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Polio After Effects - Chinese Herbal Medicine

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SYMPTOMS Symptoms include fatigue, slowly progressive muscle weakness and, at times, muscular atrophy. Joint pain and increasing skeletal deformities such as scoliosis are common. Some patients experience only minor symptoms, while others develop spinal muscular atrophy, and very rarely, what appears to be, but is not, a form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig's disease.

HERBS OF CHOICE Serial herbal remedies, selecting herbs among but not limits to those shown below, have been used in China to fight against this condition with inspiring success stories reported. Click image of each herb for a brief introduction. Our group code for these remedies is TPS. The list below are to give you an idea of why should choose from these herbal remedies with us.

Herba Epimedii

Source: The branch and leaf of Epimedium sagittatum (Sieb. et Zucc.) Maxim. or E. brevicornum Maxim., family Berberidaceae.Indication: (a). Invigorate kidney and strengthen yang: For deficiency of kidney-yang manifested as impotence, emission, enuresis, frequent micturition, soreness of the waist and the knees, sterility, etc. (B). Strengthen tendons and bones, and expel wind-dampness: For wind-dampness syndrome with arthralgia, numbness, muscular spasm and flaccidity of extremities, and infantile paralysis. ©. Eliminate phlegm amd relieve cough and asthma: For chronic cough and asthma, especially those of yang-deficiency type. In addition, recently also used for coronary heart diseases, hypertention and neurasthenia.Pharmacological Actions: (a). Dilating coronary arteryand increasing coronary flow. (B). Acting as androgenic hormone, such as increaseing the weight of prostate, seminal vesicle and musculi levator ani in mice. ©. Enhancing lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate.

Ramulus Cinnamomi

Source: The tender branch of Cinnamomum cassia Presl, family ceae.Indication: (a). induce sweating to expel the exogenous evils from the body surface: For common cold or wind-cold type. (B). Activate yang by warming meridian: For palpitation, precordial pain and irregular, slow and intermittent pulse due to deficiency of heart-energy; for cough due to the retention of phlegm, dizziness and palpitation caused by deficiency of heart-yang and spleen-yang; for arthralgia due to wind-cold-dampness; for amenorrhea and menorrhagia due to stagnation of cold; for dysuria and edema due to hypofunction of urinary bladder. Pharmacological Actions: (a). Sedative, analgestic and anticonvulsive: Intraperitoneal injection of cinnamic aldehyde relieves pain elicited by acetic acid in mice and antagonizes strychnine-induced tonic convulsion (500mg/kg). (B). Antipyretic: Lowering vaccine-induced fever in rabbits. ©. Its volatile oil brings a congestive effect on uterus. (d). Antitussive and diuretic.

Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae

Source: The root of Achyranthes bidentata Bl., family Amaranthaceae.Indication: (a). Promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis, dredge the channels and oxytocic: For dystocia, retention of placenta, and blood stasis syndrome with amenia, dysmenorrhea, postpartum lochiostasis, abdominal pain, headache, chest pain or trauma. (B). Ease the joint and strengthen bones, and muscles: For backache, pain and difficulty in movement of the knees, flaccidity of extremities. ©. Induce the vital energy downward: For hyperactivity of liver-yang with headache, flaming-up of deficiency-fire with aphthae, toothache, hematemesis, epistaxis and hemoptysis. (d). Promote diuresis and relieve stranguria: For stranguria caused by urinary stone, stranguria of heat type and edema.Pharmacological Actions: (a). Inhibiting the progress of experimental arthritis in animals, and antiphlogistic and antioncotic. (B). Its decoction or infusion induce contraction of gravid or ungravid uterus in experimental animals. ©. Its decoction exerts a transient hypotensive and diuretic effect.


Source: The body with the organs removed of Pheretima aspergillum (Perrier) or the whole body of Allolobophora caliginosa (Savigny) trapezoides (Ant. Duges), family Megascolecidae.Indication: (a). Clear away heat and calm the liver, expel wind and relieve spasm: For heat-syndrome with convulsion; for hyperactivity or wind transformation of liver-yang with dizziness, headache and convulsion or manifested as epilepsy and insanity. (B). Relieve cough and asthma: For whooping cough and bronchial asthma. ©. Expel wind to alleviate itching: For urticaria, eczema and drug rash. (d). Expel wind to dredge the meridian: For arthralgia of wind-dampness-heat type, hemiplegia after apoplexy. (e). Promote diuresis: For heat-syndrome of urinary bladder with dysuria of retention of urine. (f). Lower blood pressure: For hypertenson, especially that attributive to hyperactivity of liver-yang. In addition, infusion of living earthworm derived from that buried in sugar may be used externally for mumps, skin ulcer and burns. Oral and topical use may also be applicable in case of fracture, for relieving swelling, alleviating pain and promoting the growth of osteotylus. Pharmacological Actions: (a). Relaxing bronchial spasm in rats or rabbits. (B). Intravenous injection of alcoholic infusion (0.1g/kg) lowers blood pressure in anesthetized dogs. ©. Sedative and anticovulsive. (d). Lumbrifebrine, one of its active components, is an antipyretic.

Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii

Source: Rhizoma of Notopterygium incisum Ting ex H. T. Chang or the rhizoma and root of N. forbesii Boiss, family Umbelliferae.Indication: Expel cold and induce sweating to expel the exogenous evils from the body surface: For common cold of wind-cold type with severe headache and general pain, recurrent headache or headache of wind-cold type, rheumatism, etc.Pharmacological Actions: Its volatile oil relieves acute myocardial ischemia and increases coronary flow in experimental animals.


Source: The whole body of Buthus martensii Karsch, family Buthidae.Indication: (a). Expel wind and relieve spasm: For tetanus, acute and chronic infantile convulsion, apoplexy, with distortion of the face; for heat-syndrome with convulsion. (B). Dredge the meridian and alleviate pain: For headache of head-wind or blood-stasis type, rheumatism, etc. ©. Remove toxic material and disperse the lumps: For skin infection, scrofula and subcutaneous nodes. Pharmacological Actions: (a). Anti-convulsive and sedative. (B). Exerting significant and prolomged hypotensive efect.

Ramulus Taxilli

Source: The branch and leaf of Taxillus chinensis (DC.) Danser or Viscum coloratum (Komar.) Nakai, family Loranthaceae.Indication: (a). Expel wind-dampness and tinify the liver and kidney: For rheumatism with hypofunction of the liver and kidney manifested as weakness of back and knees and flaccidity of extremities. (B). Nourish blood and calm the fetus: For threatened abortion due to hypofunction of liver and kidney. ©. Lower blood pressure: For hypertension, especially for those with dificiency of liver and kidney. Recently used for angina pectoris and arrhythmia. Pharmacological Actions: (a). Lowering blood pressure in anesthetized dogs and cats by gastric infusion in a dose of 0.4-0.5g/kg. (B). Dilating coronary arteries and slowing heart rate. ©. Counteracting the exciting effect of caffeine

Radix Paeoniae Rubra

Source: Root of Paeonia lactiflora Pall., or several other species of the same genus, family Ranunculaceae.Indication: (a). Clear away the heat and cool the blood: For seasonal febrile diseases involving xuefen with fever, eruptions and crimson tingue, and blood-heat syndrome with hematemesis or epistaxis. (B). Promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis: For blood-stasis syndrome with amenorrhea, menalgia, chest pain, abdominal apin, abdominal masses, trauma, or skin infection. ©. Clear away liver-fire to promote visual acuity: For liver-heat syndrome with conjunctivitis or hypochondriac pain.. Pharmacological Actions: (a). Paeoniflorin, one of its active components, has a strong antispastic effect and also analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsive, antibacterial and anti-imflammatory effects. (B). Dilating blood vessels, incresing coronary flow and improving myocardial oxygen supply. ©. Inhibiting platelets aggregation.

Bombyx Batryticatus

Source: The larva in 4th to 5th stadium of Bombyx mori L. (silkworm) infected by Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill.Indication: (a). Expel wind, dissolve phlegm and relieve spasm: For convulsion due to liver-wind stirring inside, especially for that induced by wind-phlegm and exogenous wind, such as epilepsy, tetanus, apoplexy with distortion of the face; also for acute and chronic infantile convulsion, especially for that due to phlegm-heat. (B). Expel wind, alleviate pain and itching: For wind-heat syndrome with headache, ocular pain, sorethroat and prurigo. ©. Eliminate phlegm and disperse the lumps: For subcutaneous nodule and scrofula. Pharmacological Actions: Oral dose of 2.5g/kg exerts sedative and hypnotic effect in mice, similar to hypodermic injection of phenobarbital (50mg/kg).

Authoritative Oriented Recipes: All these well chosen herbal remedies source from experienced and authoritative experts, and have been most commonly recognized by the practitioners in this field. When you choose a herbal remedy there are two important things among your concerns: a good recipe and a correct way to cook it. A good recipe is half the good results.

Custom-made with Unique Technology: When you order a herbal remedy at this website you can figure out your symptoms by using our online questionnaire system. In this way a basic herbal recipe could be customized and optimized by adding or removing some herbs to address the individual symptoms exactly. Chinese herbs should not be used in form of standard industrial products manufactured in bulk to cope with all body issues. Only custom-made is the traditional and professional way to use Chinese herbs. All the herbal remedies available at this website are purposed to be custom-made on each single order base. With our unique technology called Low-temperature Concentration the active ingredients of herbs could be survival as much as possible while being concentrated. Eevery 8 ml of the extracts, as one dose, might equal to about 50 grams of raw herbs.

Safe and Side Effect Free: All these herbs have been being used in China for thousands of years, and have been proven to be safe. In fact most Chinese herbs are tonics without side effects. What important is that experienced practitioners should know how to use herbs to avoid possible side effects.

Easy-to-Take Dosage Form: You do NOT need to cook these herbs at all. We get everything ready for you. The herbal remedy comes with the preparation in an easy-to-take dosage form, typically a semi-solid dosage form namely Agar Gel Herbal Extracts created on a single order base. If necessary other dosage forms, such as oral solution, pills, capsules, tablets, tea bag, powder, lotion, spray, tincture, liniment, ointment, suppositories, etc., might be used depending on how to use the herbs correctly. And herbal remedy kit, consisting of two different herbal formulae typically one for oral administration and another for external use, is often used for the skin conditions.

Low-cost Customized Service: Three month's supply of this custom-made herbal preparation created on a single order base costs US$399.95 only. It is the average duration to take the remedy for an effect recommended for most individuals with different responses. Shipping charges are not included in the purchase price and will depend upon the shipping method that you choose. Please read our Shipping Policy for details. No any other hidden fees. Click the button below to go to questionnaire and order this herbal remedy. Here is some general information on Why Should Choose HerbChina2000.com?


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