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Jesus appears and then before him.

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The message below contains 2 parts. Part 1 is a Jesus

vision I received recently. Part 2 is a message from

Quado explaining what this emerging Jesus energy

offers to us on our path.

As always, I thank you for being with me as this

journey unfolds.

Part 1

October 27, 2007. I make the Karuna Reiki

clairvoyance symbol over my third eye, and receive the


c She reaches out her hand to me. " Come with us now

to the great storehouses of wisdom, where the truth is

writ large for all to see. "

Then Jesus leads the way, walking into room after room

made of stone. Each room is full of books, covered in

dust. Then we progress further back in time and the

rooms are full of parchment scrolls.

Everything is dusty and apparently untouched for

years. There are no footprints in the dust on the

floor. There has been no one in these rooms for many,

many years, for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years.

Jesus stops and pulls out a parchment scroll. " This I

said, " he says, and the scroll turns to dust in his


He reaches for another. " This I did not say, " he

says. And this scroll also turns to dust in his hand.

" But it matters not. For my words are not important.

The truth is writ large in the heart. And this

requires no scholars to find. "

He looks around the room, then sweeps his hand through

the air, turning all to dust. " Too much as been made

of my words already. Would that I could take them all

away. "

Then he sweeps his hand through the air and all the

bibles and scholarly treatises in the entire world

turn to dust.

" So let it be. So let it be only that love shines and

peace lives in each heart. The rest does not matter. "

And with that he turns and is gone.

looks at me, almost apologetically, as if to

excuse her son's manners. " He grows tired of it, " she


But then she smiles, a smile full of love and peace,

revealing a great inner serenity. " Love, " she says.

And then she too disappears.

Part 2

November 16, 2007. to Quado: What does this

energetic presence of and Jesus mean to us?

Quado's Response:

's role is that of the opening portal, a way to

ease into energy that may yet be too strong for you to

access directly. Jesus has a vital energetic

presence, but it is not relaxed and friendly. It is

more authoritarian, an authority stemming from a deep

truth that is deeply and urgently understood to its

core. It is seeking expression, yes, but not dilution

and compromise. There is no compromise felt here in

this energy.

You are being called to lift yourself up to this

level, the level that will truly reveal what is being

offered. And you can do this simply by opening

yourself to it, by not fighting it, by not questioning

whether it is real. It is real. It is vitally real.

Is it demanding? Yes, it is far more demanding than

my energy, for I will reach down and pick you up, no

matter where you lie. This is energy that asks you to

reach deeply into yourself and find your strength. It

is energy that demands responsibility from you. It is

energy that asks you to find your own power and step

up, walk up the temple steps and bid the doors to

open. This is what this energy asks of you.

You know that it is loving energy. You have felt

this. But you also know that the love here is deeply

intense. It is not just a warm blanket of comfort, as

I am. It is a hot love, a love that burns away the

unnecessary and the trivial. It is an intense glow

that demands your full attention in its presence. It

is not casual. It is not relaxing or relaxed.

And it is not an energy that is concerned with the

fulfillment of your wishes, with your wealth or status

or anything that is merely confined to the details of

your life. It is concerned only with your soul, with

the reaching and yearning of your deepest inner truth.

It is an energy that wants you to ache and yearn for

oneness with God, and then to express this oneness in

all that you do and say and think, in everything that

you are.

For it is an energy that recognizes the ultimate

truth, that you are God, you are a full expression of

God in every moment, and that your power is therefore

limitless, if you will only knock on the temple door

and ask to be admitted.

But do not expect that you will be the same, that you

will or can emerge from the temple the same person who

entered. The voices inside have much to say, but

their utterances are life-altering.

The invitation has been issued. You may stand here on

the steps with the wind whipping around you, hearing

that call, or you may complete your climb and knock.

It is up to you, all of you, whether you care to

answer the ultimate call to holiness and freedom.

And this freedom is a freedom from all the rules and

restrictions you thought would give you entrance.

They are not relevant. The truth resides only within

you. And the steps that one may walk are not the same

steps for all. They are individual and true, deep in

your heart and soul.

There is a call deep within you, an ultimate yearning

that is so much greater than the yearning you have had

for material comfort and safety. There is an ultimate

yearning for this entrance into the holy of holies,

this joining and oneness that will feel like

completion. But you must walk these steps alone,

fueled by your own strength, guided by your own


Come. The greatest part of your journey still lies


Spiritual freedom is my birthright.

I am a free thinker. I am able to rise above mental

prejudices and stereotypes of others.

I am a free thinker. Nobody and nothing can manipulate

me or deceive me.

I am a free thinker. I freely choose truth and love.

Today, I embrace a greater degree of spiritual




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