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Fw: [AwakeningCosmicConsciousness] Archangel Raphael: What is True Joy? (and on addictions)

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This is the best description of Joy, I have heard! Blessings, Joy

[AwakeningCosmicConsciousness] Archangel Raphael: What is True Joy? (and on addictions)

Archangel Raphael: What is True Joy?

November 15, 2007

The question is asked in this moment:

Many from Spirit have advised us to follow our joy. However, in the pursuit of joy, especially those joys which are dependent on external objects (such as sex, alcohol, drugs, food, or even one's romantic partner and children), wouldn't we become even more attached/addicted to these external objects, and thus becoming disempowered?

I greet you this day dear one!

I AM Raphael, the Angel of Healing and Transformation and it is an honor to be here with you once more. I come forth to sit with you and share these wondrous energies and I marvel at all the grand transformations that have been occurring for those who facilitate this lovely magazine and for those who allow themselves to learn what is being presented within it’s energetic pages.

This question that is being asked for this presentation of this magazine is one that carries many, many layers of energy and is one that is not so easily answered in one fell swoop!

So much will be delivered at this time in the words and with energy that is being brought through as we continue. Give yourself permission to breathe deeply of those loving and dear energies that are here especially for you dear one, and be at peace and live in peace.

For that energy which takes your attention outside of yourself to find your personal fulfillment is primarily an illusion and is also fleeting.

In this message that is being presented this day we will speak of two layers of energy regarding what humans know as “Joy”. We will use the terms for energy that our dear friend Adamus St. Germaine uses which are the overlay energy and the underlay energy to describe these layers. As you live in a dualistic world, in all things there is present both the negative and the positive aspect of a thing. What is most apparent on the surface is the overlay energy, be it positive or negative. The underlay energy is that which is not so readily apparent, yet is present nonetheless.

The underlay energy in joy is what could be perceived as the external manifestation or even the illusion or artificiality energy. For that energy which takes your attention outside of yourself to find your personal fulfillment is primarily an illusion and is also fleeting. This underlay energy is much sought after because it can mimic that true joy that is the overlay energy, or the internal energy of joy and for a time can indeed be fulfilling physically.

Much has been written about the energy of addiction and what it takes to clear and release this energy. And that external of seeking joy in artificial means is more in the area of addiction energy and not in the realm of true joy.

Addictions are fed by an old, old Atlantean energy of activating the pleasure zone within the masses as a form of control, for those who are in a state of pleasure or always seeking pleasure are more easily led and structured and less likely to question their status.

When the human being tries to create their joy in the outer expressions that most often take the form of addictions, this is feeding that pleasure control and is not coming from a place of the true joy, which is created internally with the divine being. And the energy most present within the dynamic of seeking outwardly for joy is found in the rebounding effect that takes place with whatever joy or pleasure being experienced is only fleeting at best. And then more and more of whatever it is that is being used to create the outwardly focused creating of joy is more difficult to manifest. The outwardly focused feeling of any joy or pleasure is less and less satisfying and eventually can lead to great excesses that eventually do nothing to satisfy the inner being.

There are those souls who do indeed choose this type of experience and they are greatly honored. For it is not easy to walk into that underlay energy and not be sucked into it, to experience it for a time on this earth and then come back to self. And there are those who slowly lose their way and seem to become smaller and smaller in their physical form, have you ever noticed this? It is as though the constant seeking of the external pleasure diminishes the being to such an extent that they collapse inward upon their body. There comes into existence a sadness or despair, for the being comes to recognize that the fulfillment, the pleasure that they are seeking in their outward expressions does not truly feed the inner being at all.

It could be said that the truest expression of joy with the divine human comes from the knowing that they are a part of All That Is, that there is no separation and therefore there is only joy and peace.

Inward focused joy is birthed in the connection between the divine being and All That Is, with the human’s soul essence and with the sharing of those energies without artifice or illusion. It could be said that the truest expression of joy with the divine human comes from the knowing that they are a part of All That Is, that there is no separation and therefore there is only joy and peace. And in the day to day expression of the divine human there is the overlay energy present that shines out from within to reveal that the divine human is connected to that divine Source and the love that flows from that connection is the unconditional love of Self and from Source or God that all humans crave so intensely.

Joy in the divine human flows in all directions, in all expressions of the human existence as a result of this connection to All That Is. There is joy in every breath, every sound, every smell, everything that is seen by the human eye. For everything that exists is an expression of All That Is and in the smallest of things there flows the joy of what has been created on this earth and that connection is felt in all areas of the human being.

Because the words here have been a bit difficult to flow with this topic I ask that you take a moment and simply breathe. Breathe in the energies that are here for you in this moment.

Breathe in your own prantay connection and feel this filling you up. Feel how your body responds to this energy being brought in and discover for yourself where and how the joy comes in and how it feels to you, the divine human.

And in this moment, compare this feeling, this participation of the body in this flowing of energy, with how you felt the last time you indulged in something external to recreate this energy. Does this moment feel the same to you as that moment did? Did the external energy create a feeling of fullness in the heart? Of the spirit? Did the external energy bring to you this moment of peace and contentment?

Perhaps. For there are those outer expressions that can be experienced that will at least temporarily duplicate the illusion of what is felt with the divine connection to All That Is. And in and of themselves there is nothing wrong with this type of experience. Yet dear one, can this outer underlay energy truly compensate or replace that inner feeling that you have when you know that you are fully connected to that energy of your own higher source, your own divinity?

I AM Raphael and it is a pleasure to once again come to you in this medium and share this time and space with you. You are being held in a grand energy now and there are many surrounding you who are here just for you, the divine human.

Breathe in these energies, give yourself permission to take these in and to allow them to fill you with the love that comes from you, the divine human prantay, or soul essence. You are loved beyond imagining and you are supported in all the choices that you are making. There is no judgment in what you choose to experience, for all is returned to All That Is in every form. Be at peace with your choices and know that you are never alone.

We are complete.

* Copy freely and share. However, we ask that you share this message in its entirety and give proper credit to it's facilitator.

About the Channel

Jeane R. Pothier has been doing channeled messages from Spirit for over ten years now via the Internet. Her background includes years of in-depth research into metaphysics, alternative medicine, Shamanism and spiritualism while seeking answers to her own personal questions about these shifting times and the massive changes experienced in her life. The clarity of her energies are foundational for the messages that come through from the other realms, transmitted without editing and changes, bringing through the great love and compassion available to all. If you'd like to ask a question for yourself, please visit www.answers-and-more.com

(From CosmicLighthouse)


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