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Some word from me ond others.

Love and light

Munk Nielsen


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Testimonial from Carmel

Munk Nielsen

Hello friends, I want to express my love and appreciation for the gift of this magnificent healing water. I have been trying for many years now to heal myself, spending a tremendous amount of money in the process. While it all helped to a degree, none of it worked so well as to justify the continued time and expense. Then I met and experienced his wonderful water, lovingly offered for free! It is said that water is the most powerful of all elements, that over time it can dissolve literally anything. This is what I feel that this water is doing to manifest the healing I've attempting to achieve. 's structured water is literally softening and enabling release of all that old 'debris' that had previously been pushed deep into my emotional body, and which had hardened over time, much like scar tissue. Finally something is working to free all that old energy I had been so desperate to shake off! I have been drinking the structured water for four months now, and I absolutely notice the difference in myself. I'm significantly less emotionally reactive to triggers which would have set me off before. What's so nice is that I'm aware that this is happening while still in that moment. I am completely able to retain my composure, and I marvel to myself at how well I'm doing! I have much more energy, am sleeping better, and am now much better able to do what I need to do to take proper care of myself, and for that gift I will have much gratitude for always. And aside from all of that wonderful stuff, it is the freshest, most clean tasting water I have ever experienced. I now dislike anything else!!! Much love, Carmel D. Boston, USA

Valeria testimonial

Munk Nielsen

, I have used your recording to make the structured water...here's what happened. I sat in a recliner, played the recording, holding the bottle of water in my hands. I imagined light from the top of my head flowing through my hands, entering the water and permeating it with my intent --divine marriage and family. Once you started doing the tones, the triple blow and om, i focused not so much on my wish/intent, but on channeling energy. Then something surprising happened: i felt the water get cold in my hands. Then i felt chills running throughout my body...energy was flowing, rippling through. I also felt the deepest meditation I have had in some time...I heard the "sounds of the spheres" -- the unstruck sounds -- the sounds like crickets chirping and other sounds. i sat there in the chair, eyes closed, with a beatific smile on my face. What a lovely experience! And very powerful...thank you so much. Today, I feel as if my wish/intent is closer than ever... - valeria


Munk Nielsen

Dear I want to thank you for the healing that i requested from you a few days ago. My joints feel so much better and yes, I am using the triple blow and talking to my water daily. Once again, thank you so much. with Love, - Botswana

Yemanya Testimonial

Munk Nielsen

Aloha , My user name is Yemanya and I wanted to thank you for sharing this gift with us all. I stumbled across your websute many months ago now and have so enjoyed watching the work develope and grow casting light on all who share in your vision. I am writing to you as I wish to keep you informed about how I'm progressing with my intention for the Triple Blow. My higher self and guides have urged me to resonate with kindness and courage as I prepare for my partner to manefest. He's on his way and I have so enjojed the journey travelled to call him in. The water I am now structuring will have this intention attached. I will write again soon and keep you abreast of how it is developing. I wish you both a very Happy New Year may 007 bring you everything you need and that which you need to know. Much Aloha, Yemanya Los Angeles.

Wrinkles what is that?

Munk Nielsen

Wrinkles what is that?

Many people both women and men are concerned because of such a thing as wrinkles and they spend a fortune on remedies against wrinkles, we have to understand why we get wrinkles, for being able to do something about it. What happens is, when we grow older the membrane in our cells get less elastic and it have the consequence that the cells get thirsty. It is very simple, then you can choose to spend a lot of money on remedies or just by a basic triple breath and start making your own structured water.

After you have been using the healing water made by your self, you will be able to see changes in your wrinkles.

Have a look in our online shop and you can get started to day, we have a lot different types of Triple Breath from a Basic TB to a Personal Triple Breath.

Water As A Communicator Cell Communication In October of 1994, Alfred G. Gilman of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Rodibell of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences received the Nobel Prize for determining how the cells of the human body communicate with one another by sending and receiving "radio" signals. Other reputable scientists, including Dr. Lorenzen, have demonstrated that this signal transduction was facilitated by the clustered or "ringed" water that is present in the cells of all living things. Nobel laureate Baltimore, a molecular biologist at Rockefeller University in New York, is quoted as saying: "Signal transduction is a whole New World of biochemical interactions, the ones we've always been looking for, because these are the interactions that control cell behavior." Bell, head of the Department of Molecular Cancer Biology at Duke University, is quoted as saying: "Signal transduction is the single most important unifying concept in modern day biology and medicine." There is ample reason for these dramatic statements. We now know that water plays an active role in cell communication and thus thousands of metabolic functions, and we know that the cell is not the cartoon-like little circle and nucleus we once thought it to be. Rather, it is an extremely complex structure that utilizes organized water not only for enabling chemical reactions, but also for the receiving and sending of vital information. The DNA (you're familiar with the spiral staircase, double helix illustration) in each of our trillions of cells is constantly transmitting information at lightening speed via resonant frequencies. And, most interestingly, the core of each DNA double helix is a column of water clusters. In addition to the clustered core of the helix, copious amounts of water are organized in multiple layers at the surface of intracellular structural proteins and membranes. Because of the role played by this highly organized water within the cell, cells possess individual and cooperative resonant patterns that change with age, and vary relative to metabolic efficiency. Through his Clustered Water discoveries. Dr. Lorenzen has demonstrated that these cellular resonance patterns can be enhanced, or "tuned", producing beneficial effects on tissue and organ homeostasis.

Waves of Information Japanese research utilizing magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated that aging results from dehydration and significant changes in the structure of tissue water. In other words, as the years go by, we not only lose water content, but the structured cell water we do possess becomes bound to unwanted biological macromolecules, resulting in a decrease in the beautiful water clusters with which we began life. Cell communication, nutrient delivery, detoxification, diffusion and molecular movements all suffer with age. Dr. Lee Lorenzen was bold enough to challenge the accepted notion that this decline in metabolic efficiency was an inevitable result of aging. He reasoned that the decline in water content and the breakdown of water structure might not simply be an effect of aging, but that it may also be a cause of aging. He believed if he could create a way to replenish bodily fluids with the proper structure of water, then metabolic efficiency and signal transduction could be enhanced throughout the body. Dr. Lorenzen has been proven to be correct.

Why Drink Clustered Solutions? The efficiency and speed of Clustered Water is due to the design and shape of the water molecules and the design and shape of the cell itself. Small hexagonal water clusters fit into and through the hexagonal channels in the cell membrane and inside the cell, swiftly delivering their goods and removing wastes. When we are young, we have high concentrations of this highly structured water. As we grow older, as we are subjected to stress, contaminants, free radicals, air pollution, etc., we actually begin to dehydrate (thus those wrinkles). At the same time, our God given geometric cell water begins to destabilize, it loses its efficient shape, and unwelcome compounds become bound to the water molecules. The result is that our water molecules have a harder time moving in and out of the cells. Because nutrient delivery and waste removal is impaired, we experience a decrease in cell health and a loss of cell communication. Picture the elegantly designed seabird flying, diving for fish, building its nest and feeding its young. It moves smoothly and efficiently within its environment. But even a small amount of oil from a spill will impede its movements and its lifestyle, and will eventually cause illness or death. The same is true for the water molecules that move smoothly and efficiently within their cellular environment. When they become bound with unwanted proteins and other compounds, their mobility and effectiveness become impaired. First, the idea is to replenish the body with the special, small ringed water with which we were born, to allow the water molecules to once again pass through the cells freely and deliver needed nutrients. Secondly, we drink Clustered Water to enhance cell communication, to allow the resonant transfer of vital information between cells at an optimal rate. This is one of the aspects of Clustered Water research I find most fascinating. Dr. Lorenzen's discovery has made possible the storage of information in pure water, much like information is stored on a CD (water), and processed by microchips (the cells of the body).

Try to look in our online shop.

Just Five Minutes on a Cell Phone Can Trigger Cancer

Munk Nielsen

Just Five Minutes on a Cell Phone Can Trigger Cancer

Just five minutes of exposure to mobile phone radio wave emissions can trigger cellular changes that occur during cancer development, according to new research. Scientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, found that mobile phone signals induced the production of natural chemicals that stimulate cell division and growth – central to the growth of tumors -- even at very low power levels. Until now, the mainstream scientific assumption has been that electromagnetic radiation could only pose a health hazard as a result of thermal heating. However, this may not necessarily be the case. According to Professor Rony Seger of the Weizmann Institute, “The real significance of our findings is that cells are not inert to non-thermal mobile phone radiation... The changes we observed were clearly not caused by heating.” Other scientists are quick to point out that cell division occurs naturally, as tissues grow and constantly rejuvenate within the body, and that this study does not prove any health effects. Graham Philips with the campaign group Powerwatch said, “Further research is required, however guidance based purely on thermal effects is clearly out of date.” The Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme (MTHR), a government and industry-funded investigation into the potential health hazards of cell phones, launched in 2001, is scheduled to publish its final report next month. Telegraph.co.uk August 31, 2007

You really want to make sure you understand this issue folks. It has all the similarities of the tobacco industry when your parents were your age. There was “no proof,” and the industry denied ANY connections to cancer. Of course we now know that isn’t true. I am absolutely convinced as more and more studies are done it will confirm the very serious dangers of cell phone use. I believe the major difference however is that it will be shown that cell phones are far more dangerous than smoking. Cell phone use is growing exponentially, and some 750 million cellular phones will be sold this year alone. Please consider starting your exploration of the truth about cell phones with the best extensive scientific review I have seen. The full-text article was published in the British journal The Lancet, and is is available for your review. What Is Cell Phone Radiation? Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation from cell phones is a topic that provokes a good deal of controversy. Many experts believe that the radiation is too low-level to cause harm. However, they often base this on an examination of thermal or heat-related effects. The danger from cell phones is far more likely to originate in the low-intensity pulsed microwave radiation that the phones emit. All electromagnetic energy falls somewhere on the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation to microwaves, x-rays, and gamma rays. ELF fields include household appliances and overhead power lines. Scientists agree that ELF fields are hazardous to human health. It’s considered "possibly carcinogenic," and has been linked to cases of childhood leukemia. Common frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum include: Electric Power 60 Hz AM radio 1 MHz FM radio 88-108 MHz Cellular phones 800-2200 MHz Microwave ovens 2450 MHz X-rays, more than 1,000,000 MHz It’s a proven fact that at extremely high frequencies, like that of x-rays, the electromagnetic particles have enough power to break chemical bonds and cause serious damage to human tissue. This is known as ionizing radiation. Since X-rays have the power to damage the genetic material of cells, they can lead to cancer and birth defects—which is why you wear a lead vest during x-rays to protect the surrounding areas from unnecessary damage. At lower frequencies, such as the microwave range used by mobile phones and base stations, the energy emitted is too low to break chemical bonds (non-ionizing radiation). This is the main staple argument by those who believe that cell phone radiation is completely harmless. Perhaps the most interesting, and perplexing thing to note here is this: Although extremely low frequencies (ELF’s emitted from appliances and power lines) are known to be carcinogenic, and high levels of radio frequency energy are known to create heat that damages biological tissue, the scientific community is extremely hesitant to attach any kind of danger to the in-between frequencies where cell phones operate. What Proof is There of Harmful Effects? There is now a growing body of evidence showing that long-term exposure to this kind of cell phone radiation can indeed put your health in danger. Studies have linked cell phone radiation to issues like: Brain cancer Tumor growth on the auditory nerve Reduced male fertility Increased risk of seizures Many other potential problems Although cell phone radiation is of low intensity, the oscillatory similarity between this pulsed microwave radiation and certain electrochemical activities within your body raises serious concerns. Your body is essentially an electromagnetic instrument, controlled by highly complex and orderly oscillatory electrical processes. Each one of these electro-biological processes vibrate at a specific frequency—some of which happen to be close to those used in modern GSM cell phone technology. The pulsating, low-intensity microwaves from mobile phones can exert subtle, non-thermal influences on the human biology because microwaves are waves. As such, they have properties other than just intensity (which is the part regulated by safety guidelines). Therefore, much in the same way as a radio can receive interference; your biological processes can be interfered with by the oscillatory aspect of the incoming radiation. Highly organized electrical processes at the cellular level are especially vulnerable to interference from cell phone radiation, because their frequency happens to fall within the microwave range. Additionally, as I explained in my article “Report Links Power Lines to Cancer” just a few of days ago, a Swedish physicist named Bo Sernelius, discovered that electromagnetic forces might act on cells by affecting the attractive forces between them, without thermal heating – just as they claim in this study above. If you missed that article, I recommend you read it now. It may shed further light on how tissue damage can occur from cell phone use. Are Some Cell Phones Safer Than Others? While many of the biological activities mentioned are influenced by your individual metabolism -- meaning the effect of the radiation will be different from one person to another -- the effect could also depend on the type of cell phone you use, as different cell phones emit radiation at different frequencies. As of 2000, all cell phone manufacturers must place labels on their phones disclosing their radiation level. To find the specific radiation level of the phone you’re using, you can also visit the FCC web site and look it up by brand. One thing to keep in mind is that the specific absorption rate (SAR level) only refers to the intensity of the radiation (watts emitted). It does not measure the pulsating, oscillatory action of the waves, nor are there any safety guidelines. Meaning, there’s no safety guideline forbidding frequencies between 45-55 Hz, for example. Some researchers have shown, that it is this oscillatory action—the wave frequency—that can cause severe damage, simply because some of the vibrations are so similar to that of the brain itself. What You Can Do to Protect Yourself Some common sense approaches include: Keep your cell phone use down a much as possible (my use is less than five minutes per year.) Get a cell phone with a good speakerphone and always use it. Keep the phone as far away from your body as possible. Restrict your children’s use of cell phones, as no one knows just how severe the health impact may be after a lifetime of exposure.

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Cell Phone Triple Breath for download You can download this Triple Breath and transfer to your cell phone by bluetooth or infrared transmission. Now it is updated with a Holographic Triple Breath to prevent negative effects and radiations from your cell phone Product Details... Cell PhoneTriple Breath for WAP/ MMS Structure your water everywhere. For download on your cell phone, type your mobile number. You will recieve it by WAP or MMS. Now it is updated with a Holographic Triple Breath to prevent negative effects and radiations from your cell phone. Product Details...

How Cell Phones May Cause Autism

Munk Nielsen

How Cell Phones May Cause Autism

Rates of autism, a disabling neurodevelopmental disorder, have increased nearly 60-fold since the late 1970s, with the most significant increases occurring in the past decade.

The cause of autism is unknown, although theories include such potential causes as:

Genetic predisposition

Inability to clear heavy metals

Increased vulnerability to oxidative stress

Environmental exposures including mercury preservatives in vaccines

Trans-generational accumulation of toxic heavy metals Now a groundbreaking new theory has been suggested by a study published in the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional Environmental Medicine: electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi devices and other similar wireless technologies as an accelerating factor in autism.

EMR May be the Missing Link

The study, which involved over five years of research on children with autism and other membrane sensitivity disorders, found that EMR negatively affects cell membranes, and allows heavy metal toxins, which are associated with autism, to build up in your body.

Meanwhile, the researchers pointed out that autism rates have increased concurrently along with the proliferation of cell phones and wireless use.

EMR, the researchers say, could impact autism by facilitating early onset of symptoms or by trapping heavy metals inside of nerve cells, which could accelerate the onset of symptoms of heavy metal toxicity and hinder therapeutic clearance of the toxins .

Speaking in reference to the huge rise in autism rates, Dr. Carlo, the study’s co-author, said, “A rise of this magnitude must have a major environmental cause. Our data offer a reasonable mechanistic explanation for a connection between autism and wireless technology.”

They also suggest that EMR from wireless devices works in conjunction with environmental and genetic factors to cause autism.

Primary researcher for this article is Tamara Mariea. Her clinic is called Internal Balance™ Inc.(www.internalbalance.com) and is a state-of-the-art Detoxification Clinic located in the Nashville, TN area. Her objective is to provide high quality and current up-to-date information on the hottest topics in the natural health industry including sound advice on how to implement a personal wellness and detoxification program that works.

One of the most successful programs offered at Internal Balance is the unique strategies implemented for autistic children. In working backward through the autistic child’s life, making changes to their environment, diet and implementing State-of-the-Art detoxification strategies, the Internal Balance team has witnessed numerous changes and improvements in the lives and families of these children. In a few cases, they have witnessed miracles that have changed lives forever, including Mariea’s team.

Parents consistently report back that during and after the detoxification process and most importantly after making modifications to their home, they see huge changes in their children’s developmental progress and a decrease in the children’s general sensory discomfort. Although Mariea believes that autism is a complicated condition that must have several factors at play for a child to fall to this diagnosis, she does believe that the three largest factors at play are

Genetically determined detoxification capacity

Early insult to immune system via contaminated vaccines and

Being born with high levels of toxic burden and into a technologically advanced society riddled with ever increasing levels of radiation

Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism (PDF Download Page)

Dr. Mercola's Comments: I am absolutely convinced that the explosion of cell phone usage around the world is one of the primary contributors to the autism epidemic. The information-carrying radio waves from cell phone base stations and cell phones makes children’s exposure to vaccines and heavy metals much more dangerous than they typically are.


Because EMR may actually trap heavy metals inside your cells, allowing them to cause damage and hindering your body from detoxifying them.

While I realize that most people will not avoid cell phones because of their convenience, I would urge you to not let your kids use them.

I warned of these dangers on my Today Show interview last month, but the media blacklisted it and only showed a short section of what I had to say.

So let me say it again here: the density of your child’s skull is far less than an adult’s, and their brain is far more susceptible to these information-carrying radio waves.

For this reason, you should not allow your child to use a cell phone, and you should also never hold an infant while you’re talking on one -- when you are on a cell phone the radiation plume can easily reach an infant in your other arm and penetrate their skull.

In October, I spent two full days with Dr. Carlo, who is the co-author of this groundbreaking study and an undisputed world expert in cell phone safety. I was so compelled with the information I heard that my next book in 2009 will detail the reasons why I believe using cell phones is far more dangerous than smoking cigarettes ever was.

Largest Study Ever on Cell Phone Safety

Dr. Carlo was given a $28-million grant from the cell phone industry in the '90s to prove cell phones were safe. He is an MD, taught as a professor at Washington Medical School, and has a degree in public health -- so he was up for the challenge.

However, Dr. Carlo did not come up with the results the cell phone industry would have wanted. After his research he found that they DO, in fact, cause damage. The cell phone industry offered him a position for $1 million a year to silence him, but he refused, and started a non-profit institute called The Safe Wireless Initiative to inform the world of this danger.

Folks, by the end of this year it’s expected that 4 billion cell phones will have been sold. This is a massive explosion in cell phone use, and one that is undoubtedly linked to health problems, including autism.

The information-carrying radio waves from cell phones may:

Damage your cell membranes Decrease your intracellular communication by disrupting microtubular connections that allow biophotons to communicate between cells Increase deposits of heavy metals into your cells, which increases intracellular production of free radicals and can radically decrease cellular production of energy -- thus making you incredibly fatigued Cell phone users are also 240 percent more prone to brain tumors, and a study back in 2004 found that your risk of acoustic neuroma (a tumor on your auditory nerve) was nearly four times greater on the side of your head where your phone was most frequently held.

What is even more concerning, though, is that there is VERY solid evidence that the number of brain tumors will increase to 500,000 per YEAR in 2010 -- and this will double to 1 million every year by 2015 if the causes are not addressed.

Folks, this is the real deal and represents an impending health care crisis.

Can Cell Phones Ever be Used Safely?

Ideally, I believe you should not use cell phones. In reality, though, I know that’s not a practical option for many of you.

If you choose to use a cell phone you should use the speakerphone function whenever possible -- and keep the phone about two feet away from any body part. Do not keep the phone on your belt or in your pocket even when you’re not using it, as the radiation WILL penetrate your body wherever the phone is attached. Instead, stow it away in a purse, backpack, or your car’s glove compartment.

For times when a speakerphone isn’t practical, you can use a NON-Blue Tooth headset, such as the Blue Tube headset. While Blue Tooth is certainly safer than no headset at all, it is still broadcasting its own information-carrying radio waves into your brain, just at a lower intensity than a cell phone. And there quite simply is no safe biological threshold for either of them.

I feel SO STRONGLY about the dangers that cell phones pose to your health, and your children’s, that I agreed to host an event with Dr. Carlo in Chicago in the near future.

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Cellular Phones Linked to Cellular DNA Damage

Cell Phones May be Why Honeybees Are Disappearing

Cell Phones May Harm Blood Cells

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