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NO COFFEY..//..NOT as much SUGAR..//woohoooo

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I think I have been Coffey and a lot of the sugar that

I normally would have I no longer have,for about 3

weeks now.

I find that I CAN get up and get moving without


I have also stopped getting my daily headaches!!!


--- Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

> I have read articles that have said the same thing.

> An article I read this week, says blood pressure is

> next. They lowered the standard, so that the new

> blood pressure medicines that are coming out will be

> recommended. It's up to each of us to listen to our

> bodies, educate ourselves, and be responsible for

> our own bodies. And the first thing to do, is eat

> only natural foods with no chemicals or sugar. And

> this means me, too. :-)Blessings, Joy

> [ ] Fw: In on

> Cholesterol from Dr. Ravnskov







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> Books: The Cholesterol Myths

> $13.60 Quantity:


> Facts

> Author: Uffe Ravnskov

> ISBN: 0-9670897-0-0

> Paperback: 305 pages

> Publisher: New Trends Publishing


> The back cover

> Dr. Ravnskov has done a magnificent service with

> a scholarly book that gathers a vast body of

> impressive evidence and will surprise many with the

> true facts from research studies. The book is a must

> reading for all interested persons and certainly

> should be required reading for nutritionists and all

> physicians who treat patients.

> - Ray H. Rosenman, MD

> Former Director of Cardiovascular Research, SRI


> Whether diet plays a major role in heart disease

> is a question that interests us all. Author Ravnskov

> has a mission: To inform his readers that there is

> another side to his questions than the view usually

> presented to us. Many with establishment views will

> regard Dr. Ravnskov as a crank. That would be a

> grave mistake. He has done his homework, he is not a

> lone voice in the wilderness and he deserves to be

> taken seriously. Above all, this book will make us

> think more deeply about the true role of diet in

> heart disease and about the quality of information

> that we receive.

> - Gurr, Ph.D.

> Renowned Lipid Chemist


> " But what about heart disease? " This is the

> response of many Americans when advised to consume

> the foods of their ancestors, foods like butter,

> whole milk, eggs, and meat. Fear of saturated fat

> and cholesterol has put a solid brick wall between

> the consumer and satisfying, nutritious food - and

> filled the coffers of the food processing industry.

> Dr. Ravnskov's measured and clear-eyed analysis

> actually serves as a sledgehammer that breaks down

> barriers to healthy, sensible eating.

> -Sally Fallon Author of Nourishing Traditions


> Author's Foreword (in part)

> When the cholesterol campaign was introduced in

> Sweden in 1989, I was very surprised. Having

> followed the scientific literature about cholesterol

> and cardiovascular disease superficially for a

> number of years, I could not recall any study

> showing that high cholesterol was dangerous to the

> heart of the blood vessels, or that any type of

> dietary fat was more beneficial or harmful than

> another one. I became curious and started to read

> more systematically.


> Anyone who reads the literature in this field

> with an open mind soon discovers that the emperor

> has not clothes, and so did I. I also soon learned

> that the critical analyses or comments that I sent

> to various medial journals were of little interest

> to the editors. The reviewers sent me mocking

> answers. Besides, the inaccuracies,

> misinterpretations, exaggerations and misleading

> quotations in this research area were so numerous

> that to question them all demanded a book.


> The first edition of The Cholesterol Myths was

> published in Sweden in 1991 and in Finland in 1992.

> The books made little impact. In Sweden, the science

> journalists usually lost interest in the subject

> when, after reading the book, they consulted the

> researchers or the health authorities I had

> criticized. In Finland, the book was the subject of

> a television program on Channel 2 where it was

> belittled by some of the Finnish proponents and then

> - literally - set on fire!


> The indiscriminate acceptance of the cholesterol

> campaign in Sweden was most probably due to its

> promotion by large American health and research

> institutions, such as the National Heart, Lung, and

> Blood Institute and the American Heart Association,

> along with their influential members. Evidently, the

> Swedish health authorities must have thought that

> such prestigious authorities could not be wrong. But

> Sweden and Finland are small countries. I thought

> that perhaps I could reach more discerning and

> independent journalists and researchers by

> publishing the book in English. Many queries to

> publishers and literary agents were rejected,

> however: the book was considered of no commercial

> interest.


> With the advent of the Internet, I saw a way to

> inform the public, and in 1997 I published selected

> sections of the book on the web. According to the

> search engine Direct Hit, my website soon became one

> of the top ten most popular sites about cholesterol,

> and from email letters I learned that many laymen

> and researchers were just as skeptical about the

> cholesterol campaign and the diet-heart idea as I

> was - or at least they became skeptical after having

> read my website.


> One of the correspondents was Sally Fallon,

> author of Nourishing Traditions. She had encountered

> the same problems in finding a publisher for her

> book, with its controversial emphasis on foods like

> butter and cream, and eventually set up her own

> publishing company to take the book to press. She

> asked whether she might publish The Cholesterol

> Myths.


> Why we like this book

> You hear a lie long enough and from enough

> people, and it's hard not to believe it. Such is the

> case with the causes of the rising rate of heart

> disease in this country. Here is the unpopular truth

> that major food manufactors don't want you to know.


> Lastly, though we don't agree with every point

> the author makes or some of his/her suggested

> methods, we have found this book to be informative

> and worth recommending. However, by selling this

> book, we are not recommending other works by the

> author or his/her chosen lifestyle.






> Customer Reviews

> Please, take a moment and read a comment on this

> product.


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=== message truncated ===

Spiritual freedom is my birthright.

I am a free thinker. I am able to rise above mental

prejudices and stereotypes of others.

I am a free thinker. Nobody and nothing can manipulate

me or deceive me.

I am a free thinker. I freely choose truth and love.

Today, I embrace a greater degree of spiritual



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