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Info on Healing Cancer from a practicing Naturopath

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3. [Medicalnewscommentaries] IMVA - Introduction to Sanctuary Cancer Treatments Posted by: "Mark Sircus Ac., OMD" director@... marriageofsouls Date: Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:16 pm ((PST)) Introduction to Sanctuary Cancer Treatments International Medical Veritas Association When we treat people with cancer we hold life in our hands in a literal sense. People with cancer need help and who they trust and seek out for medical advice and treatment is telling. Mistakes in cancer treatment are costly for they claim the lives of the patient. Cancer brings us face to face with the clearest reality and certainty of life and that is that we all die sooner or later. All of us hope to die later than sooner and how we die can be as important as how we live. In fact how we live largely determines how and when we will die. There is a great divide when it comes to cancer treatments. On the left is the orthodox oncology establishment, which treats the cancer even if it kills the patient. On the right are many alternative approaches some of which also treat the cancer but some treat the patient instead of the cancer with the expectation that increased strength in the immune system will trigger the bodies own internal cancer killing mechanisms. The immune system is the key to both fighting and preventing cancer. It is a fluid network designed to protect us from agents of disease. Its primary mission is in resistance and restoration. The immune system must be exquisitely sensitive in detecting the surface features of other cells and substances. In reality orthodox oncology invites people into a medical concentration camp where men, women and children are forced to bear lethal treatments that are both cruel and harsh. Cancer patients are routinely poisoned on a massive scale with chemotherapy; they are exposed to massive amounts of radiation, to death rays, both of which are an invitation to premature death. Radiation is the death principle and scientists recognize that even in very small amounts all forms of artificially created radiation increase the likelihood of cancer. Patients are also put to the knife and the cancer is cut out even though surgery increases the chances of the cancer spreading to other parts of the body. All in all oncologists use treatments that cause cancer to treat cancer and this is the summation of their medical intelligence. Medical truth is systematically ridiculed by the medical establishment so they can continue to get away with murder. Orthodox oncologists are in the business of death, medical henchmen trained to kill people in a very particular way. Why the vast majority of patients seek out these killers is a testament to the insanity and death wish of our modern civilization and mirrors the human conditions that are leading to the final days prophesied so long ago. We have advanced greatly in a negative sense since the days of Hitler's concentration camps; today people walk into the death camps called hospitals of their own free will. They trust and embrace their killers willingly and that's just how the story goes. It is the story of modern medicine that harms more then it helps. We have in mass been pretending that all is fine, that there is nothing wrong with reality, with the way our governments and institutions have run things. We put trust into our capitalistic system and the democracy that is supposed to accompany it because of the short term benefits that most of us have enjoyed as consumers of materialistic comforts. But as the world falls apart and our loved ones die of cancer it is time to see the truth of all that we have done and left undone. My writings and work are for those who seek out the truth but as it was said long ago narrow is the path to righteousness and wide is the road to destruction. Those who would choose to survive their cancer and survive the changes occurring on many levels on our planet and in our civilization have to be brave and tough enough to embrace the truth no matter how many people surround us with the insanity that is now going to quickly pull the rug out from the culture we know and hold dear. It is a matter of life and death and that is what treating cancer is about. This is the exact point that marks the border of our land where we are building the clinic. I returned on Friday from the interior of Brazil after inaugurating the Sanctuary Cancer Clinic. Williford, who was released from orthodox oncology with a death sentence, doomed and previewed to die of his lung cancer within six months, came down here to Brazil with his wife. He had started with the orthomolecular part of my treatment approach from a distance in our online clinic but recognized that he himself had to change deep inside of himself before treatments would be effective. My treatment of patients with cancer breaks down into three main divisions. You can visualize them as three different colors arrows like you would arrows that depict armies moving to attack an enemy on a map. The first division is what I call natural allopathic medicine, which is in reality a new form of orthomolecular medicine that combines transdermal magnesium, iodine both oral and transdermal, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), selenium, sodium bicarbonate and vitamin C as the principle agents that catch cancer cells (yeast and fungi infections) in a lethal crossfire of concentrated nutritional substances, which all of the these substance are. Several of these substances are actually emergency room medicines whose power to save lives is well known. What we are doing is applying their healing and life saving powers to chronic diseases and cancer. At the expense of your health and that of your children and their children, some sectors of the drug industry continue attacking established inexpensive, harmless but effective unpatented nutritional based approaches to good health, disease prevention and treatment. Alliance for Natural Health If we take a step into the domain of allopathic medicine it is lightly with low dosages of Naltrexone. This division also includes natural chelation for the removal of mercury, uranium and other heavy metals, which is essential for cancer cures to become permanent. The second division is pure naturopathic medicine and this includes fruit juice fasting, both internal and external use of clay, the use of pure water as a main aspect of treatment, organic live foods, spirulina, thermal baths, zeolite, saunas, probiotics, several different types of massage, acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, Chinese cupping and of course exercise. All of these things are more than helpful when reaching into a person with the intent of changing total body physiology. Vitamin D therapy could be included here for daily walks in the sun can make the difference between life and death for many patients. It is not appropriate to substitute natural processes with artificial ones all the time and there are already enough costly supplements to take so it's better to go for the sun than a pharmaceutical vitamin D supplement whenever possible. We underestimate the healing power of the sun as we do that of pure water. Even pure touch in the form of massage or different forms of laying on of the hands is a wonderful tool for opening and moving energies that can make all the difference in the world in the treatment of serious diseases. Vitamin D is free from the sun - and what it does is nothing short of amazing. Your Best Health Under the Sun And yes, even the air we breathe matters. Trying to heal in a polluted environment is like trying to climb a mountain when you are dead tired. When the body has to struggle with the elimination of new toxins entering the body moment to moment, which is the case in polluted cities and towns, there is little energy left for healing. We do not like to think much about the air we are breathing and all the mercury and now uranium oxide along with hundreds of other pollutants that are choking our atmosphere. We had an experience of a lifetime. Dr. Sircus really put together a great clinic without walls, spa and masseuse services were outstanding, clay baths, magnesium rubs and hot tubs, food was excellent, fresh clean air. Gillford The third main division has to do with emotions, feelings, mental patterning, personality and even the spirit. Many aspects of my program can be administered from a distance thus we offer services online to people all over the world. But when it comes to dealing with the underbelly of cancer, to the causes that come from us, from our conflicts, stress, emotional and mental patterns one has to come to Brazil for face to face work. Officially modern medicine does not recognize that emotions matter in medicine, certainly they have nothing to do with cancer according to the latest from orthodox oncology. For those who agree hospital wards are just waiting for you to sign over your life so you can be cut, burned and poisoned without any liability to the doctors. They can legally kill you and get away with it and even sleep at night for in their arrogance they know they are doing the right thing. The more emotionally intelligent understand that if they are in conflict and are stressed out their immune systems will not function as needed and this would of course influence the outcome and survival profile of a cancer patient. Emotionally unaware people like psychologist Coyne, PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania, and colleagues conclude that emotional well-being had no influence on the survival of 1,093 head and neck cancer patients. They might as well have said breathing has no influence on life and certainly ones water intake (hydration) or its purity will not have a bearing on a cancer patient's survival. One can find support and rationalizations for any medical position. When it comes to treating the soul I am very much at home. I employ some very unusual and rare tools like Creative Conflict, a communication discipline/social yoga that has been discarded by a world more interested in conflict, war and consumerism then in love and conflict resolution. and his wife Gayle came together and left very much in appreciation for the love and support they received from the entire team. I happen to be a communication psychologist and for those doctors and scientists who feel that love does not matter either in life or cancer treatment I would offer a new definition of love as listening. Love is most clearly seen in our capacity to listen and the fact that most oncologists have no idea of how to listen and have no interest in listening speaks miles about their character and trustworthiness. People who do not listen and do not love cannot help us but they can and do enrich themselves at our expense. America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system. Walter Cronkite Personally I would run as fast as I can from a doctor or oncologist whose ability to listen is limited. Today's doctors and especially oncologists are not trained to listen. In reality they are trained to deliberately not listen because what they are interested in doing is ramming their treatments down our throats. The story today is horrific and if you could read a hospital's oncologists mind as you complain about treatment approaches you might overhear his or her thoughts about calling the hospital police to force you into it. In America once you walk through that hospital door you might as well be in a concentration death camp for they have legal ways of forcing treatment on you and your children. Medical fascism is at its worst in the oncology department. But what can we expect from doctors who use lethal methods in the hallucination that they are doing good work to cure you. Rapists and child molesters also commonly have such delusions that comfort them as they do their harm. I can understand why people choose to walk into the nightmare that oncology wards offer. For many people changing themselves and changing the way they communicate or see the world is beyond their capacity. As I look at the Sanctuary Cancer Clinic under construction I wonder about the people who will arrive there during the coming years. It is a pristine paradise where I am building a retreat center for radical cure. People uninterested in changing themselves will stay far away for we will create the conditions where change cannot be avoided. We as a race need to stop harming each other and ourselves but for some people there is no hope for they have no intention of changing anything. In this regard orthodox oncologists do their good work creating the conditions where people do not have to change anything. New Therapeutics Therapeutic Baths There where some new therapeutics put to use for these first patients at the Sanctuary Center. First there was the Japanese style hot tub loaded with Ocean Minerals magnesium chloride donated by the LL Magnetic Clay Company. We put in about 10 ounces of magnesium chloride and ran the tub between 39 and 40 degrees C, which is right around 100 degrees F. Nothing could have been more relaxing and therapeutic to end the day of intense therapies. Not too many people know that by using hyperthermia both benign and malignant tumors of the prostrate can be treated with lower risks than those associated with surgery performed for incontinence or impotence. In some clinical studies whole body hyperthermia has been seen to be effective for the treatment of expanded systemic malignant tumors. Heat provokes cytostatic/cytotoxic effects through metabolic changes and denaturation of molecular structures in cancer cells but not in healthy cells unless the temperatures are taken up past human endurance. It is possible to induce apoptosis through heat. Heat also increases permeability of cell membranes and also has a nonspecific immunostimulation effect. The idea of destroying cancer with heat is certainly not new and has been widely accepted for a very long time, but has had very limited applications because it was finally concluded that, in order to ensure destruction of the cancerous growth, it is necessary to reach a temperature deadly to healthy cells as well. Many attempts have been made to bypass this problem and some methodologies have been developed like: localized hyperthermia, laserthermia and radio-fractionated hyperthermia and. But they all have limitations and cannot complete the job, because they cannot achieve total necrosis and, unless the entire mass of neoplastic tissue is destroyed, the cancer will continue to grow. But: Hyperthermia gives cancer a hard time: 1. removing accumulations of stored toxic chemicals that cause cancer 2. improving circulation so that tissues are both nourished with oxygen and flushed of acidic metabolic wastes 3. weakening or even killing cancer cells that have a lower tolerance for heat than healthy cells. Thus we should easily conclude that far-infrared sauna treatments are going to help a cancer sufferer no matter which way we slice the treatment protocol. But for a more targeted heat to kill cancer tumors we have Dr Antonella Carpenter who has perfected the treatment of cancer cells with heat through her use of lasers. She generates the death of the cells by suffocation via heat. Dr Carpenter, a physicist with a clinic in Little Rock, says, "As long as the entire neoplastic mass is exposed to the laser light, for the correct amount of time, the success is complete and the results, as well as the healing stages, are always the same." Her cancer treatment is called Light Induced Enhanced Selective Hyperthermia, which in itself pretty much summarizes all the characteristics of this new therapy. With this form of treatment cancer cells reach a deadly temperature level quickly and are subject to irreversible damage and therefore die, either immediately or within 48 hours. Nebulization Being that we were treating a patient with lung cancer we nebulized sodium bicarbonate, Nascent Iodine and the Ancient Minerals Magnesium Chloride and if we had it on hand we would have used glutathione rotating between the four nutritional medicinal substances. The lungs are an extension of the skin for they too separate our internal self from the environment. Nebulization is very similar to transdermal in that medicines are delivered right to the lung tissues. But access to the deeper lung tissues requires some deep yogic breathing techniques. In the entire world of medicine I have never run across such a pure powerful substance as the Ancient Minerals Magnesium Chloride from Europe. LL Magnetic Clay[ii] has imported this magnesium chloride and we use their Ocean Magnesium for the baths and direct application on the skin and the Ancient Minerals for more sensitive applications. It's clear the Ancient Minerals magnesium chloride is the purest magnesium product available anywhere. Thus it is perfect for delicate applications, for diluted eye washes, for douches and enemas, and for oral consumption. One of the doctors on staff is using it for eye drops with the hope that it will help his numerous glaucoma patients. Ayahuasca Therapy The Sanctuary Cancer Clinic is the first to introduce and use therapeutically for cancer the most sacred of all plant substances, Ayahuasca, which intensifies all our efforts toward change and purification. Ayahuasca is a powerful holistic purgative medicine capable of great healing and transformation and has been regarded as the supreme holistic plant medicine throughout the western Amazon. It is claimed to cure a wide range of physical, psychological, and spiritual maladies. One user described it, "I felt the presence of the plant racing throughout my body, peeking and poking into every nook and cranny in search of something to work on, to straighten out, to put back in order, to polish." We are graced to even have a former US Army nurse who is highly trained in the use of this substance that is legal in both the United States and in Brazil. She starts out the morning with different yoga and breathing techniques, then administers the Ayahuasca. While waiting the approximate hour before the plants take effect she puts the patient in bed and does some deep body work. For those who have never taken intense journeys into their inner world this is an ideal way of easing into the experience. , a Baptist Texan oil man, drank the potion two days in a row near the end of his treatment and it was a delight to witness the positive results. And it was even more delightful to see the smile on his face and the deep relaxation of his being after the dual experiences. He didn't warn me about that before I went down and I probably would not have gone. However, I feel that alone was worth the trip. Williford

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