for inner ear problems/vertigo,or vestibular disorders?


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Hi Tina,

Thanks for the extra information. I used to have problems with ear

infections - this started after I bumped my chin at the lake.

Eventually I had some good work on the body's connective tissue

(cranial-sacral, and other), and my ears have been pretty good of

late. :)

You might try a 'Neti pot' to clear out your nasal passages. Most drug

stores stock these items now -follow the directions for the proper

ratio of salt to water.

I searched through my emails for 'vertigo', and found one whose sender

said the " Hookup " Energy Medicine exercise really helped. This is

performed by placing one finger in the belly button, and one from the

other hand at the bridge of the nose. Breathe in through the nose and

out through the mouth four times. Switch the finger at the bridge of

the nose to the top of the spine. Repeat the breathing, then switch

the middle finger from the top of the spine to the tailbone, and

repeat the breathing again.

As for your son, autism is probably related to adhesions in the

intestines. Cayce suggested treating the abdomen with castor oil

packs. Does your son ever get tired & sleepy? I'd put a pack on him at

that time. Or wake him up extra early, to make it more likely that

he'll be sleepy later in the day. Eventually he'll come to like time

spent with the castor oil packs.

Does your daughter wear glasses? Perhaps the prescription is not

right. Sometimes this is an issue, especially for children that have

" always " worn glasses. A body may not like seeing 20/20, prefering

20/40 or 20/80 for one or both eyes. Anyone with sensitive enough

hands can " feel " if the prescription is right or not.


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 4:16 AM, tina <tinasmith448@...> wrote:


> Hi .I was asking for me at first.I was having problems with feeling dissy

when I was sitting or laying down.My ears feel full all the time,or plugged.I

also began to suspect a problem with my kids.My autistic son,has always been on

the move.Can`t sit still to eat.Likes to jump on the trampoline or swing,way up

high.Then I got to thinking,maybe he feel dizzy when he is sitting still.He also

has problems with balance,falling easy,depth perception.My younf daughter,was

having problems with riding her bike without training wheels.Gets car sick on

long trips.Being on the bus for along time.Having probelms with the computer

monitor and flourescent lights making her nauseated.They would call me,that she

threw up on the bus or at school.I go pick her up,and she seems fine after i get

her home.Also,may have a vision tracking problem.I think,we all have issues with



>> > Are there any Caycee readings for inner ear problems/vertigo,or vestibular


>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> >

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For reasons beyond me, but my dock told me, not enough HCL, hydrochloric acid to digest our food, will cause vertigo.Perhaps some Betain HCL with meals may help.  When I do not have betaine with me, the juice from half a lemon seems to work as well as HCL.

Also I read, Atomidine, caycee's iodine will help ear problems. one drop in each ear, amazon.com has it for ten bux for two ounces these days. david lubbock tx.

On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 8:45 AM, tina <tinasmith448@...> wrote:


Are there any Caycee readings for inner ear problems/vertigo,or vestibular disorders?

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