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EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

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Just wanted to let you know that I made some great EFT DVDS.  Brad Yates is a top EFT guy here in the U.S. and he's agreed to let me record his videos.

What I really want to tell you is...for most of us who are sick from chronic illness, we go through stages, well I did anyway.  I started out with great hope.  Trying all kinds of things to fix myself.  Then I went to sadness from being let down with every surgery and every concoction(I'm sure many of you remember some of my desperate emotional posts).  After that I went into acceptance and after 11 years of chronic headaches I gave in to full time pain meds with narcotics being added in last spring with the belief I will never ever be pain free again.  I've now had pressure headaches every single day for the last 14 years.  A week ago something very strange happened to me.  I've been doing EFT (emotional freedom technique) for a few years now. EFT is comparable to acupuncture but without the needles. It's helped with stress, grinding and clenching of my jaw but I never believed for a minute it would take my headaches away.  I won't even do surgery's now as I've given up on those too.  I wish I could say...voila, the headaches are gone, but no I can not.  When I was recording all of these videos onto DVD I was actually watching and tapping to at least 10, 7 minute videos a day.  All of a sudden my negative belief that I could never heal has completely flipped.  I'm also adding healing codes into my routine.  I don't believe this is a magic pill that I'll be healed after a few more sessions but I do believe that with time I will heal.  I'm the one that brought up vitamin D last year as I had such great success with it, so I don't post every time I try something new :) (believe me...I'd have posted 1000 times in the last 14 years).  All I'm asking is that you check into it.  My sister has info on our website below.  I have DVDS for sale or you can go to www.bradyates.net to view some of Brads EFT videos for free on YouTube or to learn more about EFT.  What EFT is all about is removing past memories and clearing them.  I know this isn't psychological as I have been doing EFT for a couple of years.  I've had success with EFT especially for relieving stress but it was after I was doing alot of tapping with EFT that I experienced such a huge change in my belief.  A big hospital here in Wisconsin (Froedtert) is actually using EFT now and more are considering it.  The hardest thing for me is still consistency, but I'm working on that.   Healing codes is another very easy to do energy type practice.  You can google that or email me and I can send you info on that.  I've had great success with stress reduction with healing codes also.  I have a page on facebook too called EFT DVDS Emotional Freedom Technique.   Please don't think I am posting to just sell DVDS as you can see I've offered a place you can do them for free.  I just want to share my own experiences and hope you'll look into it :)  Have a great night everyone...

Tami  My email is tami111555@...

True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle! 

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For the first six years of my Samters Adventure I also experienced lose of strength, constant headaches, fear of when the next asthma attach was going to happen, fear for my future and general overwhelming depression. Then I was referred to Allergy Associates in La Crosse, WI. were I was diagnosed and treated for mold allergies. This totally changed my life and now all I have to deal with is the nasal polyps. I've since found out that the conventional allergists that I had been seeing were not able to test for mold allergies.

In the Midwest the areas for people to have the highest occurrence of mold allergies is in southern Minnesota, southern and central Wisconsin,(which could be your area) and the one that I fall into is fifty miles either side of the Mississippi river.

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

Just wanted to let you know that I made some great EFT DVDS. Brad Yates is a top EFT guy here in the U.S. and he's agreed to let me record his videos.

What I really want to tell you is...for most of us who are sick from chronic illness, we go through stages, well I did anyway. I started out with great hope. Trying all kinds of things to fix myself. Then I went to sadness from being let down with every surgery and every concoction(I'm sure many of you remember some of my desperate emotional posts). After that I went into acceptance and after 11 years of chronic headaches I gave in to full time pain meds with narcotics being added in last spring with the belief I will never ever be pain free again. I've now had pressure headaches every single day for the last 14 years. A week ago something very strange happened to me. I've been doing EFT (emotional freedom technique) for a few years now. EFT is comparable to acupuncture but without the needles. It's helped with stress, grinding and clenching of my jaw but I never believed for a minute it would take my headaches away. I won't even do surgery's now as I've given up on those too. I wish I could say...voila, the headaches are gone, but no I can not. When I was recording all of these videos onto DVD I was actually watching and tapping to at least 10, 7 minute videos a day. All of a sudden my negative belief that I could never heal has completely flipped. I'm also adding healing codes into my routine. I don't believe this is a magic pill that I'll be healed after a few more sessions but I do believe that with time I will heal. I'm the one that brought up vitamin D last year as I had such great success with it, so I don't post every time I try something new :) (believe me...I'd have posted 1000 times in the last 14 years). All I'm asking is that you check into it. My sister has info on our website below. I have DVDS for sale or you can go to www.bradyates.net to view some of Brads EFT videos for free on YouTube or to learn more about EFT. What EFT is all about is removing past memories and clearing them. I know this isn't psychological as I have been doing EFT for a couple of years. I've had success with EFT especially for relieving stress but it was after I was doing alot of tapping with EFT that I experienced such a huge change in my belief. A big hospital here in Wisconsin (Froedtert) is actually using EFT now and more are considering it. The hardest thing for me is still consistency, but I'm working on that. Healing codes is another very easy to do energy type practice. You can google that or email me and I can send you info on that. I've had great success with stress reduction with healing codes also. I have a page on facebook too called EFT DVDS Emotional Freedom Technique. Please don't think I am posting to just sell DVDS as you can see I've offered a place you can do them for free. I just want to share my own experiences and hope you'll look into it :) Have a great night everyone...

Tami My email is tami111555@...

True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle!

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A doctor that worked at the Mayo Clinic referred me to Allergy Assoc. in La Crosse, which is where they would send their tough allergy cases.

Previous I had seen three conventional allergist that utilized the scratch test and then the resulting treatment would be with injections. Two of the allergists said that I wasn’t allergic to anything and the third one thought that I may have a lot of sensitivities and started me on injections. After two years of injections I was only getting worse.

It turns out that mold allergies cannot be detected by the scratch test, which is used by conventional allergists. What Allergy Associates does is actually inject a small amount of the item being tested for under the skin of the upper arm and then measure the size of the resulting lump. Once the allergies are identified the curative desensitizing treatment involves placing one drop of antigen under the tongue three times a day. Costs for the antigen drops are about $30. a month.

A lot of the members of this group state that their doctors really don’t understand what they as patients are going through. Dr. who founded the clinic started as an Air Force doctor, and then went into private practice as a GP, then he became an ENT, then he became a conventional allergist. After researching a new method for diagnosing and treating allergies that was being utilized in Europe he adopted it and fine-tuned the method. He utilized both methods and had the ability to compare the curative results of each method by closely monitoring the success of his patients. He Really Knew what I was going through.

When at the clinic I’ve met patients from Superior WI., Fargo ND., Omaha NB., St. Louis MO., and Chicago IL. I asked the guy from Fargo why he had traveled so far for treatment and he said, “everything else with multiple allergists had failed and that this was his last resort and that he had been taking the antigen drops for six months and not had an asthma attack.”

Doctor had developed this method of diagnosis and treatment into what is referred to as the La Crosse Method. Over the last twenty years conventional allergist have gone to La Crosse for training on this method of treatment and have incorporated it into their practice. The allergists that utilize this method have formed a national organization call “Allergy Choices” so you may be able to find a practicing allergist closer to you than having to travel to Wisconsin. The Web site for the organization is http://www.allergychoices.com/

The Web site for Allergy Assoc. in La Crosse is http://www.allergy-solutions.com/default.aspx

Dr. retired a couple of years ago, but the allergists currently practicing at the clinic are all top-notch.

The only problem that some of you may encounter is that this method of testing and treatment is not conventional so your insurance company may not cover the costs. The decision that I had to make was did I want to conform to the insurance company rules, which would mean that I would spend about $600 per year out-of-pocket in co-pays for treatment of the effects of the allergies or forget the insurance company and spend $500 per year out-of-pocket and treat the cause of the allergies.

-----Original Message-----From: samters [mailto:samters ]On Behalf Of Russ BovaSent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:18 PMsamters Subject: RE: EFT Emotional Freedom Technique


I think I deal with allergies to mold also. What do/did you do for the allergies?


From: samters [mailto:samters ] On Behalf Of EkrenSent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:11 PMsamters Subject: RE: EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

For the first six years of my Samters Adventure I also experienced lose of strength, constant headaches, fear of when the next asthma attach was going to happen, fear for my future and general overwhelming depression. Then I was referred to Allergy Associates in La Crosse, WI. were I was diagnosed and treated for mold allergies. This totally changed my life and now all I have to deal with is the nasal polyps. I've since found out that the conventional allergists that I had been seeing were not able to test for mold allergies.

In the Midwest the areas for people to have the highest occurrence of mold allergies is in southern Minnesota, southern and central Wisconsin,(which could be your area) and the one that I fall into is fifty miles either side of the Mississippi river.

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I definitely feel that they would be more specialized and could help you.

An allergy that would really get me was in the spring and it's called "Snow Mold". This is created when snow is on the ground for longer than six weeks and mold actually starts to form on the grass. You've probable actually noticed areas of white to grayish powder on blades grass in the spring after the snow is gone. What would really killed me was when the wind was over 15 miles per hour and all of this mold would blow in from surrounding farm fields, ditches, wooded areas, etc. I even tried taking 90 mg. of predinsone a day with no effect.

Primarily during the year my headaches at the time were in my forehead, but if during the winter we've had snow on the ground consistently for longer than six weeks creating "Snow Mold" I thought that my entire head was going to explode.

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

Just wanted to let you know that I made some great EFT DVDS. Brad Yates is a top EFT guy here in the U.S. and he's agreed to let me record his videos.

What I really want to tell you is...for most of us who are sick from chronic illness, we go through stages, well I did anyway. I started out with great hope. Trying all kinds of things to fix myself. Then I went to sadness from being let down with every surgery and every concoction(I'm sure many of you remember some of my desperate emotional posts). After that I went into acceptance and after 11 years of chronic headaches I gave in to full time pain meds with narcotics being added in last spring with the belief I will never ever be pain free again. I've now had pressure headaches every single day for the last 14 years. A week ago something very strange happened to me. I've been doing EFT (emotional freedom technique) for a few years now. EFT is comparable to acupuncture but without the needles. It's helped with stress, grinding and clenching of my jaw but I never believed for a minute it would take my headaches away. I won't even do surgery's now as I've given up on those too. I wish I could say...voila, the headaches are gone, but no I can not. When I was recording all of these videos onto DVD I was actually watching and tapping to at least 10, 7 minute videos a day. All of a sudden my negative belief that I could never heal has completely flipped. I'm also adding healing codes into my routine. I don't believe this is a magic pill that I'll be healed after a few more sessions but I do believe that with time I will heal. I'm the one that brought up vitamin D last year as I had such great success with it, so I don't post every time I try something new :) (believe me...I'd have posted 1000 times in the last 14 years). All I'm asking is that you check into it. My sister has info on our website below. I have DVDS for sale or you can go to www.bradyates.net to view some of Brads EFT videos for free on YouTube or to learn more about EFT. What EFT is all about is removing past memories and clearing them. I know this isn't psychological as I have been doing EFT for a couple of years. I've had success with EFT especially for relieving stress but it was after I was doing alot of tapping with EFT that I experienced such a huge change in my belief. A big hospital here in Wisconsin (Froedtert) is actually using EFT now and more are considering it. The hardest thing for me is still consistency, but I'm working on that. Healing codes is another very easy to do energy type practice. You can google that or email me and I can send you info on that. I've had great success with stress reduction with healing codes also. I have a page on facebook too called EFT DVDS Emotional Freedom Technique. Please don't think I am posting to just sell DVDS as you can see I've offered a place you can do them for free. I just want to share my own experiences and hope you'll look into it :) Have a great night everyone...

Tami My email is tami111555@...

True Ark CreationsTami's Berry Farmwww.truearkcreations.comEveryday holds a possibility of a miracle!

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